Zombie University

Chapter 60: Wall contact


Above the sixth floor, but less than the seventh floor, the elevator car got stuck halfway.

Song Fei sat on the ground, leaning against the wall of the box. He knew that He Zhiwen was opposite him, in the same posture, but he couldn't see anything unless his phone was turned on.

Two minutes ago, the emergency lights went out. According to He Zhiwen, the thing is powered by a battery, and can last for up to 20 to 30 minutes, and the time on the phone also clearly shows that 27 minutes have passed since it was trapped due to a power outage.

In the car without the emergency lights, there is only endless darkness, the kind of complete darkness that can almost block people's senses. Song Fei even had to deliberately blink his eyelids every once in a while to make sure that his eyes were open.

"We can't get out." He Zhiwen huddled in the corner, feeling so close to death for the first time.

This kind of depression and despair does not happen suddenly, but accumulates little by little over time, from mild to severe, until it is almost suffocating.

Song Fei still said: "Qi Yan will come."

In the past half an hour, apart from trying to pry open the door several times to no avail, the conversation was just these two sentences over and over again, even if they were good-tempered He Zhi asked, but also anxious to the point of irritability.

"Who gave you the confidence? You came early, but there has been no movement so far. You either ran away or looked for the radio, and ran after you finished searching. Anyway, we have confirmed the location of the office several times in advance, and we can touch it with our eyes closed. "

"Impossible." Song Fei was not excited, his tone was even indifferent, but his hand on the ground was unconsciously clenched.

"There is no absolute in everything. In this situation, if you and I are outside, it is impossible to come back to save people." He Zhiwen sighed, trying to calm down his emotions, and let Song Fei accept the reality, "First of all, he doesn't know Which floor does our elevator stop on? Do we still have to look for it floor by floor? Secondly, if he is really looking for us now, why can’t he hear any sound? He wants to make sure we are inside. Mind?"

"As you said, he might go to the radio first."

"I said find and run."

"After you find it, you will definitely come to save us."

"..." He Zhiwen surrendered, and was too lazy to talk nonsense with Song Fei.

Although Song Fei couldn't see the expression, he knew that He Zhiwen was pissed off by him. In fact, if there are other friends outside now, he may have no idea. But that was Qi Yan, the Qi Yan who was able to climb up to the balcony of the fourth-floor dormitory with bare hands to find him at the risk of being gnawed by zombies or even slipped from the building, and the Qi Yan who was rejected by him twice in a row... Uh, yes, It has been rejected twice.

It's too late for Nima to regret it now! ! !

As the saying goes, do it again and again.

After that, Qi Yan didn't seem to mention the idea of getting back together again. Now, would he really risk his life to save his ex-boyfriend who didn't know where he was stuck

He Zhiwen's silence was because he didn't want to be vomited by anger at the last stage of his life, but Song Fei didn't take advantage of the victory to pursue, but also fell silent, which made him a little uneasy.

He didn't know that Song Fei in the darkness had already completed a series of psychological changes such as plucking his hair violently, silently shouting his soul, beating his chest and stamping his feet, and now he was leaning sadly in the darkness, watching the little flame of hope in his fantasy gradually disappear.

"Hey, why don't you talk anymore." He Zhiwen shook his phone worriedly, almost frightened by that lifeless face, "What kind of expression is that on your face, it can't be that you were bitten somewhere before and now you are about to mutate Bar?"

Song Fei looked at his comrades in the dim light, and asked with the last ray of hope: "What if, I mean what if, you have a good friend, you two have a very good relationship, and one day you break up with him. He doesn't want to Broke off friendship, asked for reconciliation over and over again, but you didn’t agree, and even slapped each other in the face. When one day you are in danger, do you think this friend will stick a knife for you?”

He Zhiwen quickly digested the story, and finally shook his head: "If it's not true, I wouldn't treat my good friend like this."

"..." Song Fei swallowed, and said with difficulty, "What if, I am that one?"

He Zhiwen was stunned, and sincerely said for a while: "Your friend didn't take advantage of your illness to kill you, it's true love."

Song Fei collapsed completely, like a deflated balloon. Even the good-natured He Zhiwen said that, with an arrogant heart like Qi Yan, probably really won't look back.

I think so, rushing up to the twelfth floor to find the radio and getting out, is already a hell mode of narrow escape, and the lunatic will search floor by floor for his ex-boyfriend and the brothers and classmates he just met for a few days.

Five hours later.

Song Fei couldn't tell whether he was asleep or awake. His eyelids were heavy and he was extremely tired, but his consciousness was clear, even spiritual. The two extremely contradictory states made the passage of time extremely tormented.

"What time is it?" The voice of a comrade-in-arms suddenly sounded in the darkness.

Song Fei was stunned, he thought He Zhiwen had already fallen asleep, after all, in such a closed and dark environment, falling asleep was a kind of relief.

After restarting the machine, the long-lost light made Song Fei squint his eyes, and it took him a long time to see clearly: "Five minutes past zero."

"It's a new day." He Zhiwen couldn't hear the joy of welcoming the new year in his weak voice.

The phone has 70% battery left.

Although the strength of the domestic machine in terms of battery life is obvious to all, Song Fei is still reluctant to use it too fast. After reading the time, he subconsciously wanted to turn off the phone again, but suddenly, he clicked on the photo album and kept scrolling until the photo of him and Qi Yan came into view.

Song Fei carefully clicked on the photo, and there were two people on the screen, one baring his teeth and smirking, the other frowning depressedly, the smirking one affectionately embraced Frowning's neck, the frowning one seemed to want to hide, but he didn't dodge after all, and was forced to stay A youthful image.

This is the only photo of Song Fei and Qi Yan in his phone.

That guy doesn't like taking pictures, let alone such pictures that easily expose privacy. Every time I see someone on the Internet leaking pornographic photos or a small movie, I have to catch him and go to study safety together, raise awareness, and prevent problems before they happen. But Song Fei belongs to the type of death that the more you don't let me do it, the more I want to do it, so in the journey of intimate selfie, after repeated defeats and defeats, he finally succeeded this time.

Qi Yan once secretly deleted this photo while he wasn't paying attention, but he didn't know that he had already made a backup, so Qi Yan deleted it first, and then used the group photo to make the phone desktop. Qi Yan was almost hurt internally, and finally realized that he would rather offend a gentleman than provoke a villain, after repeated orders not to be a desktop, not to be a screensaver, not to show off to a third person, he acquiesced to save him in the phone.

This love made him talk about it, Song Fei thought more than once, it's like getting involved with a third party, as if the whole world is a main wife that needs to be avoided.

"Are you okay?" He Zhiwen didn't want to answer at first, but the face reflected in the light of the phone screen seemed to be crying, which was a bit creepy, "I know that I may not be the ideal partner on Huangquan Road, but who told me If you catch up, I'm the only one trapped with you, and it's too late to change people."

Song Fei was amused by He Zhiwen's question, and found it incredible: "Before you had a look of bitterness and hatred, why now you're thinking about it?"

"You'll die if you cry, and you'll die if you're happy, so let's be happy." He Zhiwen thought about the bright future, "This way, when our bodies are found, it won't be too ugly."

"They are all corpses, and you still expect beauty to be a flower?"

"At least don't scare people."

"Two grinning corpses are more terrifying!"

The pleasure of a brief bickering is like a soap bubble, which pops and disappears as the two get quiet again.

Song Fei looked at the photos again for a long time.

Just look at that one, from left to right, from right to left, from top to bottom, from bottom to top, over and over again. Without exception, everyone's eyes will fall on that depressed face at the end. He couldn't tell what mood he was in, anyway, just looking at it like this, the whole person would calm down strangely.

Just like in the past, every time he made a big death, that person would add a sentence after the routine ranting, it's okay, let me do it. As long as Qi Yan said these words, no matter how difficult the situation was, he would instantly feel relieved.

Don't know where that guy is now.

Song Fei's thoughts began to wander, the focus gradually blurred, and the photo became a speckled halo.

Still in Gewulou? Already fled back to the cafeteria? Run to other buildings to join other comrades in arms? Also, is it safe...


A very small sound came from above.

Song Fei didn't pay attention at first, because the movement was too small to have any sense of reality.

However, the sound of fingernails gently tapping on the table was persistent, even listening carefully, with a certain rhythm—da, da da, da. Da, da, da, da. Da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da.

The man tapped very lightly and cautiously, and deliberately slowed down the speed of tapping, so that the beat that should have been short and powerful was elongated at a uniform speed.

But the overall rhythm has not changed.

Song Fei's eyes widened suddenly, it was Qi Yan!

He subconsciously wanted to respond aloud, but the moment he opened his mouth, he suddenly realized that the reason why Qi Yan chose such a method was that he couldn't speak, and he couldn't even make any louder sounds than the current tapping.

Song Fei couldn't suppress the excitement in his heart, and stood up abruptly!

He Zhiwen also heard this weird knocking sound, and was in a daze and his whole body tensed up, when he suddenly felt a gust of wind around him. Before he could discern what the evil wind in the darkness was, another group of fine percussion sounded similar to the previous percussion sounds, but with different rhythms and frequencies.

And it’s not vague anymore, as if it was ringing in this car—

Da da, da da da da, da da, da da da da, da da, da da da da da.

It was Song Fei who responded to the outside!

He Zhiwen, who realized this, suddenly cheered up. He hurriedly took out his phone and turned it on, and turned on the flashlight without hesitation to illuminate the car. Sure enough, Song Fei had already stood up, and was sticking to the half-opened elevator door trying to raise his head. Look up!

The sound from outside came from the upper landing door.

But Song Fei's knocking came from the car door.

This kind of sound transmitted through solids is not easy to spread, and it can be heard clearly by people close to the propagating object!

He Zhiwen pulled Song Fei's arm, and asked with his mouth when the other party turned his head, Qi Yan

Song Fei nodded heavily, without any hesitation!

There was another knocking sound from above, this time the knocking was more urgent than before, obviously the people outside also heard the response. But after all, the interfloor door and the car door are not the same object, and the small sound will inevitably be lost. The people outside must not dare to confirm, or the confirmation is not accurate, so they contacted again.

Yes, from He Zhiwen's point of view, this is using secret codes to communicate!

Before that, he always believed that Class 1's survival depended on 60% luck + 40% strength. In terms of physical fitness, they are not as good as Zhao He and Wu Zhou, and in terms of thoughtfulness, they are not as good as Huang Mo. One of the eight people counts as one, and they are all the most ordinary classmates. Even Qiao Siqi and Li Jingyu are less courageous than the flowers of the motherland average level.

But these eight people just ran into the supermarket, robbed the express delivery, occupied the cafeteria, and did everything they could and couldn't do. Who would believe it if it was not luck

But now, he believed it.

Do you think the rhythm of da da da is random tapping? No, that must be the legendary Morse code!

A class that can use Morse code to communicate, a class that does its best and never gives up on any comrades in arms, there is no reason not to win!

Perhaps, He Zhiwen blinked his sore and swollen eyes hard, suppressed the heat from the eyes, and they could really escape! Not just escaping from this elevator, but even from this campus, this disaster!

On the seventh floor, outside the elevator interfloor door.

When he heard the response, Qi Yan's heart almost jumped out.

Having found Song Fei, and that guy is safe, Qi Yan was ecstatic at the knowledge, and when Song Fei also responded with tapping, this ecstasy was mixed with a little bit of sweetness.

Originally, he just wanted to make some sounds that would not provoke zombies, but also be heard by people in the elevator, and solid sound transmission was the most suitable. As for the rhythm being recognized, or even being responded to by the other party, it was completely beyond his expectation.

Obviously, it was just because waiting for the meal was boring during a certain date, so he casually told some interesting stories about his childhood, and tapped the drumbeat once with his finger on the table to prove it, but he didn't expect the other party to remember it.

That heartless guy sometimes has such a heart.

Qi Yan doesn't want to base his happiness on such trivial details, but he can't control the corners of his mouth, so it's still necessary to show off his artistic career to his significant other occasionally, even if it's just the drummer of the elementary school marching band.