Zombie University

Chapter 16: Moving forward in the haze


In the early morning of the fifth day of the zombie siege, the students in Buildings 2 and 3 of the male dormitory first heard weird disco songs from the 1980s, and then faintly smelled an inexplicably familiar pungent smell. Some courageous students opened the balcony to look around, but the fog was so thick that they found nothing.

No one knew that in the haze, the five students were walking on tiptoe, holding their breath.

It's like the blindfolded tag game I played when I was a child. The faceless zombie is the unlucky kid who can only be blindfolded after losing the rock-paper-scissors game. The five classmates are clever and mischievous bad boys. Bend down, move forward slowly.

Song Fei and the others couldn't figure out why Luo Geng had to take toilet water with him when he was running for his life, and it was winter, so he was still carrying a refreshment model. But it's amazing, this thing completely covered up their fleshy taste. To be precise, they can no longer feel the existence of face, neck, hands and other exposed parts that have been sprayed with Shenshui.

Recently, they were only one step away from the faceless zombies.

Through PM2.5 particles, Song Fei could clearly see the face of the great unity of the people across the country. With just one glance, the hair on Song Fei's head was about to explode. He suppressed his nausea and rubbed his way past the opponent bit by bit. The strong smell of toilet water still didn't completely overwhelm the rancid smell on the opponent's body.

That's not human taste.

Song Fei couldn't even call them mutants anymore, and couldn't use "he" anymore.


Song Fei has experienced how insane it is to gnaw on a person. At this moment, for the first time, he has a real understanding of the word "corpse". There is no life, no freshness, only decay and decay that is dying.

The five people arrived at the door of the dormitory area without any danger.

I don't know if all the zombies are attracted by the great Genghis Khan. The entrance of the dormitory area is quiet, like the early morning in winter vacation. There are very few students staying in the school, and silence and desolation are everywhere.

It's just that now they can judge silence, but they dare not judge desolation.

The road ahead is a vast expanse of whiteness.

The five clearly clenched their weapons and moved forward in a 122 formation.

Luo Geng took the lead, not because he volunteered or his military boxing skills were expected, but because he had an extra mask compared to others. When Luo Geng was looking for a mask before departure, everyone still laughed at him, it's the fucking end of the world, and you still have bad air protection, which is useless. But when Luo Geng took out the gas mask-like helmet-like mask, everyone silenced the sound instantly, and they recommended him to be the team leader, for nothing else, because once eaten by zombies, the probability of him being infected is relatively low. If you encounter someone with bad teeth, you may be able to break down a few weapons of the opponent.

Luo Geng is only 1.71 meters tall, and his body is thin, but if you look closely, it looks like tendons. But when you put on a mask, you don't need to look carefully, it is mighty and majestic at a glance.

As the group of people got farther and farther away from the dormitory area, the sound of mobile phone music gradually disappeared. There began to be some unidentifiable noise around.

Luo Geng could already vaguely see the sign of the supermarket in the gray mist.

He swallowed, and continued patiently at an even and slow pace.

There must be zombies around, Luo Geng can feel it, but they have no human taste on them now, as long as they are not seen, they can hide in the smog and touch the muddy water...


Luo Geng's walking body stopped suddenly, and he bowed his head silently, as expected.

Qiao Siqi behind him didn't know why, and asked with his breath, "What's wrong?"

When the book is ready to be used, there is little hatred. Luo, a student from the Department of Mathematics, racked his brains to come up with a few words: "I stepped on someone's foot..."

Student Johns couldn't adjust the translation system of the language center for a while, and his comprehension ability was in confusion. The trampled person had grabbed Luo Geng's shoulder and was about to gnaw on him!

Luo Geng is not good at English, but his skills are good, and he still has a gas mask for protection. The enemy gnawed over, and he rammed back directly face to face!

The zombie was hit so that he could not stand still, and he let go of Luo Geng's shoulder.

Instead, Luo Geng grabbed the opponent's arm, and with a squeeze, he pulled the person back to him, raising his hand and it was an army stab!

The four little friends only felt a flash of cold light, and looking again, three-quarters of the army thorn had sunk into the eyebrows of the zombies.

Luo Geng held the thorn handle tightly, and the black-red blood slowly flowed out along the small piece of metal that did not sink into the zombie's brain. My friends finally know why this is called a triangular army thorn, because the metal thorn looks very similar to an awl at first glance, but it is neither flat nor round, but a solid triangular structure. Once pierced, the blood Immediately released along the groove, it is simply a murderous weapon.

More importantly, because of the triangular structure, the pierced part does not fit the skin and muscles, and the result of no pressure is that it is easier to pull out than to pierce in.

The zombie fell into Luo Geng's arms.

From start to finish, it didn't make any sound.

Luo Geng carefully put it on the ground, just like treating the most precious girl in his heart.

The other four were vigilant about their surroundings. Although the muffled sounds of fighting were not obvious outside, no one could guarantee absolute safety.

Finally, the zombie lay down firmly on the ground.

Luo Geng squatted there quietly watching him for a while, then suddenly raised his head: "I killed someone..."

His lips trembled slightly, and his expression was filled with confusion of "who am I, where am I, and what happened?"

It was not the first day when he pushed people out of the door, and it was also different from witnessing Qi Yan and the others kill Cui Menghan yesterday. This was the first time Luo Geng killed a zombie with his own hands. The feeling of metal piercing into the flesh was real, hot and cold , brave and fearful.

"They are not human anymore." Song Fei stretched out his hand and gently squeezed his shoulder, "You did a great job."

Luo Geng blinked, his mind finally became clear from the strength on his shoulders, and then, from the sadness: "My dream is to be a math teacher..."

Song Fei gently helped him up: "Be gentle with your students in the future."

The three big characters Fenduoduo finally appeared in the gray mist.

I don't know if it's because of the outburst of character, the power of toilet water, or the pitiful low visibility. Except for the one whose foot was stepped on by Luo Geng, they didn't bump into the second sick student in the mist, but the supermarket was very lively.

Looking at the door alone, there are no less than a dozen wandering classmates, and no one knows how many of them there are.

The five people hid in the flower bed, and took out their phones again in a tacit understanding—

Zhou Lu: "Is this kind of combat method that consumes one mobile phone at a time too extravagant?"

Luo Geng: "It's nine o'clock every day, what else do you do..."

Zhou Lu: "Do you dare to take off your mask before talking?"

Song Fei: "He said it was a little bit, but do you have any other solutions?"

Qiao Siqi: "Your Chinese listening skills are absolutely god-level."

Qi Yan pondered for a moment: "You don't need to throw your phone this time."

Fenduoduo supermarket covers a large area, but it only has one floor, with a height of 3.5 meters. At this time, a group of people quietly approached the bottom of the supermarket wall from the side, and climbed up to the roof of the supermarket in the way of stacking arhats.

Luo Geng, who had the most stable chassis, was the last one to be pulled up. His shoulder was almost shattered, and he swore that if he stacked Arhats in the future, he would never be a fucking bottom!

The roof of the supermarket is not completely flat, but because of its large area, the slope is very gentle.

The five people cautiously came to the main entrance and went to the room, and leaned on the eaves to lie down side by side.

Qi Yan: "Are you ready?"

Song Fei took off the bicycle lock that hung all the way around his neck, and lightly twisted the key that had been inserted in it all the time. With a click, the lock opened in response, turning from a circle into a chain. He slowly tightened his palms, and his eyes were firm: "I have locked the kettle for a year, and finally I am going to do something big."

Qi Yan smiled. He was very nervous, but as long as Song Fei opened his mouth, he felt that there was nothing difficult to overcome.

"Remember to open the window." Qi Yan said.

Song Fei turned to look at him, for some reason, his eyes became hot, and he leaned over and pecked him: "Remember to come back."

Qi Yan's response was to lick his lips contentedly.

No more delay. Taking a deep breath, Qi Yan stood up slowly, bid farewell to his teammates who were still lying there in rows, and walked towards the diagonal direction of the main entrance of the supermarket without hesitation.

Qiao Siqi comforted Song Fei: "Don't worry, he's so fierce, nothing will happen."

Song Fei nodded: "Well, he is very fierce, I know."

Qiao Siqi felt that this topic was really inconvenient to continue, and turned his head to find other partners to get back on track, but met two pairs of shocked eyes—

Zhou Lu: "It is said that a friend in need is a friend, but the two of them, the two of them, the two of them..."

Luo Geng: "Fell in love in only five days?!"

Although the teammates were a bit biased, Josic still said the truth: "I seem to have known each other before, but I don't know the details..."

Song Fei pretended not to hear, and focused on looking down.

At this moment, a cheerful and rhythmic melody came from the opposite side of the roof. The song was not violent, but the bright drumbeat and the high-spirited vitality of the lead singer made the song full of magical appeal—

"Love hot peppers~green hot peppers~green hot peppers~~~love hot peppers~green hot peppers~red hot peppers~~~ You should study hard when you go to school~~ You must go to university in the future~~ You can get a job when you are admitted to university~~ If you have a job, hello Life… "

If it is said that Qiao Siqi's mobile phone local music library opened the door to a new world, then Qi Yan's mobile phone local songs set off Qiao Siqi's new world extremely beautifully.

In particular, Qi Yan also turned up the volume of the speaker to the maximum, and the quiet supermarket area suddenly became commotion.

First one zombie ran out, then two, then three, and the ones who came out from behind ran faster and faster, as if they were rushing towards the source of the singing with some kind of hatred that had been carved into their bones!

The three people above the main entrance stared down intently. When the song reached the end, there were no zombies running out. When the song was over, the loop started again. The three of them made a decisive decision, jumped down quickly, and rushed into the supermarket like lightning!

Qiao Siqi went straight behind the left door, and Zhou Lu went straight behind the right door, and the two of them closed the glass door tightly in the blink of an eye!

Song Fei saw the timing and locked it neatly!

Everything was exactly the same as the original plan—except for a beautiful face that was suddenly pasted outside the glass door after the lock was locked.

The so-called beauty of the prosperous age means that even if you are squeezed against the glass and you are out of shape, you will feel comfortable looking at it.

But no matter how comfortable it is, it can only be pure appreciation.

Song Fei spread his hands outside the door, regardless of whether people could understand: "Sorry, zombies are not allowed to enter."

Withdraw five centimeters from the face on the glass to restore the original appearance.

The three boys inside the glass door gasped together. It was a face that was clearly pale, but still breathtakingly beautiful!

Song Fei only felt infinite sadness in his heart: "I'm sorry girl, in the next life, run fast and don't get bitten, I will definitely accept you."

The girl's expression suddenly became sad, there seemed to be drops of water in her eyes, and her lips moved slightly: "Help me..."

The voice was as sweet as a yellow warbler, but as sad as a cuckoo weeping blood, Song Fei felt his heart was about to break.

Qiao Siqi and Zhou Lv on the side also realized that this is not a zombie, it is a classmate!

The three of them were at a loss, some were unlocking the door, some were picking the door, wishing they could open their arms in an instant.

But things are often like this, the more anxious you are, the more difficult it will be. Song Fei was so nimble when he locked the door, and so clumsy when he opened it, and he only needed to twist and pull out when locking the door, but he needed to re-insert the key to open the door.

Finally, when the key went in, Song Fei gave the girl a guilty look while spinning rapidly. This glance didn't matter, he almost frightened him and folded the key in the lock.

At the same time, Qiao Siqi and Zhou Lv also opened their mouths wide in horror, and the latter pointed tremblingly at the back of the girl.

The girl seemed to sense something, and suddenly hid aside!

There was a bang, as if a zombie with a dirty face and bloodstained face emerging from the ground was crashing into the glass door!

The loud noise and the hideous faces squeezed and deformed by the glass shocked the three people inside the door, but the zombie had no interest in the three people separated by the door, and quickly propped up his body and rushed towards the girl who was within reach!

The girl was so frightened that her face turned pale, but her feet seemed to have taken root, she didn't move at all, she just waited for the zombie to come to her, she didn't know whether she was quick-witted or hit the right way, she took the thermos pot in her hand and hit the zombie's head with a heavy swing !

The girl was tall and tall, and her altitude was almost the same as that of a zombie. This moment of stupefaction really knocked her so that her feet were unstable, and she repeatedly staggered to the side. The girl chased after her with another swing!

The huge impact force and inclination angle caused the lid and stopper of the thermos kettle to shake off together, and the cool water splashed into the air in an instant, and the water splashed in an instant!

The zombie who was hit for the second time was unable to recover, and fell to the ground with a bang.

Song Fei and the others looked dumbfounded, but the girl over there ran back with the empty thermos in three steps in two steps, and slapped the glass door—

"I haven't lived enough in this life, please open the door for me!"