Zombie University

Chapter 52: Encountered a fierce battle (on)


On the second floor of the cafeteria, the windows of the Korean restaurant’s back kitchen were opened simultaneously with the downstairs when the small team called to open the windows. However, due to technical difficulties in climbing, Huang Mo and Fu Xiyuan who were stationed here could only stand on the windows and watch. Watching the students below either file into the window, or run away separately, they were too anxious to use their strength, but fortunately, those who escaped finally returned safely.

But before the two of them could let go of their hearts completely, there was a faint sound of disharmony arguing from the closed window below.

"They seem to be arguing?" Fu Xiyuan asked suspiciously, and the brows that had just been stretched were frowned again.

Huang Mo didn't speak immediately, but listened for a few seconds, and then said worriedly: "It should be."

"The running-in is not going well?" Fu Xiyuan only thought of this possibility, otherwise there would be no reason for him to find faults and settle accounts just after he came back.

Huang Mo lowered his eyes and thought for a while: "It may also have something to do with the newly brought back."

Eight people go, nine people go back, and they are tall, eye-catching and agile, and run back and forth for a longer period of time than others, it is difficult not to notice.

Fu Xiyuan suddenly realized, and couldn't agree more: "What's possible, absolutely! If you want me to say, you shouldn't have brought such a dangerous product back as Yu Zisheng!"

The clear name and surname made Huang Mo stunned: "Do you know him?"

"We are in the same class as Zhao He, and live on the same floor as us. Damn, I used to pretend to be human, but this accident shows the essence. Among the people who would never open the door to us in the supermarket, There is him!" After escaping to the cafeteria, Zhao Hezeng gritted his teeth and scolded, because he was the only one who saw these bastards through the crack in the cotton curtain. And Wu Zhou and Fu Xiyuan are naturally the main audience. After all, only people who know each other can feel the pain of being hurt, and can better share the same hatred.

After being reminded by Fu Xiyuan, Huang Mo seemed to have a vague impression of the name, but this made it more complicated: "The supermarket was breached the night before, if he had escaped at that time, it would have been two full days and two nights by now. …”

Fu Xiyuan is not a person who likes to use his brains, but since he escaped for his life, the environment forced him to gradually get used to thinking more about everything, so although Huang Mo didn't finish speaking, he also understood the other party's doubts. But in his opinion, this is not a problem at all: "We exercise all day long. If we can't do anything else, we just need to be in good shape. After two days of starvation, we will be light. Besides, there are zombies chasing after us, let alone have physical strength, even if we have only one day left Tone, you have to hold back and run before you speak."

After thinking for a while, he added: "Besides, he may not have come out as soon as the supermarket broke down, he may have been hiding in a corner of the supermarket for a day and a half, or he also brought food with him when he escaped, anyway, that kid has a heart There is too much, and there is no loss."

"It's good if you can run out." Huang Mo sighed softly.

Fu Xiyuan was silent for a while: "Yes."

At first, I thought that none of the classmates in the supermarket survived, but now that one ran out, maybe there was a second and third somewhere they didn't know... Thinking about it this way, I feel better.

"Why are you quiet again?" Fu Xiyuan noticed something strange, the vague quarrel between you and me before has completely disappeared, and now there is only a faint sound of wind outside the window, "Is the quarrel over?"

"No." Huang Mo's face gradually became serious, "If the grievances have been resolved, it's time to check the spoils. Even if there is no laughter, you shouldn't even hear the voice of speaking..."

Fu Xiyuan suddenly leaned out half of his body.

Huang Mo wanted to stop it, but it was too late.

"How are you downstairs—"

When Fu's eager cry sounded from the heaven and the earth, Zhou Lv's hand had just touched the barrel of the gun.

This inquiry, the concern is sincere, the emotion is strong, the timing is perfect - even the aim is so accurate!

I saw Yu Zicheng's body trembled in the roar, and the next moment he turned around suddenly, and rushed towards Lin Dilei on the left!

Xiao Dilei, who was just standing there preparing to watch Zhou Yu's duel, never expected that Yu Zisheng would choose him out of nowhere. He was stupefied, and his feet became dull. When he wanted to move again, Yu Zisheng had already come to him, and he was on the top of Mount Tai. !

Lin Dilei's heart sank, and she subconsciously kicked her between her legs!

All comrades felt a neuropathic pain in their scalps, as if they felt empathy with classmate Yu at this moment.

However, the "person" who was really kicked didn't notice it, and still firmly grasped Lin Dilei's shoulder, and opened his mouth to her face to bite her!

Yu Zicheng's strength was too great, Lin Dilei felt that her shoulders had been crushed, and she couldn't break free at all. She could only shake her head desperately, hoping to delay the time.


The huge force will knock Zisheng down and lose balance together with Lin Dilei who was caught by it. The moment she fell to the ground, Lin Dilei saw clearly that it was Luo Geng who hit it! And he also lost his balance, directly overlapping Yu Zisheng!

No fish or shrimp is fine.

For the new prey that threw himself into his arms, Yu Zisheng was not polite, he hugged him tightly, and his bloody mouth opened instantly!

Luo Geng's arms were clamped and he couldn't escape for a while.

The comrades-in-arms had already arrived, but Luo Geng was on Zicheng's body, his shoulder blades completely blocked the opponent's head, and the friends had nowhere to cut their swords!

Seeing that the looming sharp teeth of the zombie were about to gnaw on Luo Geng's back, a wooden stick came out of nowhere, and inserted it directly into the gap between the zombie's neck and Luo Geng's shoulder at a low level, and then pressed down hard, strangling the zombie's jaw. It can't go up any further with its head pinned.

It's Lin Dilei!

When he fell down and escaped from Yu Zisheng's imprisonment, he happened to have a wooden mop at hand!

With a mop strangling Yu Zisheng, Song Fei immediately came over to help her hold down the other end, while the other friends surrounded him tacitly. Come break its arms.

It stands to reason that there is no difficulty for seven people to deal with two arms. If three people divide one arm, one person can be left for assassination.

In fact, the partners in the martial arts class are also divided in this way.

However, Yu Zisheng's arm strength is far beyond that of ordinary people. The three of them struggled to break one arm for a long time but failed to break it apart. At this time, Qi Yan had already come to Yu Zisheng's head with a gun. But stabbing from the top down is definitely not going to work, unless Luo Geng doesn't want the shoulders anymore. So Qi Yan could only kneel down on one knee, turned the spear from vertical to horizontal, pointed the tip of the knife at Zicheng Tianling Gai, and stabbed it horizontally!

It doesn't matter if you talk about soul possession, or you shouldn't die, in short, at the moment when Qi Yan shot down the gun with force, Yu Zicheng suddenly stood up!

You must know that it not only lifted its back off the ground, but also completed it under the pressure of Lin Dilei, Song Fei and Luo Geng's weight, it's unbelievable!

The blade that was aimed at the top of its head finally pierced into the back of its neck!

After being stabbed, Yu Zicheng fell back to the ground and let out a howl that was no longer human. Luo Geng, who was closest to it, was almost deaf for a moment!

The two arms that were struggling to fight against the prey suddenly loosened their strength, but they flicked strangely in the process of rapidly separating to the two sides with the external force. Hold the gun barrel at the back of the neck and pull it hard!

All the submerged blades were pulled out violently, and the next second Qi Yan felt a sharp pain in the palm of his hand, and the gun was snatched by Yu Zicheng!

Although it is holding the end of the long pole that is close to the blade, making the spear look like a short knife in its hand, but even a short knife is enough. The moment it wins, it points the tip of the knife at Joe who is still trying to subdue his right arm Si Qi, Feng Qibai and He Zhi asked, stabbing indiscriminately!

The three of them quickly retracted their hands and backed away.

Yu Zisheng stabbed at the hand of the person pressing on his left arm again!

The other three had no choice but to hide. Yu Zicheng, whose upper limbs were finally free, grabbed Lin Dilei's clothes and pulled them in front of him, seeing that the knife was about to greet him.

Lin Dilei raised the mop pole in a hurry and blocked the zombie's wrist. But at the same time, unable to strangle the opponent's head anymore, Yu Zisheng bit Lin Dilei's face!

At a critical juncture, a rolling pin poked in between the two, replacing Lin Dilei and being gnawed by Yu Zicheng!

"Little whale!"

Lin Dilei was surprised and delighted that God's help was actually Li Jingyu, the five scumbags in the war!

However, the zombie failed to hit it repeatedly, and seemed to become angry from embarrassment. It took out the rolling pin in its mouth and slammed it forward!

Wu Zhou and Zhao He, who were struggling to press down on its legs, dodged quickly, but the strength of their hands relaxed for a moment because of the dodge, allowing the zombie to catch the gap and jump up!

The friends quickly dodged to a safe distance, and confronted the zombie whose neck was bleeding profusely across the desk.

The huge back kitchen suddenly became eerily quiet.

Twelve people, one zombie, the battle that should have been crushing at first glance, has been stalemate until now. Sometimes a large number of people does not mean absolute strength, because there is too much difference in the bottom line between the two sides. As long as one does not get stabbed in the brain, you can poke it as you like, while the other is afraid of even breaking the skin. As the saying goes, those who are stunned are afraid of violence, and those who are arrogant are afraid of death, and now those who are desperate have obtained weapons.

Although it is still lying on the front of the gun barrel, it looks like it is holding a snake's seven inches, but as long as the snake's head is in hand, it is destined that this battle will be tied - no one likes to be injured by a knife in the hands of a zombie.



Clap clap!

One after another, the sound of slamming the window sounded, no, that was simply smashing the window!

The hearts of the twelve students froze, and they came to their senses. When Yu Zisheng was stabbed in the back of the neck, he let out a loud howl. He was calling for his own kind!

Every slap seemed to hit everyone's hearts, the twelve nerves were tense, and I was afraid that the glass would shatter in the next second!

"Wake up the sleeping heart gently~~Slowly open your eyes~~Look at the busy world~~Whether you are still lonely and turning around~~The spring breeze is incomprehensible~~Blowing the hearts of teenagers..."

Everyone was startled, Huang Mo

Before I could think about it, the sound of slapping continued after a pause, even more intense than before!

The students who lured the enemy upstairs seemed to feel that the effect was minimal, so they immediately changed the repertoire—

"Birds fly because of their strong wings~~Flowers bloom because of worry-free growth~~What makes wings strong~~Makes flowers bloom~~Why some birds can't fly~~Why some flowers can't wait to open~~"

clap clap—

The sound of slapping the window didn't even stop.

"No, I really can't listen to it anymore. You don't want to be more explosive? We are here to lure the enemy to hate, not to heal the soul!"

With Fu Xiyuan's roar, the gentle singing upstairs stopped abruptly.

Soon, there was a gust of evil wind in the boundless world——

"Don't stop dancing in the middle of the night for three days and three nights~~Floating in the middle of the night for three days and three nights Only rely on music~~ Fuck this song is too much for your throat sweat..."

"The key is set too high."

"How can you be attractive if you're not tall! Hehe, fuck, it's not only a waste of voice but also effort!"

"You can also not wriggling..."

"How can you be explosive if you don't dance, how can you cheer them up! You won't be tired at all~~I have been dancing for three days and three nights~~I am in the mood now and drink soda and I will be drunk~~~"


Giving always pays off.

The sound of slapping on the window gradually stopped—Fu Xiyuan went all out to keep his vocal cords, and let his old waist fly, in exchange for the surrounding zombies to collectively look up and look up to the God of Songs.

For a while, the zombies were leisurely and peaceful, the gods of song and demons danced wildly, and it was hard to tell who was the infected person.