Zombie University

Chapter 12: Hold on to hope



"Song Fei?"

Qi Yan didn't find any food, so he brought back a mouth. This is very good, and he can join the mahjong table.

It's just that he didn't expect that the 640 person actually knew the 440 person.

Qi Yan felt that he and Song Fei might really be at odds, so in such a well-timed and well-placed love scene, the number of light bulbs was increasing day by day like zombies.

"What's wrong with your face?" The down jacket might have been scratched while fleeing for his life, Song Fei didn't care, but the injury on Zhou Lv's face was definitely fresh.

"Oh, don't mention it." Zhou Yi didn't want to recall.

Qi Yan helped him and said, "Three people broke into his house and robbed him of all the food."

Song Fei and Qiao Siqi were silent. Even yesterday, they would have yelled at this kind of thing and it was fucking inhumane, but now, they really don't know what to say.

Song Fei sighed and patted the other person on the shoulder: "Are you hungry, how about I make you some crispy noodles?"

This is the three days in a week, the warmest time in my heart.

There is not much food in 440, and Zhou Yiyi can understand it at a glance, so in the end, he is not ashamed to eat noodles and opens a pack of shrimp crackers.

It is said that puffed food does not take up the stomach, but Zhou Lv really satiates after one bite——

"What the hell is this..."

"Shrimp crackers, imported from Thailand."


"Of course, the authentic taste of Tom Yum Kung."


Hunger has no borders, and in the end Zhou Yiyi ate the bag of shrimp crackers. As for how sour and refreshing the taste was, he said he didn't want to comment.

After being sent back to Zhou Lu, Qi Yan went out again, this time he ran into the mutant directly, fled back in a hurry, and did not dare to go out again.

Until night fell, there was not much food left in 440. The four of them didn't dare to eat more, so they could only grab a handful of melon seeds and eat them on the bed.

The dormitory area has changed from the bustle of the day, and returned to calm, another kind of desolation and desolation.

Zhou Yilu: "Qi Yan, I don't think you need to go out tomorrow, the food you can find must be found by others, and you are no good as Spider-Man."

Qi Yan: "Let's have a look."

Qiao Siqi: "Actually, it doesn't matter if we find it. As long as there are zombies outside, we're just waiting to die."

Song Fei: "Since the water and electricity are not cut off, does it mean that there are still people in the urban area? Although our university town is remote, there are still so many flowers from the motherland."

Qiao Siqi: "Those outside are also the flowers of the motherland?"

Zhou Lu: "Yes, piranha."

Qi Yan: "The sun is probably going to be hard to protect itself, let Huahua save itself."

Qiao Siqi: "What do you mean?"

Qi Yan: "I want to take a look tomorrow and try to go to the supermarket."

Qiao Siqi: "You don't want to die?!"

Song Fei: "I agree with Qi Yan. Johns, didn't you say that we are waiting to die here, then let's rush out and break out of the encirclement!"


It was the same knock on the door as the day before yesterday!

Song Fei immediately shut up.

The other three were inexperienced and broke out in a cold sweat.

Holding his breath for a long time, until the outside seemed to be calm, Qiao Siqi lowered his voice and asked tremblingly, "Morning, zombie?"

Song Fei responded inaudibly: "Well, they knocked on the door the night before yesterday."

Qiao Siqi wanted to cry: "But there wasn't one last night?"

Zhou Lu was also surprised: "Why have I never heard of it?"

Looking at the energy-saving lamp above his head, Qi Yan suddenly had a flash of inspiration: "Could it be that they reacted to our voice?"

Song Fei: "But we talk all day long."

Qiao Siqi: "No, you spoke very loudly just now."

"Wait," Zhou Lv recalled carefully, "I seemed to hear a similar sound when I was beaten yesterday."

Qiao Siqi speculated: "So they just have degenerated intelligence and degraded physical flexibility, but their vision and hearing are still there?"

"No," Qi Yan narrowed his eyes, "I'm not sure about my eyesight, but my hearing must have also deteriorated. Otherwise, he should have heard us talking normally, and he wouldn't have to wait until it was loud before knocking on the door."

Fear comes from the unknown.

The more you know about mutants, the less fear you have in your heart.

But when the fear is too strong, such a reduction can only be a drop in the bucket. After the discussion, 440 fell into silence, and the entire dormitory area was eerily quiet.

At eleven o'clock in the evening, the lights in the dormitory were turned off on time.

The moment the brightness disappeared, the entire dormitory area seemed to be really dead.

In the dark 440, the room is full of silence. Song Fei knew that the other three people were not asleep, and each was thinking wildly, maybe pessimistic, maybe optimistic, maybe turning the clouds to see the sun, or maybe bloody. But no matter what, having someone by your side at this time is already the greatest strength.

Loneliness is the cruelest accomplice to despair.

Song Fei couldn't remember which elective course teacher said such a sentence, and even before that, he had completely forgotten this sentence. But in such a night, this sentence seemed to have self-awareness, and ran back bouncing, like a ghost, blowing wind in Song Fei's ear.

Maybe he will die if he rushes out tomorrow, Song Fei thought, what a fucking loss if he only studies in this life.


The dull sound of heavy objects falling to the ground broke the deathly silence of the night, but made the night even more creepy.

The sound came from outside the balcony.

The four of them got up almost at the same time, and Zhou Lv, who was so impatient, jumped to the ground, and leaned against the glass in front of the sliding door of the balcony to watch.

It was dark outside the dormitory building, and I couldn't see anything clearly.


Another sound.

Zhou Yilu blinked, not sure if it was a hallucination or if he really saw the figure.

The other three people also got out of bed and came over.

"What's the matter?" Josh asked.

Zhou Lv shook his head: "I can't see clearly. How about...open the door and have a look?"

The balcony has always been a relatively safe place, but it is no better at night than during the day. No matter how safe it is, being exposed to the dark outdoors makes people feel uncertain.

With a snap, a beam of strong light illuminated the entire 440.

Qiao Siqi turned his head and was immediately shaken so hard that he couldn't open his eyes: "Fuck, what the hell?"

Song Fei looked down at Ren Zhe's high-end goods in his hand, and regretted not using it earlier: "Flashlight."

Zhou Yi was black, and he would be blinded by the bright light with his back: "This is a fucking searchlight!"

With light, there is peace of mind. After confirming the safety of the balcony, the four of them carefully opened the door and walked into the cold midnight.

No matter how powerful Song Fei's flashlight was, it would dissipate with the wind in the night. Fortunately, the windows of the corridor on the opposite building are not disturbed by the lights, reflecting the brilliant lights inside, together with the moonlight, illuminating the outline of the dark night.

Eyes finally adjusted to the night.

Another figure fell from the sixth floor opposite, drawing an arc in the air.

In the blink of an eye, the person fell to the ground, and with a bang, the flesh was broken into pieces.

— Someone jumped off the building.

The four of them stood on the balcony, the night wind was bitingly cold, but they didn't seem to feel it.

The mutants came again after hearing the news, and divided up the food that was effortless on the spot.

Just as the mutants were feasting, the fourth piece of food fell from the sky.


The four of them began to tremble without exception, and Zhou Lv even covered his ears, desperately wanting to hear this sound again.

Many people came out from the balcony of the opposite building, and some even shouted in a crying voice: "Stop fucking jumping!"

Despair is a more terrifying infectious disease than the zombie virus.

The chain jump finally stopped after the seventh student landed on the ground.

But no one knows whether this is a termination, or a suspension.

The dormitory area is quieter than before, but when you know that all the living people are standing in the night wind on the balcony, imagine that their faces are either dumbfounded, or numb, or fearful, or sad, but they just don’t make a sound , This silence is more frightening than screaming.

The wind blows between the two buildings.

Song Fei looked at the black shadows on the opposite balcony, as if he saw himself.

The sliding door behind him was suddenly closed.

Song Fei looked back in surprise, and saw that Zhou Lv had brought Ren Zhe's guitar at some point.

Soon, the melody of the guitar sounded in the quiet night.

The mutants who are separated by the balcony door + dormitory door may not be able to hear it, but the students on the balcony of the two buildings can hear it clearly.

It was a voice that would be heard on countless boring nights. It might be a literary man from the chemistry department with a guitar and a broken voice who dared to confess his love to the world, or it might be a Douban girl from the Faculty of Arts with a guitar and choking The voice, the old lady pretended to be fresh.

But at this moment, the melody lingering in their ears is neither literary nor fresh, but tenacious and powerful——

Where is the world full of flowers,

If it existed then I would definitely go.

I think there the tallest mountain stands,

Don't care if it's a cliff face or not.

Live hard and love hard, even if your brains are completely shattered,

Don't ask for anyone's satisfaction, just be worthy of yourself.

Regarding ideals, I never choose to give up,

Even on gray days...

Zhou Yi didn't dare to sing the chorus part aloud, because the climax of the song was too violent, and he was afraid of attracting people who shouldn't be attracted, so it would be really heartbreaking. But the deliberately lowered voice sounded more determined.

Running forward to meet cold eyes and jeers,

How can the vastness of life be felt without going through hardships,

Fate can't make us kneel down and beg for mercy,

Even if the blood is all over my arms...

The song is over.

Qi Yan's tense face relaxed.

Qiao Siqi even hummed along in the second half.

Song Fei raised his head, the sky was full of stars, beautiful and bright.

Zhou Lu hugged the guitar tightly, played this song for others, and also sang it for himself. His heart is steadfast in the melody, tomorrow is still there, hope is not dead. But he didn't know how many people this feeling could be conveyed to. Whether it's your own building or the building opposite, it's still desolate and silent.

Song Fei suddenly moved closer to Zhou Lv and whispered.

Zhou Yili heard it inexplicably.

"you sure?"

"just sing."

Zhou Lv was dubious, and finally plucked the strings with his fingers, and sang for the second time: "Beishan Qingqing~~Baishui Lakeside~~It's my beautiful campus~~Self-improvement hope~~Inclusive and open~~It's me..."

The wind suddenly blows, and the sky and the earth are darkened!



"Damn who asked you to sing the school song!!!"

"I fought with you—"

On the third night of the zombie siege, the survivors in the two buildings of the male dormitory had their first good night's sleep. Many people who have been having nightmares for the past two days still continue to have nightmares, but the content of the dreams has changed from the fear of being besieged by zombies to the fear of being dominated by learning and singing the school song repeatedly for the school celebration last semester.

But the latter made them feel alive again, so vivid, so passionate, they didn't want to give up.