Zombie Princess

Chapter 23: His face changed on the spot


On the day of the full moon feast, there was a lot of traffic in front of Prince Zhan's palace, and there was an endless stream of people coming to congratulate him.

Of course, it was fake to attend the full moon banquet, but it was real to take the opportunity to curry favor with the War King and express his position.

Among the several princes and princes, King Zhan and King Zhao are the most likely to win the throne. Now that King Zhan has taken away his eldest son, King Zhao only has a few daughters and no son yet.

Judging from the heir alone, the War King has the upper hand.

In this way, the direction of the wind is even more towards the King of War.

"The Prime Minister's Mansion came to congratulate—"

When the singer said this, the scene was stagnant for a moment.

Many people are murmuring in their hearts. They heard that Princess Zhan was kidnapped on the day the child was born. Now that Princess Zhan has not been found, Prince Zhan can't wait to celebrate the child. It seems that this child is in his heart. Her status far exceeds that of Princess Zhan.

I don’t know what the Prime Minister’s Mansion will think.

But speaking of it, the concubine Luo who gave birth to the child was also from the Prime Minister's Mansion, and the child was also Prime Minister Luo's grandson. The Prime Minister's Mansion should not be in trouble, right

The opposite is true.

When the Palace Chief Shi presented the gift list from the Prime Minister's Palace, the smile on Prince Zhan's lips froze.

As a child's maternal grandfather, what does it mean to be given a sword

The King of War was thinking about it when suddenly a servant hurried over: "Your Majesty, your Majesty, your Majesty is here! Go ahead to greet him."

War King Huo stood up from his chair and performed three rituals. He thought that the emperor would only give some rewards, but he didn't expect that the emperor would come here!

But in this way, it further showed that the emperor was interested in him, and it was more beneficial to his subsequent plans.

The ministers who came to celebrate were also surprised by the sudden arrival of the emperor.

But then I started to think about it, wondering if the emperor's move had some deep meaning.

After the banquet officially started, the protagonist of this baptism was carried out.

The little baby was wrapped in thick swaddling clothes and had grown a lot in the past month. His distinct facial features, especially his big, moist and dark eyes, were very rare.

The emperor took a closer look, his affection was beyond words, and he even hugged her personally.

Originally, this was a normal interaction between grandparents and grandchildren. However, because of the unusual identity of the protagonist, this action naturally took on a different meaning in the eyes of everyone.

King Zhao looked at this scene with a smile on his face, but his fists were clenched under his sleeves. However, because the scene was full of fun and laughter, no one noticed.

But what made him angry was yet to come.

The emperor teased the child with his fingers and asked with a smile: "Can you give me a name?"

When the King of War heard this, he immediately seized the opportunity, "I have given him a nickname after Nian Gao, but I haven't given him a big name yet. If my father can give this boy a name, it will be his blessing."

The emperor pondered for a moment, "Let's call him Yuan Chen. If I remember correctly, this generation happens to have the character Yuan."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked.

Chen, where the North Star is located, is the name for the throne and the emperor!

This is no longer a hint, but a blatant statement.

Does your Majesty want to pass the throne to the War King

Everyone had different thoughts and subconsciously turned their attention to King Zhao.

King Zhao could barely keep his smile on the surface, and his heart was bleeding with hatred.

Unlike King Zhao, King Zhan was very proud of himself at this time. He tried his best to suppress the urge to laugh in the sky and thank the emperor.

When he raised his face, the steward who was close by exclaimed: "Your Majesty, your face -"

The emperor was startled and almost threw the child out of his arms. He glared at him angrily. However, following his gaze, the emperor was also startled.

Seeing everyone staring at his face in horror, the King of War subconsciously felt bad and rushed to the copper basin where he had just performed the three rites of baptism for the child. When he looked inside, he saw that his face was moving at a speed visible to the naked eye. Changing.

Within a few breaths, his appearance completely changed.

Not to mention others, even the King of War himself was frightened.

how come

What exactly is going on

Suddenly, he thought of a possibility, and a murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

At this moment, a burst of laughter came from far and near, "Congratulations to the prince on your birth of Lin'er. I have specially prepared a big gift for the prince."

When everyone heard the sound and looked around, they saw two people walking towards this side one after the other.

In front of him was an old man, energetic and clear-faced. He was wearing a navy blue brocade robe and had the air of an upright and unrestrained gentleman.

Behind him was a tall and tall young man, dressed in black. When they saw his face clearly, everyone exclaimed.

The visitors were none other than Liu Wusuan and Xuan Yi.

When he saw them, the War King's expression suddenly changed and he struck preemptively: "Who are you? Why are you pretending to be the king to cause trouble here? Come on, capture these two people! I want to interrogate them personally!"

Liu Wusuan laughed loudly, "It's ridiculous! It's really ridiculous! The counterfeit Jiu has occupied the magpie's nest for more than ten years, and he really thinks he is a bloodline of the Tian family?"

A group of guards gathered around and couldn't help but hesitate after hearing this, wondering whether they should listen to the King of War.

The King of War shouted sternly: "What are you still doing? Take down these two thieves! If my father is injured even a hair on his head, can you afford it?"

"Wait a minute!" the emperor spoke.

He handed the child to the nanny next to him and walked out of the hall. His eyes passed over Xuanyi and then looked at the war king who had changed his face, with an unpredictable expression.

The King of War tried his best to calm down, "Father, please don't listen to the nonsense of these two thieves! My son has been growing up under your nose, how could he be a fake? They must have deliberately set up a trap to frame him. Er Chen, Er Chen's face turned like this, maybe he accidentally got into their way.

"Maybe this is Beishuo's conspiracy. They failed to assassinate the son before, and this time they resorted to such a weird and vicious trick!"

The more the War King spoke, the louder his voice became, and his thoughts became clearer and clearer.

He never expected that Xuan Yi, who was already dead, would appear again and reveal his true form in front of everyone.

But this is his home court. As long as he temporarily dispels the emperor's doubts and kills those two people, he will have no worries anymore!

It's a pity that he forgot that there is also King Zhao here who is eager to unseat him.

"Seventh brother, why are you so anxious to tell the truth? Those who don't know may think you have a guilty conscience."

Seeing the change of expression on the face of the war king, but having to endure it with all his strength, King Zhao felt extremely happy. He suppressed his smile, turned around and said to the emperor: "Father, I feel that this is unfounded. Why don't you ask questions carefully to see why this old gentleman said this?"

"Yes, that's right." The emperor glanced at the War King and sat down on the throne.

The King of War was worried, always feeling that the emperor's glance just now was meaningful.

Don't dare to act rashly for a while.

Liu Wusuan stepped forward and saluted the emperor, "Liu Wusuan, a common man, hereby confesses his guilt to His Majesty. The common people are responsible for the sins they have committed, but they have something to report before they confess their sins."

"Then what?" Luo Fu asked Luo Fang.

In the small courtyard, Luo Fu couldn't sit still since Xuan Yi and Liu Wusuan left for Prince War's Mansion. If possible, she really wanted to witness the scene where Prince War was exposed in front of everyone.

Finally, Luo Fang relayed the situation to her.

However, Luo Fang stopped mid-sentence, which made her anxious.

"Oh, I've been thinking about it ever since I ate your roasted candied sweet potatoes that day."

Rover rolled his eyes at him, as if he wanted to take the opportunity to extort some food, "Can I bake it for you? Tell me quickly what happened next."

"It's going to be dangerous later. After Mr. Liu told what happened that year, he took out the Yin Gu taken out from Xuanyi's body on the spot and crushed it to death in front of the King of War. The King of War immediately suffered a backlash. The boss spit out a mouthful of blood. When he saw what had happened, he was so bold that he took His Majesty hostage and tried to escape.

"Fortunately, Xuan Yi reacted quickly and saved His Majesty. He almost captured the thief, but he actually escaped into the secret passage. The secret passage was built with nine twists and turns. The guards chased him and got lost. I made that guy escape."

Luo Fang got angry when he talked about this.

It happened that the sweet potatoes were roasted, so Rover broke it open and handed half of it over. He took it and took a bite, but he screamed when it was burned.

Rover was speechless, "This has just been baked and is still hot. Won't you eat it more slowly?"

Luo Fang chatted.

"Then now Xuan Yi's side..."

"Xuan Yi and Mr. Liu were both brought back to the palace by His Majesty."