Zombie University

Chapter 26: Six people ran at night


Qiao Siqi, who loves long johns unrestrainedly all his life, made the hearts of all his friends take a jumping machine. In contrast, hanging on the tree like ginseng fruit seems not so miserable.

Qi Yan looked at Qiao Siqi: "Tell me, what's going on?"

Although everyone agreed that if there is an accident at the courier point, climb the tree first and then make follow-up plans. But what was wrong with the courier point, only Qiao Siqi, who was running at the front, saw it.

"No way." Student Johns said without thinking.

Qi Yan was caught off guard, he was choked, and his face was a little ugly.

Song Fei was a little awkward, although he liked to see Qi Yan being deflated, but he didn't like this way: "Jo Siqi, you are so frightened, the five of us climbed the tree with you, what do you mean by not saying the reason now?"

Qiao Siqi was stunned for a while, and it took him a long time to realize that it was embarrassing: "I'm not saying there's no way! It's just that there's no way, there's no way, and there's only a door frame and no door left at the courier point! After so many days of life and death, can you guys have a tacit understanding! "

Song Fei: "..."

Qi Yan: "..."

Zhou Yilu has no research on the emotional world of gay men, only from the perspective of a simple and objective passer-by: "The two of them have a tacit understanding."

Qiao Siqi didn't want to talk to him, and shed a tear of a single dog under the tree.

The three big trees that the friends climbed are still some distance away from the steel plate house. From here, you can indeed see that the door of the steel plate house seems to be open, and you can vaguely see the shelves with cardboard boxes inside, but there is no way to judge whether it is or not. Close the door or no door at all.

"The steel plate house is not strong in the first place, let alone hordes of zombies, just any ordinary classmate of us would knock the door open." Zhou Lv explained the current situation from a professional perspective.

"What shall we do now?" Luo Geng frowned, "Plan C?"

There is no door, which means that there is no guarantee of safety, and the express delivery point must not be settled. The so-called PlanC is to move to the library. Their current food can last for two days, so the first task is to find a shelter from the wind and rain that can keep them warm overnight, otherwise they will not starve to death or freeze to death.

Dormitories, supermarkets, canteens, and courier points all belong to the living area, which is located in the innermost part of the campus, that is, to the north, while the library is the building in the teaching area closest to the living area. To make an inappropriate analogy, if Song Fei’s school is a map of China, then the main entrance of the school is Hainan Island, the living area is equivalent to Xinjiang, Mongolia, Heijiliao, the library is probably in Shaanxi, and the sports field and gymnasium are all in Qinghai, Gansu. In Tibet and Sichuan, the buildings of various departments, such as the Luban Building of the School of Architecture and the Gewu Building of the School of Physics, are irregularly distributed in the central and eastern provinces, and public teaching buildings like the Zhiyuan Building are neatly arranged in Guangxi, Guangdong, and Yunnan.

"Plan C is for sure, but not now." Song Fei looked up at the hazy clouds, "Wait a little longer, it's almost dark."

"OK." Luo Geng understood what Song Fei meant.

No matter how close the library is, it is still far away for them at this moment. The express delivery point can be seen without looking up, and they can still go all out and go all out. If they want to go to the library, they can only take advantage of the right time and place to hide as much as possible, just like escaping from the dormitory to the supermarket. Otherwise, zombies will besiege the vast avenue, and they will have nowhere to escape.

Although smog cannot be present all the time, darkness can play the same role. If the smog at this moment can last until night falls, the night without moonlight and stars cannot be more beautiful.

A few friends also got it right, including Lin Dilei, who had no experience but had heard from them.

It was 3:50 pm at this time, and it was at least an hour before the sky was dark. If it was completely dark, it might take longer.

The six flowers of the motherland poked on the bare tree branches are struggling in the howling north wind.

The little friends tried their best to turn up the collars of their clothes and wrap them tightly, tucked their hands into their sleeves, and put their arms around the branches. Even so, the heat is still being lost.

Qiao Siqi sniffed his nose: "I don't know how you feel now, anyway, I feel like a rag, the kind that hangs out wet and then is completely frozen by blowing."

Lin Dilei was speechless: "Be content, how many winds have I protected you, why don't we change?"

The tree branches of the two are close to each other, but Lin Dilei is actually closer to the direction of the wind.

No comparison, no harm, Qiao Siqi obediently shut up.

There was a sudden gust of wind, and Lin Dilei was blown so hard that she could hardly hold her. When she finally passed, she sneezed several times.

The little friends were a little worried when they heard it. After all, it was a girl’s house, and they were no more cold-resistant than the big guys. Just about to ask a few questions, Lin Dilei spoke first: "Did you find out that there are always these eight below, and the number has not increased. "

The voice of the little mine is still full of energy, and everyone is relieved.

Luo Geng: "Indeed."

Zhou Zhoulu: "This place is remote, there is nothing around, the courier will leave after picking up, and no one will stay. There are not many people in the 80% incident. Maybe some zombie wandered here unintentionally. , bite all the mutants in one bite, and live and work in peace and contentment, isolated from the world."

Zhou Yilu's guess is not unreasonable. Right now, these eight zombies all rushed out of the delivery point, and they really didn't collect them on the road.

Qi Yan heard the clue: "Xiao Lei, just tell me what you think."

Lin Dilei: "If we solve all these eight, can we enter the express delivery point?"

Qiao Siqi: "The problem is that there is no door to the delivery point!"

Song Fei: "I think she doesn't mean to stay forever, but to avoid it temporarily. If there really won't be any more zombies coming, then a delivery point without a door is better than a tree."

Lin Dilei: "And don't you think that there are so many express boxes, but you can only look at them and can't take them apart, is it an annihilation of human nature?"

Luo Geng: "..."

The five male students were not so enthusiastic about unpacking express packages, but they still knew the consequences of offending women. Besides, they really couldn't stand the tree anymore, and now their limbs were starting to stiffen, and in another hour, they probably would really be like frozen rags.

Time is ticking, Just do it!

Qi Yan: "Six versus eight has no chance of winning, we can only lure the enemy..."

All partners looked at Zhou Lv tacitly: "Deep."

Zhou Lv's black line: "Why do you go deep into me on the same fucking plane!"

Song Fei: "One inch long, one inch strong!"

Zhou Lv looked up: "You don't fucking talk on it, it won't hurt your back."

Song Fei's eyes widened: "How could I stand by and watch, we are now two frozen pears on the same tree, I will definitely help you!"

Zhou Lv relented slightly: "That's not too bad, how can I help?"

Song Fei: "Temptation."

Zhou Lu: "..."

After a while, Song Fei's moving voice with some thin hoarse sounded in the cold wind—

"Please come here~~Please come here~~There is a Qingqing world here~~Where does Qingqing come from~~Where does Qingqing come from~~Qingqing comes from every leaf here~~~"

Song Fei's singing is not loud, not low, enough for zombies to hear, and it won't be blown away by the wind. Not only is the melody lively, but it's also accompanied by joyful eyebrows and rolling eyes. Not to mention zombies, a certain little friend who is so excited almost didn't hug him Steady, planted under the tree.

Qiao Siqi: "This singing is too..."

Luo Geng: "It's hard to say."

Lin Dilei: "If there is anything indescribable, just four words..."

Zhou Lv: "Sao, Qi, Peng, Bo!"

Zhou Lv almost said it through gritted teeth, and as the final sound of the last word faded away, he shot down with all his might!

The zombie who rushed over to hug the tree first struggled twice and stopped moving.

Zhou Yili pulled out the gun vigorously, and carefully climbed down another branch, getting closer to the bottom.

The old songs are gone, and the new ones are coming—

"Who~~sent you to my side~~it's the round moon~~the bright moon~~it's the gurgling mountain spring~~it's the gurgling mountain spring~~it's the gurgling mountain spring~~"

In the next ten minutes, the zombies and the Divine Comedy flew together, and the blood shared the magic sound.

If it wasn't for their firm stance, the four comrades would all rush down to help the zombie eat Song Fei!

As the eighth zombie fell to the ground, Song Fei ended the concert. His tree branch was the tallest, and he looked around to confirm that there was pure land within a radius of tens of meters, so he nodded.

The friends quickly descended the tree, exhausted physically and mentally.

They ran into the courier point with support, and the six of them hid on both sides of the door, and finally breathed a sigh of relief. Although the temperature is still cool, but without the wind, the lethality drops sharply.

Lin Dilei rushed into the pile of packages almost immediately, and soon, there were endless slapping sounds, and her skill at unpacking and tearing the tape was simply amazing.

"There are so many, who will not be dismantled?" Song Fei looked at the vast ocean of express boxes and fell into a phobia of choice.

"The ones that are packed in soft bags or those that are not too heavy in flat boxes are usually clothes," Lin Dilei shared her experience without raising her head. to eat or use."

It's easy to have a direction. Song Fei immediately fell in love with a half-sized box. Once he picked it up, I'll go. Song Fei was overjoyed, and decisively put the box on the ground to unpack—

"National and Provincial Civil Service Examination Textbooks (1000 Questions + Exams)" is a perfect set of six books.

Song Fei spat out a mouthful of old blood. But he told himself, to be strong, take a deep breath, start again, this time choose the size instead of the weight, go straight to the big box, lift it, hey, the weight is moderate, compared with its own size, it will neither be like knowledge The power of the box is so heavy, but it is not light, it is still a bit heavy, Song Fei opened the box for the second time with anxiety—

Luxury cat toilet + two packs of cat litter.

Pets are not allowed in the dormitory, how did these shit-shoveling officers hide the truth! ! !

Night finally fell, and the friends who were about to set off again had their own gains—

Lin Dilei, a 28-inch suitcase of a well-known international brand purchased from overseas + some meat muffins, biscuits, chocolates, snacks + 5kg fresh oranges + a brand-name down jacket purchased on behalf of others + two sets of skin care products.

On Mondays, a pair of snow boots that are slightly larger in size but not affecting use + a cashmere scarf + a box of imported milk.

Luo Geng, ten sets of anti-virus suits (mask + goggles).

Qiao Siqi, some snacks + five boxes of men's underwear.

Qi Yan spends most of his time watching the wind, so the harvest is relatively poor, only a pair of black leather gloves.

Song Fei, none.

In fact, Song Fei can’t say that there are none. In more than an hour, he has disassembled countless things, such as civil servant books, English for postgraduate entrance examinations, cat litter for cat toilets, black and white hell 10,000-piece jigsaw puzzle sets, juicers, soybean milk machines, and even a meter and a half. Tall Iron Man.

He already fully understood how rich college life can be.

The suitcase that Lin Dilei unpacked was both a surprise and a sorrow. Surprisingly, the box has a lot of space, and almost everything can be stuffed into the box. The worry is that the box is very heavy after it’s all stuffed in. Of course, it’s easy to pull it away, but the sound of the universal wheels, it’s hard to say that it won’t attract zombies under the silent night.

"How about carrying it away?" Zhou Yi put on the scarf, and stuffed the shoes and the unpacked milk into the trolley case.

"It's too heavy." Luo Geng put five sets of gas masks on top of the down jacket, pressed hard, and the box was successfully closed. Then he got up and distributed the remaining five sets to his friends, "Put them all on."

Qiao Siqi took the box, a little hesitant: "Don't use it at night, besides, there is no smog today."

Luo Geng: "Do you know why zombies like to bite their faces so much?"

Qiao Siqi: "Eat your brains."

Luo Geng: "Except for this?"

Qiao Siqi: "The meat on your face is tender?"

Luo Geng: "... You were bitten definitely not by accident!"

Except for Qiao Siqi, the other comrades-in-arms understood. It is impossible to prove whether the zombies in the school love their brains the most or treat them with no distinction between brains and flesh, because what everyone sees is that the zombies have been gnawing, and those who jumped off the building were also divided and eaten, but one thing is already clear, That's because the body is covered with clothes, and the face is definitely the easiest place to mouth. Of course, now that you have a mask... wait a minute.

After opening the box, Song Fei felt a sense of happiness reborn: "I even have goggles!"

Luo Geng looked proud: "It is said that it is a suit, it must be comprehensive. This is not only anti-smog, but also anti-virus. Some volatile gases are also harmful to the eyes."

Zhou Lu: "Fuck, how did you pick this one out of so many boxes?"

Luo Geng: "Look at the delivery note to find the recipient's name, don't I know my own name?"

Five friends: "..."

No wonder it always feels familiar, it is exactly the same as the one on Luo Geng's face!

Luo Geng: "Originally, I bought it for the classmates in the class, and it is cheaper for you. But the workmanship of your batch is not as good as mine, and the quality must have dropped. After I came to the Internet, I guess it has been praised by default. Forget it, I will go to the website. Time to add comments."

Five little friends: "...you think too far!"

In the dark and deep night, the cautious people and the six figures were almost walking forward. After all, the suitcase that was pulled because it was too heavy made almost inaudible noises as it moved forward extremely slowly.

This is a trail without street lights, the slope is full of pines and cypresses, and the lower the slope is, it is directly behind the book light.

There was an eerie howl in the distance.

The six people are not afraid, because they feel the same stimulation and the same peace of mind in each other's Six God breath.

Libraries are already visible.

It was a building completely different from the modern style of this school, with red walls and black tiles, antique. It is said that the school required the library to have a rich cultural atmosphere and profound historical heritage, and it was best to rely on the strength of the Palace Museum, so this large four-storey library was completed beautifully.

This is another important reason why they choose the library - the windows and balconies are complex in shape and easy to climb.

In the deep night, the lights around the library are as eye-catching as spotlights, reflecting the building brilliantly.

Luo Geng walked at the end of the team, and kept vigilant about his surroundings, because the closer to the library, the brighter the world, and the six of them became more and more clear, including the shadows on the ground, and...

Luo Geng's footsteps suddenly froze.

There are seven shadows on the ground.

The author has something to say: Tracks appearing in this chapter: Na Ying - "The World of Youth"; Li Lingyu - "Girl from Tianzhu". I feel that after finishing this article, I can publish a collection of Divine Comedies from the University of Sangbing, puff~~