Zombie University

Chapter 115: Episode 02 Another New Year's School Season


Song Fei basically spent the second semester of his sophomore year at home. In addition to the voluntary labor of urban reconstruction in response to the district and city calls, most of the time, his parents were still not at ease to let him go out.

Eight months have passed since the disaster, and everything is recovering at an extremely fast speed, including people's hearts.

Yet the wound healed, the scar remained.

It wasn't until Song Fei's parents received the school opening notice that they let go amidst all kinds of reluctance.

One week before his departure, he had spoken the exhortations for seven full days.

In the past, Song Fei would definitely have collapsed, but this time he listened very carefully, even if those were repeated chants, he still assured his family over and over again that he would pay attention to safety and take good care of himself.

When getting off the train, the bustling train station gave Song Fei an illusion, as if time went back to September last year, and he was still the heartless boy who was going to be a sophomore.

But when he got in the car and headed south all the way, he looked at the streets and buildings that seemed similar but couldn’t tell the difference along the way, saw the passers-by gradually decrease, and saw the wasteland gradually increase, the tension and depression in the past The feeling came back.

When passing by the gas station, a staff member happened to be refueling customers, and the familiar work clothes that flashed by made Song Fei choke.

The tragic scenes from the past came one after another, making Song Fei short of breath and numb in his scalp.

He suddenly found that during the first half year at home, his parents protected him very well, and there were also exciting things on TV, which made people feel that everything had passed without leaving any scars.

But it is not.

This feeling of entanglement and depression continued until Song Fei got off at the station.

Then he was startled by the crowds in front of the school gate.

Black and white boys and girls, or big boxes and small boxes, or big bags, or accompanied by their parents, or in small groups, chattering and walking to the campus, the whole school gate is so lively.

Song Fei stood where he was, and didn't dare to enter the door for a long time. He always felt that there was another world inside, which was incompatible with him now.

The phone suddenly rang at this moment, Song Fei didn't hear the sound, but felt the vibration in the pocket of his trousers.

The call was from Qi Yan, and as soon as he got through, he asked directly, "Are you there?"

"Here we are." Song Fei replied blankly, paused, and then said, "The school gate is full of people."

"Well, they're all freshmen."

Song Fei was stunned, and then he slowly realized that because all schools were closed and the college entrance examination was canceled this year, the college entrance examination was canceled this year. Universities in various places are recommended by high schools based on the students' intentions and previous grades, and then the universities will review and admit them. To supplement the source of students, basically all universities have expanded their enrollment.

This may be the class with the most freshmen.

"Song Fei?" Qi Yan called out to him worriedly before waiting for a response.

"Ah, it's okay." Song Fei shook his head, gripping the handle of the suitcase tightly, "I'll go back to the dormitory right now."

"I have to welcome the new year here, and I can't get away for the time being."

"Well, you are busy with your work."

Song Fei who hung up the phone suddenly fell into a panic.

This has nothing to do with Qi Yan, but everything in front of him makes him feel like he is stepping on a dream. The bright red welcome banners, the energetic students, the clean campus streets, and the tidy teaching buildings are no different from the beginning of the new semester every year.

He couldn't find a trace of the tragic disaster that this school had experienced.

It seems that the whole world has forgotten that memory, and the only one left who has not been deleted and emptied is himself.

I didn't know how to get into the dormitory. When I opened the door, there was a faint smell of paint.

None of the three roommates showed up, and the 440 was empty.

Not long after the communication was restored, Song Fei caught up with two lost roommates.

The two explained to Song Fei in detail the two months of hiding in the girls' dormitory. They were vivid and tearful, and they vowed to store food reserves that would last at least half a year in the dormitory in the future.

Song Fei was noncommittal, and only cared about one thing, whether Ren Zhe would leave the order after two months.

In the end, I got a very sad answer - not only Ren Zhe did not leave the single, but Xiang Yang also broke up.

Song Fei comforted her dormmate very much at the time, but she still calmly analyzed the reason in her heart—it’s fine if she didn’t impress the girls in the girls’ dormitory in the outer court for two months, and even the only girl who had a girl was kicked, this kind of failure There is absolutely no flower protector. The only possibility is that the two roommates are the flower being protected.

At noon, Ren Zhe and Xiang Yang arrived one after another, and the three brothers hugged each other excitedly for a long time.

Song Fei finally found a little sense of reality in this hug.

It was almost two o'clock in the afternoon, and Wang Qingyuan still didn't show up. Song Fei was a little worried, so he simply called and found out that the other party had arrived early, but he didn't go back to the dormitory, but went to the college office.

"Why do you go there, and just carry your luggage there?" Song Fei subconsciously complained.

Unexpectedly, Wang Qingyuan said: "I didn't bring any luggage."

Song Fei was stunned, he couldn't turn his head, he didn't bring any luggage when he started school, and his home was not in the local area, so he went to school naked

Before he could ask, Wang Qingyuan reminded first: "It's almost time, you should hurry to the track and field."

Song Fei didn't get to the bottom of it, because it was indeed two o'clock soon. Although it was not a big deal to be late for the opening ceremony, facing such a special semester, he still couldn't do nothing like before.

In previous years, the opening ceremony was held in the auditorium, Song Fei couldn't figure out why the location was changed this year.

Until I walked into the track and field field, I saw the sacrificial board erected on the lawn, and the clusters of flowers placed under it, light white, light yellow, as if this could lighten the heavy heart, Let the memories drift farther away.

The counselor of the School of History has changed to a teacher, and with the help of several classmates, he is arranging the students of the school to be seated. Song Fei and the others arrived late, and the seats at the back were already fully occupied by students who habitually hid behind the meeting, leaving only the first row, next to the instructor.

Song Fei looked around but couldn't find Wang Qingyuan. Facing the teacher's enthusiastic face, he had no choice but to bite the bullet and sit down with his two roommates.

When the time came to two o'clock, the school leaders were already sitting in a row on the rostrum. Song Fei's geographical location is so convenient that when he looked up, he could see a few wrinkles on the old principal's face. He was so frightened that he quickly looked away and changed his gaze to the left, right and rear.

Seeing this, he suddenly realized something was wrong.

Familiar faces, much less.

In the Department of Archeology, Department of History, and Department of Tourism Management in the same session, the three classes sitting together are the number of people in the previous two classes. No, it may not be two classes, at most one and a half.

The oppressive feeling that he had been deliberately ignoring swept through his body, and the great pain made it difficult for him to breathe.

Suddenly, he understood why, whether in movies or novels, those traumatized protagonists are always reluctant to return to the scene of the injury, because it feels really bad.

He even felt that if the old headmaster talked about the glorious history of the school like in previous years, and welcomed the new students in a friendly way, as naturally as if the sacrificial board placed next to him was a background, he might leave the scene angrily.

But it turned out that he had a hot head.

In front of all the teachers and students in the school, the old principal read out the names of the students who died one by one. At the end of the reading, he took off his glasses and wet the list with tears.

Everyone stood up to pay tribute to the students who died.

After that, what the old principal talked about was not the history of the school, but the disaster. Instead of welcoming new students to the school, he praised the bravery of the students for surviving adversity.

At the end, the water vapor blurred Song Fei's vision.

Until a long time later, he still remembered the last words said by the old headmaster—the real healing is not to whitewash the peace, but to see the scars clearly, but still move forward with hope.

At that moment, all Song Fei's sense of distortion, unreality, and entanglement disappeared.

The whole person finally fell back to the ground, and his heart opened up like the blue sky above the track and field, and he really felt the wind, air, and the solidity and weight of life.

"They extended a helping hand to their classmates in times of crisis and guarded the safe zone with their own strength. They are role models for college students in the new era and the pride of our school..." The teacher who took over from the old principal to preside over the following commendation session is trying to make the dignified atmosphere become soothing.

Her efforts have initially paid off, and everyone including Song Fei slowly recovered from the sad atmosphere, and gradually entered the state with her foreshadowing, arousing curiosity...

"Now let's invite these little heroes to the stage!"

Song Fei's curiosity was raised to the highest point, and he was suddenly glad that he was sitting in the first row, and could see the stalwart of these heroic classmates... Wait for me.

Why is the contemporary little hero who is praised by the host teacher as the chemical Thirteen Lang! ! !

Subconsciously searched for the figures of other comrades-in-arms in the martial arts class, trying to find sympathy for this complicated mood, but there was a vast sea of heads, where to find it, helpless, Song Fei could only look away angrily, and listened to Wang Shan's speech on behalf of all the chemistry students who were commended—

"Actually, we didn't do anything. When we ran out of the chemistry building, we were really scared. We wanted to find a safe place to hide..."

Song Fei narrowed his eyes, almost piercing Wang Shan.

I just watch you blow quietly.

"Later, I ran to the canteen. But in fact, there were already other students in the canteen at that time, but they accepted us without any worries, and even distributed the food in the back kitchen to us. Only then did we have a safe area behind..."

The host teacher thought that this kind of award speech was just a formality, but he didn't expect the speaker to use his sincerity, let alone lead out the inside story, and his curiosity suddenly arose. Anyway, the microphone was enough, so he responded directly on the spot, turning the speech into an interview —

"You mean that before you arrived at the cafeteria, other students were already there?"

"Yes," Wang Shan nodded vigorously, without any intention of hiding anything, with a face of sincerity and integrity, "And when we fled to the cafeteria, half of these students had already taken the initiative to go out to find the radio. It is precisely because Only then did they have the campus radio in the back."

The teacher didn't expect this to be a serial drama, so he widened his eyes and couldn't hide his surprise: "They also broadcast the campus broadcast?"

"Yes! Although they had already left the cafeteria at that time, I recognized their voices!"

You still have a conscience!

Song Fei also became excited when he heard it, moved his body, sat up straighter, and fixed his eyes on Wang Shan's face!

"Are they here too?" The host teacher's voice was trembling.

"Should be there." Wang Shan looked down the rostrum, his eyes quickly swept over one head after another, and suddenly stopped.

His eyes collided with Song Fei in the air!

The four eyes meet, crackling!

Teacher: "Did you see them? Which college are they from, and what's their name?"

Wang Shan: "They call themselves the Martial Arts Squad. There are fourteen people in total, and the squad leader is Song..."

Song Fei held his breath, frowning vigorously, wishing he could mobilize all the muscles in his body to wink at Wang Shan—speak quickly, speak quickly, shout out my glorious name!

How could Wang Shan not understand, she nodded vigorously in secret—Okay, I will keep it a secret!

"Song... sent warm little angels, I can't name them, because it goes against the original intention of their helping hands. But they are like a fire, burning themselves and illuminating others!"

Song Fei: "..."

Where the hell are these people made up by the brain! ! !

The phone suddenly vibrated continuously.

Song Fei no longer looked at the secretary of the chemistry group who had no tacit understanding, and took out his mobile phone. It turned out to be the WeChat group of the Wusheng class——

Zhao He: Was the direction the boy was looking at just now from the Academy of History

Feng Qibai: No problem, our hospital is next door.

Qiao Siqi: So Song Fei didn't let him talk about it

Li Jingyu: Impossible, Song Fei is so embarrassing, it is still possible to send a loudspeaker.

Song Fei: Comrades, I am also in the group, thank you.

Zhou Lu: You are not in the group, let's not talk about it, are you stupid on vacation, such a good opportunity hides merit and fame

Qi Yan: It should be too much winking, Wang Shan would have misunderstood it.

He Zhi asked: Maybe it was Wang Qingyuan who gave Wang Shan the wrong look, isn't he also in the Academy of History

Qi Yan: He's not on the track and field.

Wang Qingyuan: I'm not there.

Ma Weisen: Damn, God is in sync!

Lin Dilei: Monitor, don't cry...

Song Fei: I don’t cry, but you don’t have to give me an explanation [smile]

Qi Yan: I ran into him during the orientation just now, and we chatted for a while, forget it, let him tell you all by himself.

Wang Qingyuan: I just finished stamping at the college, and now I go to the school building to stamp. The procedures for retaining my student status are more troublesome than I imagined.

Only some teachers participated in the opening ceremony, and all affairs on campus are still operating normally.

But what Song Fei couldn't understand was, why should he keep his student status

Lenovo said that he didn't bring any luggage, which means that he will leave immediately once he completes the procedure of retaining his student status? But where do you go after you leave? What are you going to do

Song Fei was completely deluded, and there were so many questions in an instant that his head was almost bursting.

Fortunately, Wang Qingyuan was not a close-knit character, so he directly told the whole story - he was admitted into the army.

In an instant, the group was flooded with question marks and shocked expressions.

In contrast, Wang Qingyuan was very calm. When I asked him the reason, he didn't say why, he just said lightly, "I want to go."

The master is so calm, the little friends gradually calmed down, and began to send blessings one by one, what is getting more and more handsome, eight-pack abs, green flowers in the army, beautiful expectations are dazzling.

Wang Qingyuan only posted expressions, not words, and had the demeanor of smiling but not speaking.

The commendation session was over, and the opening ceremony returned to the reserved session.

I don't know who the leader started to speak. Compared with the old principal, there are obviously more routines and much more lengthy.

Song Fei felt sleepy, took out his phone and was about to complain in the group, but just happened to meet Wang Qingyuan posting a new Weibo link.

The other friends also took out their mobile phones after receiving the reminder.

After clicking on the link, everyone found that it was the school's official Weibo.

The entire Weibo has no words, only a heart, and five accompanying pictures.

The first one is the letter they left in the broadcasting room, and the next two, three, four, five are also letters, and they are all A4 papers, all of which start with "Dear Classmate". But when you click on the big picture, you can see the specific content of the letter. Although the theme is all around "you are not alone, all the students in the school are connected with you", the way of expression is quite different.

For example, Song Fei's can barely be regarded as a poor-mouthed inspirational school.

The second letter is directly the Furious Scream faction.

The third letter is delicate and sensational.

The fourth letter is about detailed operations, and even talked about how to tie a strong military knot, and drew a schematic diagram directly beside it.

The fifth letter is abstract, the words are like fog, rain and wind, really unpredictable.

But just like the beginning of all letters is "Dear Classmate", all the signatures of all letters are "Mighty and Unyielding Survival Class", the only difference is that Song Fei and the others are 1&2, and the latter are 3, 4, 5, 6...

Not many people follow the school's official Weibo, but the number of messages under this Weibo is very considerable, and it continues to increase.

Some guessed the identity of the letter writer, some researched the content of the fifth letter, some said that they heard the broadcast in the dormitory at that time, and the female voice in it was very similar to the courtyard flower of the Xinchuan Academy, and some even remembered that they were heard by a loud voice. Fu Xiyuan and Ma Weisen shouted angrily.

Gradually, however, these discussions were drowned out.

A steady stream of new messages began to use the same sentence, and the formation was neat like a military parade. Through the screen, one could feel the momentum like a rainbow, and the voice was loud—my classmate, I am proud!