Zombie Evolution

Chapter 68: On the Road


A ray of light in the east made the whole world turn white.


With the sound of the clothes vibrating, groups of people in Tsing Yi gathered; occasionally, a stream of light in the sky was the foundation-building monk flying with the sword.

At the place where Zhang Yang crushed the jade slips, two groups of people in Tsing Yi confronted each other, their swords drawn.

"Junior Sister Luo Fei, I don't know which disciple you are using the jade slip to transmit the message? Let him stand up, and the matter will naturally become clear." Li Fei's face was wretched, but his tone was extremely strong.

"Hmph! It's not your turn to dictate the affairs of my North Peak. You guys rushed over after receiving the letter from the jade slip? I don't know which disciple you sent the letter to? Where are you now?" In front of many seniors again, even if Luo Fei didn't like to argue, she wouldn't back down, and immediately asked tit for tat.

The tone of the two sides is not good, and there is a possibility of fighting at any time.

Next to it, a man in Tsing Yi shuttled back and forth, inspecting the surrounding situation, checking every plant and tree clearly.

A man in Tsing Yi whispered something in the ear of the middle-aged monk Wu Feng. The latter changed his face, nodded, and said in a low voice: "I think this is strange. There is no sign of a fight nearby, but the two sides At the same time, some disciples crushed the jade briefing letter here, and then disappeared at the same time... It is really strange."

"Could it be that someone from Beifeng did it, and then acted deliberately?" Li Fei leaned forward and asked. But his eyes are staring straight at the figure of Luo Feiyona not far away, with the image of a pervert wishing to swallow her alive.

"No!" Wu Feng's tone was extremely certain, "At the same time, attacking a dozen of my disciples in the Qi refining period, unless they want to completely provoke a duel between the two peaks, otherwise, they dare not do so. In my opinion, it is very likely Eighty-nine is the corpse repairer. We underestimated his strength... Immediately mobilize the manpower. Qi refining stage disciples should not act alone. Every team must be led by a foundation building stage junior. Search around here. Regardless of the enemy's strength, don't act without authorization, as long as the enemy is not allowed to flee, crush the jade slips and wait for reinforcements."

Wu Feng gave the order decisively.

Li Fei still looked a little unwilling:

"Could it be that we just let people from Beifeng go like this?"

Wu Feng glanced at this disappointing junior, and snorted coldly: "There are so many people missing all at once, and they can't be contacted until now. It seems that we can only prepare for the worst. But we haven't even seen the murderer." Now, plus the loss of the Tianmen Token... You should think about how to explain to Master after you return to the mountain! You still have the heart to ponder some nonsense here! Hmph!"

After Wu Feng reprimanded him, Li Fei's face immediately turned ugly, but he didn't even have the courage to refute.

Soon, the Nanfeng team began to disperse.

The people at Beifeng on the opposite side naturally understood what was going on when they saw this.

"We are also starting to search in teams. I would like to trouble a few brothers and sisters to lead the team. The enemy is stronger, so we have to be careful."

Luo Fei spoke in a more polite tone.

"Junior Sister Luo Fei, you are being polite. Before I left the mountain, my master gave me an order. This time, I will respect you. We must obey my junior sister's orders." The handsome man immediately responded with a smile.

The "Green Leaf Girl" next to her immediately rolled her eyes with a look of disdain.

Everyone dispersed immediately.

Soon, the nearby jungle was full of search personnel shuttling.

The east is getting brighter and brighter, and the morning glow is extremely bright.

Morning should be full of hope and the most beautiful moment, but for zombies, it is not like that.

Zhang Yang knew that choosing this moment to attract the enemy would not be beneficial to him.

However, as soon as the people of the Sword Spirit Sect searched intensively, maybe someone would bump into them during the day. Instead of frightening old people away like this, it would be better to take action and lead everyone to the vicinity. Coupled with the massacre last night, I believe those people in Tsing Yi will be very careful and fully prepared. As long as they find this place, it will not be so easy for Mr. Fang to escape.

Secondly, there are dense trees nearby, even if the sun is shining brightly during the day, the forest is as dark as dusk, and there is no danger of direct sunlight.

Everything was according to the plan, but Zhang Yang was still extremely anxious, lying there resting his mind, his face pretending to be calm.

"Don't be anxious. They are just a few little monks in the Qi refining period. If they are killed, they will be killed. When will there be no monks buried in the bone forest in this 100,000 mountains? Don't worry about it."

Elder Fang sat cross-legged, closed his eyes, and opened his mouth casually.

Zhang Yang was shocked. He secretly blamed himself for being too impatient, which was not the bearing he should have for doing great things.

Fortunately, although old man Fang saw his anxiety, he misunderstood the reason. Otherwise, this alone would probably arouse suspicion.

Taking a deep breath and calming down, Zhang Yang said:

"Thank you, Mr. Fang, for your guidance."

"You don't have to be polite! You have to know that this world of self-cultivation is a world where the weak prey on the strong. Don't say that you are protecting yourself, even if you kill people and get more goods, it is perfectly normal. In the world of self-cultivation, all kinds of resources, including spirit veins and elixir, have long been It was divided up by the major sects and big families. Even within the major sects, because of the large number of disciples, the cultivation resources are insufficient; not to mention casual cultivators, or corpse cultivators like you. There are more wolves and less meat, so it is most suitable .”

Perhaps Mr. Fang was too bored and started explaining to Zhang Yang the current situation in the cultivation world.

Zhang Yang immediately showed an expression of listening. He was really eager for these things.

"Why do you cultivate?" Old Fang asked suddenly.

"Pursue great power, stand proudly on top of the world, and be admired by all people! Pursue eternal life, and die with the world!" Zhang Yang replied after being slightly startled.

"Yes! The pursuit of great power is important, but I'm afraid more people are pursuing immortality. Life is the root of everything. Without life, what can we do with great power?"

When it comes to longevity, Mr. Fang seems a little excited, his cheeks become flushed, and his eyes shine.

Before Zhang Yang crossed over, he was a good young man in his twenties. Death seemed very far away from him, so he didn't think about it that much at all.

After crossing, he became a zombie, born with hostility, abandoned by the three realms of heaven, earth and man. He already had an extremely long lifespan, so he didn't think too much about life and death.

Now that Mr. Fang brought it up, he was really touched.

"Cultivation is a process of competing with the heavens. As far as the Qi refining period is concerned, according to the average cultivation speed in the cultivation world, from the first level to the ninth level of the Qi refining period, the time required for promotion is half a year, one year, and three years. , five years, eight years, twenty years, thirty years, thirty-five years... After advancing to the ninth level of the Qi refining period, it will take another forty or fifty years to reach the consummation of the ninth level and make the whole body full of mana. time."

"The lifespan of a monk in the Qi refining period is only 200 years in total. Calculated in this way, even if he starts to practice at the age of ten and reaches the ninth level, the average person will have at most thirty or forty years left. It takes thirty or forty years to attack In the foundation building period, it is almost impossible to succeed. Not to mention, after the foundation building, there will be Jindan, Yuanying, Huashen, and crossing the catastrophe... and then you can ascend to the fairy world and live forever."

"The sooner you advance, the greater your chances of eternal life. Competing with the sky is reflected in this."

"If you want to advance, you need all kinds of cultivation resources, and you need those spiritual veins, spiritual stones and spiritual herbs that are occupied by various sects..."

"However, these resources—these resources are occupied by others, how can you get them? By your own efforts? Even if you get them, it takes too much time, and you have already missed the best cultivation period. One step later, one step later , will forever miss the chance of eternal life, and miss the Dao."

"So, benevolence, righteousness and morality are just lip service. To obtain resources and obtain eternal life is the way."