Zombie Evolution

Chapter 5: Cave battle



Countless lightning and silver snakes danced, and the thunder was deafening.


In the gloomy cave, there was a sudden shrill sound, accompanied by heavy rain in the background, it was creepy.


There was a sound from the coffin standing upright against the wall; the heavy coffin lid fell and hit the ground, sending up a cloud of dust.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

With the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground, a zombie jumped out of the coffin.

Green face with fangs and ferocious face; stiff arms stretched forward, three-inch-long purple-black nails gleaming coldly; wax-yellow cuticles all over the body, like a pair of armor, it looks like the defense is extremely strong .

This zombie was undoubtedly Zhang Yang.

It has been nearly half a month since Zhang Yang advanced to the walking corpse.

After painstaking training, although Zhang Yang failed to advance again, his realm of the first level of wandering corpses has been consolidated; another major achievement is that according to the method recorded in "Miscellaneous Articles", he practiced hard to achieve divine consciousness, and finally he was able to achieve divine consciousness. Consciousness released—although it is only within a range of about ten meters.

It only took Zhang Feng ten days to cultivate his spiritual consciousness to this level; but in the following days, no matter how hard he tried, the range could not be expanded.

Zhang Yang knew that no matter how hard he tried, it might be in vain.

This is limited by the realm, and it is difficult to solve the problem before the promotion.

Relying on this barren cave, with such a lack of Yin Qi, it is simply not easy to advance.

Due to the combination of various reasons, Zhang Yang felt that it was time for him to leave here.

But at this moment, there was this sudden heavy rain.

Thunder roared, hovering over the top of the mountain.

The zombie companions all cowered and hid in the coffin, not daring to move.

Zhang Yang also felt waves of trembling from the heart, but he still suppressed his fear and jumped out of the coffin.

This is not to say that Zhang Yang is so reckless, but that he doesn't think that an extra layer of coffin boards can protect him much. When a thunderstorm came down, no matter how thick the coffin board was, it was useless.

Through the entrance of the cave, Zhang Yang was also secretly startled when he saw the lightning flashing continuously in the sky and felt the terrifying power of the sky.

It seems that zombies are really jealous of existence! These little zombies of myself are hiding in the cave, surrounded by thunder. If they were on flat ground, they would have been chopped into ashes long ago.

"The one next door to Mahler! How can I be so unlucky, I'm reborn as a zombie, it doesn't matter if I look ugly, and I have to be careful of being struck by lightning at any time!"

If it was a human being, Zhang Yang would have burst into tears by now.

At this moment, a voice came from outside the cave.

The voice was very low, almost inaudible under the cover of the constant roar of thunder and rain.

However, Zhang Yang still believed in his intuition.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

He jumped over lightly, hid beside the mountain wall inside the cave entrance, and his spiritual consciousness spread.

The surrounding bits and pieces, like a video, were immediately and clearly reflected in the mind—the raindrops hit the ground, forming bubbles; several earthworms crawled out of the soft soil, breathing freely and comfortably …

Other than that, there were no other suspicious signs.

Zhang Yang did not give up his vigilance because of this. His consciousness can only cover a radius of ten meters, which is an extremely short distance. It may be useful in fighting, but it is far from enough for scouting.

Sure enough, soon, another voice came over.

"… nearby… "

"...there must be a hole..."

"... look again..."

He couldn't hear the sound of thunder and rain intermittently, but Zhang Yang was pleasantly surprised to find that he could understand the language here.

In an unfamiliar environment, being able to understand the language here is undoubtedly an extra guarantee for survival. Otherwise, as a zombie, it would be impossible to learn foreign languages in the realm of comprehension.

The human voice was getting closer and closer, and finally a pleasantly surprised voice sounded: "Senior brother! I found it! There is a hole here!"

During the scanning of the mind, I saw a little white and fat Taoist outside.

Immediately afterwards, two Taoist priests ran over with surprise on their faces.

Ordinary zombies have to reach the stage of purple stiffness, and the corresponding human beings are monks in the foundation stage, so it is possible to release their spiritual consciousness—of course, only if they have the conditions to release their spiritual consciousness, whether it can be done or not depends on the individual Xiuwei.

And Zhang Yang, a pervert who has practiced "Taiyin Refining Shape", is worthy of an advanced little wandering corpse, and he is able to release his spiritual consciousness, which really takes advantage of it.

Taoist priest

To catch your own nest of zombies

Don't be so sad! Even if I come back one day later, I will leave here. But now, he was blocked.

Zhang Yang's heart was beating non-stop, and the surprise brought by being able to understand the language just now was gone.

There is only one exit from the cave, and if a few Taoist priests stop there, even if the road is blocked, there is no way to escape.

As for playing out? Zhang Yang didn't even think about it.

Since people dare to call, they must have something to rely on. Zhang Yang didn't think his little first-level wandering corpse would be a match for several Taoist priests.

Zhang Yang was anxious. As he glanced around, staring at the coffin standing upright beside him, he suddenly felt something in his heart - he could only take a gamble like this, hoping to hide it from the sky.

Boom boom boom!

Xiaobu hopped and hid behind the coffin, his body stuck tightly against the wall, motionless.

Just after finishing these actions, only hearing the sound of the wind, three Taoist priests rushed into the cave with long swords in their hands.

Seeing the coffin leaning against the wall and the empty cave, several people were visibly relieved.

"Be quick! All coffins with lids must be sealed!"

After the yin-dwelling Taoist came in, he immediately took the wooden box from the fat little Taoist priest and opened it. Quickly took out a few things.

Zhang Yang could see clearly through the cracks in the coffin, but it was ginger-yellow paper symbols and ink fountains.

I saw two little Taoist priests take the ink fountain and quickly rushed towards the nearest coffin.

The two cooperated with each other, opened the ink fountain, and flicked black threads on the coffin, weaving them into dense fishnets. The movements are proficient, and it can be done in minutes.

Then he didn't care about it, and quickly rushed towards the next coffin.

On the other hand, Daoist Yin was holding a huge brush, dipped in golden ink, and swayed it casually, drawing something like a ghost on the coffin covered with ink. The whole process is smooth and flowing, and it looks quite chic.

In this way, the little Taoist was in charge of playing the ink fountain, and the Taoist master Yin Ding was in charge of drawing symbols on the coffins. During tea time, four coffins were finished.

As they approached the fifth coffin, something went wrong.

The two little Taoist priests had just flicked the first black thread up, and the zombie in the coffin reacted immediately and pushed hard.


The coffin boards were smashed open with the sound of wind. "Boom!" With a loud sound, it fell heavily to the ground.


A zombie jumped out. There was a strong smell of blood all over his body, and he looked extremely bloodthirsty; the exposed skin was extremely sallow, his face was ferocious, and his nails were more than three inches...


As soon as the zombie appeared, it roared and rushed towards the nearest little Taoist priest.

Although the two little Taoist priests panicked, they didn't mess up their hands and feet. They pulled the ink string together and flicked it.


The ink rope hit the zombie, and immediately there was a soft explosion, thick smoke rose, and the clothes and flesh on the zombie's body were corroded, and the zombie let out a painful howl, and fell stiffly to the ground.

Taoist Yin Duck took the opportunity to make a move, and a talisman was photographed.


Hit the zombie's forehead.

The zombie who was screaming ferociously just now, immediately stopped still, as if it was immobilized by a talisman.

Zhang Yang watched secretly from behind the coffin.

In the past half a month, the zombie companions in the cave went out every night, and the number has dropped to seven; and the zombie that was subdued just now is the most powerful of the seven. Although his strength is not as good as Zhang Yang's, he has reached the peak level of jumping corpses. As long as he has enough blood, he can evolve at any time.

It was this zombie who was subdued in just one encounter.

The Taoist priest was so powerful, Zhang Yang shrank his body inward carefully, praying secretly that he would not be discovered.

The sound of fighting alarmed the six zombies in the coffin.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Amidst the bursts of sound, the black ink-line fishing nets and ghost charms on the four sealed coffins shone with bright yellow light, binding the coffins tightly.

The other two zombies who hadn't had time to be sealed came out of their coffins.


One of the coffin boards roared out under the force of gravity, hitting a little Taoist priest.


The incident happened suddenly, and the little Taoist priest couldn't dodge in time. With a scream, he was smashed to the bottom of the wall, half of his body was pressed down by the heavy coffin board, with a grinning expression on his face.

Zhang Yang's heart skipped a beat.

It's hard to live, this little Taoist just fell next to him, he just needs to raise his head a little, and he can see himself.

"Chenghe!" The fat little Taoist rushed to the rescue with a loud shout.

"Idiot! Leave him alone, deal with the zombies first!"

Minghe, a Taoist priest of Yinqu, cursed, and swung a mahogany sword to face a zombie.

"Ouch!" Cheng He wailed.

The next moment, the injured Cheng He looked up and saw the zombie Zhang Yang hiding behind the coffin and standing against the wall. His expression froze immediately, and he opened his mouth wide to shout.

not good! exposed!

Zhang Yang thought to himself. Do it first, stretch your arms forward, and push hard.


The upright coffin without a lid circled in the air and smashed at the Taoist priest.

Capture the thief first, capture the king, Zhang Feng still understands this truth. Among the three Taoist priests who came in, the most powerful one was the Taoist priest Yin Wu. As long as he was dealt with with a sneak attack, the remaining two would be easy to deal with.

Daoist Yin Qu focused all his attention on the two zombies that suddenly appeared. He held up a sword in his right hand and a yellow talisman in his left hand. Just as he was about to surrender, a huge black shadow came over.


There was a sound, and Taoist Yin Duck couldn't react at all, so the upside-down coffin was directly covered to the ground.

Zhang Yang was overjoyed, this was really a hit. The coffin was heavy, and people were covered under it, and it was impossible to get out by one's own strength.

In the blink of an eye, the situation was reversed, one of the three majestic Taoist priests was injured, and the other was trapped, leaving only the last white and fat little Taoist priest.