Zombie Princess

Chapter 18: The yin and yang Gu of creation


I heard that there is a lake behind Zhuangzi. The lake is covered with thick ice, which is perfect for ice playing.

After dinner in the evening, Rover didn't let Pomegranate and Awei follow him. He went to the lake alone, changed into shoes suitable for ice play, and started sliding on the lake.

"Nine, has Xuan Yi shown up?"

Rover asked in his mind as he flew up on the ice.

"He showed up a long time ago. He was poking and peeking at you almost as soon as you arrived. I even suspected that he had some special means to sense your location at all times."

"Okay, don't talk nonsense."

Having obtained the accurate information, Rover pretended to slip towards the center of the lake casually.

The ice on the lake is thick on the outside and thin on the inside. The closer it is to the center, the less load-bearing it is. And this is what she wants.

Sure enough, as soon as she slid to the middle position, she heard a "click" and the ice cracked.

She was "shocked" and wanted to leave, but fell down in her panic.

At this time, the crack had extended to her feet, and she was about to fall into the ice hole -

A black shadow rushed over, grabbed her and brought her to the shore, "Are you okay?"

Even through the cold mask, you can clearly feel the worry in his eyes.

Luofu secretly thought, "What a sin."

But there was no ambiguity in his movements. His hands and feet were wrapped around him, giving him no chance to escape.

"I'm fine." She smiled slyly.

Xuan Yi finally realized something was wrong, "Did you lure me out on purpose?"

"Yes." Rover said against his ear.

As he spoke, hot breath hit his ears and eyes, causing a numbing shiver.

Xuan Yi pressed her against the bare willow tree next to her and approached her. The two of them were so close that he could even touch her lips with a little movement.

However, he did not go further.

After a long time, he said in a dumb voice: "Let go."

Rover finally caught him, how could he let go? Even closer.

So close... There is only a slight distance between each other's lips, and their breaths are intertwined.

"Do you want it?" Her tone was full of confusion.

At this moment, he should tear her off his body, throw her far away, and leave without looking back.

However, thinking is one thing, his body doesn't obey his orders at all.

He could not resist her attraction.

Although, he knew clearly that this was just another interesting game of hers.

From beginning to end, he couldn't see through this woman.

Xuan Yi froze, motionless, and the veins on the back of his clenched fists showed how much he was suffering at this moment.

However, the culprit is not aware of it and is even deliberately fanning the flames.

"That's what you thought, right?" Rover turned his face over and faced her. He felt that the mask was quite obstructive, so he simply took it off.

Her fingers traced his eyebrows little by little, like charcoal igniting a prairie fire.

Xuan Yi closed his eyes, but felt a cold feeling on his lips, and two extremely soft things pressed against him.

His heart was shocked, and when he opened his eyes, he saw her face so close.

At this moment, the strings in his mind suddenly broke. He grabbed her waist and pressed her against the tree trunk, fiercely deepening the kiss.

"Ah! I finally found you!"

Just as the two were kissing inextricably, an old man with disheveled hair and disheveled clothes suddenly jumped out and came straight to Xuan Yi, as if he was meeting his long-lost son.

Xuan Yi stopped Luo Fu behind him and stared at the person who suddenly appeared warily.

Rover poked his head out from behind him, took a closer look at the old man, and was surprised to find that he was actually Liu Wusuan, the miracle doctor Liu who had been rescued before.

But, wasn't he lying unconscious on the bed? Why did you suddenly wake up and come here

His appearance is very consistent with the crazy state after waking up in the book.

"Yin Gu, Yin Gu..." Liu Wusuan grabbed Xuan Yi's arm and stroked his chest with tears streaming down his face.

Rover: "..."

Suddenly there was a movement over there, and the light of torches was faintly visible. It was probably because the second brother saw that she didn't go back, so he sent someone to find her.

Xuan Yi glanced at Luo Fu and left quickly.

Liu Wusuan still wanted to catch up, but he couldn't even catch a corner of his clothes. He sat on the ground like a child and cried loudly.

When Luo Fang came with his people, he saw a scene like this, while his sister squatted aside with a look of helplessness.

Back at Zhuangzi, Luo Fu was still thinking about the word "Yin Gu" that Liu Wusuan was mumbling.

He has lost his memory, but he is still thinking about this, which means that this incident must have left a profound mark in his life.

She intuitively felt that this matter was very important to her and she had to figure it out as soon as possible.

"Nine, is there such a thing that after eating it, you can ask whatever you ask and have people say whatever you want?"

The next day, Luo Fu came to visit Liu Wusuan carrying a food box.

As soon as I entered, I saw him squatting in the corner of the yard, poking there with a branch in his hand, not knowing what he was doing.

Rover walked over and took a look. He turned over a stone and found a group of earthworms wriggling in the soil.

And he was grabbing one and trying to bring it to his mouth.

Rover's scalp felt numb and he quickly stopped him and brought him to the table to sit down.

"Old sir, you can't eat that stuff. If you're hungry, just eat this. Here, they are freshly baked snacks and they are still warm."

Rover took out a few dishes of snacks from the food box and put them on the table, then handed him a piece of halva cheese.

Smelling the aroma, Liu Wusuan almost grabbed the pastry and stuffed it into his mouth.

When he was almost finished eating, Rover winked at Pomegranate, and she immediately stood at the gate of the courtyard and took on the important task of guarding the door.

The "truthful" hibiscus cake that Liu Wusuan ate also played a role at this time.

Rover started to ask: "Doctor Liu, what is Yin Gu?"

"The Yin and Yang Gu are created by nature. The Gu is divided into Yin and Yang. The appearance, luck, and life of the bardo Gu are all taken away by the Yang Gu. When the Gu matures, it will also be the time of death."

Rover didn't expect that the first question would come up with something so explosive.

She digested it in her mind for a long time before she figured out what the Yin Gu and Yang Gu were.

When Liu Wusuan saw Xuan Yi yesterday, he started talking about Yin Gu, so... Xuan Yi was planted with Yin Gu

Then the one who is infected by Yang Gu is obviously the King of War!

It was the War King who stole the life that originally belonged to Xuan Yi!

Originally, she only thought that the two of them just looked alike. After all, there were so many people who looked alike in the world, so it wasn't a strange thing. So was it actually man-made

"Is there any way to remove this kind of poison? Who put it in their bodies? Who was the King of War originally?... "

Rover asked several questions in succession.

Through Liu Wusuan's answers, she pieced together the truth about something that happened many years ago.

More than twenty years ago, Liu Wusuan's newly born son suffered from a strange disease that could not be cured no matter what. Even he, a "miraculous doctor", was helpless.

Seeing his son's body weakening day by day, and facing his wife who was crying heartbrokenly, he finally couldn't help but have evil thoughts.

A long time ago, he saw a magic spell in an ancient book. The magic spell recorded a special life-saving method - transferring one's own illness to others.

To do this, we must first spend a lot of energy to cultivate a pair of Gu insects - Qiankun Yin and Yang Gu, the Yang Gu is planted in the patient, and the Yin Gu is planted in the healthy person.

Yin Gu will transfer the host's vitality to the patient through Yang Gu, thus achieving a life-saving effect.

Liu Wusuan lived up to his reputation as a miraculous doctor, and he successfully developed it and saved his son's life. Although it is at the cost of another person's life.

He was filled with guilt, but people are selfish after all. Watching his son grow up day by day, he gradually forgot about this matter.

Until one day, a group of men in black suddenly came to the door.

They kidnapped him and took him to a dark place, where they asked him to improve the Qiankun Yin and Yang Gu so that it could not only take away the life force from other people's bodies, but also take away their talents, appearance, etc.!

If he doesn't do it, then he will wait for his wife and children to be tortured to death!

There was no other way, Liu Wusuan could only do what the man in black said.

Three years later, he exhausted his efforts and finally developed an improved version of Qiankun Yin and Yang Gu, which he named - Good Fortune Yin and Yang Gu.

Taking away other people's luck, appearance, and lifespan for your own use is not like taking over the good fortune of heaven and earth!

Originally, he thought that after developing this Gu insect, the man in black would let him go, but he didn't. They continued to hold him in a closed cell on that side.

He already realized something was wrong at this time, because he had not seen his wife and children for nearly three months since he last saw them.

He remained calm and pretended to obey their orders, but secretly he was looking for an opportunity to escape.

When he finally escaped from the secret room, he discovered that his wife and children had been killed by those people.

What happened next can only be described as tragic.

He destroyed the secret base, avenged his wife and children, and found out that the master behind the men in black was actually the South Vietnamese royal family.

He changed his name and appearance, lurked in the imperial city of South Vietnam, and began a decade-long revenge.

However, something went wrong at the last moment, and the South Vietnamese emperor discovered it and sent countless secret guards to assassinate him.

How dare he die without avenging his revenge

However, he fled all the way and used all kinds of methods. Even if he killed those assassins, he himself fell.

In the original work, he was rescued by the heroine, his past was forgotten, and he became a humanoid plug-in of the heroine.

But now, it was Rover who saved him, and the truth finally emerged.

Leaving Liu Wusuan's yard, Luo Fu immediately went to find Luo Fang.

"Second brother, have you ever heard of the medicinal material Dragon Blood Sunflower?"

"Dragon Blood Sunflower?" Luo Fang repeated, but after searching hard in his mind, he couldn't find any relevant information.

Seeing him shaking his head, Rover couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. She, the second brother, has always made many friends and experienced a lot. He spends most of the year wandering around. If he has never heard of Dragon Blood Sunflower, then there are probably even fewer people who know about it.

"Why do you ask?"

Rover didn't hide anything, he vaguely mentioned the parts involving the system, and explained everything else clearly.

"Is there such a thing?" Luo Fang was dumbfounded after hearing this.

In the end, I can only sigh, the world is so big and full of wonders.

"Don't worry, since Doctor Liu said there is, it must not be fabricated out of thin air. Tell me the details of the dragon's blood sunflower, and I will send someone to look for it. Sooner or later, we will find it."