Zombie King Opens a Restaurant in Her Last Days

Chapter 62


"You want to attract zombies?" The man looked at Fu Ke strangely: "You have also seen that they have a lot of heavy weapons, and I don't know where they got them. I guess they will be destroyed before you get close. .”

Just like the zombies that followed just now.

Fu Ke chuckled: "I don't need to get close." She blinked at the man, the dimples at the corners of her mouth looming.

The man stared blankly at Fu Ke, she was wearing a white dress with fair skin. The whole person is as clean as a person walking out of a painting.

Suddenly thought of something, the man looked at Fu Ke in shock: "Are you a supernatural being?"

stranger? Fu Ke sneered in his heart, the supernatural being couldn't bring the zombies over as easily as she did. But he didn't deny it either: "That's right."

"Hello, my name is Lan Sheng." The man looked at Fu Ke with bright eyes.

"My name is Fu Ke." Fu Ke looked at him: "Those are all your people?" She pouted and pointed at a group of people hiding not far from them.

Lan Sheng nodded.

"You are all ordinary people, it's so dangerous here. Aren't you afraid that instead of saving someone, you'll get yourself in?" And they were not many in number, including Lan Sheng, there were a total of ten people.

Lan Sheng looked at Fu Ke and sighed: "My brother was arrested by them." He pursed his lips with a very worried face.

"Do you have any photos?" Fu Ke looked at the locked-up people inside, but she didn't know who was Lan Sheng's younger brother.

"Yes!" Lan Sheng took out the photo, which was a group photo of the two brothers.

This is a photo before the doomsday, it should not be long from now. Lan Sheng's skin tends to be bronze, and he has a burly figure, while his younger brother looks like a frail scholar with fairer skin and a tall figure.

Fu Ke caught a person with a glance, no, it should be a zombie.

It was shackled to the bed by metal handcuffs and ankles, its blood-red eyes were full of violence, and it kept struggling and howling.

At this moment, researchers in white clothes came over. There was pitch black blood in the syringe in his hand, which was clearly the blood of zombies.

The researcher injected black blood into Lan Sheng's brother's vein.

"Roar—" Lan Sheng's younger brother's veins popped out, his face full of pain. The blood-colored pupils seemed to be about to overflow with blood.

What shocked Fu Ke was that Lan Sheng's younger brother was clearly a third-tier zombie, but besides violence, there was also anger and hatred in his eyes.

He didn't lose his memory when he was a human, he remembers everything? This shocked Fu Ke extremely.

"What's wrong?" Lan Sheng couldn't help asking when he saw the slight change in the expression on Fu Ke's face.

While watching the development in the laboratory, Fu Ke silently looked at Lan Sheng: "Your brother has become a zombie."

Hearing Fu Ke's words, Lan Sheng's eyes widened suddenly: "Impossible! Lan Zhi is a supernatural being! He is a supernatural being, how could he become a zombie!"


Taking a closer look, Lan Sheng's younger brother does indeed contain a burst of energy. A very strong black energy, dark power.

In the previous life, there was no dark ability, and Fu Ke didn't know what the dark ability would be like, but the dark particles made her immediately think of the dark ability.

Lan Sheng was so excited that he almost fell from the tree, but fortunately Fu Ke caught him in time.

"Your brother has really turned into a zombie. So, do you still want to save him?" Seeing Lan Sheng's grief-stricken look, Fu Ke couldn't bear it for a while.

Lan Sheng looked at the abandoned factory angrily: "Help!"

He must see Lan Zhi, if Lan Zhi really turned into a zombie. He will kill Lan Zhi, and then bury Lan Zhi properly!

Instinctively, Lanzhi's transformation into a zombie must have something to do with the ghostly research done here!

Fu Ke's eyes moved slightly, thinking of Long Ge and Shouzi in the previous life. Seeing Lan Sheng's expression gradually softened: "Okay, I will help you."


Qiu Yu was holding the Rubik's Cube and sitting at the gate of the base in D City: "You clearly promised me..."

But you lied to me, you said you would come back, but you didn't... There were tears in your big eyes, and the little balls sitting there made people feel distressed.

"Qiu Ping." Lin Yiyi came over and sat beside Qiu Ping, but she didn't know how to comfort him.

"Ms. Lin." Qiu Yu looked up at Lin Yiyi: "Do you think my mother will come back? It's been so long, and my mother hasn't come back yet. Does she want me?"

"No." Lin Yiyi quickly shook her head: "How could it be? Your mother loves you so much, she won't let you go. She must have something to do and can't come back. Qiuyou, you have to be obedient and train hard. When you grow up, if your mother hasn't come back, you can go to her."

She smiled, but knew it in her heart. It's been so long since I haven't come back, it's bad luck.

Lin Yiyi couldn't help worrying about Fu Ke again, and Fu Ke had been away for a while. Why haven't you come back yet? No, no, no, Fu Ke is different, she is so powerful, she will be fine.

The thin man is a fourth-level ability user, and it is also a dual-line ability, with a third-level space and a fourth-level wood system. The attack power is very strong, so Zhang Zhongmin asked the thin man for his opinion.

Divide the superhumans in the base into several teams led and trained by the thin man.

Under the training of the thin man, the supernatural beings in the base grew very fast, but the thin man said at this time that he had something to leave.

Zhang Zhongmin looked at the thin man: "Why do you want to leave suddenly? Is there something important?"

The thin man nodded, with a lonely face on his face: "Indeed, I'm going to find someone very important. She is very important to me, so I have to go find her?"

Zhang Zhongmin was a little skeptical: "Since it's so important, why didn't you look for it before?"

The thin man choked. He had been holding his hopes on Brother Long before. But during this period of time, Brother Long didn't go out except for missions.

Including that Fu Ke hasn't come back yet, Brother Long is unwilling to go out to look for it. He kept saying that Fu Ke would come back.

The thin man was in a panic. Brother Long and Xiao Bai were both very important to him. But now that Brother Long has found him, Xiao Bai is still missing.

"I originally wanted Brother Long to be with me. But now it seems that I am the only one going." Although the thin man was training supernatural beings during this period, he was also training according to Zhang Zhongmin's method.

Although he was still thin, his physique was much stronger.

The thin man insisted, and Zhang Zhongmin couldn't persuade him: "If you find someone, you are welcome to come to the base in City D at any time."

"Thank you." The thin man grinned.

After the thin man walked out, he saw Qin Long, paused, and said with a smile: "Brother Long, I may have to go out for a while. If I can find Xiaobai, I will definitely bring Xiaobai here."

But at that time, it is estimated that this base will not welcome them. The thin man laughed at himself.

Qin Long said: "Be careful on the road."

"Don't worry, I can be regarded as the doomsday powerhouse now. No one can do anything to me." As he spoke, the thin man looked at Qin Long complicatedly: "Brother Long, do you really not remember Xiao Bai?"

He still didn't give up, hoping that Brother Long would be reborn like him.

Even knowing that the possibility is pitifully low.

Hearing what the thin man said, Qin Long really wondered if he had some strange disease of amnesia. First he forgot about Fu Ke, and then he was Xiao Bai in the mouth of the skinny man

"I don't know." Qin Long couldn't help but doubt himself.

"Okay then..." the thin man said, "Then are you willing to go out with me to find Xiaobai?"

Qin Long didn't know Xiaobai, even though the name kept appearing in the thin man's mouth. According to the thin man, this Xiaobai has a very good relationship with them.

But he really didn't know that there was another person named Xiaobai in his life.

Qin Long wanted to wait for Fu Ke here more than Xiao Bai. He already regretted it, if it wasn't because of Du Weiwei, he would still know where Fu Ke went.

No matter in danger, you can go with Fu Ke. At least it's better than no news now.

"Let's go." The thin man waved his hand in disappointment, and swaggered out with a big knife on his shoulder.

Qin Long sighed, and slowly closed his eyes, recalling what Lin Jing said earlier in his mind.

"Fu Ke said that she was worried that you cared about you, but she had no right to control your life, if it was your choice. She could only support you. At that time we all thought that you took Du Weiwei away and would not come back..."

"Brother Long, in Fu Ke's heart, Du Weiwei is not good enough for you, and in our hearts too. Even if she is not disfigured, in our hearts you are many times better than her."

"But you left with Du Weiwei, but you didn't even inform any of us. You not only hurt Fu Ke, but also us, and those who cared about you."

Qin Long clenched his fists with both hands, and an electric current was faintly flowing on the fists, but he didn't notice it himself.

When the thin man walked to the gate of the base in City D, he saw a child sitting at the gate, as well as Lin Yiyi.

The thin man also heard about Qiu Bi. Immediately walked over: "Child, do you want to go out with me to find someone?"

"Hey! What are you talking about!" Lin Yiyi's eyes widened in shock, and she looked at the thin man defensively while hugging Qiu. Qiu is still so young, what should I do if something happens when I take it out

Qiu Bi looked at the thin man, everyone said that this man was the most powerful person in the base.

"Are you going to take me out to find my mother?" Qiu Duo asked seriously.

"I'm going out to find someone too. I think we can have a companion." The thin man said with a smile, completely ignoring Lin Yiyi.

"I'm with you!" Qiu Duo broke free from Lin Yiyi's embrace, and ran over to hold the thin man's hand.

"Qiu Pie! It's very dangerous outside. Even if you want to find your mother, you have to wait until you have the strength to protect yourself before going out." Lin Yiyi panicked, and quickly blocked the door to prevent the thin man from taking Qiu Pie away.

The thin man looked at the child holding his hand, he was just joking...

Because he had never had any communication with the child before, the thin man thought that all children were born. He shouldn't believe in strangers, but he saw the child looking at him with trusting eyes.

"..." Suddenly there was a feeling of lifting a rock and shooting myself in the foot.

"That sister is right, kid. It is very dangerous for you to go out now, and you have to wait until you are as good as me to find your mother." The thin man said helplessly.

"I also have supernatural powers! I can protect myself, and I won't hold back!" Qiu Bi said seriously.

Yo, this kid actually knows how to hold back. However, he asked curiously, "Do you have supernatural powers?"

Not to mention the skinny guy, Lin Yiyi also looked at Qiu Ping in shock. She didn't even know when Qiu Pie had a supernatural power: "Qiu Pie, don't talk nonsense."

"I didn't talk nonsense, my mother didn't let me say it before." Qiu Yu looked at the thin man seriously: "I have supernatural powers, can I go out with you?"

The thin man thought for a while: "Tell me what kind of supernatural power you are first?"