Zombie University

Chapter 34: Canteen Raiders (Part 1)


Qi Yan woke up from a nightmare where a ghost pressed the bed. He opened his eyes with a whimper, and his first feeling was that it was not yet dawn. But soon he discovered that the sky was indeed bright, but it was not clear, there was no sun, and even the light in the library was still dim.

Without any tenderness at all, he lifted Zhou Lv's thighs that were pressing on his stomach, making a muffled noise, Zhou frowned and turned over, continuing to sleep soundly.

Qi Yan sat up, and the down jacket that was covering him slipped onto his lap. The other little friends are still asleep, their expressions are either calm, sweet, nervous, or... greedy.

Qi Yan enjoyed admiring Classmate Song's saliva that flowed down three thousand feet for a long time. Later, he realized that he was suspected of being an idiot, so he reluctantly looked away.

After touching Zhou, the phone will light up and the lock screen will display, Beijing time 8:01.

Ever since he lost his mobile phone, Qi Yan's routine has been completely disrupted. At first, there was a biological clock in his body, but the escape itself had no rules at all. The tense nerves and the relatively closed environment in the library gradually blurred his sense of time.

Everyone slept late last night. Because I don't know who got up after lying down, Chang thought of the cafeteria strategy. Originally, I was just thinking wildly in the festive atmosphere of the festival, but in the end, everyone discussed a feasible plan after talking about it.

The unintentional surprise made everyone excited. Considering that although they have food in stock, they are not rich, and the cafeteria is at risk of a battleground, it is better to act sooner rather than later, so everyone voted with a show of hands , with 6 votes in favor, 1 against and 1 abstention, the resolution to leave tomorrow night was passed.

The dejected Li Jingyu remained silent for a long time. The already numb Qiao Siqi hugged his shoulders to comfort him, it's okay, Zhou Zhou and I don't know how to climb trees either, just use a rope to pull them when they can. Zhou Yili, who was shot for no reason, took off his shoe and threw it over, but Johns nimbly dodged it, so the sole of the shoe kissed Xiao Lei's forehead.

In the follow-up, Qi Yan didn't want to recall any more, for fear of shaking his confidence in life.

Putting on his down jacket, Qi Yan got up and walked to the window. The weather outside was very gloomy, as dark as evening, and the snowflakes drifted with the wind, some fell on the window sill, some hit the glass, and most of them were still floating in mid-air, not knowing where to go. It is difficult to judge when the snow started, because the snowflakes are too thin and small, and no matter where they fall, they will quickly melt into water spots. It is not so much snow, but more like rain, which wets the edge of the window sill. Beads adorn the glass.

"It's raining?" Song Fei sat up at some point, with a half-asleep and half-awake face still on his face.

Qi Yan turned his head, his eyebrows stretched out because of his appearance: "It's snowing. But before you care about the weather, do you want to wipe your drool?"

Song Fei blinked in a daze, and wiped his mouth carelessly with his hand, as expected, his palm was wet.

Qi Yan couldn't help laughing. He used to like the way Song Fei just woke up, his body was clearly awake, but his head hadn't caught up, he was foolish and ignorant, it was the best time to bully.

With a big yawn, Song Fei finally woke up about 70% to 80% of the time, and looked out the window again, with a bit of worry in his eyes: "Fortunately, it's not too big, I hope we can stop when we act at night."

In the next hour, the students in Class 1 of Wusheng woke up one after another. The snowy weather made everyone a little depressed, but fortunately it was the beginning of January, before the coldest time, such fine snow could not stand on the ground, and most of it would melt. As long as you don't drag it into the night, the semi-thawing ground freezes, and it's not too difficult to walk.

The friends brought forward the canteen charge that was originally scheduled for 6:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. If the weather continues to be cloudy, it will be completely dark by then. The whole day after that was the preparation work before departure—washing hair and body, tidying up things, and checking the plan.

The snow stopped at noon, earlier than expected, but the sun never came out, and the drowsy day lasted until five o'clock in the evening, and the sky was completely dark.

Eight of them were either cotton or down jackets—Wang Qingyuan and Li Jingyu wore coats when they were trapped in the tea room, and Lin Dilei replaced the woolen coats with brand-name down jackets found at the courier—all wearing masks. Goggles, equipped with weapons, backpacks, suitcases, spray Six God, go!

In the evening after the snow, the wind is biting.

Eight figures were on the outer wall of the library, moving down little by little. The brilliant lights of the library made them invisible, but soon, they had reached the bottom of the building, and in a blink of an eye, they merged into the night.

If it weren't for the occasional light sound of the universal wheels of the suitcase rubbing against the ground, everything would be as quiet as if nothing had happened.

It was still the pine and cypress path when we came here, with a gentle slope, and the eight friends moved forward vigilantly and orderly. They tried to keep their steps as light as possible, like a team of ghosts.

At the end of the trail is the main road. Since the accident, everyone tries to avoid the main road in any action, because the road is too wide and the view is too wide, so it is not easy to hide and hide. The place closest to the back kitchen door, this time, they couldn't avoid it.

On both sides of the main road, a broad-leaved tree is planted every three or four meters. Unlike the small trees in the middle of the express delivery point, the trees here are tall and straight. In summer, two rows of trees are luxuriant, forming a boulevard . At this time, the leaves are all gone, and the dry branches can no longer provide shade, so they can only stand alone in the cold wind.

The group stopped about ten meters away from the side of the road, and looked from a distance, there were about four or five dark shadows wandering on the road—the possibility of them being alumni was unlikely.

"Get ready, I'll go over and lead them over." Qi Yan lowered his voice extremely low.

At this time, there is no need to argue hypocritically about who is going to charge, Qi Yan's speed and skill are the best candidates, everyone can only ask: "Be careful."

Qi Yan nodded and walked forward.

The little friends tacitly dispersed to both sides and hid.

In just half a minute, the sound of hurried and chaotic footsteps came, and the friends held their breath. When Qi Yan and the five zombies entered the ambush range, everyone rushed forward, grouped according to the tacit agreement agreed in advance, two to fight one , Qi Yan and Zhou Lu were one-on-one respectively, and they were silent the whole time, just like white knives in and red knives out!

Li Jingyu was in a group with Wang Qingyuan, but before he could hold down the fallen zombie, the latter was already riding on the opponent's stomach, stabbing his head with a knife. The zombies are still struggling, so one cut is not enough for two cuts, and two cuts are not enough for three cuts, until the zombies can no longer move.

Then Wang Qingyuan turned around and asked him coldly: "Do you understand?"

Li Jingyu nodded stiffly, feeling that his head was bleeding out like a zombie.

After the quick battle, the friends did not delay at all, and came to the roadside tree at the fastest speed. Luo Geng, Zhou Lu, and Qiao Siqi went straight to the first tree at the intersection, which is the one closest to the west door. Meanwhile, Song Fei, Lin Dilei, and Li Jingyu rushed to the second tree three or four meters away, preparing to be neighbors with the first four. Qi Yan followed Wang Qingyuan in the rear, but it was not the third tree, but the fifth tree, which was more than ten meters away from the main force.

Song Fei and Luo Geng arrived at the suitable landing place almost at the same time, pulled out the rope and put it down at the same time, and pulled up Li Jingyu and Zhou Lv respectively. Lin Dilei and Qiao Siqi were a little slower, but they managed to climb up by themselves.

When the eight people took their positions, the wind suddenly stopped, as if predicting the danger ahead, even the wind held its breath.

Looking in from the west door, the cafeteria hall is dark and nothing can be seen.

"Ready?" Josh asked nervously.

Luo Geng and Zhou Lvqi glanced at him in disgust: "As long as you are ready."

Qiao Siqi adjusted his breathing, felt calmer, and suddenly opened his mouth—


Qiao Siqi's pronunciation of the word stuck in his throat, and he was stunned for a while, until the second "open the door!" resounded through the sky, he finally realized: "I didn't call it!"

Of course the friends knew that he was not the one who shouted, because there is no such hoarse cry for help in tactics!

The people on the tree followed the sound and watched, as the saying goes, standing high and seeing far away, they saw the door of the supermarket, which was still lit, five or six people came running to the door at some point, desperately knocking on the door. It could be vaguely seen that the cotton curtain was still blocking the door, and no one answered.

"Please open the door!!!"

The students outside the door have already started crying, their voices piercing their hearts.

There was no movement inside the door, as if there was no one inside.

But the eight people on the tree know that there is in the door.

Although it couldn't be seen clearly, there was a black mass near the handle inside the door, apparently the several bicycle locks that were hung by them themselves. Before leaving, Song Fei had already given them all the keys, and even knowing that it was useless, he said one more thing, if any classmates ask for help again, think about how you got in.

Now it seems that they really don't want to bother.

There are zombies chasing out from the dormitory area.

The students who knocked on the door couldn't see it, but they could see it clearly in the tree.

"Be careful behind—"

Song Fei almost exhausted all his strength, shouting that his chest seemed to explode!

Several students in front of the door paused, turned their heads one after another, and fled in all directions the next second!

There is no place to hide in the huge living area square. It didn't take long for the following zombies to catch up with them, and every time one fell, several zombies rushed over to eat together, until finally, there was no one to jump on.

Under the moonless night, you can't see the blood, you can't see the ferocity, and you can't even hear the wailing clearly, but all the friends are clenching their teeth, as if they are gnawing on themselves.

Zombies who heard the sound also came out to join in the fun in the cafeteria, but maybe everything happened too briefly to form a strong attraction, and the number of them coming out was limited.

Soon, the night gradually returned to tranquility. More than a dozen zombies were still gathered there, in groups of three or four, gnawing quietly, but more zombies seemed to have no interest in the meat that had completely lost its vitality, scattered aimlessly, and continued to wander.

Song Fei's voice just now also attracted several zombies from the west gate of the cafeteria, and they were circling around under his tree at the moment. But the trunk is too high, and the zombies have nothing to do.

"We shouldn't have saved them in the first place." Zhou Lv squeezed out the words through his teeth.

Everyone was silent.

"It's better to be an adult country in Flowers in the Mirror," Li Jingyu said with emotion, "A bright and upright person will have colorful clouds under his feet, and a treacherous and ambiguous person will generate black clouds under his feet. Good, evil, loyalty, and treachery can be seen at a glance."

The little friends smiled, and imagined the scene of the whole class of Wusheng 1 stepping on the clouds and floating under their feet, how spectacular it is. Lin Dilei even burst out laughing out loud, thinking of something funny.

The oppressive and dignified atmosphere eased a bit.

What they have seen and experienced these days is more than the sum of the previous ten or twenty years. Maybe their hearts are still not invincible, but they have gradually become stronger.

"Ready?" Joskey adjusted his breathing and asked for the second time.

Luo Geng and Zhou Lu: "Yes."

Lin Dilei and Song Fei: "Yes."

Li Jingyu: "...um."

The voices of Qi Yan and Wang Qingyuan finally came: "OK."

Johns took a deep breath, and sang to the sky with the loudest volume in his life: "Get ready!"

The first and second trees: "We will we will..."

Fifth tree: "Rock you!"