Zombie University

Chapter 15: Five people fled


Everyone was shocked, and Qi Yan, who was the last one to enter the room, quickly reacted and wanted to close the balcony door, but just as he moved his feet, the uninvited guest over there suddenly used his force again, and came again to the same position on the glass!


Cracks in the glass spread from part to part of the body.

Everyone in the room gasped. Zhou Lv slowly drew his saber, Qiao Siqi and Qi Yan's knives were already in their hands, Song Fei swung the fan away with a whoosh!

The third time.


The whole piece of glass shattered.

Several pieces of broken glass of different sizes were inserted into the face of the uninvited guest, but he didn't notice it. Seeing that the obstacle was gone, he rushed in immediately!

The glass wasn't completely shattered, and some were still attached around the frame. The man rushed in, scraping and bumping, causing these fragments to scatter everywhere!

Qi Yan, who was closest, turned his face sideways, broken glass narrowly passed by his cheek, and when he turned his head, the unexpected visitor had already arrived in front of him!

Qi Yan wanted to use the knife, but the opponent was already pressing on him, and he couldn't raise his arm at all!

Sooner or later, a black whirlwind blew obliquely from behind, kicking the uninvited guest's waist!

The uninvited guest's slightly thin body seemed to be unable to bear such a blow at all, and slammed into the desk next to him hard, and the inertia caused the upper body to tilt directly onto the desk!

Just when everyone thought that he would stagger for at least a long time and couldn't stand up straight, the man used his strength to make his upper body, which was supposed to be struggling heavily out of balance, rub across the table like a dragonfly, and turned an unimaginable 180 degrees. He even regained his footing.

The whole process is smooth and seamless!

"This is a fucking snake spirit..."

The unbelievable flexibility made Luo Geng, Qiao Siqi and Zhou Yili dumbfounded.

Qi Yan and Song Fei had expected it a long time ago, one lifted the 1.8-meter-long leg and kicked the opponent's chest fiercely, and the other jumped forward at the moment the opponent staggered back, blocking the opponent's face with a big red fan with his left hand, and the whole body Focus on the opponent!

The uninvited guest tightly grasped Song Fei's arm with both hands, as if to tear the fan away, or as a conditioned reflex of the body to maintain balance!

Song Fei didn't give the opponent a chance at all, because he didn't even want to keep his balance, he just focused on jumping forward!

With a bang, the uninvited guest fell to the ground on his back.

Song Fei, who had turned into riding on him, had an extra silver-white metal chopstick in his right hand at some point.

There was a flash of cold light!

The fan in the left hand has been removed halfway, and the chopsticks in the right hand are inserted straight into the front door! The tacit connection of the two hands and the speed of light are amazing!

That man was like a frog whose head had been nailed to the ground, still twitching, and even wanted to stand up several times! But Song Fei, who was riding on his belly, didn't give him a chance at all, and he didn't let go of his hand holding the chopsticks!

Qi Yan, who had already come to fill his seat, was another blow without a word!

At the same time, Zhou Lv and Qiao Siqi, who were belatedly aware of it, ran to the balcony together and turned into trackers, wishing they could yell and go up to collect the sheet rope desperately.

The life-threatening rope was finally completely closed.

The uninvited guest on the ground was completely turned into a corpse.

Except for the short hand-to-hand fight with the zombies on the first day, Luo Geng never had such an immersive opportunity. At most, they would hide under the balcony and take a sneak peek, and zombies would besiege students who were alone or eat students who jumped off the building. This is a completely unilateral scene of massacres.

Running for his life was the only thing Luo Geng thought he could do in front of zombies.

Even if he fought with bare hands, he just pushed the opponent out of the door.

Now, from the sky... no, the four students from the bottom up gave him a brand new answer.

It turns out that this kind of monster-like guy can be defeated, as long as he is calm-headed and has a clear division of labor - attack head-on without thinking about his body, defend from the side with tall legs and long legs, wait for opportunities in all directions, and defend the rear with careful thought.

"You are not my classmates, you are the Avengers..." Luo Geng wanted to applaud the four people in front of him if the atmosphere was not suitable.

Zhou Yiyi rolled up the bed sheets that saved lives and caused troubles first, and expressed his ambition: "Then I want to be Iron Man."

Luo Geng was overjoyed, and said sincerely: "The way you play the guitar to unite people's hearts must also be Captain America."

Qiao Siqi leaned over excitedly: "Then what about me?"

Every male student has a dream of being a hero, Luo Geng is not stingy: "What are your specialties?"

Qiao Siqi thought for a while: "Does the rich second generation count?"

Director Luo patted him on the shoulder: "Iron Man."

Qi Yan glanced over and said nothing.

How could Director Luo forget him: "Climb up and down like walking on flat ground, Spider-Man!"

Song Fei, who was still riding on the corpse, raised his head, with hope shining on his face.

Luo Geng looked at his soft figure, no equipment, no muscles, and he hung on to him to fight melee: "... Black Widow?"

In the huge gap, Student Song glared at the achievements below him unwillingly, and then realized that he seemed... dizzy with blood.

Compared to the previous few times, Song Fei was only disgusted this time and didn't vomit. He felt that if he came a few more times, he should be able to eat the duck's neck by guarding the corpse.

Half of the balcony sliding door was reimbursed, and the whistling wind blew in from the door frame.

The five students were wearing cotton clothes, those wearing cotton clothes, and those wrapped in down jackets, squatting on the ground in unison, with their hands in their cuffs, and studied around the corpse.

At first glance, it looks like old men watching and playing chess on the street in the cold winter.

"Evolved?" Qiao Siqi only thought of this possibility.

Zhou Yilu was skeptical: "When we collected the sheets, no one else climbed up. Could it be that zombies are also divided into scumbags and masters on the way to evolution? And when Song Fei kicked him just now, how soft and flexible his body is, do you all know?" Have you ever seen it evolve into this all of a sudden?"

While speaking, Song Fei had already carefully pulled off the broken glass coefficient on the other party's face, squinted his eyes for a while, and confirmed that it was correct: "Cui Menghan from the Dance Department of the Art Academy..."

Qi Yan: "Follow the face control without restraint."

The three students who were completely unclear about the situation looked at each other—

Qiao Siqi: "The face is ruined like this, can you still recognize it?"

Luo Geng: "You two even know each other from the Academy of Art?"

Zhou Lu: "Not only did I know each other, but I also put a human label on it..."

Song Fei and Qi Yan glanced at each other, then turned away quickly.

In the end, Song Fei said vaguely: "It's just... from a photography group."

Luo Geng and Zhou Lv were dubious, but it wasn't the point, so they didn't ask further.

Qiao Siqi probably understands, he thinks Song Fei is not lying, the rainbow group, it sounds like a group of photographers chasing beauty.

Even if Johns has a clear and exquisite heart, he can at most make up his mind to the entry stage. As for the inside story of Cui Menghan's persistent attempt to poach Song Fei's corner, only the person involved knows.

However, no matter how many entanglements there were, at the moment Cui Menghan mutated, it became a thing of the past.

"He is a dancer, and his body is much more flexible than ours. Could it be due to evolution, but just individual differences?" Qi Yan put forward another guess.

Luo Geng instantly grasped the spirit: "You mean that after they are infected, they mutate based on their own basic conditions?"

Qi Yan nodded: "The virus will make the intelligence degenerate, the body will become stiff, and the pain will disappear, but the degree of alienation is likely to be the same or a similar percentage. For example, the speed of two mutants has degraded by 30%, but they were running normally. There is a difference in speed, and after degradation, this difference still exists."

Qiao Siqi shook his head, still unable to accept it completely: "There are individual differences, but it's not so different that one can't even hold on to the rope, but the other can climb up. This kind of difference is too big, and I still think it's more like evolution. "

"There are big differences between people." Song Fei was more inclined to agree with Qi Yan. At the end of the speech, as if to prove it, he stood up directly, straightened his legs, bent over and stretched his arms, and finally touched the ground with his fingertips, "Look, I can only touch here."

Qiao Siqi stood up dubiously, followed suit, and finally put half of his finger on the ground.

Luo Geng looked amusing, so he did the same thing, and his whole palm was actually stuck to the ground: "Hey, I'm softer than you!"

Zhou Yiyi squinted: "You have short legs."

Luo Geng's black line: "Come if you have the ability."

Zhou Yilu shrugged, accepted the challenge calmly, bent down, his hand flew down, his fingertips went straight to the ground, and finally... er, stopped at his knee.

Zhou Zhou was embarrassed, didn't believe in evil, and tried again, eager to go down!


Qi Yan: "..."

Joskey: "..."

Luo Geng: "..."

Song Fei: "I seem to hear the sound of a broken leg..."

In the end, Qiao Siqi had to admit that the differences between people are still very huge. But there is no way to prove that zombies can climb stairs is a difference, not an evolution.

Luo Geng was annoyed by his entanglement, picked up the sheet and ran to the balcony, unexpectedly put the rope down again.

The four people were so frightened that their hearts jumped out of their hearts, and they hurried over.

Luo Geng was holding the rope at one end, but the other end was almost lowered to the ground. With Luo Geng's voice "Come on", more than twenty zombies gathered around again, scratching and scratching at the rope, but they just couldn't hold it!

At first, Luo Geng held onto the bed sheet and didn't move at all, just observing with bated breath, to see if there were any mutants who could climb up. But gradually, his movements changed, he swung the sheet up and down, and occasionally greeted the mutant face deliberately.

The mutants seemed to be emotionally infected, becoming more and more anxious, and even jumped up to grab the sheets individually.

No matter how Song Fei looked at it, he felt that this scene was very familiar, and finally realized: "Are you testing or teasing cats?"

Damn, that's not a bed sheet, it's clearly a cat teaser!

Luo Geng also realized that the test was almost done anyway, so he decisively put the bed sheet back up. However, the expression on her face was still unfinished, and there was even a sentimental look in her eyes: "I miss Snow White, I used to play with her like this at home..."

The four little friends didn't want to know the story that Luo Geng and his cats had to tell, so they changed the subject forcefully—

Zhou Lu: "Basically, it can be determined that there are individual differences. In other words, if we really fight, we still have a chance of winning."

Qiao Siqi: "One-on-one has a chance of winning, and we will definitely finish the sea of corpses tactic."

Song Fei: "So we can't fight head-on. We must find a way to lure them away, so that we can really escape."

Qi Yan: "Sounding east and west?"

Luo Geng: "No, wait, you haven't given up yet!"

The four looked at Luo Geng, without speaking, they just stared at him.

Luo Geng's momentum gradually weakened.

Song Fei asked him: "If you don't break through, how long will you be able to eat?"

Luo Geng lowered his head, tearing bitterly: "There will be no food at noon..."

It is not impossible to be trapped in a lonely city, but a lonely city that is out of ammunition and food, if you are trapped, you just don't want to live.

After some tossing, the sky has gradually darkened. The five people guarded the dormitory where the wind was blowing, and the cotton coats and down jackets were no longer enough, so they wrapped up in quilts one after another, and those who didn't have enough quilts had to wrap them together, discussing Breakout Plan 2.0.

"It's a way to beat the east and the west," or don't do it, since Luo Geng is going to do it, Luo Geng is used to thinking about everything, "We can use the mobile phone, throw it in the distance and play songs at regular intervals, and after attracting all the zombies, we will escape. But there is a problem, mutants can not only hear, but also see, their hearing is disturbed by mobile phones, but their eyes are not, as long as a mutant sees us, in the blink of an eye, a wave of corpses will come."

Qi Yan narrowed his eyes and said in a deep voice, "Then choose a weather that makes them invisible to us."

The remaining four friends looked at each other in blank dismay: "...um."

It was a cold night.

The quilt was hung on the sliding door to keep out the wind, and the five students were either sitting, lying down, or doing pull-ups while holding the railing of the bed, and none of them fell asleep.

"Look at me." Luo Geng rummaged through the box and found a short soldier that looked like a knife but not like a knife. His eyes were shining. "Authentic high imitation Type 56 triangular army thorn!"

Qiao Siqi raised his hand: "May I ask how authentic a high imitation can be..."

Luo Geng shook his head with an expression of "you are too young, child": "Don't question the seller's craftsmanship. If you give him a good review, he will return you a miracle."

Song Fei was pouring almost boiled water on the fan, but he didn't know if it could be disinfected, so he wanted to comfort him psychologically.

After watching it for a long time, Luo Geng wanted to admire: "This weapon of yours... is very flamboyant."

Instead, Qi Yan was concerned about the other thing sinking in the bottom of the boiling water basin: "Where did you get the chopsticks?"

Song Fei: "The canteen is smooth..."

Zhou Lu: "Aren't the cafeterias full of wooden chopsticks?"

Song Fei: "The Korean-style window on the second floor."

Qi Yan didn't know how to evaluate it at all. But speaking from conscience, this thing is quite practical, and it is more accurate than a knife.

At seven o'clock in the morning, it was half light.

Everything is ready, only the smog is missing.

As if God also hoped that they would be able to survive this desperate situation, there was no wind in the early morning of this day, and the sun did not come out for a long time. Even if the sky finally dawned, the sun was still gloomy, and the eyes were only gray.

The fifth day of the zombie siege, heavy haze.

"All ready?" Qi Yan asked.

Everyone: "Yeah!"

Qi Yan nodded: "Take out all your phones."

In the blink of an eye, five mobile phones gathered on the desktop - Qiao Siqi and Qi Yan's Apple, Zhou Lu's Samsung, Luo Geng's Huawei, and Song Fei's OPPO.

Qiao Siqi: "I think Huawei will take the fall."

Luo Geng: "It's too much of an award. I think Apple is the best."

Zhou Lu: "Made in China is actually quite strong..."

Song Fei: "I'll power on for five minutes, it will be of great use at critical moments!"

Qi Yan ignored the argument, glanced at it, and picked up Qiao Siqi's apple without hesitation.

Qiao Siqi felt a pain in his heart, and couldn't help protesting: "Why didn't you choose theirs! Besides, you are also an Apple, why don't you throw away your own!"

The other three unselected friends had quickly put their mobile phones back into their pockets. Qi Yan glanced at Johns indifferently: "You have a soft anti-fall cover."

The reason was flawless, and Qiao Siqi was speechless.

Twenty minutes later, five strong men with life-saving knives on their shoulders and shoulders had already climbed down from the balcony on the fourth floor, and four of them landed safely on the canopy at the main entrance on the first floor. Below is the ground, if you want to escape, you can run by jumping down. But not yet. Because the other companion was on the balcony of the innermost dormitory on the second floor, bent down as much as possible, sent the mobile phone to the place closest to the ground as much as possible, clicked on the music to play, and immediately locked the screen and threw it to the ground!

The smog was thick and the visibility was at most two meters. The four of them couldn't see the situation on Qi Yan's side at all, so they could only wait anxiously.

Finally, the loud and rhythmic melody pierced through the thick fog like a sharp sword and resounded through the sky—

"Cheng, Cheng, Genghis Khan~~Civilized, courageous, intelligent, and extremely heroic~~Cheng, Cheng, Genghis Khan~~I don't know how many beautiful girls want to marry him~~Hahahaha~~They all want to be his bride ~~Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho~~"

Before the music played more than two sentences, countless figures flashed in the gray mist, and without exception, they flocked to the end of the dormitory building!

The four little friends on the canopy were shocked. They couldn't stop listening to Nima's song, let alone zombies.

Soon, Qi Yan rushed back to the canopy to join everyone.

The smog blocked the sight of the zombies, but it also blocked the sight of Song Fei and the others. The gray fog in front of them was quiet, and no one knew whether it was really empty or there were still mutants hiding in it.

"Come on?" Song Fei almost didn't use his voice, but only breathed out.

It's all here, if you don't rush, you have to rush.

Just as Qi Yan was about to nod, he saw a faceless mutant wandering under the canopy at some point!

Many mutants have mutilated limbs, and the faceless one is the most eye-catching one, because the zombies gnaw their faces first, some people die directly, while some are alienated in the process of being gnawed, and eventually become faceless zombies.

Others saw it too, and their originally hopeful mood was instantly cast a shadow.

There is no time to think about why he is not attracted by the sound, what is more important now is how to deal with it. It is not difficult to deal with a zombie, but it is inevitable to attract the attention of other zombies during the fight, which is fatal!

Qiao Siqi pointed forward and tried to use his breath to speak: "He has no eyes, he can't see, let's go around..."

Qi Yan pursed his lips into a straight line. Of course it would be best to avoid it, but they are very close to this faceless zombie. Even if the other party can't see them, they can keep silent, but don't forget...

"They can still smell." Song Fei said the most fundamental problem.

They have fought against faceless mutants before, and they can't see it and can't be their obstacle at all!

The music on the other end may stop unexpectedly at any time, and there is no time for them to delay. Are they going to go head-to-head again and repeat the previous failure

When he was at a loss, Luo Geng suddenly said with confidence: "He can't smell us."

The four of them looked at him together.

Luo Geng had already dug out the artifact from his backpack—half a bottle of spray-type Six God.