Zombie University

Chapter 53: Encountered a fierce battle (below)


The zombie outside the window stabilized for the time being, but the one in the room was still staring at it.

It also heard the singing, but it only turned its head slightly, paused for a few moments, and then refocused its gaze on the crowd separated by the case.

No one knows when it will pounce, maybe never, maybe in the next second.

Qi Yan quietly touched the rag, and slowly wrapped it around his palm. He was already wearing black leather gloves, so the rag was actually another layer over the gloves.


Johns, whose name was suddenly called, felt a chill down his spine, feeling ominous in his heart, and the ending of the response trembled: "... huh?"

"Wait to lure it to chase you, Wu Zhou, take the opportunity to draw the gun from its hand from behind. Even if you can't draw it, hold the gun so that it cannot attack. Once its weapon is restrained, I will shoot it from behind. Cover its mouth. As long as I cover it, other people will come over to help and hug it together, trying to fix it, and then Zhao He, I will leave the head stabbing to you."

Qiao Siqi just wanted to protest why such a glorious task of bait always falls to himself, but before he could open his mouth, Zhao He protested first—

"Division of labor and exchange, poke your head and let me cover your mouth."


"Covering your mouth requires height, and covering it requires strength. I am more suitable than you in both aspects."

After a very short thought, Qi Yan took off the rag and gloves, handed it to Zhao He, and whispered: "Be careful."

Zhao He put on the gloves, wrapped them with a rag, and finally stuffed the end of the rag near the corner of the wrist into the gloves, and smiled smartly: "Just don't poke it in the wrong direction."

In a few words, the division of labor is finalized.

In the current situation, basic physical strength plays a decisive role in the battle situation to a large extent, so unless Wu Zhou and Zhao He are unwilling, no one is more suitable than them. However, the two of them were not ambiguous at all, and they both agreed readily, but in the end they blocked the way of classmate Johns virtually.

People are protesting to change to a more dangerous job, but I am protesting because of a strike. No matter how good-for-nothing Qiao is, he can't open his mouth.

"Johns, ready?"

"… Um."


Die or die, I will go all out!

Following Qi Yan's quiet but short and forceful command, Qiao Siqi jumped out like a cunning rabbit, and ran forward along the strip table!

The zombies on the opposite side of the case were obviously more likely to react instinctively to the fast-moving living people, and their eyes were now drawn by Josic, their feet loosened, and they gradually moved in the same direction as Josic.

Qiao Siqi ran to the end of the desk in one breath, but fortunately he braked suddenly, otherwise he almost rushed out. At this time, Yu Zisheng was still a few meters away from the same position, but his footsteps were getting faster and faster, and his sight was firmly fixed on Qiao Siqi, and he couldn't tolerate anything else!

Qiao Siqi was stared at with goosebumps, as if needles were pricking every pore, and the trembling went deep into the bone marrow. But he gritted his teeth and stood firm, motionless, as if he was confronting Yu Zisheng, but in reality he was locked behind Wu Zhou who was secretly moving behind him from the corner of his eye.

Finally, Yu Zisheng chased to the end of the desk, and was about to bypass the head of the desk and come here. But just as it reached the corner, Wu Zhou, who finally caught the moment, bowed his waist, leaped forward, tightly grasped the long spear shaft that was left over from being used by the zombie as a short knife, and yanked it back violently!

The moment the gun was caught, the zombie who had been focusing all his attention on Qiao Siqi suddenly noticed it. When Wu Zhou snatched the gun, the former had re-clutched the joint between the gun head and the gun!

a tug.

a grip.

After all, the former was half a beat faster, so the blade struggled out along the fingers that were tightening, and blood splashed everywhere in an instant!


The zombie let out an extremely frantic howl, the hand holding the knife was deeply cut, blood trickled down the fingertips, and formed a small pool of blood on the ground.

It doesn't hurt, it doesn't feel pain at all.

Its howl is rage, the almost bestial rage instinctive when something is robbed!

Regardless of Qiao Siqi, the zombie turned around and rushed towards Wuzhou!

The latter had been prepared for a long time, and ran away!

Zhao He, who had been waiting for a long time, held his breath and slowly walked in the opposite direction of the chasing battle at the other end of the table.

Finally, Zhao He rubbed shoulders with the zombies.

In the next second, he rose into the air with his hands on the side of the stage, and a diving leap flew straight over the desk and landed firmly behind Yu Zisheng! Before the zombie heard the change and searched for the source of the sound, he had already stuck it up and covered the opponent's mouth and nose!

The zombie instinctively raised its hand and began to grab the hand of the prey that was covering its mouth. It has great strength, even through a rag and gloves, Zhao He's hand hurts from scratching it!

Song Fei, Zhou Lu, Feng Qibai, and He Zhiwen, four fighters wearing masks and goggles, immediately rushed over and hugged Yu Zisheng tightly as if they were reunited after a long time!

However, the zombie kicked and twisted wildly like an electric shock, not allowing anyone to get close at all. Song Fei managed to avoid a kick, and as soon as he hugged its waist, his hands grabbed his neck, almost suffocating!

It's a good thing that the insane picking and pulling stopped, but Zhao He was very anxious when his hands turned to attack his comrades. Because all his strength was controlled to prevent the head under his palm from breaking free, he was powerless to save people.

Zhou Yiyi changed to a short knife early on, which will save people's hearts, let it go, and stab it into the zombie's arm with one knife!

However, the zombies were unmoved at all!

Seeing this, Feng Qibai Hezhi asked one of them to grab a wrist and pull it to both sides!

When several parties were deadlocked, Qi Yan rushed to the side of the zombie, pointed his gun at its temple, and stabbed it hard!

When the blade approached, the zombie suddenly threw away Song Fei and pushed back hard. Zhao He, who tried his best to confine it, was originally holding the zombie's hands together with his body and exerting force backwards to counteract the zombie's forward breakaway. As a result, the breakaway suddenly moved backwards, and the sudden change of force made the soles of his feet unsteady. Even the people and the zombies swayed back together.

It didn't matter this flash, the blade that was originally facing the temple slid past the back of Zhao He's hand. As long as Zhao He's backward leaning angle was a little smaller, the knife would have stabbed him in the hand. Even though Ming Da dodged now, the proximity of the distance still made the hairs on the back of his hands clearly feel the chill.

"I told you not to poke in the wrong direction!" Zhao He's back was bruised, but his tense nerves had completely exploded.

Qi Yan was also afraid for a while, but more annoyed. Of course he didn't want to miss it, but the monster in front of him was simply uncontrollable!

What's more terrible is that under the constant shaking of its head, the rag in Zhao He's hand has been pushed to pile up on his four fingers, and at this time, the palm of his hand that is really struggling to cover its mouth is only left with the protection of leather gloves!

"Get on it quickly, if you rub it any longer, the glove will be leaked!" Zhao He was so anxious that beads of sweat dripped down his face.

"Then you stabilize it!" Qi Yan was also anxious. It is necessary to stab the zombie's head and avoid Zhao He's hand covering half of its face. If it is attacked from the side, it is even necessary to consider the two conjoined twins shaking back and forth. There is still a chance to stab an undead zombie, but it is irreversible to stab a comrade in arms.

"I really want to be able to stabilize my mother, but I have to have that strength! This is a monster!"

While roaring anxiously, Zhao He had already retreated all the way to the vegetable washing sink under the struggling and pushing of the zombies. With the sink stuck to Zhao He's waist, Yu Zisheng's rear bump no longer worked. Song Fei and Feng Qibai who saw the timing They rushed forward and hugged Yu Zisheng's lower body tightly!

The berserk zombie smashed the arched backs of the two with a hammer, almost spitting blood from them.

Wu Zhou and Zhou who came after him came up close to each other and hugged each other's arms!

Yu Zisheng was restrained again, but Zhao He knew that this could only last for a short time, and suddenly there was a violent friction feeling from the palms that had been chewed so painfully—the zombie turned his face sideways and gnawed on his defenseless wrist !

Zhao He no longer hesitated, and no longer waited for Qi Yan. He waved his arms and let go of his big hand. At the moment when the zombie gnawed an empty space, he suddenly appeared from the back of the zombie, turned around almost invisible to the naked eye, and slammed his left hand hard. Cover the zombie's face and press hard!

With a bang, the zombie's head was directly pushed into the sink, and the back of the head hit the bottom of the stainless steel sink with a loud noise!

Zhao He didn't stop doing anything, he drew out his waist thorn with his right hand, suddenly raised his left hand, and stabbed directly at the exposed zombie's face!

But the moment Zhao He raised his hand, the zombie began to shake its head violently. When the army thorn arrived, its head happened to be turned to one side, and the army thorn missed its aim and poked straight into its cheek!

Dark red viscous blood immediately flowed out along the military lancet.

Zhao He wanted to pull out the military thorn and stab it again, but the opponent followed him with the strength of pulling out the thorn and hit his head directly on his goggles!

The huge impact made Zhao He's head buzz.

The zombie continued his efforts again and again, his upper body stood up completely, and at the same time he swung his arms vigorously!

Zhao He was knocked away directly, and Zhou Lu and Wu Zhou, who were holding its arms, were also taken unsteadily on their feet.

Before they could stand still, the zombie had already bit Zhou Lili's hand that was grabbing its left arm!

Zhou Lv had to let go.

The left arm of the freed zombie directly grabbed Wu Zhou's face!

At the same time when Wu Zhou was also forced to give up, the zombie suddenly rushed forward, bringing Song Fei and Feng Qibai, who were hugging its lower body, directly onto the desk!

The bone tingling caused by the violent impact made the latter two relax instantly. The zombie turned around and swung its arms, parrying Qi Yan's long spear, and directly knocking out Luo Geng's short knife.

Although the price was two more deep cuts on the arm, it seemed to have entered a state of extreme madness. It climbed onto the desk with hands and feet, and directly condescendingly rushed towards Lin Dilei who was opposite!

It was not the first time Lin Dilei had won this honor, she was prepared and fled immediately. But after running for two steps, she felt something was wrong. When she turned her head, the zombies didn't chase her at all. Li Jingyu was chosen this time!

Compared with Lin Dilei's battle experience, how could Li Jingyu have received such treatment, and he can run long distances, but has no explosive power in sprints at all, so he staggered and fled in such a panic!

"Who did I provoke who—"

Student Li really wanted to cry. If only one Nobel Peace Prize can be awarded among the fourteen students in the two martial arts classes, he is the best candidate! ! !

The little friends took a breath, the original vague guess can now be implemented——

"It picks the weakest!"

"I thank you all!!!"

The little whale, who was physically and mentally devastated, suddenly spotted the soybean oil on the stove while running wildly, and immediately asked his comrades loudly: "Can you pour oil on it and burn it to death?! Urgent, wait online—"


"We'll sleep on the street if we're not dead!"

"Water and food cut off!"

"Lack of clothes and less clothes!"

"Then you guys help me!!!" Li Jingyu vowed that he would remember such a profound friendship in battle in his life.

How could the little friends not help? Song Fei had already chased after the zombie while speaking, but just as he grabbed the opponent's clothes, he broke free from it running fast. After trying several times in a row, it was still the same. Song Fei looked around anxiously, and suddenly his eyes lit up!

"Hold on, little whale!"

"I'm fine, but maybe my legs won't—"

During the question and answer period, Song Fei had already taken off his down jacket, filled the front of his close-fitting hoodie with detergent, threw the plastic bottle away, and climbed to the other end of the desk, just in time to stop the running man in a few seconds. Li Jingyu.

"Little whale, avoid me!"

With a loud roar, Song Fei suddenly threw himself on the ground at a very low height, using the inertia and the lubricating power of the detergent to glide forward extremely fast, like a bolt of lightning!

Li Jingyu didn't understand Song Fei's intentions, but he was obedient instinctively. He saw his teammates slashing towards him in sheets, shifted with one foot, and ran quickly from the side.

But the zombies were not so lucky. After passing through Li Jingyu, the stumbling block suddenly stretched out its arms and hugged its feet tightly!

The zombie's steps stopped suddenly, but the upper body was still in inertia, and finally the whole body fell straight forward!

Song Fei, who had expected it for a long time, let go of his arms and rolled aside the moment it lost its balance.

As soon as he got out of the way, he heard a bang, and the zombie fell face down heavily on the ground, and Luo Geng, who had been keeping a close eye on the battle situation, immediately rode on its waist, raised his knife and was about to...

Hey, where's the knife

Looking at his empty right hand, Luo Geng almost collapsed. In his high tension, he actually forgot that the weapon was swung off by the zombie just now!

"Luo Geng!" Zhao He suddenly shouted, "Accept the stab!"

Student Luo raised his head suddenly, only to see that his own military thorn was coming through the air, returning fiercely!

Luo Geng became excited, and immediately... dodged.


The military thorn collided with the marble floor with a crisp sound.

Zhao He was going crazy: "Why didn't you answer?!"

Luo Geng felt that the other party was a lunatic: "This fucker will be useless after taking over!"

Zhao He: "It's always like this in movies!"

Luo Geng: "The movies are full of handsome guys!"

Zhao He didn't know whether Student Luo was blackmailing himself or opened a map gun, but he couldn't control so much at the moment. Seeing that Yu Zisheng was unwilling to be ridden, and almost wanted Luo Geng to be overthrown, he and the few people nearby Instinctively want to rush over.

But there is one person who is faster than them.


The unprecedented heavy muffled sound gave the battle a pause.

No one saw how it happened, and waiting for the focus to be adjusted, the cast iron cauldron in Li Jingyu's hand had already hit Yu Zisheng's head.

It was no joke that the bottom of a large iron pot with a diameter of nearly one meter hit the head, and the zombie's forehead was instantly pierced, bleeding profusely.

It wasn't dead, but it seemed to have entered a trance state, all struggling temporarily stopped, and only its empty eyes were quietly opened.

Li Jingyu lifted the iron pot with difficulty, and then smashed it down again!

"Let you bully people!"

a bit.

"Let you just run after me!"


"Let you bite my classmate!"

Three times.

The zombies finally died, and the pause became the finale.

In fact, the bloody and bloody head can no longer be seen, but unless it also has a daughter-in-law who went to Mount Emei to steal the fairy grass, it should have died forever.

In contrast, the little friends are more concerned about the warriors who bravely killed the enemy.

At this moment, he had already thrown the pot away, his face was full of confusion like the rest of his life after a catastrophe, and there was even a terrified look in his eyes.

"Little whale," Lin Dilei called to him, "are you okay?"

Blinking her eyes in a daze, Li Jingyu returned to her original spirit, and her blurred eyes gradually became clear, firm: "Senior sister, you are right, women should be self-improvement."

Comrades: "..."

Lin Dilei: "What?"

"No, no," Li Jingyu quickly searched for Xiao Lei's quotations again in his head, "You talked too much and I was a little confused for a while... That's right, it's this, you are already very strong."

Lin Dilei was embarrassed, suddenly realized.

The bewildered comrades were also relieved, almost thinking that a fierce battle had revealed their true selves.

So you can't bully it just because it looks like a soft bun, maybe there is a red stuffing inside.

Everyone stared quietly at Li Jingyu, who had a firm gaze, as if they had seen a rising star in this frenzied university.