Zombie University

Chapter 36: Descent encounter


When singing sounded from the window on the first floor of the cafeteria, some zombies had already come out of the supermarket one after another, wandering around aimlessly again. Their faces, clothes, and hands are bright red and dark red. The old blood has dried up, and the new blood is still hot.

The back kitchen window is on the north side, facing the back of the cafeteria, which is exactly opposite to the side facing the main entrance of the supermarket. From there, it is impossible to know what is going on outside. Zhou Yilu and the three of them just followed the original plan. After cleaning up the kitchen on the first floor, they sang to attract the zombies under the tree again, so as to rescue the comrades who were responsible for seducing on the tree.

"If you feel happy, clap your hands~~clap! If you feel happy, clap your hands~~clap!!!"

The chorus of the three boys was so powerful that not only the zombies under the tree in the distance, but also Song Fei and Lin Dilei on the roof who were still immersed in depressed emotions were shocked. What's more, the places where clapping was required in the song were replaced by roaring. Under their hoarseness, the three overlapping words are very rhythmic and dynamic, which is quite avant-garde and western style of B-Box.

On the roof, the two who were looking at the supermarket from the south immediately got up and ran to the north, holding their heads on the edge of the eaves and looking down. The sound seemed to float up from the eastmost window on the first floor, because the sash structure opened inwards, and nothing could be seen from the angle of the roof, so Song Fei and Lin Dilei couldn't pinpoint which window the male voice trio was on. window.

But the effect of the loud singing is remarkable, and zombies are already running over from the west. In the blink of an eye, the three fastest runners had already reached the east side of the first floor, and dozens of them followed closely behind.

With a bang, the window was slammed shut.

Soon after, the same crackling song sounded again from the window in the middle of the first floor, but this time the three-person chorus became two people, but for the group of zombies who had already arrived at the bottom of the building, this volume was enough .

The zombies who ran to the east end first were stunned, then followed the sound and came back, and then the zombies who came later stopped moving forward, and all gathered in the middle of the downstairs.

This is their plan. In order to prevent zombies from besieging the window sashes, the attraction must be replaced one by one, first on the east side, then in the middle, and then randomly replace between these two places. In short, the purpose is to firmly attract the zombies. It is located in the east of the middle of the first floor, and the seduction team that rushed over from the west can smoothly jump in from the westernmost window on the first floor. Therefore, after the initial sex, one person must be assigned to the westernmost window to watch all the time, and open the window immediately when seeing friendly troops.

The plan is easy to say, but it is only when it is actually put into practice that you can understand how dangerous it is. Leaving aside whether all the zombies under the tree can be attracted to them, just replacing them one by one is a very difficult job. The so-called multi-point, in fact, the distance is very close, nothing more than this window moved to that window. With so many zombies gathered together, just standing still, the range may have covered three or four windows. After the singer closed the windows, he could only pick the other three or four windows. And even beyond these three or four doors, the nearest zombie may be only a few meters away, and the other party can rush over in two steps, so you have to be careful when opening the windows, but you can only close the windows quickly!

The most intuitive result is that the song gets shorter and shorter. After a few times, the first half of the sentence with the melody has been omitted by the comrades-in-arms.

This is not only a problem of danger, but also a problem of efficiency. Such a short song simply does not have enough time to attract all the zombies to a certain point. Over time, there will inevitably be zombies in front of every window from the middle to the east. Friends No more windows! If there are still zombies under the tree at that time, and the cafeteria cannot continue to attract them, it will be a disaster for the comrades in the tree!

Song Fei stood up and looked westward. Sure enough, there were still a dozen zombies under the tree, unmoved by the singing, and resolutely waiting for the fruit of victory. But why are there three figures on the tree? He looks like Li Jingyu in height, but didn't he run into the cafeteria with himself and Lin Dilei? How did it end up hanging on the tree in the opposite direction

Song Fei couldn't figure it out, but the current situation didn't allow him to analyze this miraculous thing in depth, because the sex downstairs had stopped at some point, and the zombies below were gradually spreading out.

Song Fei was so anxious that he had all the energy in his body but he couldn't quench his thirst... Fuck! Song Fei suddenly slapped his head, almost swearing. He was only thinking about the original plan, why did he forget that he and Lin Dilei had already deviated from the plan, and now is the time to make mistakes!

Taking a deep breath, Song Fei yelled down: "Lin Dilei and I are on the roof, we sing, and you are responsible for supporting—"

The ending of the word "ying" dragged in the air for a long time, until it was almost gone, the sound of the window sash opening came again from below, and then Zhou Yilu's search floated up—

"Song Fei?"

Song Fei's black line: "At this time, there is no need to specifically confirm your identity!!!"

As the window was closed again, Song Fei dragged Lin Dilei to the northeast corner of the roof, not daring to delay for a moment, and said very quickly: "Come together!"

Lin Dilei understands that he wants her to sing a chorus, but she really has more than enough heart and lacks knowledge: "I may... no, I definitely can't keep up with your playlist."

Song Fei didn't believe in evil, his brows were furrowed, and he searched his guts. Finally, his eyes lit up, as if enlightened: "This song is simple, I'll sing it, you just follow me and shout the second half of it! And after listening to it twice, I'm sure you can sing it too!"

Boulevard, the fifth tree.

Li Jingyu is already a bit too cold to hang on, and the snow is getting bigger and bigger, from broken diamonds to 2 carats, and it is about to run towards pigeon eggs. There are thirteen zombies under the tree, they are so unhappy from their numbers to their appearance.

Worse still—

Li Jingyu: "Why did papapa stop?"

Qi Yan pushed aside the thorny branch, with a heavy brow between his brows, he let out a white breath and said, "The distance between the windows is too close, didn't you hear them singing shorter and shorter, which means that we can give them a chance to open the window?" and less and less time."

Li Jingyu wanted to cry: "But the bottom has not been cleaned up yet, what should we do?"

From the top came Wang Qingyuan's indifferent answer: "Hold down."

Li Jingyu raised his head tremblingly, looked past Qi Yan, and looked at Wang Qingyuan: "Is...how tough?"

Wang Qingyuan smiled at him: "Three vs thirteen."

If it wasn't for the distance, Li Jingyu really wanted to scratch him: "What's the difference between that and suicide!"

It was Qi Yan who answered him: "At least die slowly."

Li Jingyu: "..."

Why did he climb this tree! ! !

In half a minute.

Qi Yan: "Are you ready?"

Wang Qingyuan: "Yes."

Li Jingyu: "No, no, yes!"

Qi Yan: "If it is later, if the attracted zombies return, we will have no way to survive. And you have raced against zombies just now, didn't you drop a lot of them, I have confidence in you."

Li Jingyu: "Oh, I knew you still remembered that I beat you at the sports meeting..."

Qi Yan: "How come, there really isn't one."

Wang Qingyuan: "The denial that suddenly became shy is not convincing at all."

Qi Yan smiled, but soon became serious, after all, time waits for no one: "I said one, two, three, let's jump down. Pull up the zippers on the clothes, put on the down jackets and cotton hats, tie them as tightly as you can." Strict. They are also the teeth of ordinary people. Even if they bite through thick clothes, they may not bleed. If they bleed, they may not be stained with saliva. The most dangerous thing is the neck and hands. Remember, don’t get entangled with them, ours The advantage is speed, the more delay the more dangerous, the only purpose is to quickly run to the window root in the northwest corner. OK?"

Wang Qingyuan, who has changed branches and came to a lower point: "OK."

Li Jingyu took a deep breath, and then slowly exhaled: "Ready."

Qi Yan grasped a can of Red Bull found in his backpack, swung his arm and threw it vigorously. The Red Bull flew over the heads of the zombies and landed on the asphalt road more than ten meters away. There was a bang, and the can broke and the water exploded!

The zombies looked around instinctively the moment the metal cans flew out, and finally there was a crackling sound, which attracted their attention briefly but firmly.

Qi Yan narrowed his eyes, it's now!

"One two..."

"Lin Dilei and I are on the roof, we sing, and you are responsible for supporting—"

"SSS... wait a minute!"

Qi Yan was very thankful that he stopped the car in time after thinking about it for a long time. The wind and snow sent the shouts on the roof to their ears word by word, clearly and clearly.

Wang Qingyuan retracted the foot that had just been suspended in the air, and the tense nerves were slightly relieved. Although the heart has been on a roller coaster, the heavenly soldiers are better than the mountains of swords and seas of fire.

However, Wang Qingyuan looked up at the direction from which the voice came from: "How did he get to the roof?"

"I don't know." Qi Yan raised the corners of his mouth and his eyes sparkled, "He always has all kinds of weird ways."

Wang Qingyuan said blackly: "He climbed onto the roof, why are you so proud?"

Qi Yan was stunned, and seemed to realize that it was the first time he was proud of Song Fei. It's not because he likes this person, so it's easier to see the other person's shining points, but the other person's shining points are really eye-catching, so when others realize it later, he, the person who recognizes the treasure first, has a kind of uniqueness. Insightful pride.

But is he really discerning

If there was no virus outbreak and this disaster, would he still get to know Song Fei completely again like this? He has no self-confidence. He may continue to indulge in one-sided denial of the other party, continue to regard his stupidity as rationality, and rudeness as motivation.

Fortunately, he still has a chance to make amends.

Thinking of this, Qi Yan raised his eyebrows at Wang Qingyuan: "I have such a good eye, why can't I be proud?"

Wang Qingyuan rolled his eyes, and was about to complain when he heard Li Jingyu's miserable voice from below—

"Can you two pull me up and chat again..."

The two were startled and looked down, only to see that Li Jingyu was holding onto a branch at the lowest part of the canopy with both hands, his whole body was suspended in the air, swinging in the night wind.

Qi Yanjiong asked while flipping through the rope in his backpack, "Why did you jump down?"

Li Jingyu called this an injustice: "Just jump if you say one, two, three!"

Wang Qingyuan was also puzzled: "He didn't call three at the end."

The rope was finally lowered slowly, and Li Jingyu stretched out his hand to grab it with the last bit of strength: "Aren't I afraid that I will be despised by you if I dance late!!!"

Just when Li Jingyu was pulled up half a meter by Qi Yan, before he reached the safe branch, a hoarse male and female chorus sang like the giant ax that created the world, splitting the sky—

Song Fei: "All good men have gone where they died~~~"

Song and Lin: "Where did you die?"

Song Fei: "Good women are waiting in long queues to get married~~~"

Song and Lin: "Wait to get married, wait to get married!"

Song Fei: "Looking at the people coming and going on the street, I'm a little scared~~Where is the Prince Charming in my heart~~"

Song and Lin: "Where are you hiding, where are you hiding!"

Lin Dilei: "I'll go, I will!"

Song Fei: "Let me just say it, let's go!"

Song and Lin: "All the good men are dead~~~Good women are waiting in long queues to get married~~~"

The little whale trembled, and the rope almost fell out of its hands.

Qi Yan had been prepared for a long time, but he still waited for two seconds before he could gather his mind.

Wang Qingyuan raised his forehead, they all went to karaoke together in the dormitory, he had already seen Song Fei's local music library which was comparable to a weapon of mass destruction in all directions, but the other party was constantly alive and updated.

The reaction of the zombies was much more enthusiastic than before. First, they ran away without turning their heads. Then, when Song Fei and Lin Dilei circled for the third time, there was no one left under the tree.

The three people on the tree looked at each other, filled with emotion—

Li Jingyu: "Do you need to run so fast?"

Qi Yan: "The Divine Comedy is born magical."

Wang Qingyuan: "I feel that they can't wait to eat them."

Either way, now is the perfect opportunity!

Qi Yan: "This time I counted one, two, three, I really jumped."

Wang Qingyuan: "Yes."

Li Jingyu: "You two first!"

The northeast corner of the roof.

Song Fei and Lin Dilei choked on the cold wind and roared the Divine Comedy, their faces flushed red because of lack of oxygen from singing. But they did not dare to relax for a moment. The song may be mischievous, but running for one's life is no joke. Now almost all the zombies are gathered at the bottom of the east wing. What they have to do is to persevere, and persevere!

Finally, the figures of three comrades-in-arms appeared on the northwest corner of the building, and they flashed into the westernmost window on the first floor almost in the blink of an eye. With the bang of the window sash, the singing stopped abruptly, and Song Fei and Lin Dilei's hanging hearts finally let go.

The ground of the roof had been covered with a thin layer of white at some point. Although the color of the ground was still not completely covered, both Song Fei and Lin Dilei felt the temperature drop suddenly. This is a night snow that is completely different from the daytime, without the softness of the rain, only the biting chill remains.

"They are safe, how do we go down?" Lin Dilei sniffed, and asked a little helplessly, "You can't run down the stairs again?"

Song Fei looked around, there was only neatly arranged oil fume exhaust pipes on the roof of the cafeteria, other than that, it was clean.

After thinking for a moment, he asked Lin Dilei: "Do you still have a rope in your bag?" His own has already been wrapped around the door handle.

Lin Dilei probably understood his intentions, and quickly took out the rope from her bag and handed it to him.

Song Fei tied the rope to the welded iron pole nearest to the northwest corner that was screwed to the ground to fix the pipeline. After tying it up, I pulled it twice to make sure it was stable, and then threw the other end of the rope downstairs.

Lin Dilei walked to the edge of the roof and looked down. The rope just hung down to two-thirds of the window on the second floor. The rope itself is not prepared for climbing stairs, and its length is limited. Just wrapping it tightly and putting it in the backpack now takes up a lot of space. But at this moment, Lin Dilei hoped that it could grow longer, and longer.

"It's at least five meters away from the ground..." Lin Dilei asked Song Fei hesitantly, "Do you think we can do it?"

Song Fei thought about it very rigorously, and analyzed: "I am 176, you are 172, if we hold the end of the rope and our bodies are vertical, the feet are only more than three meters away from the ground. More than three meters, I feel You can give it a go.”

Lin Dilei listened to Song Fei's "if" for a while, "maybe" for a while, and then "feeling" for a while, she really didn't feel safe, and she couldn't bear it at all: "Why don't we rush back to the stairs again, just in case it happens. "

It is not too difficult to choose whether there is a high probability of falling from a fall of more than three meters, or a high probability of being gnawed to death in a pile of zombies. So soon, the six comrades in the back kitchen on the first floor were anxious and heard the call from the top of the building——

"We are going to climb down with a rope, the first window on the west, you are ready to wait anytime!"

The six students looked at each other and rolled their eyes. In the end, representative Qiao Siqi quickly opened the window and responded, "The red carpet has been laid, you two hurry up—"

Song Fei didn't tell them that the rope was not long enough, since it was unsolvable, talking about it made people worry.

Rubbing his palms vigorously, he felt a little heat back. Song Fei picked up the rope, walked to the edge of the roof, turned his back to the nothingness, and told Lin Dilei: "I'll go down first, and watch carefully. If you find something wrong, Just think of another way. Unless it is absolutely necessary, don’t rush from the stairs.”

Lin Dilei blinked hard, forced the heat back, and said angrily: "Whatever is wrong, there is nothing wrong! You must land safely!"

Song Fei bared two rows of big white teeth: "Yes!"

The palms of the hands were already sweating slightly, Song Fei relaxed a little, adjusted his breathing quietly, and quickly clenched it again. As soon as he stepped back, the rope straightened in an instant!

The glass curtain wall in the snow has even less friction. Song Fei slipped the first time he stepped on it. Fortunately, he quickly adjusted his balance and returned to his upper body with most of his strength. Simple pivot.

When he came to the middle of the third layer of glass, he basically didn't even use the fulcrum, and he just kept his body vertical, tightening and loosening his grip, and slid down hard.

Although the palms were burning, the speed of this vertical slide was significantly higher than before.

After an unknown amount of time, maybe a few minutes, or maybe a century, Song Fei finally came to the middle of the second floor. There was still a small piece of rope under his hand, but he didn't dare to continue to slide down. If he let go of his hand and fell, the effect of jumping down would be different.

Lin Dilei's singing sounded again from the northeast corner of the roof, and Song Fei knew that it was her helping him to contain the zombies downstairs. At this moment, the place under his feet was about 30 to 40 meters away from the group of zombies on the east side. He had never felt so grateful for the vast area of his alma mater's cafeteria that his eyes filled with tears.

Without further ado. Song Fei lowered his head and took a visual inspection. Although the height made him a little guilty, and although his feet were facing the concrete floor, fortunately, there was a green belt one and a half meters away. On the ground, there is still hope.

Do not hesitate!

Song Fei withdrew his gaze, maintained the vertical position facing the building with his back facing outward, raised his right foot steadily, let the tip of his toe touch the glass, and kicked hard!

The rope swayed outwards, and it was about to reach the maximum angle!

Song Fei... was stunned.

With the swing of the rope, the body flew back and hit the second layer of glass with a bang.

Then there was a slight back and forth shaking, and finally returned to stillness. Song Fei was still holding the rope vertically, but his expression had changed from being generous to being shocked, and his eyes were so wide that their eyeballs were about to fly out.


The window sash close at hand was opened from the inside, and the youthful face that was facing Song Fei through the window before, without the barrier of glass, was so clear that even the pores could be seen.

It was a male student with a bald head. Either his hair was shaved short, or his hair was as smooth as an egg shell, but his face was so handsome that even such a hairstyle could not conceal his beauty.

"Human?" The male student's voice was also nice, low and hoarse.

Song Fei nodded in a daze: "It should be... yes."

The male classmate looked at his rope shape: "Where are you going?"

Song Fei answered honestly: "The first floor."

The male student nodded in relief: "Be careful."

Song Fei conditioned reflex: "Okay."


"..." Song Fei finally recovered from the beauty, "Who the hell told you to close the window? I have you, what kind of building would I jump off!!!"

Qi Yan, who had been staring outside with bated breath for a long time from the first window in the northwest corner of the first floor, did not wait for the beauty, but the roar of the beauty.

The friends who were waiting together looked at each other in blank dismay—

Zhou Lu, Luo Geng, Li Jingyu: "It seems to be upstairs?"

Qiao Siqi and Wang Qingyuan: "It seems to be cheating."

Qi Yan: "..."