Zombie King Opens a Restaurant in Her Last Days

Chapter 68


"Sure, it shouldn't be. We were bound here by the vice-captain to cook food for the captain, right?" Wei Yu stammered, with horror in his tone.

"Roar—" Lanzhi really wanted to say that he couldn't, but he howled as soon as he opened his mouth, and suddenly he was a little annoyed and didn't dare to speak again.

The throat is still making continuous ho-ho sounds.

Wei Yu's face turned pale with fright, if he hadn't been in the doomsday for a while, he would have passed out directly. But in this situation, Wei Yu would rather pass out by himself.

Hearing Wei Yu's words, everyone's hearts were about to drop to the bottom.

"No, it won't be Lan Sheng's. How could Lan Sheng tie us up here?" Xiao Heng shook his head, pursed his lips and said, "That Fu Ke is gone, maybe it's Fu Ke."

Lan Zhi wanted to roll his eyes when he heard their guessing. When he saw a chair next to him, he raised his foot and staggered over.

Seeing Lan Zhi move, they all held their breath immediately, not daring to speak anymore.

Fu Ke looked at the movement here, the corners of his mouth turned up high, and he was in a very good mood. Push open the door in front of you, because Song Jing and the others haven't found the key to open these cages before, and they didn't dare to destroy them violently, so the people locked in the cages are still locked in the cages.

A dozen or so researchers and assistants were tied up next to the experimental bed.

The one at the front is the old researcher.

"Dr. Cheng?" Fu Ke looked at the old researcher with a smile.

The old researcher is Dr. Cheng. He has been thinking about how to survive since he was tied up here. This group of people tied them up but didn't do anything to them, which proves that they probably didn't want their lives.

It's a pity that this research institute was established with great difficulty.

But when he saw Fu Ke, he was stunned. Subconsciously, he wanted to rub his eyes and raise his glasses, but his hands and feet were bound and he couldn't do anything about it.

"You." Dr. Cheng looked at Fu Ke, except for a pair of blood-colored eyes, she had no other characteristics of a zombie.

Fu Ke looked at the people locked in the cage. They looked at Fu Ke, but squatted in the cage silently, as if they had nothing to do with them. He didn't ask Fu Ke for help to let them out.

No, maybe it should be numb.

Fu Ke smiled at them, got up and walked over, his fingers slid across the lock on the iron cage, and the lock fell off with a sound.

She opened the cage: "Come out, it's okay. If you want to leave, you can leave now. If you are afraid, you can wait for a while, and someone will send you away later."

While speaking, several cages were opened one after another.

The cages started to open, and no one came out. Until Fu Ke opened the cage that closed the children, the children turned out all at once.

But when he came out of the cage, he stood there timidly, at a loss.

When Fu Ke collected the crystal nuclei, he also collected a lot of food. He took out the ham sausage from the space and distributed it to these children: "Eat something first, are you starving?"

A child looked at Fu Ke vigilantly, not daring to eat it.

But some children were so hungry that they couldn't take it anymore. They fiercely tore off the coat of the ham sausage with their teeth, and immediately started to eat it hungrily.

Maybe it was too dry, and it took a long time to swallow it because it was choked in the throat.

Someone took the lead and started eating, and the children also started eating one after another.

"Thank you, sister." The little girl in a floral skirt thanked Fu Ke in a low voice.

Seeing them eating the sweet ham sausage, Fu Ke felt even hungrier. Fortunately, she doesn't have such a big appetite for humans now, and when she is so hungry, she doesn't have the urge to eat when she looks at these children.

"You're welcome, you wait here, and my sister will take you away in a while, okay?"

The children nodded obediently and stood aside waiting for Fu Ke.

"Sister." The little girl in the flowery skirt grabbed Fu Ke's clothes, she raised her head with tears in her eyes: "They are bad people, don't let them go, okay?"

Fu Ke rubbed the little girl's head: "Okay, sister won't let them go."

"You, you are not human! You are a zombie!" Dr. Cheng became nervous when he heard the conversation between the little girl and Fu Ke. He sees clearly with glasses.

When Fu Ke opened the cage just now, he didn't use the key, that is to say. Whether this person is a zombie or not, she is very strong!

Dr. Cheng is not sure that Fu Ke is a zombie, he just has some doubts. Hearing that Fu Ke said that he would not let them go, he was in a hurry so he yelled regardless.

However, what Dr. Cheng did not expect was.

Fu Ke grinned at him: "If you answer correctly, you can be rewarded to die faster and not so painfully."

For a while, there was a sound of sucking air in the laboratory. Looking back, everyone stepped back and looked at Fu Ke in horror. Especially when he saw her blood-colored eyes, he was even more frightened.

Only the little girl in a floral dress seemed not to have heard what Dr. Cheng was saying. Holding on to Fu Ke's clothes tightly, he stubbornly pursed his small mouth.

When Fu Ke saw the little girl, his eyes softened a little.

She rubbed the little girl's head: "There are no absolutely good people in the world, and there are no absolutely bad people. What about zombies? Compared with some people with beastly faces, I think zombies are cuter."

After finishing speaking, she looked at the people behind Dr. Cheng: "You guys, are you willing to go with me. Or die with Dr. Cheng?"

For a time, a dozen people peeked at each other.

"Sister!" The little girl screamed and looked at Fu Ke, not understanding why Fu Ke's words didn't count.

Fu Ke glanced at her reassuringly, and hugged the little girl: "I said before, there are no absolutely good people or absolutely bad people in this world."

"You just see what they are doing, but you don't know how painful it is when they do these things." Fu Ke explained to the little girl lightly, regardless of whether the little girl could understand or not.

Except for Dr. Cheng, these people did not come here voluntarily.

Under the threat of life, they succumbed. It was indeed embarrassing, but Fu Ke thought it was understandable. After all, who in this world wants to die

"We can't let them go. They have done a lot of evil. They are no better than beasts. Such people cannot be kept!" At this moment, a voice broke out from the crowd.

"Are you talking to me?" Fu Ke turned his head and smiled slightly: "When you are bothering to talk, please stand up. Instead of hiding behind others and talking."

He stared straight at the person who had just spoken.

The man's face turned pale immediately, and his calf felt weak under Fu Ke's gaze, let alone stand up.

Fu Ke chuckled: "Heh...human beings."

The cold tone made the little girl who was being held tremble uncontrollably. She looked at Fu Ke and said weakly, "Sister, don't be angry."

Looking at the little girl: "Aren't you afraid of me?"

The little girl shook her head: "My sister is a good person."

After thinking about it for a while, she felt that it was a bit wrong to say that, and the little girl said seriously, "No, my sister is a good zombie."

Fu Ke couldn't help laughing, the breath of suppressing everyone just now because of the person who spoke suddenly was relieved. Fu Ke's gaze stayed on the group of researchers: "How about it, have you thought about it?"

Dr. Cheng wanted to speak angrily, but suddenly found that he couldn't make any sound.


D city base.

A modified car was parked at the gate of the base, and several young men got out of it.

The leading man looked at the sign of D City University, took out a cigarette from his pocket and lit it. Taking a sip, white smoke curled up from his mouth.

After a while, he said, "You wait for me here, and I'll ask."

As he spoke, he strode over.

"Please check your body at the checkpoint and register after the check."

Now there are not as many people coming to the base as before, but people still join the base from time to time. So when the man passed by, the people at the door asked the man to check without even thinking about it.

"Sorry, I didn't want to enter the base. Excuse me, is there a man named Zhang Zhongmin here?" The man asked politely.

At the base in City D, who doesn't know who Zhang Zhongmin is? Hearing the man's question, the person at the door nodded: "Are you looking for Squad Leader Zhang? What's the matter?"

Hearing that Zhang Zhongmin was in the base, the man breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, there are people, otherwise they really don't know where to find people.

"Could Zhang Zhongmin come out, please? We were entrusted by his family to come and look for him." The man said with a smile on his face.

"Ah?" The person at the door was dumbfounded, and said hastily, "Okay, okay, wait, I'll go find Squad Leader Zhang right away."

During this period of time, after the base stabilized, some people came and some left. Most people with relatives still don't give up and want to go back to see if their relatives are still there.

However, some family members came over and came to the D city base, where the family took root.

It's just that there are very few people who can be reunited.

Including the monitors of each class, some also left.

Xiao Bin left, and after Du Weiwei left without help, Xiao Bin left. He also went back to S City, but instead of looking for Du Weiwei, he went to look for his parents.

Du Weiwei and Xiao Bin's parents are both in S City, but when Du Weiwei came to D City, she didn't go to Xiao Bin's parents. But when Xiao Bin saw Du Weiwei, he didn't even think of his parents.

He didn't ask Du Weiwei either, what happened to Du Weiwei hurt him badly this time, and he instantly thought of his parents.

Zhang Zhongmin got the news and immediately walked out of the base. Seeing a strange man, he frowned, and strode to the man's side.

"May I ask who you are?"

The man smiled slightly: "You are Zhang Zhongmin, right? I've seen your photo, hello, my name is Ronghe. I come from City B and plan to go back to my hometown. I was entrusted by your sister to find you."

Zhang Zhongmin didn't know Ronghe well, but he heard that he was entrusted by his sister, so he couldn't help asking, "Did something happen to my parents?"

Seeing Zhang Zhongmin's nervous expression, the man shook his head: "No, your parents are very good. Your sister is now the captain of the No. 7 Squadron in D City, and she is very prestigious. But your parents are worried about you. Your sister said that if you are still alive, Hope you can go back. Don't worry your parents."

It has been more than a year since the end of the world, so Zhang Zhongmin is thirty-two years old, and his parents are indeed old. Zhang Zhongmin's eyes were a little cloudy.

"I see, thank you." Zhang Zhongmin said.

"You're welcome. If it wasn't for your sister, I would have died long ago. I couldn't be happier to be able to help." The man waved his hand as he spoke, "Now that the words have been brought, I'm leaving. See you soon."

After Zhang Zhongmin sent the man away, he stood at the gate of the base, looking in the direction of City B.

After a while, I looked away and saw the exclusive restaurant. Only after Fu Ke left, Qiu Ping also left. The door of the exclusive restaurant was never opened again.

Zhang Zhongmin didn't touch the food left by Fu Ke inside, and no one took it.

Turning around and walking into the base, he just felt very melancholy.

The squad leader of Class 5, Liu Dashou, left not long ago. After Liu Dashou left, Qin Long replaced Liu Dashou and became the squad leader of Class 5.

Also during the last mission, Qin Long and his people encountered two third-tier zombies. When danger approached, he finally activated the lightning power hidden in his body.

Perhaps because of his accumulation and thin hair, Qin Long has been constantly training his abilities. As a result, when the ability was finally activated this time, it directly jumped to the fourth-order peak state.

On the same day, Zhang Zhongmin called the monitors of each class to hold an emergency meeting.