Zombie University

Chapter 74: Teaser from a distance


When Feng Qibai played the complete song "Little Apple", the stars and the moon were hidden and the sun was rising.

Zhao He, who was baptized by the Gufeng Divine Comedy and felt extremely peaceful in his heart, didn't know what words to use to evaluate this performance. He was stunned for a long time, and said: "You have blown the sky bright."

Feng Qibai didn't know whether it was a compliment or a sarcasm, and he didn't want to ask more, so he simply responded: "Yes."

Wu Zhou couldn't keep up with the thoughts of the two comrades-in-arms, so he decided to do something practical, such as listening carefully to see if there was any response from the two sides.

But all I could hear was the bitter morning wind whizzing past the roof.

After concentrating for a long time, I seem to be able to vaguely capture some human speech, but after all, it is too weak, and before I can hear it clearly, it is blown to pieces by the cold wind.

It was a hopelessly windy day.

In the teacher's office on the twelfth floor of Gewu Building, three people either took turns to fight, or shouted in unison, and yelled for half a song. Sometimes it is to sing along, and sometimes it is to call out the names of comrades-in-arms. They didn't know which friend the voice was from, so they just yelled at whoever they liked. As a result, there was no response until the end of the song.

The three of them were very anxious.

Song Fei simply jumped onto the window sill, hooked the window frame with his hands, and leaned out with four-fifths of his body, looking around like a cruise while shouting at the top of his voice: "Song Fei! Qi Yan! Why did you ask! These three people are investigating things. Louli—Gewulouli—louli—ahhh—"

Qi Yan was so frightened that his heart almost stopped beating, he was not afraid of him shouting, he was afraid of him falling!

Here Qi Yan hastily put his arms around the worry-free Huo, and He Zhiwen over there has quickly judged the situation through the position: "Song Fei, stop shouting. Whether it is Yixin Building or the farther Luban Building, we are here They can’t hear it here, even if they hear it, they can’t hear it clearly, the distance is too far, and there is Qiushi building in the middle.”

Song Fei knew that what He Zhiwen said was reasonable, but his comrades had already sounded the rallying call, so they couldn't do nothing without responding.

Looking at his expression, Qi Yan knew what Song Fei wanted to say, so he didn't need to open his mouth, and asked classmate He of the Physics Department for him: "Do you have any other better ways to convey information?"

He Zhiwen frowned, pondering for a while: "I'm not sure, but I can give it a try."

Song Fei urged: "Be more specific."

He Zhiwen looked at Qi Yan and said in a deep voice, "I'm afraid I have to go to the sixth floor."

Song Fei rolled his eyes, he didn't care what He Zhi asked Qi Yan to go back to the sixth floor to find something, just this one time, it was enough for Zou Le's comrade-in-arms to take a walk back to the cafeteria for a hot meal!

Just when he was about to complain, he found that Qi Yan had already tied something to the heating pipe by the window. Looking carefully, it was a fire hose that was cut back when he took out the battery!

Climbing down the fire hose and rushing down the stairs are two completely different concepts. In terms of time, it is a qualitative leap, comparable to any door! He only thought about using the fire hose to descend to the ground, but he ignored the fact that the fire hose can go to any floor. All in all, Qi Yan, who was looking for batteries but brought back a fire hose, is simply far-sighted!

"What are you looking at?" From the corner of the eye, he caught sight of Song Fei's changing expression, and Qi Yan was amused by the colorful inner drama.

Song Fei shook his head with emotion, and it was rare for him to praise Qi Yan frankly: "My boyfriend is a talent!"

Qi Yan lowered his face, pretending to be serious about strengthening the fire hose, the corner of his mouth was already bent to the sky.

But Song Fei was not satisfied, and said sullenly: "Reciprocity is a courtesy, are you going to praise me too?"

Qi Yan paused, and immediately raised his head from Shan Ruliu, staring closely at Song Fei's eyes: "My boyfriend..."

Song Fei: "Yeah."

Qi Yan: "... people?"

There is a difference of one word, a difference of thousands of miles, and the most outrageous why is the interrogative sentence! ! !

In the dean's office on the tenth floor of the Luban Building, Qiao Siqi and Zhou Lv had already broken their throats. When Xiao Sheng repeated the melody that you are my little apple, the two of them were so hypoxic that they could no longer love you no matter how much they loved you.

"Behind the sound, let's rush forward and shout, we'll be damned if we can hear it." Zhou Lu was pacing back and forth anxiously.

Qiao Siqi was also upset: "Then what should I do? I can't find another office across the corridor."

Zhou Yi stayed still, and slowly looked at Qiao Siqi.

Qiao Siqi swallowed: "Uh, I'm just talking casually, after all, there are so many zombies in the corridor, how can we rush through, heh, heh..."

Zhou Li black line: "Don't worry, I don't plan to rush to the opposite side."

Qiao Siqi: "You are too wise!"

Zhou Lu: "Let's go to the roof."

"..." What was it that deceived him in the first place and insisted on following the tiger? Zhou Lu! ! !

Chenfeng sent the faint flute sound again, this time the tune was changed, although it was not as familiar as Little Apple, but it still seemed familiar.

Zhou Lv's eyes lit up: "There is a tacit understanding!"

Qiao Siqi also recognized what song it was, and in desperation realized a truth - every cowardly person is cowardly in his own way, but all those who are arrogant are the same.

On the roof of Yixin Building, Feng Qibai ignored Zhao's impatience and Wu's pessimism, and was silent for a few minutes before presenting the second song - "The Roof".

Jay Chou and Wen Lan's classic duet, under the interpretation of Xiao Sheng, has a kind of sad feeling of "you come to the roof and I will talk about breaking up with you".

This time Feng Qibai played slowly and long, and even deliberately slowed down the rhythm in many places. When the chorus was still looping, Zhao He, who had the brightest window of his soul, spotted the little black figure in the shape of a man upstairs in Luban Tower.

At the same time, Qiao Siqi also spotted his comrade with sharp eyes: "Zhao He!"

Luban Building is one floor higher than Yixin Building, so the former has a wider and more comprehensive view of the latter. But after all the distance is there, Zhou Yilu squinted his eyes for a long time, and could only vaguely recognize that there should be three people on the roof over there, but let alone their appearance, they couldn't tell clearly even if they were tall, short, fat, or thin.

So I was quite surprised to hear Josic call out his name so accurately: "Can you see his face clearly?!"

Qiao Siqi replied: "I can see his head clearly."

Zhou is completely convinced.

They are all on the roof, and there are no obstacles in the communication between the floor and the orientation. Although it is still not clear, repeating it a few times is enough to capture the general idea.

"Why are you there—" Qiao Siqi and Zhou Lv still remember that they sacrificed their lives to lure the enemy, and their comrades went straight to Gewu.

"What—" it was Wu Zhou who yelled and asked.

Zhao He could no longer shout. He suspected that after howling for a few hours the night before yesterday, his vocal cords would have been scrapped, but he was very talented, and yesterday he had a day and a night of flashbacks. Duck throat.

Yixinlou couldn't hear Lubanlou, but Lubanlou could hear Yixinlou. I don't know if it's because the wind blows from Yixin to Luban.

"Why are you there—" Joskey repeated.

Wu Zhou heard that this was a hardship, and he wished he could stretch out his ears for thousands of miles.

Zhao He couldn't help but interjected in a hoarse voice: "I heard everything clearly. He said, 'Why are you scolding you'."

Feng Qibai and Wu Zhou squinted at him together.

Zhao He scratched his head in embarrassment: "There seems to be something wrong..."

Twenty minutes later, the two teams finally communicated clearly, got familiar with each other's situation and grasped the current battle situation. Just as he was staring wide-eyed and worrying about how to get in touch with the main battlefield, there was movement from the sky.

At first glance, it sounds like an electric fan, but the power is too small to be cool enough.

The three of them looked up at the same time, and it turned out to be a pocket aircraft, which was hovering above Yixin Building driven by a small propeller. If you insist on saying that this is a drone, it’s okay, but how small it is, and if Shuke sits on it, it will be overweight and crash.

The person who remotely controlled the aircraft obviously couldn't get the exact position, and finally the aircraft landed on the edge of the roof, and if it was a little bit off, it was outside the building.

Zhao He immediately ran over to pick up the aircraft, and found a note tied to it—

[Song Fei, Qi Yan, and He Zhiwen are on the top of the Gewu Building, and the radio has been successfully obtained. The heart of the motherland and the coastal virus have been completely controlled, and the three eastern provinces are partially controlled. It is expected that the whole country will be stable in the next month. Comrades, if you persevere to the end, you will win! PS. Song Fei's private question - who plays the flute?]

Who the hell would answer such unnutritious questions? The three people on the roof of Yixin Building burst into tears when they saw the news about the motherland, and even the cold-hearted Feng Qibai's eyes were red. The three little friends hugged each other tightly, feeling turbulent in their hearts, but they couldn't say a word, they could only hug so hard, venting all their emotions in the hug.

The roof of Luban Building.

Josh: "What are they doing?"

Zhou Lu: "It seems to be excited and sad."

Qiao Siqi: "Did something fly over from Gewulou just now?"

Zhou Lu: "Song Fei and the others have a letter?"

Qiao Siqi: "It's a good thing to have faith. You should dance around. Why does it look so heavy?"

Zhou Lu: "..."

Qiao Siqi: "Ah, could it be, could it be..."

When the opening song of the news broadcast sounded, Qiao Siqi was already crying with tears and nose in the delusion of "losing his little friend", and he couldn't tell who was who.

Zhou Lv was originally inexplicably pessimistic, but the moment he heard the melody, he was miraculously cheered up.

"It's all right! They're all right!"

Qiao Siqi sniffed his nose, listened to the sound of the flute for a few seconds, and suddenly hugged Zhou Lv without warning, crying loudly: "Yeah, it's okay, they're okay, the country is okay, it's okay... that's great... too much Okay... woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..."

Zhou Zhou thought that he was already excited enough, but when he saw Qiao Siqi tearing up in his arms, he suddenly felt that he was so cruel that he was inhuman.

The communication between Yixin Building and Gewu Building is by aircraft, while that of Luban Building is music + roar. With a multi-pronged approach, the friends finally made a plan to endure for another day, wait until it was dark at night, tie the fire hose to the rope, land vertically from the roof of the building, and return home with the plane.

Different from the uncertainty and confusion when they came here, the eight people who returned to their hiding places in their respective buildings felt unprecedentedly at ease and firm in their hearts.

Before coming, everyone didn't say anything, but they all felt that this was an impossible task. Because there are too many difficulties to overcome, too many links to get through, and perhaps, some luck is needed. But they set off without hesitation in the end, even if it might be futile, even if it might never come back.

Thinking about it now, it might be that little bit of "hope" that supports their willingness to escape death.

Zhao He can probably understand that sculpture.

—Even if you are in hell, you still yearn for the light and hope, there is always a dawn.