Zombie Girl, Where Are You?

Chapter 38


. But now? Bai Xi let go of the woman's hand, and he knew his strength. The woman's calmness gave him no way to embarrass her. If she didn't know all this, then what was the use of asking


"Holy shit...! You must be so lucky. You have a lovely wife for no reason." Yu Fengzi laughed and fluttered in the arms of the dryad.

"Master..." Bai Xi's sad little eyes drifted over.

"Okay, okay, go on."

"Okay, then..."

"Hey, Dryad, why don't we have many girls to accompany us?" A certain fool, who thought his voice was too low for Bai Xi to hear, said quietly to the Dryad.

"Master, I can hear you!" Bai Xi was angry.

The tree demon waved his hand, and Bai Xi blinked a little aggrievedly, okay, who told the master to have someone to protect him now.

The dryad did not mean to ask Bai Xi to let this lively person go. Wasn't he lying comfortably in his arms? That's not very simple. He directly lowered his head and pressed his lips to this lively person's lips. If you can't silence them, you can always seal them, right

Okay... The innocent kid Bai Xi said he couldn't look directly... turned his head shyly.

[Nightmare Girl]

"Dad, daddy, come and play with me." The young and cute child ran towards him. The girl, who is about two or three years old, is not very articulate. Her voice, as sweet as glutinous rice, can melt the tired hearts of many adults.

"Xiaoshan, be good, Dad... I'm not in the mood to play right now." He opened his mouth, wanting to respond to the child as in his vague memory, but he still felt stiff and couldn't speak. Bai Xi was sitting in a small but tidy and refreshing room. There were only four or five rooms in this house, with one on the second floor. They were simple but carefully decorated. During the three days he lived here, he refused Zhuang Ying's touch because he didn't know her, but some scenes would appear in his head from time to time, disturbing people's minds like flies.


"Dad...Dad..." The child is babbling, his pink and rosy cheeks, and his chubby body, all showing the child's cuteness.

"Xiaoshan, Xiaoshan can talk, haha!" The man who had just become a father could not hide his joy. Anyone who gave birth to a cute little baby would also feel happy.

The man smiled and picked up the child, who was so small. He gently held the child's armpits and was careful not to use force. This child is still so young, as dazzling as the newly revealed sun, washing away the impetuousness of the world. It seems that when I see this child, the darkness in my heart will shrink inward, and then shrink a little deeper. The face full of joy contained a hint of resentment.

"Yes, Xi. Xiaoshan can talk now." A woman appeared behind the man. Her sleeves were rolled up, her hair was tied high, and she was wearing simple clothes but she wore them with a unique charm. After stroking the little bits of hair that leaked out behind her ears, the woman's movements showed a sense of satisfaction.

She leaned gently on the man's back, and slowly put down the hand that touched the man's body. Suddenly it became stiff. She wanted to pick it up but was unwilling to do so. This was her man. Zhuang Ying took a deep breath, no matter how much the man resented her touch, no matter how stiff the body was, no matter how much he... hated her. This man is also hers! She hugged the man tightly and never let go, trying to irrigate this man with all her love. There was something about him that fascinated her, and no matter what, she wouldn't let it go. …


During these three days, countless fragmented memories washed through his head, but most of them only lasted for tens of seconds and were difficult to connect. Bai Xi thought, is this his future? It seemed that he didn't love this woman. He turned his head and looked at the woman who was busy in the kitchen. She seemed to feel that someone was watching. The woman turned back and smiled softly, Zhuang Ying. The person who would become his wife many years later.

Is this your future? Turning her head and continuing to stare out the window in a daze, Bai Xi thought of this problem again. There is a lot of traffic outside the window, and the clothes seem to have not changed much, but mobile phones have become popular again, unlike mobile phones before human history. Nowadays, only family members can own the same mobile phone. The functions are also limited. Thinking of this, Bai Xi suddenly became irritated.

"What am I doing? Is this the time to think about such irrelevant things?!" He scolded himself in a low voice.

After being stunned for a while, he still raised his head and looked out the window. What caused the current phenomenon? This woman has no impression of her true self. Oh, right. Regarding where Bai Xi appears now, he calls it his "false self". He still doesn't want to believe that this is his "real self". However, Bai Xi punched the wall hard, and a circular dent appeared on the wall. Look at my hands again. They are red, swollen and broken. The pain shows that this is not a dream, and they seem to be weaker than their "real self".

"Xi..." Zhuang Ying looked at Bai Xi worriedly. She didn't understand what was going on. Although Bai Xi didn't love her in the past, at least she was still sensible when she talked to him. He also really liked her children when they went to him. But why, since that day when she brought him back from the abandoned safe zone, he seemed to be a different person, either in a daze or asking her who she was every day. Ha, Zhuang Ying smiled. who I am? I am your wife!

"Bai Xi, what's wrong with you??! You can ignore me, but Xiaoshan is innocent! Can you not blame the child for what happened in the past?" Zhuang Ying yelled angrily. Even if she loves him, she can't bear such torture! She hopes to spend a happy life with him, okay? And Xiaoshan... Before she said a few words, a feeling of grievance spread from Zhuang Ying's heart, and she cried uncontrollably. She covered her mouth with her hands, trying not to let the sobs melt her sobs. A heart that has long been like a torrent of sorrow.

"What happened in the past?" Bai Xi's eyes suddenly moved back from the scene outside the window. What happened in the past? When he looked away from the window, a touch of warm golden yellow suddenly appeared in his peripheral vision. who? Bai Xi's eyelids twitched, and she quickly raised a question in her mind, but quickly threw it away. Because Zhuang Ying cried.

"Woo..." I have always faced Bai Xi with a dignified and respectable side. I never thought that there would be a day when I lose control of my emotions. I am only 21 years old now, but I seem to have seen the next 50 years, until my hair. Even if he turns gray and his throat becomes hoarse, he will never have a happy day... Zhuang Ying, whose eyes were blurred, suddenly thought that if the sunshine had not been so warm that day in the imperial capital, she would not have clamored to buy clothes or left the house. She didn't meet the man on the street corner who made her fall in love with her for the rest of her life with just one glance. Will life be easy now

God... Bai Xi expressed her helplessness, this woman... Well, you forced me, please, sister, I'm only 13 years old, and the "false me" is at least 20 years old, right? You are his woman, not mine, okay! Although I can't see women crying, please don't cry like this, okay? Yes, Bai Xi never thought that this "false me" family had anything to do with him. But these are just thoughts. Looking at the woman in front of her who was just sobbing at first, and then lying on the ground and crying with no image, Bai Xi felt something inexplicable in her heart. If one day, Fanfan If she was like this in front of her, would she feel so distressed that she would want to pick off the moon in the sky to please her and make her stop crying

What you cry out is not only tears, but also my heart, which will gradually feel pain with your tears.

"Oh." Bai Xi sighed softly and patted Zhuang Ying's back gently. I remember that every time I felt scared when I was a child, my mother would pat her back with a strange rhythm like this, and gradually I would no longer be afraid. There is no other way, so just help this "false me" solve the problem. Maybe this world will still exist after I leave? We can't let "him" clean up this mess.

"Stop crying, Zhuang Ying, I'll cook for you." The wailing woman gradually began to sob, and it seemed that she would not cry anymore. This person is not particularly familiar, but it is the first person I have seen in this world. Bai Xi wants to help her, but is unable to do anything. Just kidding, how can she help? Do you want him to grow old with this woman just because of what this "false me" did? Bai Xi looked at the woman with complicated eyes. Although the memory fragments were fragmented, Bai Xi could see that this woman really loved "him", and all she wanted was "his" love, but they seemed to have always been because of There is a gap because of the so-called past things. Bai Xi has always been in favor of doing his own thing, so he will not do anything except comfort this woman.

The woman on the ground was stunned. Cooking? He wiped the tears on his face randomly, and his eyes washed by the tears seemed to be brighter. Why did this man seem to be more pleasing to the eye than before

Come to the kitchen, hum some tuneless tunes, and cook? Bai Xi suddenly thought of the two years he spent on Miyedu Island. Among the hundreds of peaks, only theirs had smoke rising from them. It was because he was cooking for his master. What are the master and the tree demon brother doing now

Bai Xi cut vegetables skillfully and recalled what happened before she came to this inexplicable world.

That day, I, my master, and Brother Dryad came to a forest. Through the forest was the Imperial Capital, where Fanfan was imprisoned.