Zombie Girl, Where Are You?

Chapter 22



Ah, Bai Xi grabbed her hair, closed her eyes and shook it wildly.

No, now that I’ve seen it, I have to give it a try even if I just follow the example!

Bai Xi stood up with a roar.

Thinking back to Yu Fengzi's previous actions, close your eyes and relax your body...

"Ha!" Bai Xi opened his eyes and shouted, then punched!


"Why! Why is it that only the grass moves and it is moved by the wind!"

Bai Xi angrily stamped his feet on the spot, really unhappy!

Come again!

Bai Xi closed her eyes and relaxed her body.

This time he wrapped the Qi around his body around his arms, which was a piece of cake for Bai Xi who had telepathy.

Well, Bai Xi felt the Qi on his arm. He was brewing, trying to introduce his own breath into the Qi, hoping that after the Qi left the body, he could still control it and have some involvement with him.

It is not impossible for Qi to leave the body, but when it leaves the body beyond a certain distance, Qi will return to the body uncontrollably.

It was the first time for Bai Xi to control the energy that was 50 centimeters away from the body.

Huh... Bai Xi adjusted his breathing.

I hope this is how Yu Fengzi performs the "Tianma Meteor Fist"!

"Ha!" Bai Xi punched out, splitting the energy away from his arm, touching the air, and controlled it to quickly approach a small tree.

"Bang!" It was a very slight sound, but it was still noticed by Bai Xi, who was highly focused.

A little disappointment appeared on Bai Xi's face. No? After the Qi left my body 50 centimeters, it lost its impact and cohesion, and turned into mist and returned to my body.

After a while, Bai Xi raised his head again, come again!

Thinking back to Yu Fengzi's previous words, it was like a radio replay.

"I said it right from the beginning. You won't be held accountable for your gains or losses. I'll read it to you once. Whether you understand it or not is your own business. Just find your feelings."

"...I'll read it to you once. It's up to you whether you understand it or not. Just find the feeling."

"... Just find the feeling."


I didn't feel anything before, I just punched based on my own understanding. Naturally, the punch had no effect, but what was the feeling to catch

Stand up again, close your eyes, relax your body...

This time Bai Xi no longer punched blindly, but concentrated on feeling the air, water flow, insects, and birds around him.

"Hoo, drink, breathe, drink." Bai Xi calmed down and breathed slowly, trying to find anything different.

"Apprentice, it's time to eat. The master is cooking today!" A male voice came from a distance.

Through a long line of smoke above the woods, it was the kitchen of the temple. The sunset was as hot and gentle as fire, and the rich yellow sunlight shone on Bai Xi's cheeks.

No... I still can't feel it.

Bai Xi's brows knitted together fiercely. He knew that he had been in this posture for a long time, but he just didn't feel anything different!

How does Yu Fengzi perform it

Is it to blow the energy out from around the body

Or some kind of superpower

Bai Xi doesn't know.

"Okay apprentice, you are not as talented as the master, so let's forget it for today. Haha!" Yu Fengzi saw Bai Xi's face and knew that this apprentice must not have understood it.

Take the energy out of the body and still control it

No, no, no, Qi is your own. It does not exist in the air, so naturally it cannot stay in the air for a long time.

Unless there are some special powers, such as healing, plant powers, etc. can release Qi, but that is still limited, but the range is slightly larger.


No, no, no, if the ability was so easy to understand, it wouldn't be special and wouldn't be sought after by so many people around the world.

Moreover, a person's physical fitness is limited. It is not easy for a person to comprehend one kind of superpower in his lifetime. If he can comprehend more than 3 kinds of powers, his lifespan will definitely be affected. Because this is an ability that is beyond common sense and is not recognized by heaven and earth. The more abilities you have, the more explosives you have tied to your body. If you are not careful, it will explode!

"No!" Bai Xi stubbornly refused to leave.

Do you want me to give up after just such a small setback? How can it be!

[Miye Poison Island Chapter]

Seeing that Bai Xi still wanted to continue, Yu Fengzi stopped trying to dissuade him.

Just practice if you want, but if you can't find the feeling, then there's no way to start.

Yu Fengzi looked at Bai Xi with interest.

Bai Xi remained motionless in place.

what is it? If it's not your own energy, it's not a superpower. Bai Xi frowned, what is it

"Apprentice, look at how I used it before, master?" Yu Fengzi couldn't bear it, and finally prepared to give him a try again.

Bai Xi heard this. I have recalled this day many times, and I already know it by heart. "Close your eyes and relax your body."

"Why does the apprentice think the master closed his eyes?" Yu Fengzi asked.

Bai Xi opened her mouth to answer, but found that she didn't know what to say, so she closed her mouth and thought for a while.

"Closing your eyes is to sense the things around you, gas, elements, energy, right...?" Bai Xi was a little unsure. She usually closed her eyes to understand the surrounding situation more clearly. But why is the master

"But has the apprentice ever thought about changing?" Yu Fengzi said.

"Change? Change what?" Bai Xi didn't understand, change? Change something

"Change the structure of the things in front of you." Yu Fengzi said.

"What do you think a small grass or a big tree is made of?"

How is it composed

"They are just plants. But they are alive... probably... just like humans, right? They are composed of bodies and water. Maybe they also have their own blood, right?... "

"Master, I don't know..." Bai Xi thought hard, but still didn't know.

"They are all made of energy, so are you, and so am I. The qi in the body is the source of life, and the rest are made of energy, but the structural materials are different. We are flesh and blood, have thoughts, and can run and jump.

But they are generally just plants without thoughts and cannot move, and their structural composition is much simpler than ours. So we were able to cut down trees and trample grass with saws. Only after the baptism of time can unimaginable adventures become like the existence of a tree demon. "

At this point, Bai Xi became even more confused. Why did the master say this? What does this have to do with the feeling you are looking for

Yu Fengzi ignored it and just asked Bai Xi a question.

“Have you ever wondered why you can cut down trees?”

"I..." I really haven't thought about this, because it has no thoughts and can't run or walk? Is it because I am stronger than it

"Because you are stronger than it, you can destroy its structure, but as long as you don't damage its origin, it can still grow a new structure."

"Master means..." Bai Xi seemed to understand a little bit.

"Because I'm stronger than it, I can destroy its structure with a saw, but if I'm stronger, I can directly change its structure?"

"Bingo! That's the right answer! When you chop it down, it's from the outside to the inside, through external objects. But if you directly change its structure, it's from the inside to the outside." Yu Fengzi snapped his fingers. He knows how to teach people, so it's great that Bai Xi can understand.

"Okay, let's go back and eat." Yu Fengzi happily prepared to turn around and walk towards the temple.

"Master, wait! But how can I do it?" Bai Xi was stunned and quickly called Yu Fengzi.

Yu Fengzi paused in his walking steps.

"Why are you so stupid! Who are you? You are the orphan of the Bai family. Others may use all their brains to explore their own potential to establish contact with the species and control the structure of the species to change! You can directly use Use the power of your mind to change species that are weaker than you! Take control of its body! You can pinch, bite, bite, flatten, and rub it as you please!" Yu Fengzi collapsed a little, why is this apprentice so stubborn!

"It's unfortunate for our master!" Yu Fengzi looked up to the sky and roared.

Yu Fengzi no longer felt like staying here, so she pretended to wipe away her tears but actually thought about dinner and ran towards the temple.

Bai Xi felt a little aggrieved. Master, no one can match your thinking. You just say half of everything so that people can understand it, and don't care about the follow-up. You are really disrespecting the teacher! !

"Alas..." At this time, Bai Xi was the only one left in the woods. The moon climbed quietly to the top of Bai Xi's head. The moonlight was shining down, as if he was curious about why the child was standing here in a daze.

Okay, come on! Bai Xi raised her head, her eyes were shining, and she tried again with high morale!

"Huh..." Bai Xi took a deep breath, exhaled, and closed her eyes.

I mentally scanned the plants around me.

That’s it! Bai Xi spotted a small tree that was less than one meter tall.

A faint white light flashed in his head, swimming like a small fish in the water, ready to go. This is Bai Xi's telepathy.

Bai Xi remembered what the tree demon brother once told her.

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"Psychic power is just a traceless, colorless and invisible energy, but the Bai family captures it and squeezes it into a rope shape to store it in the brain. If you want to use telekinesis, just think about it in your heart and call for telekinesis. "The tree demon quietly recalled the past and tried his best to help Bai Xi understand the power of telepathy, which was considered as helping Bai Zaotang.

"The Bai family majors in