Zombie Girl, Where Are You?

Chapter 47


When encountering any danger, we rely on time to stand still. What day will time stand still lose its effect? What should we do? Bai Xi moved his eyes from Minmin to his hand. What is the mist-like object here

"Condensation!" Bai Xi closed her eyes and called out this slogan in her heart, reliving the feeling that appeared in her heart before. The fog-like object came out in response, but this time the fog-like object seemed to be enlarging and shrinking with consciousness. The tenderness traveled on Bai Xi's fingertips, and the gentle touch made Bai Xi's heart itch.

"Don't make trouble." Bai Xi couldn't help but smile and said, then froze. Stop making trouble? No matter how you hear this, you are speaking to people. What is this mist-like object? Bai Xi shook his head. But the gentle mist-like object in his hand seemed to have lost its temper and bit Bai Xi's fingertips. Bai Xi was shocked, biting? This mist-like object had no mouth, but Bai Xi's fingertips felt like they were being lightly bitten.

"Since you appeared from my thoughts, there must be a reason, right?" Bai Xi observed the mist-like object. "You suddenly appeared, did you want to make me laugh? Thank you, I was shocked by you! All the troubles I had were gone at once." He said to himself to this little guy , I don’t know why but I just think this mist-like object is cute.

"Ding!" The sharp and small voice echoed in Bai Xi's ears, like an alarm bell that brought time back to normal.

Bai Xi was slightly surprised that time suddenly returned to normal, but he soon calmed down.

"Little guy, it's up to you." Bai Xi chuckled, breathing into the mist-like object that was still wandering around his fingertips.

"Huh." The three small silver-yellow snakes returned to their original trajectory, only two steps away from Bai Xi, but the mist-like object filled with Bai Xi's energy did not change at all.

Just when the three small silver-yellow snakes were about to rush through Bai Xi's palm, there was a "sting" sound, and the mist-like object sucked the three small silver-yellow snakes into the body. Immediately after the "bang" sound, there were originally three groups of silvery-yellow light inside the mist-like object, but with this sound, it seemed as if it exploded, and the three groups of silvery-yellow light disappeared.

At that moment, Bai Xi suddenly had a sense, and he felt the aura of sensitive power from the body of the mist-like object. Did this guy swallow up Minmin's abilities? Bai Xi opened his eyes and looked at his palm, and suddenly found something wrong. This hand... Bai Xi reached out and touched the blurry and transparent object in his sight.


wrong! Bai Xi closed her eyes and opened them again.

"I can still see it." Bai Xi murmured to himself...

Logically speaking, this thing about qi cannot be seen by anyone, unless it is someone who knows how to see inside, or has the ability to see through all the delusions in the world. Bai Xi doesn't have that kind of power and can only see inside, but looking inside can only be seen by closing his eyes and recreating the food around him in his mind. So why can he see this guy when he opens his eyes

Minmin frowned, what's going on? Why did the little snake with a trace of his involvement suddenly lose his senses? Minmin looked at Bai Xi suspiciously, could he see his little snake? Even she could barely see the little snake because the little snake was transformed by her own power, but just now she suddenly couldn't see the little snake. What method did he use to see the little snake, and what method did he use to cut off the connection between himself and the little snake

"What did you do?" Minmin said solemnly.

"What?" Bai Xi was stunned. "I didn't do anything." She spoke subconsciously, but Bai Xi regretted it as soon as she said it. Isn't this self-inflicted? If I really didn't know anything, how could I know what she was asking when she didn't say anything

"You did indeed do something." Minmin gritted her teeth. It seems that this person is much more difficult to deal with than she thought. She is a smart woman. If she can't fight, she will run away. She can't be more rational.

Minmin turned around and jumped onto the eaves. Bai Xi also wanted to chase her, but the mist-like object that was originally in her hand was now lying on her shoulder, buzzing and she didn't know what she was talking about.

Bai Xi paused while running.

"Who are you? Not only can you move on your own, but you can also swallow other people's attacks. Is it possible that you still want to talk?!" Bai Xi's mind was a little confused. What on earth is this thing

In just a few dozen seconds of delay, Minmin had disappeared without a trace. Bai Xi, who couldn't wait and see, sat helplessly on the ground.

"Ah..." He couldn't help but groan. He didn't relax his body before, whether he was fighting or discovering the strangeness of this guy. Now, the relaxation after sitting down made the already unbearable pain even worse. Bai Xi's limbs and bones.

"Well..." Bai Xi trembled in pain, lying on the ground with his back stretched out, and then sat up helplessly because the dust on the ground aggravated his injury like salt.

"Buzz... buzz..." The object on the shoulder was about to move again, as if it was trying to speak with all its strength.

"Bah." Bai Xi was shocked. "What are you doing? Absorbing my breath?" Bai Xi's chest heaved violently. "You were created by me but are you hurting me?" The pain originally occupied Bai Xi's entire body, but the panic when the air in his body was suddenly sucked out made Bai Xi suddenly wake up.

"Go away, don't follow me!" Bai Xi dragged up his heavy body. This feeling of isolation and helplessness had not appeared for a long time. He didn't know if Minmin who left would come back again, and he didn't know if the other mercenaries would come back. You will find yourself, but now, is this little guy who just made you forget your sadness, turned out to be a bad guy? Is this little guy going to betray my trust

Although he only spent ten minutes with this little guy briefly, Bai Xi admitted that he wanted the feeling of having a comrade-in-arms. No matter how much help this comrade can provide him, the existence of this comrade will make Bai Xi feel better.

Step by step, he walked from the backyard into the house. Although the thing on his shoulder was caught by Bai Xi and thrown out, it would return to his shoulder as soon as he turned around.

"Creak..." Bai Xi opened the door, shaking off some dust from the long-uninhabited house.

"Tsk." Bai Xi groaned in pain. It hurts... He held the wall with his right hand and gently touched his body with his left hand. The sticky liquid was stained on Bai Xi's palm.

Bright red blood mixed with granular dust spread all over the body. Bai Xi held his left hand in front of his eyes and looked at it.

"So much blood..." Bai Xi felt a little dizzy. Did he lose too much blood...

There was a feeling of emptiness. "Damn... you're sucking my breath again..." Bai Xi gritted his teeth and looked at the mist-like object suspended in front of him.

"What on earth... do you want to do...?" Her head seemed to become heavier and her steps were swaying lightly. Bai Xi took a few steps unconsciously, but her eyelids were firmly glued together...

"Boom!" Bai Xi fell weakly to the ground, and even the pain from the dust-stained wound couldn't wake him up.

This guy... do you want to suck my breath until I die...

When Bai Xi passed out, the mist-like object was still absorbing Bai Xi's energy. It could be seen that Bai Xi's skin was slowly becoming dry and his breath was gradually weakening. After a while, Bai Xi lay there as silently as a corpse.

"Idiot." A soft voice sounded in the quiet house.


"Well..." Bai Xi let out an extremely comfortable moan from her throat.

etc! what happened? !

Bai Xi suddenly opened his eyes, moved his palms, and then stood up.

What does this feeling of vitality mean

"Ha!" Bai Xi shouted and punched.

Except for the fact that his upper body was still naked, everything else made him feel like he was in a dream.

Where are the wounds? Bai Xi touched her body. Not only is it as smooth as jade, it is also firm and elastic. This is simply a better physical condition than before the injury.

Bai Xi looked around. The old furniture covered with dust, the floor that creaked when he stepped on it, the broken glass windows that let in the breeze from time to time, and the rotten curtains that swayed in the wind. At a glance, this old and useless house that had been in disrepair could be distinguished. People's houses have a clear view. Could it be that someone came and left

Bai Xi turned her head. From the door to her side, there was only a string of clean footprints in sharp contrast with the dust on the ground. So does this mean that no one has been to this room, or is it a master with levitation or other powers

"Who has the ability and the kindness to treat me and then leave?" Bai Xi was puzzled. The master and the tree demon had already left. Fanfan still didn't know where he was. Could it be Bai Xiaohua? It shouldn't have such magical powers...? After calming down and taking two steps, something beige suddenly moved in the corner of his vision.

"What?" Bai Xi was startled and stared at the thing. Why didn't you see it just now

It was a round and round beige plush object, moving its body and standing up as if stretching.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" It grew four arms like bamboo shoots after the rain, and ran towards Bai Xi staggeringly. While running, That round body, if it has a head and a face, then there are two slits where the face is. I struggled to open the slits, and suddenly I found two wet eyes!

Bai Xi stared at the little stuffed balloon-like thing that "grew" arms, legs and eyes. It didn't look like a normal creature at all. Instead, it looked like mud. It was originally a lump and was rubbed out. Appearance. this