Zombie Evolution

Chapter 367: The artifact gnaws teeth


These thoughts in Gou Huan's mind just flashed, and he saw Jiuying's body exploded in an instant, but there was not a drop of blood, but turned into fluff and fluff flying in the air.


Bi Wang screamed, and Gou Huan also felt a chill in the back of his head. He didn't think about anything at the moment, and immediately teleported.


With a flash of his figure, just as he appeared thousands of miles away, there was a flash of light, and the attack behind him had locked on, and he followed.

There was no way to dodge this time, Gou Huan could only shrink his head, straighten his body, and take the blow with his back.


A bright light passed through his body, Gou Huan's bright robe was worse than paper in front of this light, it was torn instantly, cutting his body into two pieces.

With a shrill cry, blood splashed, Gou Huan couldn't even escape the Nascent Soul, and the two pieces of flesh were completely turned into fly ash before they fell to the ground.

when! when!

There were two soft bangs, but it was the blue flying sword and a silver hairpin that fell to the ground one after another.

Jiuying held a long sword, the color of the sword was snow white, and the light was still dancing.

In the battle between the strong, once the immortal weapon is sacrificed, it is very dangerous to teleport casually.

Because, the aura of the fairy weapon will lock the enemy's aura and follow it like a shadow. Once the teleportation appears at the predetermined location, it will fall into a more dangerous situation.

Therefore, Gou Huan was so surprised when he saw that Jiuying's attack failed.

After Gou Huan was forced to teleport, he couldn't avoid the blow in the end.

"God... artifact!"

Bi Wang stared straight at the long sword in Jiuying's hand, and his face became more and more ugly.

"This sword is called Cracking Tooth, and it is a pure offensive weapon. Now use it to cut off one of your incarnations, so that you know that the cultivation world is not something you can run amok. Someday your body dares to descend into the realm Come on, I don't mind drinking the blood of the real immortal with a toothache."

As Jiuying spoke, the sword glowed in his hand, and he locked it on Biwang.

"You will regret it! You will regret it! This deity has important things to do in the next world. If you fail because of you, one day when you ascend to the fairy world, you will be sucked out of your soul!" Bi Wangse yelled sternly. .

Jiuying's face was cold and resolute, and he ignored it. After instilling mana, the white sword energy that gnawed his teeth instantly surged.

But Bi Wang did not give up the last struggle, as soon as his consciousness moved, a blue light flashed, and the small ring in his hand was thrown out, spinning rapidly, and smashed towards Jiuying.

At the same time, his figure has already exploded, and he fled quickly.


Jiuying yelled loudly, gnashing his teeth in his hands and slashing out forcefully.


The blazing sword light erupted instantly.


The small cyan circle collided with the sword glow, immediately dimmed and bounced away.

Jianmang didn't seem to be hindered at all, and continued to chop.


With a scream, Bi Wang's body was also torn apart and turned into flying ash.


With a soft bang, a small bronze mirror fell to the ground.

With a wave of Jiuying's sleeve robe, a burst of mana rolled down, and the small bronze mirror, the flying sword and silver hairpin dropped by Gou Huan were all put into his hand.

There is nothing special about the flying sword and the silver hairpin, but the bronze mirror caught Jiuying's attention. A silver hairpin.

Then, with a wave of the sleeve robe, figures flickered, and Sanbao and Juwei appeared in front of them.

"Is the master safe?" The two of them immediately showed concern when they appeared.

"It's just two incarnations, and there's nothing I can do about it." Jiuying said, flicking her finger, the silver hairpin drew an arc and fell into Ju Wei's hands.

Then, looking at Sanbao's seriously injured body, he brushed his palm lightly.


A strange light flashed, but Sanbao's chest, which was sunken due to the heavy blow, quickly swelled up, and soon recovered to its original state.

And Sanbao's complexion quickly turned rosy, and his breath quickly recovered.

"Master, this subordinate is not worth your waste of mana. Your injury has not recovered..."

Just halfway through Sanbao's words, Jiuying interrupted him by raising his hand.

"A little bit of mana is fine. It's just that it's not a good sign to meet two incarnations of real immortals this time. I don't know what in the cultivation world can attract monks from the upper realm, but let them take such a risk Come down to the world. I'm afraid this matter won't end so easily, we have to speed up. Although you have broken a lot of sects, their elite disciples have all escaped before. The remaining elixir and spirit grass have also been taken away. You have to act as soon as possible to intercept these elixir herbs and gather what the deity wants to be serious."

"Yes, Master!"

In the sound of the two responding to their orders, Jiuying's body slowly disappeared.

Boom boom boom...

The sky-shattering sound was like rolling thunder, the ground trembled slightly, and the pebbles kept beating like fried beans.


On the hillside, pieces of gravel were shaken off and slid down.

Zhang Yang stood on the top of the hill, and behind him, there was a mass of blackness, which were the heroes of the Hegeda tribe.

Looking down, on the distant plain, on the horizon, it seemed as if a red wave surged out, covering most of the plain in a short time.

Red evil!

This is a group of red evil with numbers reaching more than one million! It is also another group of ghost beasts that have entered the range of the Hegeda tribe after a large number of smelling spirits.



Bursts of roars came from afar.

Zhang Yang, those heroes all had excited expressions. Different from the nervousness and fear when they first saw the Siming beast herd, many of them are still a little nervous now, but there is no fear at all.

Two million butterflies and bats were killed by the god of Hegda; hundreds of thousands of sniffer spirits were turned into dead bodies under the hands of the heroes... Successive victories made the heroes of Hegda grow up rapidly, Be confident.

More than a million Chi E's ran wildly, with a mighty momentum, and the dense breath stirred up the clouds in the sky.

The number of Chi E is huge, but because the Ming beasts are different from monsters, they don't have the same IQ as humans, because when they are running, they have already spread out, and their range looks wider.


Amidst the roar, the first group of Chi Evils were getting closer and closer.

Zhang Yang's five fingers are spread out, palms forward, and the devouring technique is used.


A rhythm, like a heartbeat. When the nearly ten thousand Chi Evils who were running in the forefront felt as if they were being urged by a mysterious force, their hearts twitched violently, and the blood in their bodies gushed wildly.


With the second rhythmic beat, the tens of thousands of Chi Evil felt their hearts pump again. This time, the blood in their bodies seemed to be forced out, and their bodies suddenly swelled up as if they were inflated.

Visible to the naked eye, small blood bags, like bulging balls, are swimming rapidly along the direction of the blood vessels.


The third rhythmic beating sounded like a death knell.

Puff puff!

A stream of blood poured into the sky, erupting like a fountain.

Nearly 10,000 Chi E's fell to the ground and died in an instant. The screams continued, and the strong breath of blood permeated the entire space.


Zhang Yang breathed a sigh of relief.

Just now, he used a variant of the devouring skill, but it radiated the range, not devouring the blood essence, but killing the enemy as the main task, as long as the blood essence in them is drawn out, let them explode Just die.

Nearly 10,000 scarlet evils were irradiated at one time. Although these scarlet evils were only equivalent to level five or six monsters, Zhang Yang had almost exhausted his energy.

Fortunately, there are millions of heroes behind him now.

Otherwise, Zhang Yang would not have dared to act so reassuringly.


"God of Hegda!"

"Wan Sheng!"

Zhang Yang's powerful technique ignited the morale of all the heroes at once, and roared like a tide.

And Chi E, who was behind, watched helplessly as his comrades exploded to death inexplicably without even touching the enemy.

Chi E's simple IQ also knew fear at this time, so he stopped immediately.

However, some of the Chi Evils at the back, because they are far away, don't know what happened, and continue to run wildly...

Taking advantage of this chaotic situation, Bu Feng immediately shouted:



The sky was filled with flashes of light, and all the heroes rode up to escape the light one after another, facing the red evil group and killed them.

Boom boom boom—

There were deafening noises, and the earth shook wildly and trembled.

Standing on the top of the hill, Zhang Yang had mana circulating in his body, and the mana and consciousness consumed by the devouring technique just now were rapidly recovering.

The battle between more than a million red evil and more than a million heroes quickly spread out, and the scope of the battlefield became larger and larger.

Thousands of miles... Tens of thousands of miles...


A sturdy Chi E roared, stomped its four hooves on the ground, exploded, and rushed towards Bu Feng.


Bu Feng burst out with all his strength, without flinching at all, he faced Chi E head-on, and smashed down hard with his thick fist.


Amidst the sound of flesh and blood colliding, Chi E let out a wailing cry, threw his body into the air, and smashed heavily towards a mountain not far away.


The rocks burst into the air, and with the huge force, the mountain was immediately swept down and collapsed. The Chi Evil was also bleeding from its mouth and nose, leaving only a gasping breath.

Looking at this scene from a distance, Zhang Yang clearly felt that the mountain range, which was still filled with cloudy energy just now, stopped abruptly after the mountain top collapsed.

In the sky, there is still Yin Qi condensed, but it is no longer dense.


Not far away, a hero was besieged by three scarlet evils. In desperation, his consciousness moved and exploded a magic weapon.

This is only a middle-level magic weapon, but the power of self-detonation is enough to blow up the three red evil heads to pieces, and the aftermath of the explosion even set off a yellow mushroom cloud.

What was a flat ground just now turned into a small basin with a radius of tens of miles, and the shock wave of the yellow mushroom cloud spread out, shattering the Yin Qi in the air.

Without the growth of earth veins, it is almost difficult to restore the scattered Yin Qi, and the surrounding Yin Qi began to become thinner.

Seeing all this, Zhang Yang seemed to have realized something.