Zombie University

Chapter 104: Finding cars underground (Part 1)


The pungent smell of perfume covered the entire studio. With the last comrade-in-arms, classmate Ma, also smelling fragrant all over, CHANEL finally bottomed out.

Xiao Lei sighed faintly. Spraying perfume in the way of watering flowers with a watering can is very refreshing, but after enjoying it, it is inevitable to look at the delicate empty bottle: "I may not be able to use half of the bottle in two years..."

Ma Weisen was already grinning from the smoke, but he broke down even more when he heard the words: "So why do you spray us so much, you are more insane than my mother, every time I... Ah! I want to ask her if she doesn't smell so sweet The dance team will not accept... "

"Shut up if you don't want to die." Qiao Siqi slapped the opponent's head, pulled him to the back, put on a pitiful look and approached Qi Yan for half a second, "Why must it be me..."

The latter put the cardboard box re-enhanced with tape on Joskey's head, and the two small holes dug out of the box wall were right in front of the eyes of the person inside: "Try it."

Qiao classmate wanted to cry, but squatted down obediently. As his body got lower and lower, the cardboard box finally fell to the ground, covering the slender classmate Qiao perfectly.




"A surplus."


"Is it okay?" The aggrieved voice sounded dull and sad through the cardboard box.

The friends who watched the excitement were overjoyed.

Qi Yan finally expressed kindness: "Well, that's enough."

Worried about damaging the only cardboard box, Qiao Siqi couldn't wait to get it out, so he could only restrain himself. After a long time of careful effort, he finally got the thing off his body.

As soon as he stood up and wanted to make a final struggle, Zhou Yilv patted his shoulder approvingly: "The tight fit is perfect, it is simply a holy garment tailored just for you!"

Qiao Siqi really wanted to bite off the finger that didn't hurt his back while standing and talking: "Which saint wears the holy clothes while squatting!"

Wang Qingyuan pushed his glasses, and was rarely eager to explain: "Both classes are counted, only you and Zhou Lui have actual combat experience in 'Carton Technique'. You saw it just now, the box is too narrow, he can't get in at all, This glorious and fatal task belongs to you."

"I don't like your second adjective... And it's just squatting inside and guarding the elevator to see the battlefield ahead without moving. What kind of experience do you need?"

Wang Qingyuan: "Okay, let's assume that you don't need experience. Among us male students, who else can get in?"

Qiao Siqi: "Why do you have to be male students, female students are also fine, Xiaodi Lei Huang Mo is skinny!"

Wang Qingyuan: "..."

Qiao Siqi: "Hey, where are you going, don't go..."

Classmate Wang turned a deaf ear to Johns' call, and the flames of war spread to dangerous areas, so thirty-six plans are the best.

All the male students also looked away silently, pretending that they were not there.

Qiao Siqi looked at Lin Dilei's and Huang Mo's smiling gentle faces, and after realizing it, his scalp felt cold. Swallowing nervously, he waved his hands vigorously: "No, no, I didn't mean that. How could I let you two take risks? I just said it casually, I didn't think about it at all..."

"It's okay," Huang Mo interrupted him lightly, "no need to explain."

Lin Dilei's eyebrows were curved, and she said softly, "We are both sisters, we will not shrink back."

Qiao Siqi really wanted to cry, he had never been so determined to fight in his life: "I'm going to the front line now, can I continue to be a man..."

Here, Qiao Siqi had finished mobilizing before the battle, and Song Fei, who was at the desk over there, finally finished writing.

The little friends were all busy preparing before, or packing up, or arming themselves, or those who were about to get ready first, such as Qi Yan, Wang Qingyuan, and Xiao Lei, who understood and acted for the vanguard with reason and emotion. Thought work—after all, once Josic is on the front line, the battle will officially begin. In the tactics where every link must be closely linked, there is no extra time for repacking—so until now, Everyone noticed Song Fei's strange behavior.

Qi Yan was the first to walk over, without asking any further questions, he directly picked up the A4 paper, and saw that it was densely packed with words, no, it should be more appropriate to say that it was a letter.

"It's a message." Song Fei snatched it up a little embarrassedly, and put it back on the table.

Qi Yan smiled and said nothing, anyway, he already understood it with a glance just now.

But the little friends didn't know why, so they all came over to have a look.

A dense sheet of paper, Song Fei's so-called message note, is actually a message letter—

Dear students:

By the time you read this letter, we'll have left the broadcast room, maybe even the school, and headed downtown. We don’t know if it’s the right path. We leave a message to you, not to ask you to follow our path, but to tell you, whether you are alone or with a partner, as long as you have hope and never give up, It will definitely be able to step down the thorns, overcome the darkness, and usher in the light.

If you read the letter alone, then we hope you understand that you are not alone, nor are you fighting alone, the whole school is connected with you, holding hands; if you are a group of people reading the letter, then we can Speaking responsibly as a senior, unity is strength, don't give up on any partner, because he is likely to conjure up a jeep, a drone, a drum, and a triangle in the next second (the last one Cross out) and other RMB props that you can't imagine but are absolutely very useful.

All in all, good luck to you or both. mwah!

PS. Do not destroy the letter after reading it. Please put the letter back in its original place and leave it for the students in the future.

PS. Have you passed level 4 or 6? If you haven't passed it, you should memorize more words now. Anyway, if you are idle, you will be idle. In case the make-up exam will be made up immediately after the resumption of school, we will win at the starting line!

—Mighty and Unyielding Survival Class 1 & 2

Seeing the middle, the friends were all moved by Song Fei's care.

After such a broadcast, perhaps most qualified students still choose to stick to it and wait for help, but there must be some students who have run out of ammunition and food and must run out, so their first choice will be 199% here. But if they get here and see no one there, no matter how strong their beliefs are, they may be shaken or even collapsed. What Song Fei left behind was not so much a letter, but a hope.

In addition, the reason for writing a message instead of directly broadcasting the news that they are leaving is because there are probably students on their way to the broadcasting room. If you hear the broadcast directly at this time, you know that the broadcasting room will No one is waiting for me, so where will these students go? If you are strong in heart, you may be able to continue on your way. Panic. Leaving a letter means that all the classmates who can see have already come here. Even if you are disappointed at that time, you can calm down and think about what to do next.

The friends even understood Song Fei's psychological logic - he used the radio to recruit people, and he had to be responsible to the end, and to pass on the courage from the beginning to the end. This is not his conscience, it is his duty.

But after reading it, the little friends were moved back again, and deeply felt that Song Fei's signature did not include his name, but two martial arts classes. He was absolutely afraid that the students who read the letter would retaliate after returning to school in the future. !

But no matter what, this is a shining message after all, and the friends don't know what to hide.

Ma Weisen even asked directly: "What are you embarrassed about?"

Song Fei silently lowered his head, pursed his lips, that was shy.

Friends, black thread, I always feel that the desire to slap people around the corner can't wait for the answer.

Qi Yan seized the opportunity to wrap his arms around BF's shoulders, put his arms in his arms, and for the first time brought a little pampering: "There are only a handful of things in this world that can make him feel embarrassed, and ugly writing is one of them."

Song Fei said to him in embarrassment: "If you don't tell me if you see it through, you don't understand it!"

Qi Yan laughed, his eyes were full of little flowers sparkling with love.

All the friends were silent, and there was no wave on their faces.

You can show your affection when you quarrel, you can show your affection when your clothes are wet, and now you can lose your affection by just saying ugly... well, they just quietly watched these two show off their affection. Anyway, the more frenzied their affection is, the more tragic it will be when they break up Agitated, huh, huh, huh...

Song Fei: "Did you hear anything?"

Qi Yan: "Huh?"

Song Fei: "Forget it, maybe I'm nervous, I always feel that there is a wind in my ears..."

Five minutes later, the sixteen friends were completely dressed.

Qi Yan wrapped the phone wrapped in paper and wrapped in thick tape with only a small speaker hole exposed. After the nearby zombies wandered to the corridor a little farther away, he opened the door and put it on the ground, and quickly pushed it a few meters away!

Kuang Ye watched helplessly as his phone slipped further and further away, feeling hopeless in his heart.

The mobile phone sacrificed this time was decided by lottery, so the "close comrades" who had already escaped from death once were pushed to the front line again, and visually, the possibility of picking it up like last time was very slim.

The comrades also considered adopting his suggestion to tie a rope and draw it back when it is used up, but considering that the situation was different from that at the Ximo Pavilion, when he and Song Fei were in the pavilion, even if there was a rope, the zombies could not catch it. They, but they are all low windows now, if the zombies insist on breaking through the windows along the rope, the situation will easily get out of control.

Kuang Ye was doomed to lose his mobile phone, so he accepted his fate.

The sound of the phone falling to the ground attracted the attention of the zombies, waiting for Qi Yan to slam the window shut, the zombies had already run back here. Just when they were struggling at the dead crossroads where they were looking down at their phones or continuing to open the window, the alarm rang, and there were still fast-paced European and American girls singing I really like you persistently.

— There is no doubt that Kuang is responsible for the foreign style of music taste in the Wusheng class.

Through the cracks in the blinds, everyone could clearly see more and more zombies surrounding the mobile phone. They come from both ends of the corridor, but the concentration point is the final static point of the mobile phone, which is seven or eight meters to the left from the broadcasting room, and the elevator room turns left and enters one meter to the right from the broadcasting room.

The hallway with no lights on is only dim moonlight, and even the screen that lights up when the alarm rings suddenly returns to darkness as time goes by. In addition, the martial arts class has turned off the lights in the broadcasting room in advance, and the entire third floor of the academic building seems to be hidden. In the shadow of night.

"Plan A-part 1, go!"

Following Song Fei's barely audible breath, Qi Yan opened the door again, the decisive speed and the quietness of the movement formed a strong contrast.

The Three Musketeers of the Physical Academy—Zhao He, Fu Xiyuan, Wu Zhou, together with Zhou Lu and Qiao Siqi, who was holding an empty box, tiptoed out, like silent ghosts, slowly drifting towards the elevator.

Soon, the sound of the elevator door slowly opening came in through the opening of the broadcasting room door.

The zombies around the phone didn't notice it, but the comrades around the door cracked the low-pitched audio from the loud female voice.

Everyone held their breath, and those who could poke their heads turned their eyes to the left, looking at the monitoring zombies, and their ears to the right, listening carefully to their comrades!

In just a moment, the elevator door slowly closed again.

The friends understand that it means that there are no zombies in the elevator car, and Josic in disguise has successfully entered!

Outside the elevator door, Zhou Lv and the Three Musketeers of the Sports Academy stared intently at the floor number without blinking, watching it change from 1 to B1, B2, and then stand still.


Just a few seconds.

But for the four of us in the elevator, it couldn't be any longer.

Wu Zhou, who is in charge of controlling the rhythm, counts the seconds silently in his heart, one, two, three... When the fifth number is reached, press the up button quickly!

After a while, the floor number jumped again.

B1, 1, stop.

The four of them clutched the curtains in their hands, tensed their muscles, and watched the elevator door slowly open without taking their eyes off it.

First there is a gap.

Then slowly widen...

Everything was as analyzed by Qi Yan and Wang Qingyuan. There were two more zombies in the elevator with only Qiao's cardboard boxes, and they were looking around the cardboard boxes dully—no, they were more optimistic than the think tank predicted. According to the capacity of the elevator, it is estimated that three to four curious zombies will be brought up, which is why four people are chosen to guard the door, but now, they can play two against one.

The opening of the door was just wide enough for a palm, and the four of them quickly moved to both sides of the elevator door and stood against the wall.

The zombies in the elevator didn't pay attention to the passing figure at all, and all their attention was still on the strange cardboard box.

The cardboard box does not move at all, it is as stable as a rock, and even if you hang a piece of paper in front of the two holes, it will not be blown by a single centimeter - since opening the elevator door on the B2 floor, student Qiao began to contribute the longest time in his life. A hold of breath + petrification, not to mention the note, just put a life detector in front of the box at this moment, it may not be able to detect that there is a living thing inside.

The four people outside didn't use their eyes to see, but only listened with their ears. Finally, the elevator doors were about to open. Wu Zhou and Zhao He, who were separated on both sides, rushed in first. One person and one curtain directly covered the heads of the two zombies, before the other party could react. , through the curtains, according to the head is just a few knives!

When the two zombies were paralyzed in the arms of Wu Zhou and Zhao He, Zhou Lu and Fu Xiyuan took down the box early and activated the classmate Qiao inside.

Everything happens in an instant.

As the elevator door slowly closed, the five people worked together to gently place the zombie body in the corner of the elevator. Then he looked around from the corner, and after confirming his safety, he went back to the broadcasting room silently.

The door of the broadcasting room, which had been left open, finally closed again.

The hearts of the little friends finally fell.

A song in the corridor has not been sung yet, and in the flowing notes, it seems that nothing has happened.

"The elevator has a load of one ton and is limited to 13 people. There are only two zombies outside the B2 elevator, and I brought them up. The situation of the parking lot is unknown, but there is no problem in the B2 elevator room." , and get serious, without waiting for the friends to ask, directly report the situation on the front line.

"OK, divide into two groups, seven at a time. Find six people from the team to join Luo Geng and me, and the rest will go first and follow Wang Qingyuan!" Song Fei immediately made arrangements.

Li Jingyu immediately said: "Try to go up more for the first time, in case the zombies in the corridor react, it is better to escape with fewer people behind."

"No." Song Fei directly vetoed it without even thinking about it, "The weight limit of the elevator and the actual situation are two different things. If the overload alarm goes off, the loss outweighs the gain!"

He Zhiwen: "The one in Gewulou is that the weight limit is 13 people, and eight people will always ring!"

Li Jingyu: "I'm fine!"

Song Fei: "Plan A-part 2, go!"

The alarm clock that has been adjusted to the longest duration seems to never stop. The zombies gathered in the innermost have picked it up, but they can't tear off the tape. The shockproof, mobile phone unscathed, continue to sing.

Sixteen figures came out of the broadcasting room door which was opened again.

The elevator door stopped on the first floor opened again, Wang Qingyuan quickly took out the cardboard box, Li Jingyu, Lin Dilei, Huang Mo, He Zhiwen, Feng Qibai, Ma Weisen, Kuang Ye quickly entered, and Wang Qingyuan who removed the cardboard box The last one entered the elevator, and at the same time, Lin Dilei decisively pressed the B2 button!

The elevator with the door closed slowly sank, and finally stopped at B2.

The remaining eight people could not see the scene, nor could they hear the underground sound from the first floor, so they could only pray in their hearts that everything would go well.

Finally, feeling that it was about time, the eight people exchanged glances, nodded in silence, and Qi Yan pressed the button for going downstairs.

The elevator went up again, stopped back to the first floor, and the door opened a little bit.

Eight people's hearts were raised in their throats!

— Fortunately, there was no one there.

This proves that the friends successfully sneaked into the parking lot according to the original plan!

Qi Yan, Zhou Lv, Qiao Siqi, Zhao He, Fu Xiyuan, Wu Zhou, Song Fei, Luo Geng, among the remaining eight people, Song Fei and Luo Geng helped the former group of queens, while the remaining six were the queens. The real car-hunting team—Needless to say, Qiao Siqi, the driver; Zhou Yilu, the only one who really likes cars and can drive among all the notebooks who have passed the driver's license in the two martial arts classes, and the rest will be over after the exam. Not to mention the upside-down slope, it is unknown whether the S-curve can be turned smoothly or not; the Three Musketeers of the Sports Academy were selected based entirely on their speed + combat effectiveness, assisting in finding a car and maneuvering; as for Qi Yan, he is a dual identity of his own family + combat effectiveness After all, there are two car keys found in the basketball hall, no matter how strong Zhou Yili is, it is impossible for one person to drive two cars, so after comprehensive consideration, he thought that Qi Yan, who should be able to deal with automatic transmission, took on the heavy responsibility of the third driver.

Song Fei took a stride and rushed into the elevator first, quickly pressed B2, and then pressed the door open button, signaling to his friends to follow quickly.

The music in the corridor suddenly weakened, and it was the end of the whole song, and the prelude to the second round gradually started!

Although the little friends have lightened their steps, they are used to the noisy environment after all, and they are not so light that they are completely silent. When the music in that room weakens, the footsteps in this room will become more obvious.

Song Fei's heart tightened, and he quickly dragged the last Zhao He in, and then quickly pressed the close button.

However, the door did not close.

There were footsteps approaching in the hallway.

Song Fei was so anxious that he wanted to go crazy, and the whole body of the seven friends was tense and almost suffocated. The elevator finally responded!

beep beep—

The seven people were shocked, and there was a kind of telepathy in an instant, and they glared at Zhao He in unison, the eyeballs were about to pop out!

Those who were stared at had no time to complain, nor did they care about being quiet. With their rich experience, they pointed out Jiangshan at this critical moment: "Stand spread out so that the gravity can be evened out!"

The seven partners acted upon hearing the wind and dispersed decisively.

When the beeping sound disappeared, the first zombie appeared at the corner of the elevator.

But it was one step too late after all, the elevator door closed securely, and went down without any hesitation.

The next little friend let out a long sigh of relief, leaning against the elevator wall and feeling terrified.

Zhao He was also in a cold sweat.

Fuck, thanks.

— Overweight, he's professional.