Zombie University

Chapter 8: Reunion on the balcony


Until Qi Yan ran into the dormitory building, Song Fei finally let go of half of his gripping heart, but there was already a mutant who ran in the building the day before, no one could say whether Qi Yan could safely hide in the dormitory, so that The remaining half cannot be let go anyway.

All the escapees rushed into the dormitory building, leaving only the army of mutants following behind. Different from the running classmates who gathered together like a herd of antelopes, these mutants didn't have any concept of organization, and their speed was also fast or slow. They ran sparsely and dragged for a long time. Even though they were in considerable numbers, they did not form a huge momentum.

For the first time, Song Fei looked at "them" from the perspective of a bystander, without running for his life or running wildly, as if standing in the perspective of God, observing them condescendingly.

These were all his classmates, casual and lazy boys, cute and well-behaved girls, and some of them may not have suffered too much damage when they were attacked, and they didn't really attack anyone after they mutated, and there was hardly any blood on their bodies. . If you ignore the unnatural movements and slightly weird faces, these people still seem to be classmates you would pass by on campus.

Song Fei didn't know how to describe this feeling, fear, weirdness, cold, sadness, and the anger and contempt that wanted to shake his own ears. He has complained countless times that life in college is boring, and even imagined that an alien would attack the earth, and the university would turn into a combat base. At that time, he would have to tear up all the books first, and then go to the shredded papers to find a way to escape. Huali throws off her arms and has sex with aliens.

The aliens didn't come, but the mutations came.

Childish, they are so vulnerable in the face of accidents. The dullness that he once dismissed as boring is the dream he most wants to catch but can't catch.

"Help, ah, ah—"

Suddenly there were chaotic footsteps and a tragic call for help in the corridor.

Song Fei trembled all over, and immediately ran back to the room and leaned against the inner door panel, but before his ears had time to stick up, the even more tragic roar almost shattered the eardrum—

"Who the hell can open the door for me? I beg you—"

Song Fei almost gritted his teeth. Opening the door would probably kill him, but if he doesn't open the door, what is the difference between him and those mutants!

Taking a deep breath, Song Fei clenched the doorknob tightly, and was about to unlock it when he stopped suddenly, his eyes lit up as if thinking of something, and he shouted boldly: "Run to 440 and I'll open the door for you!!!"

This sound was not timely rain for the students outside the door, but a life buoy. The students outside the door who had exhausted their energy and thought they could no longer run were now possessed by Bolt.

Song Fei was about to be happy when he heard the heavy footsteps quicken up again, when he realized that the footsteps were really fast, but the sound seemed to be getting farther and farther away...

"You're fucking running backwards!!!"

Song Fei was devastated. If those mutants were really zombies, they would definitely be disappointed and leave after knocking their heads open!

Fortunately, not long after, the footsteps came back, and they were getting closer. Song Fei swallowed nervously, seized the right moment and suddenly opened the door!

Campus Bolt bursts in like a rocket!

The moment he rushed in, Song Fei had already closed the door vigorously, almost seamlessly, who would have thought that the mutant who was chasing after him was even faster, and the door that Song Fei closed with force hit the mutant directly! One used his hands and the other used his body. The strength was not the same. By the time Song Fei wanted to use his body to hit the door, it was too late. The huge impact had already bounced the door open, and the mutant drove straight in!

Campus Bolt seemed to have expected this to happen. As soon as he ran in, he immediately picked up the stool, turned around like lightning and hit the mutant with his hand!

The mutant still looked ignorant and painless, but the attacker made it stagger on the soles of its feet and temporarily turned to one side.

Song Fei was dumbfounded, but he immediately came back to his senses, closed the door of the dormitory, and clicked the lock!

Campus Bolt, who was about to drive the mutants out, was going crazy: "What the hell are you doing locking the door!!!"

Song Fei's admiration for his strength value was wiped out by his IQ in an instant, but he had no time to explain, and the mutant who stood up straight again had already pounced on his prey again!

Campus Bolt repeats his old tricks, aiming at the opponent's head is another stool!

The huge force of the impact caused the opponent's forehead to be ripped apart, and blood was splashed everywhere, but unlike human beings, the color of the blood was a strange dark red that was almost black!

The mutant was obviously unaware of being opened. After a pause, he reached out and grabbed the stool in the hands of Campus Bolt, and pulled it hard. Fall again!

Campus Bolt was distracted by the stool that was out of his hands, and when he regained his senses and wanted to fight with his bare hands, the mutant had already grabbed his shoulders and pulled him over to see that the ferocious bloody mouth was about to bite his face !

There was no way to avoid it, being gnawed seemed to be a foregone conclusion, but sooner or later, a soft pink floral bed sheet flew in the air and directly covered the mutant's head!

Once caught, reined, and pulled, the mutant was pulled two steps away in an instant like a mad horse caught in a rein.

Before the warrior pulling the bed sheet could stand still, a shadowless foot stumbled when he raised his leg, knocking the mutant to the ground. With that bang, he fell so hard that Bolt felt pain when he heard it.

"What are you doing stupidly, lift his leg, don't let him get up!" the sheet warrior yelled.

Campus Bolt immediately obediently grabbed the mutant's ankle and lifted it up vigorously!

How could the mutant just let himself be dealt with, and immediately struggled, almost making him unable to catch it several times!

Fortunately, before he was exhausted, the sheet warrior covered the mutant's mouth with a ball of sheets with one hand, stretched his hand through the mutant's armpit, and pushed upwards—the mutant was successfully lifted up by them!

"Throw it downstairs!"

Three powerful words.

Without the slightest hesitation, Bolt immediately accelerated and reversed!

With a loud bang, the mutant hit the asphalt ground, together with the tender pink floral bed sheet, forming a strange scene.

"I know why you locked the door," Bolt said with lingering fears on campus, "We can still fight hard if we concentrate on one, but if the second one comes in later, we will surely die."

In normal times, Song Fei would definitely have to brag about himself, but now, he is out of breath, and he really doesn't have that mood.

"Outer courtyard, huh, Qiao Siqi."

"History Academy, Song Fei."

"I owe you my life."

"Pull it down, they are all classmates, don't talk about this."

"They're all classmates, so you opened the door for me."


Song Fei didn't know how to respond. At the moment of life and death, any choice is instinctive.

"Song Fei!"

Suddenly there was an anxious roar from downstairs.

Song Fei was startled, and hurriedly poked his head to look, and sure enough, he caught a figure looking up from the balcony on the second floor obliquely below.

"Qi Yan!"

Song Fei waved vigorously, even though they just met each other in the air, it was enough to make people weep with joy!

Qi Yan still seemed uneasy: "Are you okay!"

Song Fei immediately patted his chest: "It's nothing, fighting, brother is a professional!"

Qi Yan really wanted to grab the guy who was still joking at this time and rub his face vigorously: "Didn't you lock the door properly, how could you let them in!"

Song Fei couldn't explain it clearly for a while, so Song Fei simply picked the key point: "Anyway, it's locked now, don't worry!"

"Hey, the one on the second floor," Luo Geng, who had been pinching sweat for Song Fei, couldn't hold back his curiosity, and finally asked Qi Yan, "It's normal for me to be on the opposite side, and your vertical coordinates are still sitting in the room." How did you know that the monster fell out of Song Fei's dormitory?"

"I told you it wasn't a monster, it was a zombie!" Upstairs, Zhou Lvgan, who was also on the balcony, interrupted forcefully.

Luo Geng ignored him, and looked at Qi Yan for answers.

Qi Yan feels that this question has no technical content: "I can't see it sitting in the room, but I can hear it. If I run out and look down, I will know everything."

Luo Geng frowned. As a man in science, although his grades are not good, his thinking instinct is to follow logic: "That's even more strange. When you ran out, the monster had already fallen. How can you judge that it is Song Feiwu?"

Qi Yan pursed his lips, regretting accepting this.

Song Fei's heart sank, this is Qi Yan's minefield, Luo Geng really checked it out, and hurriedly answered: "You have so many questions, hurry back and see if the door is locked, don't be caught off guard again."

Luo Geng's black line: "It's obviously very weird, aren't you curious?"

Song Fei rolled his eyes, he was so curious, he could figure it out with his toes...

"His vulgar bed sheet, the second one can't be found in the whole building."

Qi Yan's answer suddenly came from below.

It's not loud, but there's nothing masking or unnatural about it either.

Luo Geng glanced at the pink broken flowers, and was completely convinced by the answer: "Indeed."

Qi Yan didn't answer any more.

Song Fei breathed a sigh of relief, feeling relieved at last, but also feeling a little uncomfortable. He didn't plan to come out publicly at school, but he didn't want to hide it either. Whether he likes a man or a woman is his own business, and he doesn't need to formulate anyone or pretend to cover it up. But Qi Yan doesn't think so. Qi Yan feels that at this stage they are still very weak, without any strength to resist the pressure brought by the identity of homosexuality, even if this identity has not been implemented, just suspicion and suspicion are fatal.

It's not a question of liking sweet potatoes or potatoes.

It's a meat or vegetarian question.

Too fundamental a disagreement to reconcile.

Qiao Siqi was not as stupid and sweet as Luo Geng. As a man who straddled two or three dimensions, he immediately heard the mystery inside. But you can’t just ask your savior right after you get out of danger, hey, why do you two have such a good relationship that you remember each other’s sheets

"Where did you run back from?"

The small theater in Qiao Siqi's mind was forced to interrupt: "The cafeteria. The door was locked and locked, and there was nothing to do all night. Until now, they didn't know why they knocked the door open. The distance from the cafeteria The nearest one is our dormitory, everyone ran, and I followed, and when I ran to the door, I found that I didn’t bring the key, which is enough to memorize.”


Qi Yan was there waiting for him to eat together.

Song Fei didn't wait for himself, but waited for the mutant to come, Song Fei could imagine how depressed Qi Yan was. This is unconditional to meet him face to face, if there is, that guy will definitely have to fight for a long time.

"Fuck me!"



There were gasps of air-conditioning from the building opposite.

Song Fei looked at the opposite side wonderingly: "What's wrong?"

Luo Geng pointed down at him with a confused face: "Look down..."

Song Fei poked his head out in doubt, his eyeballs almost didn't fall out. I saw Qi Yan climbing from one balcony to another with all four claws like a spiderman. When he was tired, he jumped into the nearest balcony with a closed sliding door to rest, and continued at a very slow pace. With extremely firm perseverance, I gradually approached 440 here.

The girls’ dormitory has complained more than once that the fence design of the school’s balcony is not safe, and it is easy for people to climb at night. Song Fei secretly complained that girls have too many things to do. Now, he wanted to solemnly apologize to those girls.

In the rising sun at birth, a vigorous figure climbed the rock wall, sweating profusely. Different floors, regardless of departments, but anyone who can witness this scene from the angle of the dormitory is all amazed. In contrast, the dormitory where Spider-Man came to the balcony was a little pitiful. The dorm students who were already in shock thought that the mutants had turned on the evolution mode and would climb the wall directly. Several of them almost stabbed people down with brooms.

Finally, Qi Yan, who had climbed thousands of mountains and rivers and endured hardships and obstacles, successfully climbed into the 440 balcony.

Song Fei didn't say a word, but his heart had already turned into a crumpled handkerchief.

It wasn't until Qi Yan's feet fell to the ground that Song Fei said angrily: "You are sick, why climb up!"

Qi Yan rubbed his face as he wished, and murmured in a voice that only the other party could hear: "Ninety-nine percent of the time, your bouncing around is annoying, but today is an exception."

From yesterday's accident to now, Song Fei's eyes were wet for the first time.

He hugged Qi Yan tightly, wishing he could hug Qi Yan into his body.

Qi Yan lightly touched his back. At this moment, for the first time ever, he forgot his scruples and so many pairs of eyes watching from the opposite building. He just wanted to tell Song Fei: "I can't let you stay alone .”

Such warmth and tenderness is hardly like Qi Yan, Song Fei really hoped that this moment could become eternal: "Don't worry, I'm not alone."

Qi Yan rubbed his chin against his head: "Well, I'll accompany you."

Song Fei grinned: "That's great, the three of us can still fight for a landlord."

Qi Yan: "..."

A hand stretched out from the shadows: "Hi, my name is Joskey, you can call me Johns. Uh, you can also ignore me..."

Finally, Qi Yan's field of vision was no longer limited to Song Fei, and gradually widened, only then did he see clearly that there was another classmate on the balcony.

Qiao Siqi's hands were frozen in mid-air, a little embarrassed, he always felt that the eyes of his classmates Spider-Man were not very friendly.

"You climbed up too?"

"That's impossible, I walked in through the door."


It's over, unkindness seems to have turned into outright hatred.