Zombie Princess

Chapter 28: Princess Chen is a fat person


"I have received the kind instructions from the Empress Dowager that the daughter of Prime Minister Zuo, Luo Shi, is in her youth, has a good nature, is gentle and virtuous, and has the beauty of peace and integrity... The Empress Dowager was very pleased to hear this, and hereby expresses her gratitude to King Chen, the seventh son of the Emperor in marriage. You Si chose an auspicious day to get married. I appreciate this."

After the eunuch chief finished reciting the imperial edict, he saw that the future Princess Chen who was kneeling in the hall seemed not to be in a good state, so she couldn't help but smile, "Miss Luo, will you accept the edict?"

Only then did Rover come to his senses and hold the imperial edict in both hands.

After they left, she opened the imperial edict and read it again. After reading it, she felt completely bad.

He actually gave her in marriage to King Chen? Was there any mistake

She was with Li Guo. Although the people of Daqi were open and open, she didn't think that she and Li Guo were no longer human beings. But the superiors probably wouldn't think so, right

But now, this imperial edict clearly shows that peace and separation are not a problem at all, and she can still be a princess.

By the way, does King Chen himself know

Of course King Chen knew it himself. If it weren't for his vigorous promotion, there would be no such marriage.

Yining Palace.

When the news came that the imperial edict had been sent to the Prime Minister's Palace, the Queen Mother joked: "Are you satisfied now?"

There was a hint of asking for credit in his tone.

King Chen sat on the brocade stool at the Queen Mother's feet, beating her legs, and said in a clear and pleasant voice, "You will like this granddaughter-in-law."

"Oh, you're already protecting me before you even get married?"

Seeing the embarrassment on King Chen's face, the Queen Mother patted him on the shoulder with a smile: "You choose the person yourself. If you like it, I, an old woman, will naturally like it too. But if you can let me have my great-grandson earlier, I will Will like it more.”

Qin Tianjian quickly sent several auspicious days, and King Chen chose the nearest one, September 28th.

One is the prince, and the other is the beloved daughter of the prime minister. Of course, the marriage of the two cannot be careless and has been planned carefully. There is only half a year left before the wedding.

Time was still very tight, and the Rites Department began to prepare intensively.

A few months passed by, and as the wedding day was approaching, Prince Chen's mansion was also renovated, just waiting for the bride to pass.

It happened that someone jumped out to cause trouble at this time.

"South Vietnam led its troops to attack the border and captured several towns in Suizhou?"

King Chen was originally inspecting the new house in the palace. After receiving the emperor's call, he immediately entered the palace.

After reading the battle report thrown by the emperor, his eyebrows moved slightly.

The coach of South Vietnam is none other than the King of War who escaped before, and now he has restored his identity.

But whether it was intentional or something, the Emperor of South Vietnam still named him the War King and ordered him to be the commander-in-chief to lead his troops to attack Da Qi.

The King of War relied on his familiarity with Da Qi's military defenses, and in just a few days, he captured many cities with thunderous force.

"Old Seven, this time South Vietnam is coming fiercely, and I intend to send you there. Firstly, you should know a lot about the South Vietnamese traitor. Secondly, the title of 'War King' should have belonged to you, but was taken by the traitor. After stealing it for several years, I will give you a chance to confront him head-on. You go and defeat him openly! I am waiting for your triumphant return!"

The emperor put his hands on King Chen's shoulders and patted him twice.

"My son, I will never disgrace my command."

"Okay, let's go!" The emperor swept away his previous depression and became cheerful.

When King Chen walked to the door, the emperor suddenly stopped him again: "Old Qi, you don't blame me for not being able to marry you on time, do you?"

King Chen did not look back: "No, because I will not miss the wedding date."

There are less than two months left before the wedding. Does he mean to defeat South Vietnam in this short period of time and then rush back to attend the wedding

"Hahaha, okay, he is indeed my son! Go, your princess, I will let others look after you."

King Chen strode away.

It was already three days later when Luo Fu learned that King Chen was heading to the battlefield. At this time, it is estimated that King Chen has walked most of the distance.

Awei carefully looked at her face and said comfortingly: "Girl, His Royal Highness King Chen is brave and good at fighting, and he is like a god in military use. You just wait for him to beat the shit out of those South Vietnamese thieves and come back to marry you in glory."

Rover drank a glass of almond honey milk soup and licked the milk stains on his lips, "I'm not worried."

Seeing that she didn't look like telling lies, Awei breathed a sigh of relief, but then felt weird again.

Logically speaking, shouldn't the girl be worried about King Chen's safety and her wedding date

Although she had been with the girl for so long, she still couldn't understand what the girl was thinking sometimes.

If she didn't understand, she simply didn't think about it. Serving a good girl is the right thing to do.

"Girl, what do you want to eat for lunch?" Awei brought over a thick menu.

This menu was thought up by Rover when he was bored. He collected the names of various dishes, and then asked an artist to draw all the dishes and make it into a booklet. This way, you don’t have to rack your brains to think about it when you eat, and you can just copy it. It's great to order from the menu.

Under her advice and guidance, Pomegranate has developed many new dishes one after another, and is about to integrate a new menu.

Holding the menu and thinking about what to eat every day, this moment is undoubtedly the happiest time for Rover.

"Crystal elbow, steamed chicken with lotus leaves, sweet beef, squirrel fish, oil-soaked squab, cold lotus root slices, creamy cauliflower and mushrooms, well, just use an ice bowl for dessert after the meal."

The sweet beef here is Rover's new favorite, and he orders it every two or three days.

When she looked at the menu, she thought it was sweet beef.

She took it for granted that beef and sweetness would taste good together.

It turned out that this dish was not what she thought. It was stewed beef. There were no seasonings in it, not even salt or chopped green onions. The flavor of the beef itself was completely stewed.

The soup was so delicious when she drank it in her mouth, with a natural sweetness. She could eat three bowls in one go.

As for the ice bowl, it is made of fresh lotus seeds, snow-white tender lotus roots, gorgon seeds, almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts, plus peeled and pitted red apricots, peaches, etc., and is topped with ice-cold milk. It is really refreshing. Sweet and delicious.

It's July now, and when the weather is hot, how can we miss out on cold food

It can relieve summer heat and relieve tiredness. A bowl of it will make you feel as happy as a god.

"Yeah, by the way, add some minced meat custard, I love rice cakes." Rover closed the book.

After that, she went to Qingliyuan as usual to tease the baby to gain hatred.

After her unremitting efforts, the system is now not far from being upgraded to level seven. She hopes to successfully upgrade before getting married.

Because she was afraid that she would bite King Chen on the wedding night.

Then the fun will be great.

Although the marriage with King Chen was quite different from her original plan, now that the imperial edict had been issued, she had no intention of resisting it.

It is true that she could slap her butt and walk away, but she was not full and had nothing to do. Instead of running away from home and sleeping in the open air, worrying that her secret would be exposed at any time and she would be caught back, she would rather continue to degenerate and rot in the Prime Minister's Palace.

Isn’t it just getting married? There’s nothing to be afraid of!

Of course, the biggest reason is that she is not disgusted with King Chen.



In front of the government office, there are a large number of craftsmen who are good at cooking.

Each of them brought their own food in their hands, including pastries, dishes, soups... and even candy makers.

The aromas of various foods are mixed together, which is quite appetizing.

"Hey, do you know why King Chen called us here?"

"I heard that Princess Chen, who has never been married, likes delicious food, so whenever Prince Chen goes to a place, he will collect all kinds of food so that he can please the princess when he returns to the capital."

"Oh! The prince is so kind to the princess. Is this the fairy couple sung in that play?"

"Princess Chen is really lucky. A war king ran away, and now there is King Chen. I don't know what Princess Chen is like when she is born. Is she not a fairy descending to earth?"

"What kind of fairy descended to earth? It is said that Princess Chen is as fat as a pig and needs help when walking."

"Ah? No way? Then why is King Chen so nice to her?"

"Well, maybe His Highness Chen Wang has a unique taste? Does he like fat girls like this?"

While everyone was discussing in a lively manner, suddenly the gate of the government office opened in front of them, and two rows of soldiers trotted out and lined up on both sides, all of them with straight postures and serious faces, like guns.

Everyone suddenly stopped talking.

King Chen was dressed in black uniform and stood on the steps. His eyes swept through the crowd, focusing on the person who said that Princess Chen was as fat as a pig.

The cold and cold gaze passed over the man's face. He was so frightened that his legs weakened and he fell to the ground. He couldn't help but beg for mercy, "My lord, please forgive me. I was just talking nonsense. I have no intention of slandering the princess!"

King Chen walked over, and the crowd automatically divided into two rows and gave way.

He walked up to the man and helped him up, "The princess is not fat at all, she just likes to eat."

Everyone: "..."

When they reacted, they responded one after another.

"Yes, yes, the princess is not fat at all, she is as beautiful as a fairy!"

"The princess is as slender as a willow branch and will fall over when the wind blows!"

"I like to eat well. It's a blessing to be able to eat! My family has been making cakes for generations. The pea yellow, mung bean cake and osmanthus cake they make are amazing! I have eaten them all and praised them. My lord, would you like to bring some back to me? Princess, would you like to try it?"

This man's wife was selling melons and boasting about her sales, which immediately woke up the others and rushed forward to sell their own delicacies to King Chen.

The adjutant who was following King Chen saw that the situation was getting out of control and was about to step forward, but King Chen raised his hand to stop him.

"Get in line and come one by one. If the taste is really good, go over there and register. When my master returns to the court, those who are willing to leave can follow me and serve in the palace in the future."

As soon as he said this, everyone immediately became excited.

If they can serve the prince, then they will not have to worry about it for the rest of their lives, and even for future generations!

Luo Fu, who was currently in the capital, had no idea that his reputation as a "gluttonous" had been spread by King Chen.

If she had known, she would have choked him on the spot.

It's true that she likes to eat, but there's no need to make it known to everyone.

She doesn't want to lose face!

Perhaps it was because of his telepathy, that night, Rover had a very absurd dream.

In the dream, all kinds of delicacies with arms and legs swarmed towards her, shouting "Princess, eat me, eat me."

She was frightened and woke up.

The food is actually perfect!

Does she have to curb her appetite

After pinching her small waist, she felt relieved again and fell asleep peacefully.

In the camp, King Chen was practicing his sword in the open space.

When he sheathed his sword, a guard came to report: "General, those bastards are scolding you again. This time they not only scolded you, but also -"

"Say." King Chen glanced over sharply.

"You also scolded the princess, saying that she was a woman that their war king did not want, but you held her in your hands and cuckolded yourself. You are truly the most generous person in the world..."

The guard's voice became quieter and quieter, looking at King Chen's cold and steely expression, his heart trembled.

Before he could finish speaking, King Chen put his sword back into its scabbard with a "shoo" sound and strode up the city wall.

Thirty miles outside the city, the South Vietnamese army was stationed.

Most of the thirteen border cities originally captured by South Vietnam had been recaptured by King Chen. After capturing Peicheng, he did not pursue the victory but instead stationed his troops down to recuperate.

However, the South Vietnamese army was unwilling to be left alone. From time to time, they came to harass and yell at the city wall.

King Chen had always adopted an indifferent attitude before, but now he was angry.

How dare you insult his precious treasure and seek death. If he doesn't help them, wouldn't he be too ignorant

King Chen went up to the city wall, took a pair of bows and arrows from the side, mounted the arrows, and turned the arrow tips towards the South Vietnamese soldier who came to yell at him.

The soldier believed that he was in a safe area and was not afraid of King Chen's action of drawing the bow. He continued to scream and curse desperately.

"Prince Chen? Damn you! From now on, please call me the cuckold king instead! You are only qualified to pick up the tattered shoes that our prince doesn't want—"

Before the word "shoe" could be said, the arrow shot over with a whoosh, piercing the clouds and the moon, so fast that it was impossible to see its trajectory clearly.

When it reappeared, it was already inserted into the soldier's neck.

He covered his neck, his mouth still open, and blood was pouring out. His eyes widened in disbelief, and he fell off the horse with a bang.

South Vietnam fell into a dead silence.

This arrow not only hit the soldier, but also broke their courage.

They never expected that from such a long distance, King Chen could kill people with arrows accurately.

On Da Qi's side, morale was high and there was cheering.

Chen Dynasty looked across from him and accurately captured the figure of the War King.

A few miles apart, the eyes of the former owner and the shadow collided, sparks flying.

"Open the city gate and fight!"

Following King Chen's order, the soldiers in Peicheng rushed out, like a black dragon, sweeping towards South Vietnam.

The sound of war drums, roars, fighting, the sound of horse hooves... all kinds of sounds are intertwined together.

The elite cavalry team led by King Chen was invincible like a sharp knife. It penetrated deeply into the enemy's heartland and launched an overwhelming massacre.

The war lasted for one day.

When dusk fell, the blood-stained land finally calmed down.

Nanyue was defeated, and the remaining troops retreated to protect the leader, King Zhan. However, would King Chen let the tiger return

He threw it out in his hand, causing violent friction with the air, and then roared towards the King of War.

□□ The war horse submerged under his seat, and a painful neigh resounded throughout the countryside. The war horse threw its hoof hard and threw the war king off.

Before he could get up, the next moment, King Chen came to him on horseback, and the horse stepped on him.

The King of War, who was halfway up, vomited blood and fainted.

When he woke up again, he was already in a cage.

His hands and feet were tied with iron chains, and the iron cage holding him was constantly bumping, indicating that he was on the move.

Behind and behind are Daqi soldiers dressed in Xuanyi.

The War King opened his mouth to say something, but there was a sharp pain in his chest and he coughed violently.

Blood and water accompanied by broken internal organs.

The coughing couldn't stop at all. The King of War covered his mouth in pain, blood oozing out between his fingers.

Defeated, he actually lost!

This fact hit him harder than being a prisoner.

In confusion, the team entered Beijing.

When the sky full of rotten vegetable leaves, rotten eggs, and stones were thrown at him, the War King couldn't help but think of the scene when he was the War King of Da Qi and returned in triumph.

At that time, he was a hero in the eyes of the people, the God of War!

They cheered enthusiastically and looked at him with eyes filled with admiration and reverence.

His arms were full of perfume, and his body was filled with glory, but now he is despised by everyone and full of stench.

The King of War looked at those who scolded him with a stupefied face.

In the crowd, a familiar figure flashed past. He threw himself in front of the fence to get a better look, but in an instant he was blinded by a rotten egg.

By the time he wiped away the smelly egg liquid, the man had disappeared.

Outside the crowd, the Roy people seemed to be frightened and ran away from everyone. Others were pushing forward with all their strength, but she was trying her best to get out.

She kept shaking her head, refusing to believe what she had just seen.

The War King she knew was obviously very handsome and majestic, how could he become like this

The person she loves should obviously be the God of War who sits on a war horse and accepts the enthusiastic worship of everyone.

Across the crowd, her eyes were firmly fixed on King Chen, and she fell into obsession looking at his face.