Zombie King Opens a Restaurant in Her Last Days

Chapter 116



The moment she was engulfed by the black mist, Fu Ke let out a miserable scream. She felt the pain of her skin and body being torn into pieces, but she could still clearly feel the pain of every inch of her skin and bones being separated. Feel.

It hurts like hell, and it feels clear and terrifying.

The point is that she has no choice but to pass out, so she can only endure the unbearable pain.

The spatial fluctuations became more intense, and Fu Ke, who was surrounded by thick black mist, emitted a dazzling red light, but the red light was suddenly and faintly visible.

At this time, a black hole suddenly appeared in this gray place, and a strong suction force was going to suck Diss in.

Diss was startled, and turned to face the black hole. The powerful suction made people completely irresistible. He constantly used lightning attacks, and the black mist corroded. But to no avail.

Even the attack was swallowed by the black hole.

It's like a devil's mouth, swallowing everything.

Diss wanted to grab something in desperation, but he couldn't. In the end, Diss couldn't bear to curse, but was dragged in directly by the black hole.

At the moment when he was swallowed by the black hole, Diss finally thought about all the things he had forgotten.


Back then, when Lanzhi was arrested for experimentation, he split into two personalities. The two personalities jointly control this body regardless of priority.

Lan Zhi didn't have this dark ability at the beginning, but because of the appearance of the second personality, the ability abruptly transformed into a dark ability.

It's a pity, because Lan Sheng was corrupted by the dark ability. So Lanzhi abandoned the second personality and the dark ability.

And the second personality is Diss. He was ruthlessly sealed by Lanzhi. Suddenly, hatred was overwhelming, but no matter how he tried to get rid of Lanzhi, he couldn't get rid of Lanzhi.

By chance, Diss discovered that he and the dark ability had some kind of fluctuation with time. But I can't get rid of Lanzhi, and I can't study what this fluctuation is.

That's why I carefully used Lanzhi's hand to continue experimenting.

The first one was Fu Ke, then Qin Long and the thin man. As if he had noticed something, Lan Zhi sealed him up even more strictly. So much so that he didn't have time to make trouble at all.

Fortunately, a Xing Tian appeared, allowing Diss to appear in a critical moment. Using the remaining ability to communicate time, unexpectedly sent both himself and Lanzhi back.

Lanzhi seems to have forgotten about the second personality, and Diss has forgotten everything.

Remember your relationship to time. Diss had no time to do anything, and was completely swallowed by the black hole.

A van swayed and ran on the road at a slow speed.

Lan Zhi hummed and dangled the steering wheel, causing the car to run twisting and twisting as if drunk. Gu Ming, who was sitting in the passenger seat, was already exhausted.

He had been holding back from speaking at first, but now he really couldn't bear it anymore.

"If you want to kill or cut, have a good time. Please don't torture me like this again!"

Lanzhi looked at Gu Ming in surprise: "It took me a lot of money to rescue you, why did you ask me to torture you? Tsk, it's really good intentions that don't pay off."

From the hands of another zombie to the hands of this zombie, is this called rescue? Is there a difference

It seems that there is indeed a difference, because he and this zombie don't seem to have any deep hatred.

Gu Ming looked at the soft bed at the back of the van. The girl with snow-white skin was lying there quietly. It has been more than a day, and she has not opened her eyes.

Her skin is snow-white, but it is rosy, and she is wearing a white skirt, which makes her already fair skin even fairer. The long eyelashes seem to have placed two small fans on the eyes.

"Hey, what are you looking at?" Lanzhi glanced at Gu Ming.

"Is she still alive?" Gu Ming had some doubts. Is this girl who seems to be asleep really still alive

"I'm talking nonsense, be careful I'll bite you." Lanzhi looked at Gu Ming displeased, but when her blood-colored eyes looked at Fu Ke through the rearview mirror, there was some worry in her eyes.

If it wasn't for the aura on her body not changing, Lan Zhi would definitely not be able to bear the fact that this person is Fu Ke.

The appearance is still the same, but the height and age seem to have shrunk by a few years. It looks like a little girl in her teens.

He brought out Gu Ming who was unconscious in the laboratory, and when he came out, he saw Fu Ke lying on the ground.

Until Gu Ming woke up, Fu Ke still hadn't woken up.

He didn't know what happened to Fu Ke before, and he didn't know how Fu Ke became like this in a short period of time. He was a little skeptical.

Bring Fu Ke like this back, can they really know Fu Ke

When I came here, I was very fast, but when I went back, I drove slowly, and I just walked on the road for ten days. Gu Ming who left almost collapsed.

At this time, they finally arrived at Chaoyang Base.

Gu Ming who almost got out of the car didn't want to get in the car anymore.

a month later.

Fu Ke finally woke up, she was a little confused when she opened her eyes, and it took a while before she lifted the quilt and walked out. It was recognized at a glance that this was the Chaoyang Base.

She patted herself on the head, a little dazed, what happened

"Xiaobai! Are you finally awake?" The thin man saw Fu Ke from a distance and rushed over, picked him up and walked around in a circle.

Fu Ke was so frightened that he quickly grabbed the thin man's arm and said in horror, "Slim man, how did you grow taller?"

The smile on the thin man's face stopped abruptly, and he glanced at Fu Ke several times. Cai said hesitantly: "That... no, I haven't grown taller. Don't you think the base has changed a lot?"

Fu Ke remembered that when she got out of bed before, she felt that the bed was high. When I came out, I felt like everything was much bigger than before, including the skinny ones who were much taller...

Immediately stretched out his hand, looking at his slender hand, couldn't help pinching it with the other hand.

It didn't seem like the skinny guy had gotten bigger, but she had shrunk. Fu Ke was a little dazed for a moment, how could she have shrunk? Recall the previous memory.

When Diss could use the same black mist as Lanzhi, he took a deep breath.

However, he coughed loudly as if he had choked on something.

The thin man was busy getting water for Fu Ke, and Fu Ke took several sips of water before he realized it. Then frowning, she became more sensitive to the source of infection in the air, which is not a good thing.

"How did I come back? Where is Lanzhi?" Fu Ke asked.

"Lan Zhi? He said that he would go to T City to take over the zombies there." At first, Lan Zhi wanted to bring all the zombies here, but he thought that Fu Ke would not only take in zombies, but also humans. Come here, there is no human living area here, so I decided to stay in T City.

Fu Ke nodded: "Has Gu Ming been rescued?"

The thin man nodded: "Gu Ming is fine, he has already started his research. I don't know what Lanzhi did when he brought him back. Zhang Zhongmin originally wanted to take him to City B, but this person refused to take the car anyway. , and then stayed at Chaoyang Base."

In the end, Zhang Zhongmin and the others went back the same way they came here.

Fu Ke nodded: "I'll rest for a while."

The thin man looked uncomfortable when he saw that she had just woken up. Without doubting him, he hurriedly let Fu Ke return to his room to rest.

Mental Power Check After the thin man left, Fu Ke took out some fruit from the space and ate some, and felt his mental power.

Released, the whole earth seemed to be captured by her eyes, crazy and frightening.

Her current body is no longer her own, and she still clearly remembers the feeling of being corrupted by Diss. In order to protect her, the space contributed all the energy of the space. Because of insufficient energy, the black hole activated and swallowed Diss as an energy source.

This is what led to the crazy growth of her abilities.

And her body is materialized in space. It can be said that the current Fu Ke is not the master of the space, she is the space, and the space is her.

But so far, Fu Ke doesn't feel much difference from before. It's just shrunk down a lot.

She squinted her eyes and took a deep breath.

Then he coughed violently again. Although it is materialized in space, it is essentially the same as her previous body. She is what she should be, except for her age.

The mental power saw exactly where Gu Ming was. He was researching the virus vaccine, the second goal after the nutrient solution, and he set the research goal of the purification solution after the virus vaccine.

Gu Ming refused to leave, so Zhang Zhongmin quickly sent all the researchers from the Blu-ray base over.

At first, those researchers were unwilling, but were forced to send them over. Right now, they are living very well in the Chaoyang base, because Feng Han and the others cook different dishes for them every day.

Fu Ke couldn't help laughing. But he couldn't help thinking of Diss.

Slightly sighed, if not space. She should really be dead, but fortunately there is room. But she couldn't help but wonder, what is the origin of this space

The end is hard.

The reputation of the Chaoyang base quickly spread, and many people who were brave enough started to come to the Chaoyang base.

After Qin Long asked Zhang Zhongmin about his management methods, the Chaoyang base gradually began to emulate the Blu-ray base. As for T City, after Lanzhi took over, he released the people who had been kept in captivity.

Unexpectedly, Lan Zhi, who originally wanted to let them live, was scolded bloody.

But even so, Lanzhi didn't continue to raise them, and drove them out of the base to let them fend for themselves. Then let the zombies collect useful things from Fu Ke in exchange for crystal nuclei. Feed the zombies.

And began to renovate the T city base, because without Diss, the T city base also has no power supply. Lanzhi got a generator again.

Qiong was subdued by Lanzhi, and was forced by Lanzhi to replace the suit that he had been pretending to be with Diss. Wearing sportswear, he was ordered by Lan Zhi to run up and down every day.

Two years later, the virus vaccine research was successful.

After another four years, Gu Ming finally researched the purification solution. At this time, Fu Ke had already developed an allergy to the virus, and rashes appeared on his snow-white skin.

Fortunately, the purification solution researched by Gu Ming finally succeeded.

In the past few years, almost all humans have flocked to the two bases. Blu-ray base in city B, and Fu Ke's Chaoyang base. Except for the zombies at Fu Ke's place, all the other zombies were summoned to T City by Lanzhi.

The entire city of T now seems to be a zombie, densely packed with zombies.

But there is Fu Ke and Lan Zhi. The three bases are in peace and there is no conflict.

Most of the humans went to City B where there was nutrient solution, and later Gu Ming also researched various flavors.

A small number of courageous ones stayed at Chaoyang Base. Here, as long as you work hard and go to work, you can eat normal food and buy fresh vegetables and fruits.

Although there is a purification solution, the source of infection in the soil and water, as well as the source of infection in the air have been purified. But the land is still deteriorating.

The taste of the grown vegetables and fruits is simply unpalatable. Compared with the nutrient solution, it is simply a dark dish.

So people in city B would rather drink nutrient solution than grow vegetables. Then I couldn't help but start to envy the Chaoyang base, because I can eat normal fruits, vegetables and meat there.

However, compared to the nutrient solution, this thing is frighteningly expensive.

From time to time in city B, people with spatial abilities go to the Chaoyang base to buy ingredients, and when they return to city B, they sell them at high prices to make money.

However, there are many female supernatural beings now, and very few women without supernatural powers. It is difficult for female supernatural beings to conceive, but it is easy for ordinary women to conceive.

Women without supernatural powers are called purebred humans, and they are now protected by humans, just like rare animals. After all, they have become the hope for the continuation of mankind.