Zombie University

Chapter 76: sleepless night


The culprit of a false alarm was finally untied by kind comrades. As for the bewildered new classmate, under the introduction of Huang Mo, they had a cordial and friendly exchange with the eight fighters in the martial arts class who had only heard of their names.

These thirteen people came the night before yesterday, not long after Song Fei and the others left the cafeteria.

When he mentioned this point in time, Song Fei felt that something was wrong. After hearing the identity of the other party's "Chemistry Department", it was almost certain: "You guys did the explosion in the Qiushi Building?"

The thirteen friends are all from Class 1 of Applied Chemistry, all of them are male students, the most energetic one is the Communist Youth League Secretary, named Wang Shan, very talkative, and has been communicating with the students in the martial arts class as a representative. It can be seen that they are quite trusted by the students .

According to him, as a junior, he passed all the fourth and sixth grades, and the rest of the brothers had passed the fourth grade, and had no plans to take the sixth grade, so when the tide of corpses broke out, he was leading the group who were about to take the make-up exam. The operating brothers sharpened their guns before the battle, but the zombies entered the building. After experiencing a series of chaos such as bewilderment and escape, they hid back in the laboratory, leaning on the two vending machines in the corridor, and persisted for more than 20 days. In the end, the food and grass ran out, and they had no choice but to create an explosion and flee in the chaos.

"Then do you know what happened after the explosion?" Song Fei asked gently after listening to Wang Shan's story.

Wang Shan shook his head blankly.

Song Fei smiled: "The power is cut off."

Wang Shan was surprised at first, and then reacted: "It may be that the explosion has affected the circuit, and the power grid in the department building is connected."

"Well," Song Fei nodded reassuringly, "then the elevator stopped, and I was inside."

Wang Shan was stunned.

Song Fei asked: "So, do you understand what I mean?"

Wang Shan was stunned for a while, and suddenly realized: "Sure enough, you can't take the elevator when you are in danger."

Song Fei: "... who told you to criticize me!!!"

Although the friends in other buildings also caused some inconvenience due to the power outage, none of them had the history of blood and tears like Song Fei and He Zhiwen, especially Zhou Lu and Qiao Siqi. The power outage allowed them to wriggle forward in cardboard boxes. Avoiding many confrontations, Song Fei had no respondent to his accusation except He Zhiwen, who kept nodding his head but didn't know how to help.

After venting a few sentences, the follow-up was weak, and the comprehension of the students in the chemistry department needed to be improved urgently. Song Fei's complaint was finally settled.

Seeing that the conversation became a bit dry, Song Fei wanted to brighten up the atmosphere, so he jokingly said why there is not a single girl in your class. The answer I got was no, there were more than a dozen, and the squad leader was also a girl, but when the accident happened, she was not in the Qiushi Building, maybe in the dormitory, maybe somewhere on the campus, or just went shopping. In short, I hope they all Be safe.

With a sigh, the atmosphere was not active, but even heavier. The eight returned soldiers were a little embarrassed, wanting to continue, but didn't know what else to say.

At this time Luo Geng stepped forward: "I really can't bear it anymore, please do me a favor and listen to the radio first?"

He has been staring at the large retro radio next to He Zhiwen for a long, long, long time, and if he is not allowed to listen to it, he will go crazy!

Song Fei 囧, the other seven friends also apologized. They already knew the content of the broadcast, and they forgot that the six members of the family were still waiting to be fed!


Song Fei looked at Qi Yan without saying a word, but there was doubt in his eyes.

Qi Yan understood what he meant. If there were only martial arts students in the cafeteria, even if Song Fei forgot, he would immediately remind the six comrades to listen to the radio. But now it's not just Lin Dilei, Luo Geng and the other six, there are also thirteen "new classmates". The quotation marks do not imply any discriminatory meaning, it is just that people who have suffered a lot will always be extra cautious.

"Turn on the radio," Huang Mo said suddenly, behind the transparent glasses, he was calm and calm, "It's okay."

Huang Mo's figure is very petite, but every time she shows this expression as if everything is under control, Qi Yan feels that her aura instantly overwhelms Wuzhou, and only the little mine in a runaway state can compare with one Higher and lower, but also negative, small victory.

With a calm mind, Qi Yan nodded at Song Fei.

Song Fei received it and passed it on to He Zhiwen.

After returning to the back kitchen, student He, who had been hugging the tape recorder and did not dare to let go, finally had a chance to make a debut. I saw him standing up slowly, holding the tape recorder in his arms, and approaching the power socket in the corner carefully step by step...

"Hey, let me tell you first, the virus in the three provinces of Beijing, Tianjin, Tangdong and the east, as well as the coastal areas, is almost under control. It is said that it is expected to control the whole country within a month."

He Zhiwen staggered and almost hit the wall: "Zhao He!!!"


"...Forget it." The last two words He Zhiwen squeezed out between his teeth.

Zhao He pondered for a long time and didn't understand, and finally shrugged, assuming there was no such episode.

Song Fei stuck it to Qi Yan's ear, and whispered: "Believe it or not, what He Zhiwen wanted to say just now must be spoiling the whole family."

Qi Yan looked at the gloomy back of classmate He with his buttocks plugged in, and expressed infinite sympathy.

On the other hand, Qiao Siqi shared his experience with Zhou Yili: "I am annoyed by this kind of bullet screen when I watch the video, especially the mystery movie, when the title pops up, a murderer is the guy wearing glasses at 3 minutes and 59 seconds, make sure you vomit blood. "

Just as Zhou Lu was about to reply to a comment, he heard Luo Geng ask Zhao He—

"Have you finished listening to the radio? Didn't the power go out?"

Zhao He thought for a while, hey, it makes sense, and immediately looked at Song Fei: "That's right, what did you hear about the power outage?"

Zhao He was shocked for a long time when he first saw the spoils of war so old-fashioned, but his comrade-in-arms told him that the situation in the motherland was very good, so he believed it unconditionally. Now that Luo Geng asked him this question, he became vague again.

Song Fei no longer wanted to talk to the simple-minded classmate Zhao, and answered Luo Geng directly: "That machine can use batteries."

Luo Geng was stunned, always feeling that something was wrong: "Why does he have to work so hard to plug in the power supply when he can use the battery?"

He Zhiwen finally inserted the tape recorder and explained back: "The number of batteries is limited, so save as much as you can."

"Oh..." Well, everything is perfectly explained.

The conclusion is that no one cares that he is already in a hurry to go to the room! ! !

"Zizi la la..."

"Zi la... Central People's Broadcasting Station..."

Although Zhao He gave the spoiler in advance, it was not until they actually heard the broadcast with the right words that everyone really had emotional fluctuations—the dawn came, piercing the darkness and reaching their hearts. Dare to dream about things, and now it is indeed coming, right next to my ears.

Like Song Fei, Qi Yan, and He Zhiwen before them, the comrades-in-arms who stayed behind and the thirteen students from the School of Chemistry also listened to it for a long time. Even though the content of the news had been repeated countless times, they were still fascinated by it. Even Zhao He, Feng Qi, Bai Zhou, Lv Qiao Siqi and the others who were already excited were excited a second time because they heard the content of the radio for the first time.

It wasn't until midnight that the emotions of the friends gradually calmed down. Lin Dilei's eyes turned red from crying. Originally, the tears had a tendency to burst overnight, but after seeing Qiao Siqi who was also in tears, she couldn't cry for a moment.

Feeling that he had heard enough, He Zhiwen turned off the tape recorder after soliciting the opinions of his friends.

Twenty-seven little friends sat on the floor messily, staring at each other.

In the end, it was Wang Shan who spoke first: "Fortunately, we have enough food, and the next step is to wait for rescue."

Everyone basically thinks so, so you talk to each other and look forward to a bright future optimistically.

Song Fei was wary of the Thirteenth Lang of Chemistry at first, but after getting along for half a night, he didn't feel that there was anything uncomfortable about them. On the contrary, they even inadvertently show a kind of politeness, as if they tacitly agree that the host comes first, and the guests come later. Although resources are shared, there are also subtle differences in status.

In addition, they are very ordinary students, who neither deliberately get close nor deliberately distance themselves. What they think and say, their thoughts are written on their faces, just like the alumni who pass by on campus on weekdays, simple, friendly.

Taking advantage of his comrades not paying attention, Song Fei called Wang Qingyuan to a corner alone.

Although he believed in his own feelings, the lesson learned from the past was too painful. To be safe, he decided to ask about the situation: "It was like this when the thirteen came? Didn't anything happen?"

Song Fei asked very quietly, like a thief.

Wang Qingyuan smiled, looked at the group of people who were still discussing when the rescue would arrive in the distance, and said in a low voice with a smile: "Don't worry. Even if they had any wrong thoughts when they came, they would be wiped out by Huang Mo It's in the bud."

Did Song Fei understand: "What do you mean?"

Wang Qingyuan obviously thought that memory was very precious and interesting, so he reproduced it for Song Fei yesterday vividly.

When Thirteen first came in, the two squads of comrades stationed in the back kitchen had already gathered on the first floor, a total of six people. Facing the sudden arrival of new partners, Lin Dilei and Luo Geng, who had a history of blood and tears, first reacted with caution. , and Wang Qingyuan and Li Jingyu didn't dare to take it lightly because they heard that passage from their comrades-in-arms. Fu Xiyuan's mind was the simplest, he was neither guarded nor enthusiastic, he just did his duty as a classmate.

After the catastrophe, the chemical Thirteen Lang was still in shock, and several comrades died after fleeing, so he was still in a state of being away from his soul for a long time after he came in, and he didn't have much awareness of the different emotions of the six people.

At this time, classmate Huang Mo appeared.

Warm the stomach of the new partner first with hot soup, and then warm the heart of the new partner with warm words. When the minds of the thirteen people gradually recovered, they lost no time to popularize science. They were not six people, but eight comrades in arms would return immediately, subtly leaving a cognitive brand in the other party's mind that "in fact, we are the one with the superior number"; In the end, they began to "sincerely talk to each other", and the eight comrades who confessed and left actually went to find the radio, set the psychological tone that the situation was not hopeless, and even hopeful, and suggested that they stay here and wait for the comrades to bring " Life's hope" Triumph. In the end, he took the initiative to share resources, and took his new partners to visit all the food reserves. While reassuring people, he strengthened the win-win concept that only unity, friendship and solidarity can defeat the virus.

And Song Fei's return in victory is the strongest footnote of the "correct way" instilled by Huang Mo. If the students in the Department of Chemistry still had doubts before this, then the broadcast just now was the final conclusion.

With sufficient food, bright hope, familiar classmates, and the kindness of alumni, unless Thirteen Lang of Chemistry does not want to live a good life, he has neither the ideological basis for confrontation nor the objective reason for fighting.

"Is this considered brainwashing..." Song Fei glanced at Huang Mo, who was sorting out the remaining cans in everyone's backpacks, in awe.

"It's all about presenting the facts and reasoning." Wang Qingyuan felt that Song Fei's comparison was exaggerated, but, "She has a good grasp of people's hearts..."

Song Fei raised his eyebrows suspiciously: "Why do I feel that this is not what you want to say?"

Wang Qingyuan pondered for a moment: "Well, she does have the potential to be the leader of a cult."

"Song Fei—" Zhao He called from not far away, "What's the name of the rock you sang before, Feng Qibai will sing that later!"

Looking forward to the future, the group has disbanded at some point. Now the Wusheng class is the martial arts class, and the chemistry class is the chemistry class. Everyone gets together, and the small groups are quite distinct.

"Let me be in the snow... Forget it, you can't search for the name now, I have it in my phone."

Having already chatted with Wang Qingyuan, Song Fei simply went over directly, took out his mobile phone and passed it to Zhao He via bluetooth.

——It's rare for someone to know the goods, and Student Song is still a little excited.

Zhao He also sincerely joined in, and played it on the speaker of his mobile phone after answering the call. As a result, Wu Zhou, Feng Qibai, and Fu Xiyuan also came over. The former two wanted to listen to the original version, while the latter was purely curious.

The four listened enthusiastically. Song Fei and You Rongyan were squatting beside them enjoying the rare pride of "being recognized for their musical literacy", when someone tapped their shoulders.

Looking back, it was Qi Yan.

"Huh?" Song Fei raised his eyebrows and asked a monosyllable.

Qi Yan pointed to the hidden place behind the desk in the distance: "Go over there and talk about something."

Song Fei was frightened by the other party's seriousness, got up hastily, and followed Qi Yan to the "no man's land" at the far end of the back kitchen.

"What do you want to say... um..."

Bidong's kiss came unexpectedly.

Song Fei was shrouded in Qi Yan's shadow, the other party's kiss was strong and domineering, but his lips were extremely soft, making Song Fei torn between resistance and lust.

Until Qi Yan reluctantly ended it, he still hadn't figured out why.

In the end, he decided to fight violence with violence—kiss back.

Both of them could feel each other's excitement and hotness, but they both understood that this matter could not continue in depth. In the end, they could only rely on strong willpower to separate each other, forehead to forehead, panting heavily.

"They will definitely find out." You can be shameless during the kiss, but after the kiss is over, Song Fei feels a little scared. Although he is more than ten meters away from the crowd, he still has a guilty conscience.

"I'm blocking you." Qi Yan's voice was hoarse.

"This kind of thing doesn't have to be seen in all directions at 360 degrees to be considered!" Song Fei black lined. Anyone who can notice that he and Qi Yan are here is tantamount to zero distance from the truth.

"So what?" Qi Yan, since he got back his ex-boyfriend, has become a bit fearless on the road of coming out of the closet. "We got back together, so we should drive to celebrate."

The bloody man, Song, thought it was true, and sighed helplessly: "It's a pity that I can't drive it now. At most, I can step on the gas pedal."

Qi Yan pressed down again: "Then step on it a few more times."

Song Fei was still afraid of frightening his friends by being too indulgent, and was about to refuse, but he heard Big B's familiar shouting and laughter from far away, as well as the laughter of his comrades. Immediately relieved, he stomped on the gas pedal to his heart's content.

More than ten meters away, He Zhiwen, who turned on the radio again, was tuning the channels for his comrades. Lin Dilei, Luo Geng, and Li Jingyu gathered around with great interest. Just tuned to Big B's channel a minute ago, Lin Dilei exclaimed: "I've heard this guy's program, it's very interesting!"

Luo Geng was like a treasure, he learned while listening, and practiced on the spot.

Li Jingyu was amused and laughed.

He Zhiwen complained: "Li Jingyu, your smile is too low."

The latter was speechless: "Why do you even call me a nickname?"

He Zhiwen was shocked: "Isn't that your name?"

Li Jingyu's black line directly picked up his comrades: "Come here and let me give you a popular science about my character design..."

On the open space near the stove, Qiao Siqi and Zhou Lv, who were hiding quietly, were telling Wang Qingyuan, who was alone, about their thrilling battle. Zhou Yili spit all over the place, and Qiao Siqi added the narration.

Wang Qingyuan listened very carefully, from the beginning to the end, concentrated.

At the end, the two asked expectantly: "How is it, thrilling?"

Wang Qingyuan nodded: "So, Song Fei and Qi Yan got back together?"

Zhou and Qiao: "They only played soy sauce at the end of Lubanlou Adventures!!!"

Wang Qingyuan spread his hands: "I'm a trickster."

This is bound to be a sleepless night.

All the friends are celebrating hope and welcoming the dawn in their own way.

of course there are exceptions-

In the corner of the back kitchen, Shisan Lang, who was silently huddled together, had been watching silently for a long time.

They witnessed four male students singing "Yiye~~Yiye~~ because of my illness" in a chorus to a mobile phone; they broke through two male students hiding in the corner of the wall; Familiar friends do not know their names; I witnessed the three comrades-in-arms falling apart because of the more important plot line or basic love line;

"Here... is it really safe?"

The boy who asked this question had a simple and honest face, just like the innocent kid in "The Emperor's New Clothes".