Zombie King Opens a Restaurant in Her Last Days

Chapter 95


Feeling that the upstairs door opened, Fu Ke raised his head, just in time to see Qin Long standing by the stairs.

Qin Long's eyes widened suddenly, he stared blankly at Fu Ke who was sitting on the sofa, she looked at him expressionlessly, as if she was looking at an insignificant stranger.

It was completely different from the always dimpled smile in my memory, and for a while I felt bad about shifting during the day.

Memories from the past and the present were mixed together, causing Qin Long's brain to feel like it was being torn apart, but he froze expressionlessly and did not move at all.

Qin Long's mood fluctuated too much, which made Fu Ke a little puzzled.

Seeing that he woke up and was fine, Fu Ke was relieved. But she looked at him lightly: "Since you are fine, just leave."

"You, saved me?" Qin Long's throat was a little hoarse, and he didn't know if it was because he didn't drink water or something else.

Fu Ke looked into Qin Long's eyes, and Fu Ke couldn't understand the emotion in his eyes. However, Fu Ke, who was determined to separate Long Ge from the previous life from the current Qin Long, looked away.

"It just happened to meet, so it's not like I saved you."

Qin Long closed his eyes with a wry smile, and the hideous scar on his face twisted violently. He only hated, why he couldn't be reborn earlier, but at this time.

At this moment, Qin Long was very envious of the skinny man's good luck. Before he met Xiao Bai, he was reborn. Even if he and Xiao Bai were tossing, it was better than his current situation.

Thinking of letting Xiao Bai down, Qin Long suddenly lost the courage to recognize each other.

"I'm sorry." Qin Long lowered his eyes to cover up the fluctuations in his heart: "Also, thank you."

Fu Ke frowned slightly, and looked at Qin Long suspiciously, so emotionally fluctuating? When he knew she was a zombie before, his mood swings were not as violent as they are now.

"Can you take me with you?" Suddenly, Qin Long seemed to have sorted out his inner emotions, and the violent fluctuations gradually calmed down.

But what followed immediately was tension.

nervous? Fu Ke is puzzled, why are you nervous, is it because you are afraid of her rejection? What I couldn't blurt out was suddenly stuck in my throat.

Seeing Qin Long looking over with expectant eyes, Fu Ke gradually became irritable.

She shouldn't have waited for Qin Long to wake up before leaving, she should have left after putting Qin Long here before!

After Deng Yunfei woke up, he found that Xie Changyi hadn't come back, so he immediately got up from the bed and shook the other two people: "The third and fourth, wake up, it's already dawn, the boss hasn't come back yet!"

Hearing that the boss hadn't come back, Xiang Jiuming and Mao Xinhua woke up immediately, opened their eyes and got up.

"What's going on? Didn't the boss say that it was safe?" Xiang Jiuming asked eagerly.

"How do I know?" Deng Yunfei said angrily, "Let's go, let's go out and look for it. Fourth brother, go and see if Qin Long is back."

Mao Xinhua was stunned: "You mean—"

"Don't talk nonsense, I just let you go and have a look, go quickly." Deng Yunfei had a bad feeling in his heart. Hearing what Mao Xinhua wanted to say, he naturally knew what Mao Xinhua wanted to say, and quickly stopped him Q.

"Okay, second brother and third brother, are you two going out to find the boss?" Mao Xinhua asked as he put on his shoes.

"Stop talking nonsense, believe it or not, I'll slap you?" Xiang Jiuming was also anxious as he was dawdled by Mao Xinhua, and couldn't help but yelled.

Mao Xinhua ran out instantly.

Deng Yunfei and Xiang Jiuming looked at each other, then turned around and walked out of the base. However, when he walked to the door, he saw Liu Guoan who was about to go out alone.

Xiang Jiuming pulled Deng Yunfei, lifted it up, and motioned him to look at Liu Guoan.

Deng Yunfei nodded, and the two brothers looked at each other, and they both saw the relief in their eyes. Liu Guoan hadn't gone out to collect supplies for a long time, and now he went out alone, which undoubtedly gave them both a signal.

The eagerness of the two people calmed down in an instant, and they crossed their shoulders and walked over with a smile: "Hey, isn't this Squad Leader Liu? Are you going out to collect supplies?"

"What are you talking about, how could Squad Leader Liu go out to collect supplies?"

"What else can you do if you don't collect supplies? But, Squad Leader Liu, aren't you too bold? You actually go out alone? Don't think that Brother Renlong goes out alone. Brother Renlong has this ability , Let's not learn from Brother Long."

"Yes, yes, go out alone, and be careful to lose your life."

The two brothers sang together and said, but Liu Guoan looked at them blankly, as if he was not angry at all.

After taking a deep look at them both, Liu Guoan strode out.

When Xiang Jiuming waited for Liu Guoan to go far away, he immediately asked the gatekeeper by the door: "What did Liu Guoan tell you just now?"

No one wants to offend the rising stars in the base. Those who maintain a neutral attitude are not willing to follow Liu Guoan's arrangement, so naturally they will not keep it secret.

"Squad leader Liu asked me just now if anyone went out except Qin Long last night."

"How did you answer?" Deng Yunfei narrowed his eyes dangerously, making the gatekeeper tremble in fright.

"I said no!"

"Very good, that's a good answer." Xiang Jiuming patted the man's shoulder secretly. Without asking, he knew that Qin Long hadn't come back.

The two turned around and walked back, called Mao Xinhua, and several of them went out together.

"The farther away the place is, the more dangerous it is. Boss will definitely not do anything far away. Let's look for it next to each other. Whether it is life or death, we must find someone."

If he didn't come back overnight, the possibility of bad luck is very high.

But Qin Long didn't come back either, so they had more hope in their hearts.

However, as soon as they set off, they saw Liu Guoan driving over. Several people's eyelids twitched, and they quickly avoided...

"Get in the car! There are zombies, a large group of zombies!" Liu Guoan roared loudly, and stepped on the brakes to the bottom, making a sharp braking sound, which made his heart tense up.

Mao Xinhua was stunned, not knowing what to do, he looked at Deng Yunfei and Xiang Jiuming.

Deng Yunfei gritted his teeth, Liu Guoan didn't need to lie to them, and said immediately: "Get in the car." Several people got into the car one after another, and Liu Guoan drove to the gate of the base in an instant.

Xiang Jiuming and the others jumped out of the car in a hurry.

"Be alert, be alert! All the supernatural beings are ready, the zombies are coming, and they will soon be in the minefield!" Liu Guoan rushed to the base and yelled.

However, many people looked at him and didn't take it seriously.

"Squad Leader Liu, I heard that you went out to collect supplies?" Xie Bajin came over with a group of people, and said mockingly: "Didn't you say before that no one should go out to collect supplies now? Squad Leader Liu is beating himself face, why, afraid of being questioned by everyone, and started attacking zombies again?"

Almost not long after Liu Guoan went out, Xie Bajin and others got the news, and they immediately believed in their hearts that Liu Guoan was playing with them before, deliberately scaring them with the zombie.

Seeing Deng Yunfei and others standing behind Liu Guoan, Xie Bajin narrowed his eyes: "Why, Xie Changyi's people have already surrendered to Squad Leader Liu?"

Deng Yunfei paused, and slowly put his hands on the back of his head, as if he had nothing to do with him: "The third and fourth, let's go."

Just now when Liu Guoan yelled that the zombies were coming, they hurriedly followed them back without thinking too much. Is it just that the zombies are really here? Liu Guoan said it before, but there was no response for so long.

Xiang Jiuming and Mao Xinhua followed Deng Yunfei, and when there were no one around, Mao Xinhua couldn't help asking: "Second brother, what about the eldest brother?"

Deng Yunfei's complexion turned ugly in an instant, and he said with difficulty: "If it's really a zombie coming, the big brother will be in danger."

Xiang Jiuming winked at the two of them.

Several people looked up, and it was Zhou Xu who walked over swaggeringly with a few supernatural beings. When he saw them, he immediately showed a smile: "Hey, why are you three? Where's Xie Changyi? Don't you usually follow behind him like dog legs?"

"You—" Mao Xinhua rolled up his sleeves but was stopped by Deng Yunfei and Xiang Jiuming.

"Let's go." Deng Yunfei knew very well that Xie Changyi was gone, and they were different now. Facing Zhou Xu and others will only be at a disadvantage.

Zhou Xu looked at Deng Yunfei and others leaving in surprise, and touched his chin: "Something is wrong, why didn't you say a word?"

"Brother Zhou, Xie Bajin has already confronted Squad Leader Liu, shall we hurry up too?" The person next to him saw Zhou Xu standing there, and couldn't help reminding him.

"That's right, the business is important." When Zhou Xu led his people to the gate of the base, Xie Bajin's men had already surrounded Liu Guoan.

Only Xie Bajin's voice was heard: "Squad Leader Liu, I think you'd better give us an explanation, otherwise, how can you convince the crowd?"

Convince? Zhou Xu wanted to laugh, what did Liu Guoan use to convince the public

He is now in the base as if he has been emptied, and he is still convinced.

Zhou Xu led people over and said, "Get out of the way, what are you doing here? I said thank you Bajin, are you going too far? This base was handed over to Squad Leader Liu by Squad Leader Zhang at the time, and it is Squad Leader Liu now. After all, which onion do you count?"

"Hey, Zhou Xu, is this a dog's leg? When did you stand by Liu Guoan's side?" Xie Bajin narrowed his eyes when he saw that Zhou Xu was actually speaking for Liu Guoan.

"You son of a bitch? I'm just telling the truth, Xie Bajin, if Squad Leader Zhang is here, how dare you talk to Squad Leader Zhang like that?" Zhou Xu said with a look of disdain.

"Don't be so fucking good here, Zhou Xu, we all know what you're thinking!" Xie Bajin glared at Zhou Xu fiercely.

If it wasn't for his lack of abilities, how could it be Zhou Xu's turn to be here!

Ability Ability Ability Ability! Xie Bajin gritted his teeth, why can't he have supernatural powers? They can persist in the past, but he still doesn't believe that he can't persist in the past

Liu Guoan stood in the center, suddenly he didn't want to say anything, anyway, no one would believe him. I don't know which pit will block the zombies for how long.

The explosive package will not explode without being ignited by the supernatural person. The pit and metal spikes should be able to withstand it for a while. But there are no supernatural beings to ignite the fire, and there are no vines from wood supernatural beings. I believe that the pit will be filled soon...

At that time, the corpses of the zombies will be able to build bridges.

Liu Guoan turned around and left.

Xie Bajin and Zhou Xu had a lot of fun coming and going, but Xie Bajin saw that Liu Guoan was about to leave, and immediately left Zhou Xu behind and shouted: "Squad Leader Liu, I'm leaving now? Have you forgotten?" what?"

Liu Guoan didn't look back, but just said with a sneer: "It's because I have no ability to help the squad leader defend this base. Since you don't believe me, what else can I do? I can only wait here to die with you."

Seeing Liu Guoan's ashes-like expression, Zhou Xu's heart skipped a beat.


The roar of zombies came from all directions, near or far. For a while, the entire base fell silent.

"what happened?"

"Are the zombies really coming?"

"God, what to do, how can this be done?"

Immediately, everyone in the base became confused. Liu Guoan opened his mouth, but did not speak to give instructions. He left silently. Among the chaotic crowd, he seemed to be ready to die, calm and indifferent.

Xie Bajin was stunned, he had always believed that Liu Guoan's empty words were all bluffing, and now the roars of the zombies around him were not fake, so he was stunned for a while.

Zhou Xu saw that Xie Changyi didn't show up, and Xie Bajin's stupid look was enough, so he immediately started to direct.

Liu Guoan mentioned the arrangement of defensive measures before...

However, Zhou Xu suddenly thought of something, and he almost wanted to burst out: "Who is the fire-type superpower? Hurry up and burn the bridge of the moat canal!!"

When the moat was dug before, because we had to go out to collect supplies, we built a wooden bridge, and there are two more wooden bridges.

At this time, the crowd was chaotic, and they were not as orderly as when Zhang Zhongmin was there. It seemed that their previous discipline gradually disappeared when Zhang Zhongmin left.