Zombie Girl, Where Are You?

Chapter 8


You can change the life of a piece of land and make the weather about to rain sunny. Of course, this is still early for you now. "

"The Qi spreads around your body, like a burning flame. If you add firewood to the flame, the flame will become more powerful. On the contrary, if there are no subsequent matches for a long time to fuel the fire, the flame will slowly It dissipates until it disappears completely. The same principle applies to qi."

"The topic has gone astray, let's continue now."

"Combat consciousness, how should I put it, is like an animal fleeing when it senses a threat. Animals are more sensitive than humans and zombies."

"Combat consciousness is to release your own Qi, let the Qi surround the area where you are, every plant, every tree, every flower in the world, and let your perception fall on everything in the area. It's like a blind person will use his own perception and It’s like using a pathfinder to open up the road ahead. Your sense of hearing, smell, and perception must be infinitely amplified. Any disturbance around you is under your control.”

"The rest needs to be understood by yourself during the battle. Everyone has their own understanding. I can't force my understanding on you."

"The rest is up to you."

The beautiful face of the girl with a single ponytail gradually blurred, and the cold voice disappeared.

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Now, it's time to rely on myself. Finally, there is a serious battle that can make me understand.

Bai Xi clenched his fists, a fire slowly rising in his heart.

Replay the scene around you in your mind, there is a grass here, a small rock there.

"Bang!" Bai Xi, who was suddenly attacked, was forced to interrupt his thoughts.

"Cough..." He put one hand on the ground and raised the other hand, wiping the overflowing blood with the back of his hand.

A green tail slowly disappeared in the air.

Sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed, he quickly reproduced the scene he had just created, and then remembered the place where the tail disappeared, simulating Toori's figure.

"Bang!" His head was hit hard.

The crooked body returned to its original position again, and the interrupted scene was quickly reconstructed again.

"Boom!" He was punched in the abdomen again.

"Pfft!" Bai Xi spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Little brother, are you begging me for mercy now? Repenting for your insults to me without moving? Hahahaha!" As Dongzhi's ridicule sounded, the hidden body emerged slightly after a few seconds. sink into the environment.

Hurry up... Hurry up... Hurry up! His mind quickly constructed the figure of Dong Zhi at the place where the sound came from.

"Boom!" The head was hit hard.

Bai Xi frowned as if she had not been attacked.

That does not work! If this continues I will die!

Qi... Qi... Try hard to feel the existence of Qi.

Sudden! A clear space in the environment in his mind trembled with energy, and Dongzhi's figure flashed vaguely.

on the right! Bai Xi opened her eyes and leaned back.

"Bang!" This time it was not Bai Xi who was hit, but the sound of the wind breaking when the attack failed.

"Huh?" Dongzhi's confused voice sounded, and his figure gradually emerged, looking at the young man in front of him. Is it a coincidence? He actually escaped. Shouldn't he kneel down with tears in his eyes and beg me, Mr. Dongzhi, to let him go? Although I, Lord Toori, will not let him go, none of the guys who called me Chameleon have survived... Hehehehehe...

Dong Zhi's invisible form.

Bai Xi then closed her eyes and sensed.

"Crack!" Tails appeared again.

The boy controlled his body and twisted forcefully, and caught the tail at the last moment when it appeared in front of him!


Dongzhi wanted to get rid of the boy, but the boy in front of him did not look strong but rather thin, but he had power that was inconsistent with his appearance!

The veins on Dongzhi's forehead popped out, and he used all his strength to finally shake off the boy who had restrained his tail.

"Ah!" He held the forcibly pulled out tail in his hand, stretched out his tongue to lick the strangled wound, and the pink tender flesh rolled outwards, slightly oozing with drops of green blood.

"You bastard! You actually hurt my most beautiful tail, Master Dongzhi. If I don't kill you, I would really be sorry for my beautiful tail!" Dongzhi roared with red eyes!

"Whoosh!" The sound of breaking wind sounded, and the thick tail followed the wind.

"Pa!" Bai Xi dodged, but followed immediately.

"Boom!" The tail turned and hit the boy on the back!

"Poof!" A mouthful of blood spurted out. Damn... This chameleon is so fast that I can't sense it in time.

"Boom!" "Ta!" "Bang!" The crazy Dongzhi no longer bothered to hide his figure, his eyes were fixed on the culprit who made the tail look like this! The dazzling attacks formed a circle around Bai Xi.

Bai Xi in the circle was unable to avoid one of the five attacks at the beginning, but was able to avoid less than half of the ten attacks. Bai Xi's body was covered in scars, and her blood-stained clothes had some tears. If this situation continues, Bai Xi will not be able to last five minutes!

"Hoo, drink." The sound of heavy breathing mixed with the sound of flesh being hit, Bai Xi concentrated, the space moved, and it happened!

"Whoosh!" Bai Xi instantly left the encirclement and appeared ten meters away.

"Oh, can't you tell that this kid actually has superpowers?" "Hi! Space superpowers? It's useless! You haven't practiced to the point where you can't use space superpowers to escape. You can't escape fifty meters. You'll be caught up by me! And your energy won't be able to support your ability to activate continuously." Dongzhi's sneer sounded.

The boy said nothing. Yes, the bursts of emptiness coming from the body indicate that there is not much energy left.

However, the young man's eyes were determined. Do you want me to give up? It's a little too early! I still want to go back alive to find food!

The young man's momentum has not diminished but continues to grow.

"Hmph! Stop struggling! It's useless!" Dongzhi pounced on Bai Xi ferociously.

"Woof!" A colorful figure passed by.

Shrimp? Bai Xi felt messy in the wind. Little flower dog? How could it appear here.

"Woof woof woof!" The little flower dog grinned at Dongzhi.

"Hmph! Where did you come from? I won't tear you into pieces!" Dongzhi paused for a moment before attacking.

"Woo... woof!!" The little flower dog held its breath for a while and then let out a huge roar, with a strange dragon's roar in the bark. The wet eyes shone with light.

Dongzhi was shocked and stopped. what happened? This howl seemed to penetrate the soul, and the waves of tremors emanating from the origin of the body made his body unable to move, and the pressure made him timid.

What is it? Dongzhi's eyes were filled with surprise and uncertainty.

Retreat or attack? The origin of the body is urging itself, and it seems that it will explode after a while!

Make up your mind and run away!

Bai Xi watched dumbly as the chameleon grabbed the ground with all four legs and flew away, the wind and sand brought up by its faster speed flying.

"Hey! Chameleon! If you run away, don't come back! If you come back, I'll blow your head off!" Bai Xi shouted in the dust with his teeth and claws.

Bai Xi watched for a moment and then turned around to look at the little flower dog in front of her.

Of course he knew that Dongzhi's escape was caused by the little guy in front of him, but this little guy obviously didn't do anything yet. He scared Dongzhi away with a bark that was not a dog's bark, and a dragon's roar that was not a dragon's roar. . Yes, just scared away

Why does it come here? Did you follow me? But I didn't feel it at all, and it seemed that Dong Zhi didn't either. What is the origin of this little guy? Bai Xi thought.

A sour smell entered my nose, and suddenly I felt a warm feeling in my calf, like... yes, like peeing. But why did you want to pee on my legs? !

"Stupid dog! What are you doing? Although I don't hate you, you can't do this, ah ah." Bai Xi jumped and shouted.

When he came back to his senses and looked at the little flower dog with his eyebrows lowered and his head lowered in front of him, he felt that he had gone too far...? This is just a little animal, and it doesn't know how to think like a human being. If you get angry at him, isn't that just playing the piano to a cow? And so cute…

"Since you followed me out, I will be responsible to the end!" Bai Xi crossed her waist.

"Although we should be companions, you peed on me just now!! You must be responsible for this rude behavior! From now on, you will have my last name, Bai Xiaohua." The previous sentence means the same thing. Zhengyan changed his tone at the last sentence and quickly finished naming the little flower dog. No, it should be Bai Xiaohua now.

"Woof woof." The little flower dog flashed its big wet eyes as if understanding.

"Bai Xi." A cold voice sounded.

"Fanfan!" Bai Xi looked at Fanfan who was walking slowly in surprise. His body, which had been holding back the pain, started to feel pain again.

"Fanfan, Bai Xi is very powerful, I feel the presence of Qi." The little boy jumped into the girl's arms, and the soft and fragrant body made the little boy smile mischievously with satisfaction.

There was a strong sense of belonging. Pain came after the body relaxed. Bai Xi's eyes became distracted and she slowly closed her eyes.

I'm so tired... Just take a nap, it'll be fine after a nap.

Fanfan picked up Bai Xi and walked a few steps before looking back.

"Come on, since you chose him, I won't interfere." The girl, who seemed to be talking to herself, walked forward after speaking.

The little flower dog behind him seemed to understand and followed behind Fanfan.

There was a flash of light in the little flower dog's body, and the body of a girl appeared in the instantly illuminated body, curled up like a baby.

[First encounter]

"No." Bai Xi snorted.