Zombie University

Chapter 112: Set up camp


The girl who has always been gentle suddenly turns into a frenzy, with a shocking shocking power under the huge contrast, just like the peaceful Sleeping Beauty who suddenly opens her eyes and transforms into Nurse Rong when you lean over to kiss her lips and greets you Showing off the cold light embroidery needle!

At this moment, Qiao Siqi's heart didn't tremble, his liver didn't tremble, his hands didn't tremble, he squeezed the key to the keyhole and inserted it to the end, and it clicked twice. No door that was locked so big was as perfect as this time!

There were already smashing sounds from the anti-theft door. A few hits seemed to hit the lock, which was completely different from the sound of hitting the door leaf. However, most of the zombies were unarmed, so it didn't have much impact on safety for the time being.

However, this is a temporary solution after all!

The corridors can't go out, the house can't get in, the elevator is dead, the ninth floor right now is simply a cage of death!

"Hurry up and think of a way—" Zhao He, who helped Wu Zhou and Fu Xiyuan hold the staircase door, was calmed down by the comfort of the Qi class officials last second, and now he was once again dragged in by Qiao Siqi and Aunt Baojie Abyss of despair.

The little friends who can't get along with both sides are all brainstorming, but in this critical moment of life and death, their brains are slower than when they are calm, and they will be given a hell mode if they come up. Who the hell can pass the level with one click!

Zhou Lu: "I'm already thinking, can you stop urging me!"

The more and more violent impacts gathered on the small doorknob from all directions of the door leaf, which made Zhao He's palms ache: "It's not me but they are urging!"

Kuang Ye: "Then you do what you want!"

Zhao He: "If I have a brain, I have thought about it with you a long time ago, so I still use it to pull the door here!"

Fu Xiyuan: "..."

Wu Zhou: "..."

Resisting the impact of the corridor has already exhausted them both, why are Zhao He forced to endorse them to the brainless and reckless group! ! !

"It's really impossible to open the door and fight with them!" Luo Geng went all out, showing his military stab and was about to leave.

Qiao Siqi immediately rushed over and hugged his waist: "Don't be impulsive! We still have time to think long-term, recklessly is the worst policy, there are more than a dozen, I'm really not sure, and I finally locked it again!"

Luo Geng really wanted to stab his teammates first: "I'm talking about opening the corridor door!"

More than a dozen aunts who do physical work every day, confronting hard? He hasn't lived enough yet! ! !

Qiao Siqi's mind was quicker at this time, and he immediately let go of his arms and said goodbye with both hands: "Yes, we have a chance of winning in the corridor, at worst, we will go to other floors to find a room..."

Luo Geng was so tired, the blood in his heart just now had been blown away by the pig teammate for the most part.

At the same time, the Three Musketeers of the Sports Academy, who were pulling the door, could not be optimistic about this strategy.

Wu Zhou: "If you want to fight, you should fight just now. I feel that there seem to be more zombies outside now!"

Li Jingyu, who was about to follow Luo Geng's footsteps, was stunned: "Why, didn't we all see it when we came up, there are no other zombies..."

Fu Xiyuan: "Did you see the one on the sixth floor? And outside, can you guarantee that there is no one attracted?"

Li Jingyu was at a loss for words.

The sixth floor was covered from the beginning to the end, and there was no way to check how many zombies were inside. As for the downstairs, they blocked the door of the unit with stones, and everything was possible.

There is no way out, the newly proposed tactic is rejected again, and the door leaves on both sides are thumping violently, almost frighteningly. Everything in this confined space makes everyone crazy, even desperate!

In the chaos, Song Fei, who had been silent for a long time, seemed so out of place, as if all the crises around him had no effect on him, or what he stayed here was just a shell, and his soul had been withdrawn to the outside of Jiutianyun.

Qi Yan's heart tightened, and he wanted to call him subconsciously, but just as he was about to open his mouth, the latter's eyes lit up, and the next moment he grabbed his arm suddenly, and when he looked at him again, his eyes were burning, as if wanton burning Huo Huo: "Do you want to fight?"

Qi Yan was stunned.

Let's fight—this is what he said to his friends when he abandoned the car.

At that time, he really thought that going from the outer road to the inside of the community was the last fight, so he said it cautiously, but firmly, even with the determination of "may die but I don't regret it".

However, when Song Fei came here, his eyes were clearly so enthusiastic, but his tone was very light, so light that it was not like inviting him to fight hard, but inviting him to dance together. This song may never return, but Song Fei's face does not have a trace of solemnity, instead it has a chic expression of "If you die, you have to make a fuss, it's best to overthrow the sky".

A little bad, a little handsome.

Qi Yan thought that he might have fallen in love with his so-and-so appearance at first.

Amidst the noise soaring to the sky, the friends were pulling the door, pushing the door, brainstorming, no one noticed the whispering of the two class cadres.

Until Qi Yan and Song Fei both started to undress!

Zhou Lv, who was the closest and the most affected, couldn't speak easily: "No, I didn't say that, the battle is so fierce, it's not suitable for you two to drive now..."

All the friends nodded violently, the picture was too powerful, and their language centers were down.

Of course, there are also people who are crazy and I am alone. For example, classmate Kuang, who directly helped the class leader Zhou Yili: "What time is it, your thoughts are still so dirty!" Cadre, "But I think the situation has not deteriorated to the point where you need to come and go naked, what do you think?"

Qi Yan: "..."

Song Fei: "Aside from driving and committing suicide, can you still have some reasoning from normal people!!!"

In a blink of an eye, the two had stopped, and the friends realized that they had just taken off their coats and pants. And the cadres of the Song class did not place their hopes on the tacit understanding of the team, and directly deployed the battle plan at a fast speed.

The little friends were dumbfounded, but Qi Yan over there had already inserted a knife into the crack of the closed elevator door!

"Who has any questions?" Song Fei looked around his comrades after the deployment.

The comrades-in-arms looked at each other... Why did it feel like this battle plan itself was a problem! ! !

"Move if you have no problem, gogogo!" The leader of the Song class raised his arms and shouted, completely unaware of the dozen or so indescribable comrades-in-arms, ran over and began to rummage through the suitcase.

All the comrades-in-arms looked at me and at you, and finally looked at Qi Yan who was still struggling to pry open the elevator door. He gritted his teeth and said, let's fight it out!

Except for the Three Musketeers of the Sports Academy who couldn't take their hands off the doorknob, the rest of the friends, including Qiao Siqi and Ma Weisen who were against the anti-theft door, began to take off their coats and pants!

Song Fei over there has already opened the suitcase, regardless of other things, just rummaged through his clothes.

The instant noodles that had been unpacked and stuffed in before were crackled out during the dark rummaging, and fell to the ground, making a crisp scream.

He Zhiwen couldn't listen anymore. He had already taken off his clothes and contributed them to the "handicraft group". Crushing the bread before cooking is the greatest crime against mankind!"

Song Fei, who finally searched out all the changes of clothes, patted his comrades-in-arms on the head perfunctorily to show comfort, and then rushed to the "community group" composed of Lin Dilei, Huang Mo, Wang Qingyuan, Feng Qibai and Li Jingyu at the speed of light. At this time, an important "strategic weapon" has begun to take shape.

Qi Yan, Zhou Lu, Luo Geng, and Kuang Ye took the rope and rushed to the Three Musketeers of the Physical Academy!

If the voices of the zombies were ignored, the entire ninth floor was falling into an unprecedented silence.

But under this silence, there is the orderly preparation of the Wusheng class before the battle, and the increasingly firm belief in victory!

As Ma Weisen and Qiao Siqi, who straightened their suitcases, stood against the wall on the side where the anti-theft door was opened, all the sixteen members of the martial arts class took their positions—

In front of the staircase door facing the anti-theft door, a huge "cloth piece" made of clothes and trousers was erected like a high wall.

If the clothes and pants that the friends take off are the "face" of the high wall, then Zhao He and Fu Xiyuan are the "bones" that support the wall. The two of them put the "cloth wall" on the sleeves or trousers that are always left at the four corners, and put them on themselves. Zhao He wore his left hand and left leg, while Fu Xiyuan wore his right hand and right leg. They stood behind the "cloth wall" one on the left and the other on the right, spread their legs apart, raised their hands, and stretched the "wall" to its fullest extent. The width is the highest, until the wall completely blocks their bodies, blocks all the way out, and also blocks all comrades except Josic and Ma Weisen.

Yes, all twelve comrades-in-arms are gathered behind the "cloth wall" at this moment, with the bodies of Zhao He and Fu Xiyuan on both sides as the boundary, as concentrated and compact as possible.

So far, the ninth floor has been divided into two areas, one is the "front of the cloth wall" composed of the anti-theft door in front and the elevator door on the left that was completely pried open by Qi Yan, and the other is the "front of the wall" composed of fourteen friends and the stair door. behind the wall".

No one pulls the handle of the staircase door anymore.

At this time, two ropes were tied to the violently vibrating handle, and several ropes were attached to the two ropes. In the end, except for Fu Xiyuan and Zhao He on both sides, each of them had a "waist tie", The rest of the comrades-in-arms all got together in three or four, and tied them with a rope around the waist.

The real last fight, life or death, is just this trembling.

Instead, the sixteen friends calmed down.

Song Fei, who was surrounded by the "cloth wall" with his comrades in arms, took a deep breath, and then slowly exhaled: "Josi Qi, come on."

The vanguard moved upon hearing the wind, rushed to the front of the door, inserted a key into the keyhole, twisted his wrist, and pressed his body against the door!

One lap... another half lap!

With the lock tongue fully retracted, the security door burst open!

The door pushed Joskey against the side wall!

With a "bang", the door leaf hit the suitcase placed at the base of the wall, and the thick suitcase stood between the door leaf and the wall, forming a triangular space behind the door, which just accommodated the luggage that had already been hiding. Ma Weisen inside and Josic who was brought over by the door!

And at the same time when Qiao Siqi's back hit the wall, the group of corpses knocked out like a landslide rushed forward uncontrollably, and they were about to hit the erected "cloth wall"!

This moment was what the martial arts class had been waiting for.

They don't need the corpses to bump into them, they want to bump into the corpses!

"Come on—"

Amidst the shouts of mountains and tsunami, fourteen comrades in arms rushed forward regardless of themselves. In a moment of sparks, the "cloth wall" surrounded the group of corpses, and the group of comrades behind the "cloth wall" actually bumped into the group of corpses. superior!

The impact of the collision was so great that the barrier buffer of the clothes disappeared in an instant, and severe pain swept through the whole body.

But the comrades-in-arms did not stop. Just like the deployment before the battle, the moment they collided with the corpses, they used their heels as the axis, deflected their bodies, and pushed the corpses into the elevator with all their strength!

As the anti-theft door opened, the group of corpses that rushed out out of control had already lost control due to inertia, and were pushed like this, and they fell down one after another!

The comrades in the martial arts class behind the "wall" couldn't see it clearly, but they had a keen sense. They immediately lowered their center of gravity and continued to push the corpses into the elevator!

However, Zhao He and Fu Xiyuan were not disturbed by the rapidly changing situation. They still supported the "cloth wall" according to the original plan, and as their comrades advanced, if conditions permitted, they reached both sides of the elevator first, and faced the wall closely. Cling to your body!

At this time, the "cloth wall" has really become a "cloth pocket". Zhao He and Fu Xiyuan at both ends have already stuck to the walls on both sides of the elevator, but the group of corpses in the middle is still contending with the friends behind the "cloth wall". Unwilling to fall down, the clothes that make up the "wall" are stretched and tightened in such a confrontation, and the entire "cloth wall" becomes dented.

What's more terrible is that there are two fish that slipped through the net!

During the staggering and falling to the ground just now, two zombies at the end of the team rolled out of the group of corpses, and they were about to pounce on Fu Xiyuan who was defenseless and unable to do anything!

However, the witty Song Fei has already seen through everything.


As the anti-theft door was slammed shut, Qiao Siqi and Ma Weisen behind the door came out armed!

What they were waiting for was this moment, what they did was sweepers!

The former kicked and rode over while the zombies fell to the ground, and stabbed them in a row!

The latter bullied his body forward, and the blade was completely wiped out when he aimed at the back of his head!




Zombies one after another fell into the elevator shaft, making loud noises from the car parked on the eighth floor.

Qiao Siqi and Ma Weisen rushed over immediately after solving the fish that slipped through the net and joined the team!

With the support of the friends, cheer up and go all out...




bang bang—

The corpses were finally packed and pushed down.

But just like the moment when the tug-of-war was finally decided, one party gave up suddenly, but the other party still tried its best, so the entire partner behind the "wall" fell into the elevator shaft along with the corpses!

Zhao He and Fu Xiyuan retreated instantly, pulling the entire "cloth wall" to carry a dozen comrades back.

But the strength of two people is limited after all, and the clothes themselves are malleable. Seeing that the few comrades who rushed to the front are about to stumble and fall!

At the last moment, the rope that tied the little friends worked.

With the sudden tension of the rope, Song Fei who rushed to the front finally lost his inertia, stopped, and stabilized his figure together with Qi Yan and Lin Dilei who were in the rope circle.

But before Song Fei could heave a sigh of relief, his ankle was suddenly grabbed by a hand stretched out from the elevator shaft—there were so many fallen zombies that they piled up from the top of the car stopped on the eighth floor to the lower edge of the elevator door on the ninth floor!

Looking at it this way, it is not surprising that they will crawl out later!

"Come inside—"

Song Fei shouted loudly, and at the same time pushed down the rope that bound them!

All the comrades also reacted and broke free from the rope one after another!

Ma Weisen and Qiao Siqi, armed with weapons, cut the ropes for Zhao He and Fu Xiyuan, who were tied the tightest!

Suddenly there was a harsh steel cable friction.

After all the comrades in arms paused, they heard a deafening "Boom—"

Thick dust floated up from the elevator shaft, but the howls of the fallen zombies became far away.

"D-Did it fall?" Qiao Siqi still couldn't recover.

Song Fei, who finally broke free from the rope loop, stepped forward to take the knife in his hand, and continued to help Fu Xiyuan cut the rope: "So, being overweight is very dangerous..."

Amidst the still violent banging on the corridor door, sixteen friends entered the room safely. The last one to come in, Josic, closed the door and turned the anti-theft lock.

As soon as Qiao Siqi put the key back in his pocket, Qi Yan and Song Fei rushed upstairs one by one, and rushed into the guest bedroom by the other!

The fourteen little friends choked for breath, subconsciously wanting to touch the knife again.

Fortunately, the two returned soon and announced the good news—

Qi Yan: "I read everything, there is no one in the room."

Song Fei: "There are no zombies either."

The fourteen partners felt that their bodies were hollowed out in an instant, and they lost their high spirited fighting spirit, and they collapsed uniformly.

Except for Huang Mo who was a little more reserved and sat on the ground, the rest of the comrades, including Xiao Lei, were all in the shape of big characters, looking up at the ceiling, experiencing the exhaustion of crossing the catastrophe and ascending, and feeling ecstatic.

I don't know how long it has passed, and I don't know who, so I quietly asked—

"It's a complete victory..."

The answer was-

"That depends on the refrigerator..."

It is not terrible to have the body hollowed out, what is terrible is that after going through ninety-nine and eighty-one hardships, the scriptures obtained are all blank paper.

But it was so tiring that no one took the initiative to get up and watch.

Or, everyone is worried that the ecstasy at this moment is just a flash in the pan, so they all hope to prolong it as much as possible, and then prolong it...

"What should come will always come." Song Fei straightened up like a carp, and went straight to the refrigerator like a hero, "We have never experienced anything, and we are afraid of..."

The last few words, with the opening of the refrigerator door, permanently lost the chance to export.

The double-door refrigerator with the luster of precious metal blows different styles of cool air to Song Fei's cheeks without hesitation, the left cheek is frozen, and the right cheek is kept fresh.

Song Fei didn't notice anything.

Let alone the air-conditioning, even the boiling water can’t stop his yearning for beauty—fish, eggs, milk, vacuum cooked food, beer soda, quick-frozen dishes, except for some fruits and vegetables that have deteriorated, even the surface of a whole apple has shrunk a little. Visual inspection It doesn't affect the click at all.

It was the most beautiful refrigerator he had ever seen.

Shining the dazzling light of "You will live very nourished".

The friends sat up one after another, thinking that Song Fei's expression meant that the team was about to set off again, but unexpectedly, in the next second, they saw the class leader's big white teeth.

Cheers burst out.

All the comrades-in-arms rushed over to visit.

If there is only one thing in this world that can make the human body realize the true meaning of life-it is delicious!

After the war, he was ecstatic, but lost in front of the fireworks of a refrigerator, without a trace.

The little friends finally have a sense of steadiness on the ground.

After receiving the tourists, the refrigerator was closed again.

Only then did everyone really look at this future safe house.

Modern style fine decoration, but because the house is full of mess, it is difficult to see other effects except chaos.

However, there was no destructive damage. It looked like there had been a fight, and there were some bloodstains, which had dried up. It was not as tragic as everyone expected.

"How many cleaning aunts did you hire?" Zhou Yilv asked the ultimate doubt in the hearts of all the friends.

Qiao Siqi swore to the lamp: "Only one."

"Bring your classmates back to have a party like you?"

"My knowledge is limited, so I really can't answer your question."

Lin Dilei walked to the window of the open kitchen, opened the window, let fresh air pass through the guardrail, blow into the room, and wash away the smell of blood and zombies.

"It may be that the auntie wanted to leave after cleaning. When something happened, she hid in with other aunts. I didn't expect some aunts to be infected..."

"A dozen aunts ran to this building together when the accident happened?" Ma Weisen asked blackly, "This is not a coincidence, this is science fiction."

"What's sci-fi?" Qiao Siqi couldn't understand it. "This cleaning company is next to the community. It has been cooperating with the property for a long time. As long as the owner asks if the property has a suitable cleaning company, the property will recommend it. The coverage rate of the community is 70% above!"

"It's also possible that your home has been selected as the secret location for the cleaning company's pre-job training."

Qi Yan brought over the plastic bucket that was lying in the corner, and there were a dozen pieces of rags in it.

My friends are embarrassing, but after embarrassment, I feel a little uncomfortable.

From the outbreak of the corpse tide to the present, they have experienced countless dangers, each time they might die, and each time they were lucky enough to break through. However, how many people were not so lucky and did not break through.

The uncles, aunts, and young people I met all made people feel hopeful.

But there are also some people, they never have the chance to meet again.

"Don't even think about it." Song Fei broke the silence and called the friends to move, "Those who want to take a bath and change clothes go take a bath first, and those who are not in line clean up the house, this will be our base camp from now on!"

All the comrades-in-arms looked at each other and stood up at the same time, and decided to listen to the class cadres, not to think about the "past" and "future" for the time being, but to focus on the present-cleaning!

"Hey, why are you going?" Zhou Lv called to stop Qiao Siqi, who was obviously about to break away from the crowd.

"Take a shower." Qiao classmate took it for granted.

Zhou Lv's black line: "Is it for you to hear what I said about taking a bath?"

Qiao Siqi was at a loss: "Is it still divided into objects..."

Zhou Yilu rolled his eyes, and didn't bother to waste his words, he directly hugged his neck and pulled him back, then raised his chin at Huang Mo and Lin Dilei: "Hurry up, remember to lock the door."

The two female classmates smiled.

Qiao Siqi only realized it in the girl's flowery smile, and was instantly ashamed.

All the laundry was contributed to the "cloth wall". Not to mention that it hasn't been disassembled yet, even if it was disassembled, who knows which one has called zombies.

The disheveled little mine and the disheveled Huang Banxian looked at each other, and had no choice but to smile a second time at his classmate Qiao—

"Do you have clean clothes here?"

Qiao Siqi hesitated for a moment, then said, "There are clean ones, just T-shirts and sweaters, but they are not new. Even if they are cleaned, they are still worn by me... You two don't mind?"

Huang Mo tilted his head: "Why do you mind?"

Lin Dilei spread her hands: "We've all slept together before."

Qiao Siqi: "... a dozen of us slept together on the floor. When you go out and talk about this matter, can you not just choose the main sentence!"

"Okay, okay." Lin Dilei shrugged, her expression seemed to say, sister will pay attention to your reputation in the future.

Qiao Siqi held his forehead, feeling his whole body being sucked out.

Classmate Qiao's bedroom is on the second floor. After Lin Dilei and Huang Mo came up, they realized that it was much cleaner than the first floor, and it looked as if nothing had happened.

There is no need for Josic to lead the way, because his bedroom is very recognizable—a huge "Ballad of Soothing Heart" hangs on the door, framed in scrolls, and almost covers the entire door panel.

The sun rises in the East China Sea and sets in the West Mountain, a day of sorrow and joy.

If you don't dig into the horns when you encounter problems, you will be comfortable and your heart will be comfortable.

Work hard in the morning and evening, be optimistic when you are busy, and optimistic when you are free.

A healthy mind and a healthy body are not gods, but better than gods.

It is said that Father Qiao specially invited calligraphers to write it, just to restrain his son's arrogance and lust, and hope that his son will know how to be content and happy.

I don't know if it will have any effect, but now that Lin Dilei and Huang Mo looked at the black letters splashed all over the door, there was always a feeling that it was not Qiao Siqi who was sleeping in the room, but some monster that must be sealed with a spell.

"He is really obedient, if I had picked it up earlier." After opening the door and entering the room, Lin Dilei looked back and admired it nostalgicly.

Huang Mo walked over her to the black and white wardrobe, opened the door, and smiled at Lin Dilei: "Don't look at him as if he can bluff, but he has a soft personality..."

Before he finished speaking, Huang Mo sensed something was wrong in the closet from the corner of his eye, and was about to turn around to see the truth, but was suddenly thrown back by a huge force and staggered away!

At this very moment, she finally saw clearly the female zombie who was hiding in the closet but now pounced on her!

Lin Dilei's eyes widened in shock, but she was powerless. Everything happened so fast that she couldn't help but react!

After stumbling a few steps, Huang Mo's leg hit the edge of the bed behind him, and then he completely lost his balance and fell backwards!

The zombie was about to fall into the bed with her!

Huang Mo was desperate, once she was crushed into the bed, there would be no chance of returning the phone. What awaited her was to be gnawed by the zombies on her body...


No miracle happened, and he still fell heavily into the bed.

Together with zombies.

The bed was as soft as expected, and I was sunken as expected...


… what

Before Huang Mo could realize what the strange sound was, her body, which was sunk in the deepest part of the bed, suddenly bounced off the bottom, bouncing very far, like a boat in the wind and waves!

And the zombie on her body also lost its balance in this wave and rolled off her body!

The teeth that were originally intended to bite her were lost, and they were bitten hard up and down to make a crisp tooth sound.

The bed hadn't stopped yet, but the waves were much smaller. Huang Mo struggled to roll to the side, and when he grabbed the edge of the bed with his hands, a forceful person fell to the ground!

With a bang, Huang Mo fell to the ground.

But she didn't care about these things, she rolled up her pant legs and went to touch the weapons tied to her calves - the commonly used kitchen knife was in the backpack, and the backpack was downstairs, and now the only thing left was this unused pick at the bottom Bone Knife!

But the zombie had already got up from the bed, and was leaning over to rush towards her!


A bedside table was unbiased, and it was hitting the head of the zombie with such force that the bedside table dropped from his hand, rubbed over the head of the zombie and flew heavily to the floor, almost falling apart!

Looking at the female soldier Xiao Landmine again, she didn't even look at the "heavy weapon that passed away", stepped on the bed directly, and quickly took off the 1,500-piece jigsaw puzzle hanging on the wall with a barely steady body, and smashed it on the zombie again head!

It's a pity that the puzzle photo frame is not covered with a glass plate but a transparent plastic plate, which has limited lethality, and the zombies are still struggling to get up.

The little landmine was quick-witted and jumped upwards with all his might!

As the feet landed on the bed again, the waves rose again, directly swinging the zombie to the ground again.

Over there, Huang Mo had already thrown away the self-made knife case, gripped the boning knife tightly, and shouted in the cold light of the blade: "Little mine, don't stop!"


Little Landmine responded softly and turned on the "Dancing Mat" mode!

Taking off again and again, and falling again and again, the surface of the vast water bed is turbulent.

The zombie can't get up at all, it can only be bumped along with the bed, and now half of its head has been thrown out of the bed!

Quietly, Huang Mo leaned forward, aimed at the zombie's head and stabbed it!

However, the bumps on the bed were a double-edged sword, trapping the zombies and hindering the precision of the attack.

The tip of the knife pierced directly into the side of the water bed, and as Huang Mo pulled out the blade, water splashed everywhere!

Five times in a row, the zombie was finally killed.

When the friends downstairs came after hearing the news, Lin Dilei stood on the bed and Huang Mo stood under the bed. A tall and backlit, delicate facial features are not only no longer dusty, but are lined with a more three-dimensional outline; a watery lotus, the dust on the face has been washed away, revealing a fresh and beautiful face.

On the floor are bedside tables that are falling apart.

On the bed are broken puzzle boxes and a zombie.

Their eyes met, and the two girls smiled at the male classmates—

"Is the bath water hot?"