Zombie University

Chapter 32: Fight again


In the second round of the vending machine battle, the members of the Mighty and Unyielding Survival Class 1 absorbed Song Fei's experience and rushed forward while also taking care of the back, so they took the third floor very smoothly. The whole process was just like the first round. copy and paste.

The students with greatly increased confidence started the third round of scouting after only a short break between classes. The room type on the second floor is different from that on the third and fourth floors, and most of them are large-scale borrowing rooms and self-study rooms. The friends are very optimistic. If there are zombies in the strategic areas, they should be cleared first. If it is really impossible to clean them, they should change rooms nearby. Anyway, as long as Song Fei and the others who are in charge of making a fuss can find a hiding place in a general direction.

However, they thought of all possible accidents, but only one thing was missed.

It was an audio-visual collection projection room on the second floor, located in the southwest corner, roughly perpendicular to Song Fei's position during the first round of battle. However, unlike the bright and clean windows of the archive room, the curtains here are drawn all year round because of the need to screen materials from time to time, and the curtains are specially selected, and the material is thick and almost opaque.

This place is not open to students, and it is the first time for Song Fei and the others to enter. The same method as the closed-shelf library, knocking on a small piece of glass to open the window, but this time there is an extra step-opening the heavy curtains.

It was Qi Yan who did this. I don't know when, he became the default striker of Wusheng Class 1, and he always rushed to the forefront in all collective actions. He has no complaints or regrets, and everyone trusts him very much. Therefore, when Qi Yan opened the curtain but didn't step in, everyone knew it was wrong.

Soon, a bad smell wafted out. Without the closure of the glass, without the curtains to cover it, the smell is directly disgusting.

The first reaction of the friends is zombies. But looking back at the hand-to-hand encounters with the zombies since the accident, although they also smelled of rotten food, it was far from such a strong smell.

In the end, it was Qi Yan who moved aside, and everyone saw clearly—under the glare light that had been on for an unknown amount of time, the corpses of five classmates curled up in the corner.

They clung to each other tightly, perhaps because they had been dead for too long, and their facial features and body postures were somewhat deformed. But they were not injured. Even if they didn't get close, they could be seen clearly. They were intact from head to toe, just like this audio-visual room, with white walls and bright floors.

—They were trapped here alive.

Lin Dilei was the first to cry. She covered her mouth with her hand, trying to suppress her sobs, but the tears couldn't be stopped, and the back of her hand was soaked in an instant.

Song Fei and the others couldn't bear to look any longer, turned their backs one after another, and breathed in the cold air.

Qi Yan put down the curtains and remained silent for a long time.

For more than half a month, they have seen too many zombies, so much that their extreme fear has weakened to a slight fear, and so many that their extreme nausea has completely become a habit. But for classmates, it still doesn't work. They have also seen classmates being gnawed and classmates jumping off buildings, but when the former happened, they mostly focused on running for their lives, and when the latter happened, it was late at night. Never before has it been so close and clear, so direct and tragic, as if closing your eyes, you can return to the pain and despair at that moment.

After a while, Qi Yan went in again and pulled down the curtains. Afterwards, wide curtains lightly covered the corpse, and the corner of the wall turned a chaotic dark red.

From the beginning to the end, both Qi Yan and the friends who watched him do all this were quiet and silent.

Perhaps they are all thinking the same thing in their hearts—the past misery can be covered up by them in this way, but what about the road ahead, when they are miserable, who will let them rest in peace

The battle on the second floor did not take shape in the end. The direct reason that caused everyone to give up was that there were too many zombies. In fact, they already had this feeling when they cleaned up the first two points, and when they cleaned up the last point and began to test the tactics at fixed points, it was exactly as they expected. The noise of all the zombies running on the second floor is enough to overwhelm the mobile phone ringing. Some of the zombies can be involved, but not all of them, and it can’t even be guaranteed to be more than 60%. In this case, smashing vending machines and blocking stairs All comrades in arms are very dangerous.

After realizing that it was not feasible, everyone gave up decisively and returned to the closed-shelf library.

Any plan has the possibility of failure, let alone go to the courier point, they changed several plans in a row. But there has never been a time like this time that their fighting spirit will also be defeated.

The reason is tacitly understood by everyone, but no one wants to reveal it.

After returning to the library for the whole afternoon, everyone was silent, or sat by the window, or lay on the books, or leaned against the corner, or hid in the bookshelf, without any communication with each other, and fell into a heavy depression tacitly.

Until six o'clock in the evening, night fell.

In the past, the campus at this time should have been lit up, but after the tide of corpses broke out, the lights that were on were always on, regardless of night or day, and the lights that were off were always off, regardless of day or night.

There are more lights that are off than lights.

Song Fei leaned against the side of the bookshelf, facing the window, looking at the night sky. In order to forget the tragedy in the audio-visual room, he forced himself to think about the small town in his hometown. It was a comfortable city, with no scenic spots or former residences of great men, but only people who lived and worked in peace and contentment. Vehicles are constantly flowing on the not-too-wide road, and the buildings on both sides of the road are not fancy. Even the train station in the city center is simple and unadorned.

In that small city at this moment, are there countless people looking out of the window like this, not knowing where tomorrow will be, or are they still living and working in peace and contentment, with thousands of lights

Song Fei hoped it was the latter.

She bowed her head sadly, the phone still had no signal.

He still insists on charging it every day, always feeling that it will ring at some inadvertent moment.


Song Fei was bored and scratched the screen with his finger suddenly stopped, and blurted out in surprise: "Today is New Year's Day!"

One sentence attracted the attention of all the friends. It was as if the surface of a lake that had just been covered with a thin layer of ice was broken by a stone with a bang, and the water surged. Everyone took out their mobile phones one after another—except for a few students—the screen was unlocked, and it was January 1st.

The first day of the new year.

In the midst of thrills, excitement, fighting, sadness, and depression, they spent three-quarters of the day that was supposed to be a wonderful day to bid farewell to the old and welcome the new. When they found out, there were only six hours left for them.

The eight people looked at each other, including Song Fei, who couldn't find a suitable expression for a while. At a loss? Bitter? hapiness? joy? Can't laugh or cry? Nothing seems right.

Zhou Lv smiled wryly, and muttered to himself: "New year, new weather, heh, how ironic."

Everyone knows what he is referring to.

God gave them the first gift of the New Year—spoiler.

"We will become like that in the end too." Joskey said the words that roiled in everyone's heart all afternoon, but no one dared to say them.

The friends are silent.

Only Song Fei, like everyone else, thought about this question all afternoon, but his answer was: "No."

There is no high-spiritedness pretending to be brave, only calm and tenacity.

Wang Qingyuan squinted at him, and said intentionally: "A good start is half the battle. It seems that the beginning of our new year is not very good."

Song Fei put the phone back into his pocket, acting as if his boss and second child were not as good as he said: "We didn't find out that it was New Year's Day before, so it doesn't count. So our New Year starts now!"

"Okay—" Wang Qingyuan shrugged his shoulders, and the lengthened voice echoed seemingly helplessly, but there was a smile in his eyes.

Qi Yan on the other end was even more nimble, he had already piled up the booty on the "book-made floor", and now he sat cross-legged and looked up at his comrades: "What are you waiting for, let's start!"

No matter how stupid the little friends are, they will understand at this time, one singing one and one driving ducks are on the shelves... The three of you can make your debut as a group with a tacit understanding!

"No matter what happened in the past, from now on, it's all in the past tense." Song Fei held up the AD calcium milk, "We are unfortunately one year older, cheers!"

AD calcium milk, Red Bull, boiled water and other different drinks collided in the air without a crisp sound, but the eyes of the toasters had the same light of hope—

"Happy New Year!"

After a whole afternoon of depression, Wusheng Class 1 at this time is like a college entrance examination candidate who has been anxious for many days and finally waited for the results to be released. Go to his mother's future, I just want to enjoy my summer vacation right now!

After taking a symbolic sip of "wine", everyone opened the bowl of noodles that had been soaking for a long time. In an instant, the tangy aroma of old altar sauerkraut overflowed the library. This taste is so kind and familiar, warm and reassuring, making everyone immersed in it feel that they should live another five hundred years.

"This is the second festival after our accident." Luo Geng took a big mouthful of noodles and swallowed them without chewing. "No matter what you think, I feel better than last time anyway. At least our team is now There are more people than last time, and two vending machines were smashed successfully. I haven't met the bastard like last time. So the next festival, the next festival, our situation will only get better and better, really .”

Qiao Siqi was drinking instant noodle soup. Hearing this, he became anxious and almost scalded his tongue: "Why do we have to spend the next holiday together? Can't we wait to rescue all the graduates?" !"

Luo Geng thought about it seriously, then nodded: "This proposal is also acceptable."

Josic black line, WTF almost exited.

The comrades laughed together. Enough laughing, let's just talk about the battle in the cafeteria. After all, the library can't stay for long, and the cafeteria is the only and necessary choice.

In fact, the plan has already been outlined, and only some key points of action still need to be discussed and deliberated. Because even eating and drinking, everyone was not so serious. They didn't have a main line outline when they thought of what to say, and ended up talking about the decoration of the cafeteria without knowing what to say.

The first thing to be complained about must be the outer glass curtain wall, and the hatred value of the comrades for it almost broke through the sky. After that, there are doors, windows, glass, marble floors, and even row seats. Anyway, there is nothing that can satisfy the little friends.

The one who sprayed the most fiercely must be Zhou Lu. Others sprayed based on their feelings, but he sprayed based on his professionalism. Song Fei felt a little sympathetic to the place where the students depended for their lives, so he interrupted: "Hey , you are from the Department of Architecture, right? Architecture is not supposed to design building shapes, why do I feel that your knowledge covers the field of decoration?"

Zhou Lv squinted at him: "I want to design the building, but who asked me to design it? You think I can be an architect after graduation. Let me tell you, 10% of our majors can really become designers. Not bad. The rest are either doing decoration or civil engineering, which is still good, and there are a lot of jobs that can’t be found.”

Song Fei felt sore and empathized: "We are tourism management, do you think you can manage scenic spots after graduation? It would be nice to be a tour guide."

"Don't you think we are too pitiful?" Luo Geng sighed, lay down in a big shape, and looked at the ceiling in a daze. "Since I was a child, I have nothing else to do except studying for the university entrance exam. It's hard to get into the university. I have to worry about finding a job again... "

Song Fei smiled wryly: "I'd rather worry about finding a job now."

Only when you lose it will you know how to cherish it. This is a phrase that has been used rotten by countless novels and movies. Song Fei once dismissed it. It is only now that I understand that the reason why I use it badly is because it is really accurate-if time can be turned back, he will definitely change his mind, study hard, and never waste it. Because the college life that he once thought was extremely boring and boring, but at this moment, it is the peace and beauty that he most wants to restore.