Zombie University

Chapter 67: The sun rises


In the faint but clear voice, He Zhiwen opened his eyes without a trace of confusion. He put down the radio, stood up quickly, and opened the door without hesitation.

Song Fei and Qi Yan squeezed in through the crack of the door, like the shadow puppets of donkeys, their vigorous and vigorous figures are breathtaking.

After closing the door, He Zhiwen was the first to check whether his comrades were safe. After confirming that there were no wounds on his body, he discovered that the comrades had brought back most of the No. 1 battery in the backpack. A fire hose cut at the root.

"You two took all the batteries in stock in our hospital in one pot, didn't you?"

"No, there's quite a lot left. It's too heavy. Qi Yan said that these are enough." Song Fei panted, "The main reason is that there is no electricity in the cafeteria. If you want to keep listening to outside news, you can only reserve more batteries. .”

He Zhi asked Jiong, pointing to three rolls of fire hose: "Then what is the reason for destroying our hospital's fire protection system?"

Song Fei shrugged: "Qi Yan said, you can use this to climb down directly from the top of the building, and it's convenient and safe when you leave."

"That's all, Qi Yan didn't say anything else?"

"It's gone. But when I was blocked by zombies at the entrance of the laboratory just now, Qi Yan had no choice but to open the fire hose and use the hose as a gun for a while. It is estimated that some equipment in the laboratory may have been flooded."

"..." The dean who doesn't know where he is, He Zhiwen, a student of the physics department, swears to you here that I really don't know these two people at all, and I won't take the blame for destroying the public property of the college.

Song Fei and Qi Yan in this room sat on the ground to catch their breath, and He Zhiwen in that room couldn't wait to insert the battery into the tape recorder. After taking a few deep breaths, he solemnly turned on the radio button.



While waiting anxiously, He Zhiwen heard his own heartbeat.

Zizi la la—

The sound of radio waves sounded, and He Zhiwen's heart thumped wildly!

Qi Yan has already adjusted the light of the flashlight to the brightest, and the whole office is like daytime.

He Zhiwen held his breath and turned the knob a little bit to adjust the band.

Song Fei and Qi Yan swallowed unconsciously and held their breath.

Zizi la la—

Zizi la la—

“#¥%… &*!@#…”

The electric wave sounding like a human voice made the three people's eyes widen in an instant. He Zhiwen didn't dare to act rashly anymore. Originally, two hands were adjusted together, twisting this and adjusting that. Action to debug a knob.

Qi Yan and Song Fei couldn't understand professional debugging, but they could hear that the voice gradually became clear under He Zhiwen's debugging—

“ta wolia hadmen hulushi…”

However, I still don't understand.

Song Fei and Qi Yan looked at each other, and the latter sighed melancholy: "It seems to be... Arabic."

"So, what did you say?"

"how could I know!"

"Aren't you a top student?"

"Student masters can't cheat!"

Song Fei rolled her eyes at her disappointing boyfriend in disappointment, and turned to classmate He, a high-tech talent with a pleasant smile, and gently discussed: "Look, can we travel within the country if we don't go abroad..."

Depressed and guilty, He Zhiwen wiped the sweat off his forehead and continued.

Five minutes later.

"National citizens wa attention してください..."

This time there is no need for a comrade-in-arms, He Zhi asked himself and heard it, Japanese.

Song Fei looked at Qi Yan.

Qi Yan looked out the window.

Song Fei sighed, and continued to encourage He Zhiwen: "Come on, the distance is getting closer, the motherland is waving to you!"

Twenty minutes later.

“We are facing an unprecedented war! Pick up your weapon and fighting! Destroy those who behave strangely… ”

He Zhiwen and Qi Yan opened their eyes together, English!

Song Fei silently looked out the window.

But the ears are pricked up.

Qi Yan heard the content faster than He Zhiwen: "We are facing an unprecedented war, take up your weapons and fight, and eliminate those people who behave strangely..."

The repeated English basically has one content-to encourage the people to fight. But from the beginning to the end, there was no name of the country or the radio station, and the accent was a bit American, but I couldn't be sure, and there was no way to judge whether it was a public radio station or a private radio wave.

"People who behave strangely, do you mean zombies?" Song Fei asked uncertainly.

"Besides this, I can't think of any other explanation." Qi Yan said, wiping his forehead with cold sweat on his palm.

The three fell silent.

The previous class 1 inferred from the delay in rescue that the scope of the virus is likely to be the whole country. Now, at least one English-speaking region or country is also experiencing a similar crisis. If you think about it in a worse direction, the Arabic that sounded extremely urgent before and the Japanese with a heavy tone after that also mean warning? Does that mean the virus crisis is far more dire than they imagined


"It shouldn't be." Qi Yan couldn't figure it out, and muttered to himself for the first time, "Infectious diseases are usually spread only in the area where the source of the disease is due to the geographical isolation of the continental plate, although it is not ruled out that they will be brought to other places by the patient." areas, but there have rarely been widespread and rapid outbreaks elsewhere."

"It's not impossible," Song Fei analyzed, "You think, this virus spreads so quickly, maybe within a few minutes, one can infect two, three can infect six, and then nine can infect eighteen. , Twenty-seven becomes eighty-one, so it is not impossible to double it."

"What about the original source of infection?" Qi Yan asked, "If it really happened in multiple regions at the same time, how did the source of infection appear in different places around the world at the same time?"

"Brother, the earth is a village. If the initial source of infection is at an international airport, after everyone is infected, they go back to their homes and find their mothers. Assuming that the initial incubation period of the virus is still long, like the classmate I met at the beginning, then When these people have all returned to their own countries, it is not impossible to get sick again."

Qi Yan was stunned, and thought: "That's right."

Song Fei rolled his eyes and turned his nostrils to the sky: "I just don't like to study, I really want to play with you in no time."

Qi Yan was in tears: "Please, sincerely."

"Zizi la la... help..."

The sudden call for help stopped the two people's bickering, and time stopped at this moment, as if there were only those two words left in the world.

But if you listen carefully, it turns into a whistling electric current again.

"Don't worry, don't worry," He Zhiwen understood before his comrades could speak, "Come back right away."

"Zizi la la... I repeat, I don't know where you are the one who called for help. Anyway, you have been calling for ten days. If you really need help, report your location. If you don't need it, don't take up resources. If you can't hold back If you want to broadcast live, send some positive energy, like brother, talk show every day, fixed poisonous chicken soup, those who don’t want to live will be inspired by it, those who don’t want to fight will be brave after listening to it, this is me, brother B, a proud MC !"

Song Fei and Qi Yan: "..."

He Zhi asked: "Uh, it seems that the tune is off..."

In the next fifteen minutes, He Zhiwen tuned up dozens of short-wave stations. The content was rich and the personality of the anchor was really colorful and colorful. But it seems that everyone knows what the current situation is, and the audience also tacitly knows what the current situation is. None of them has a serious science background, and they are all having fun in bitterness.

But being able to have fun while suffering is a good sign, isn't it

The debugging has been going on for almost an hour. Song Fei and Qi Yan went from excitement, to disappointment, to disappointment again and again. The initial expectations have been worn away, leaving only sadness. I have even started to quietly persuade myself that if I can’t find the radio wave, I can’t find it. Maybe there is no radio wave. Taking a step back, those weird short-wave stations may be rewarding if I persist in listening to them.

But thinking about it, neither of them spoke to He Zhiwen.

Because from the beginning to the end, He Zhiwen didn't waver at all, let alone the ups and downs like the two of them. After each failure, he will quickly jump into the next debugging, concentrate and persevere.

Just like the two of them who used to go to find the battery.

He Zhiwen didn't ask them how they found the battery, and they didn't talk about the danger and persistence of going down again and again after failing again and again. But they know that He Zhiwen understands, and they are returning the same insistence.

"Zi la la... saliva contact with blood transmission..."

The sudden voice made Song Fei and Qi Yan feel the same spirit!

He Zhiwen was also aware of it, but the more excited he was, the more stable his hand became. With the knob, the magnetic voice of the words became clearer and clearer——

"... No other route of transmission has been found yet. Once infected with this virus, most people will get sick within 10 seconds to 5 minutes, and a few people will have a longer incubation period. As of now, the infection with the longest incubation period is 23 hours. The symptoms of the infected person are the loss of reason, memory, emotion, and pain sensation, the mobility, vision, and joint flexibility are reduced to varying degrees, and the sense of smell is improved, and they attack healthy people based on smell, and some memories before infection may remain. Or behavioral habits. At this stage, there is no cure for this virus. Most experts believe that the damage caused by this virus to infected people is irreversible. They call on the general public to stay away from infected people... "

He Zhiwen carefully loosened the knob to keep the channel in this band. At this time, Qi Yan and Song Fei had already approached the radio, and the three of them surrounded the radio at a very close distance, but they didn't dare to touch it, as if touching it would cause the hard-won short-wave signal to run away.

"In Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Shandong, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Fujian, Guangdong, Hainan and other regions, the virus infection has been completely brought under control, and in parts of Liaoning, Jilin, Heilongjiang, Inner Mongolia, etc., the virus infection has been basically brought under control. It is expected In the next month, the infection situation across the country will be effectively controlled... ”

"During the state of emergency, it is recommended that you choose the nearest shelter. Unless necessary, try not to go out, and don't believe in rumors to avoid unnecessary panic. All information is subject to the release of the state. If the supplies are insufficient, you must protect yourself when you go out. Safety. As far as possible, choose large supermarkets, stadiums, etc. as refuges, and the country will also send flying troops to airdrop supplies to densely populated areas in various provinces and cities... "

"The Chinese nation is facing the most severe test in history, but I believe that the people of the whole country are united and united, and they will surely overcome the difficulties and usher in a brand new tomorrow!"

"The following is international news. After the United States, Canada and Mexico have also declared a state of emergency. As of now, unknown viruses have broken out in 32 countries around the world, and virus research has not made any progress..."

The three of them remained motionless, just listening to the news in silence until the East turned pale.

In the end, the news cycle became old news, and the announcer's voice was subtly changed due to the depletion of battery power, so He Zhiwen gently turned off the radio.

He moved very carefully, for fear of touching the knob of the tuning band.

In fact, so what if you encounter it, anyway, you have to take the radio home, no matter whether you hold it in your hand or carry it on your shoulder, the band will definitely be messed up, and you will have to retune it 100% when you go back. But at this moment, maybe I feel that this short-wave news is hard-won, even if it is only a little later to make trouble.

Ren Zhe's flashlight was completely out of power.

But the three of them knew that soon, the rising sun would drive away the cold and darkness and usher in warmth and light.

"What should we do now?" He Zhi asked sniffling, but his eyes still couldn't help getting hot.

"Wait for the rescue," Qi Yan tried hard to suppress the excitement in his heart, trying to keep himself calm and objective, "If what the news says is true, it will take at most ten days before the rescue team arrives at our place."

"No if." Unlike Qi Yan, Song Fei can still maintain a skeptical spirit at this time. He is more emotional than rational, and he is willing to listen to his inner feelings. They are playing hooligans, people abroad are still in dire straits, and I feel the situation is not out of control."

He Zhi asked: "The reason for your self-confidence is really..."

Qi Yan: "I can't refute it."

"And ah," Song Fei looked far into the distance, his eyes gleaming with determination and trust, "We can deal with zombies with crooked melons and split dates, and we have struggled to survive until now. There is no reason why gold and iron horses can't level the mountains and rivers!"

He Zhi asked: "..."

Qi Yan: "Has the word crooked melon cracked date been voted on by two classmates with a show of hands?"

Song Fei looked away, stroked his chin and thought hard: "Uh, how many rotten garlic?"

He Zhi asked: "Brother Fei, if you continue to spread hatred like this, you may not be able to wait for rescue..."

thump thump—

Before the sun rose, the sound of the drum suddenly soared into the sky.

The three friends in the office got up at the same time and walked to the window for no reason. It's good that there is no glass, and there is no need to open the window.

Boom boom boom boom—

The drum was getting more and more intense, and the drummer was trying his best. But there was only the drumbeat, and it was impossible to tell whether it was a cry for help, a call, or any other emotion.

But the direction sounds like Yixin Building.

Gewu Building is not close or far from Yixin Building. During the day, the windows of Yixin Building can be vaguely seen from the office where the three of them are located, but now it is daylight, and nothing can be seen clearly.

Only the sound of drums shook the sky.

"Is it Feng Qibai and the others?" He Zhi asked uncertainly.

Qi Yan said nothing.

Song Fei also hesitated, after all, it has been a day and two nights since they separated: "It's hard to say..."

The heart-pounding drumbeat lasted for about two minutes. It started inexplicably and ended neatly.

Just when the three friends were at a loss, Chenfeng faintly sent a completely different voice. That was when another musical instrument began to play, the sound was subtle, deep, desolate, and resentful.

Qi Yan narrowed his eyes: "Xiao."

In this situation where zombies besiege the school, the weeping flute sound fits the desperate and mournful mood of the trapped students, but... He Zhiwen scratched his head in confusion, why is this tune so familiar

"Could it really be them?" He Zhi asked again.

Song Fei raised his forehead, do you still need to ask at this time, who in the whole school, except their martial arts class, would play "Little Apple" with flute so crazy! ! !