Zombie University

Chapter 80: Desolate Hospital (Middle)


There were more and more zombies in the medicine storage room, and the team couldn't see them, but the impact behind the door panel was getting stronger and stronger, and they could clearly feel it when they pressed against the door.

Beads of sweat slid down Song Fei's face. He looked anxiously at Qi Yan who was still looking out of the medicine window, and asked, "Isn't it okay?"

As soon as Qi Yan heard it, he understood that he couldn't hold on any longer.

The corridor is not peaceful, although it is much better than the window and the medicine storage room, but... Forget it, we can only fight!

"Get ready," Qi Yan fixedly looked at his little friend, "Let's rush out as soon as the door opens, don't care about anything else, just rush out!"

The three of them were silent, but without exception, they all responded with firm eyes.

Qi Yan walked to the security door, took a deep breath, and put on the doorknob.

The three of them glanced at each other, suddenly released their strength at the same time, and rushed towards the security door like lightning!

There was no obstacle, the wooden door panel was thrown to the ground with a bang, and zombies fell in like arhats, and Qi Yan over there had already pressed the handle!

The moment the little friend rushed to the door, the door was just opened by Qi Yan, and the two phases were seamlessly connected!

Wang Qingyuan rushed to the front, Luo Geng was second, Song Fei was third, and Qi Yan was at the back, and he put on the anti-theft door when he left!

Maybe there is a mutant who can open the door among the zombies in the house, Qi Yan can only pray that it will discover its talent sooner.

The corridors of the hospital smell of disinfectant all the year round. Now that the hospital has been shut down for more than 20 days, the smell still lingers in the air. Coupled with the long corridors unique to the hospital, red crosses can be seen everywhere in the bleak moonlight. Zombies in white coats.

Unfortunately, the sound of the security door opening excited their nerves again.

Fortunately, the team was fast enough. Wang Qingyuan, who was at the head, dodged two elderly zombies like a peerless master, and Luo Geng smashed away three young zombies in white coats that were already stained red with blood like a bull. The human squad has already left the main zombie team in the corridor behind.

More importantly, they don't need to break through the entire corridor, they only need to break through half, which is the lobby in the middle of the first floor and the revolving door... revolving door... door...

Why are those three zombies still circling in the door!

What's more, there are more than a dozen patients in the lobby watching them circle around!

Is your spare time so boring! ! !

Wang Qingyuan's footsteps stopped suddenly, Luo Geng couldn't brake enough and hit him on the back.

Resisting the severe soreness in his nose, Luo Geng remained silent.

However, it was too late, the footsteps of the previous rush were still lingering, and the dozen or so zombies who had been watching the "Carousel" with great interest turned their heads one after another.

In the bleak hall of the school hospital, thirty or so eyes faced each other, how spectacular.

The hairs of the four stood on end, their scalps were numb, and they felt a sense of fear of being skinned and eaten just by looking at each other.

The sound of messy and heavy footsteps came from behind, reminding them that the road ahead was blocked, and the road back was also blocked!

The dozen or so zombies in front finally reacted and howled suddenly. Because there was no tacit understanding, the shouts kept coming and going, but it was even more horrifying and frightening.

Calm as Wang Qingyuan couldn't help trembling, and the zombie who was farthest from the revolving door but closest to them had already rushed over!

"This way—" Qi Yan's voice suddenly cut through the air, and his people rushed into the French door that opened obliquely ahead faster than the voice!

The three friends followed immediately.

As soon as Song Fei, who was the last one, rushed in, Qi Yan quickly closed the floor-to-ceiling glass door, but it was a step too late, the zombie who wanted to pounce on Wang Qingyuan had already squeezed in with half of his body, and was caught by the crack of the door!

The zombies squeezed in desperately, and howled hoarsely.

Qi Yan was desperately closing the door with both hands, unable to push the zombie any more, he could only shout: "Come here and help—"

He yelled several times, but there was no response behind him. There were more and more zombies outside the door, and Qi Yan's two fists were hard to beat. Seeing that the door was about to be completely broken through, Qi Yan suddenly had a quick wit and kicked the waist and hips of the half-body squeezed zombie!

Qi Yan's kick was solid, and the opponent's waist and hips fully accepted the force, and his whole body was kicked out of the door!

The glass door closed with the momentum of the zombies flying out, and Qi Yan pulled out the mop gun and inserted it into the handle with lightning speed. But the army of zombies is rampaging, and the metal rod of the mop gun has a tendency to bend slowly.

During the bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang, Qi Yan leaned against the door with his shoulder to help mop the gun, and shouted to BF: "Give me the rope!"

Without using the name, Qi Yan could tell that Song Fei knew he was calling him, because in order to save space in the backpack, only Song Fei in the whole team had a rope installed.

But, like previous calls for help, no one responded.

Qi Yan was in a hurry, turned around furiously, and finally sweared: "What the hell are you doing!!!"

The three little friends in the battle suddenly froze, but they quickly recovered and continued to fight.

Song Fei poked metal chopsticks into a zombie's face, temporarily restraining the opponent's attack, and finally took the time to explain to BF: "I really want to help you, but you also saw it hitting me with a bottle what!!!"

It was only then that Qi Yan noticed that they entered a large infusion room, with five rows of single sofa chairs on each side, and an aisle in the middle. An LCD TV was hung directly in front of the sofa, and there was a glass bookcase next to the window. , by the moonlight, you can see the bold bold words printed on two A4 papers on it - "for reading only, please do not take out".

There are only five "patients" in the entire infusion room, and two have been knocked down. The reason why it can be seen that they are patients is because they are all in casual clothes, and the one who fights with Song Fei directly holds the bottle in his hand as a weapon, and does not know how to fight. When Qi Yan saw it, The infusion tube and the infusion needle are still in their original positions, and the infusion bottle should be connected to the infusion bottle, and the back of the hand should be pricked.

Wang Qingyuan knocked down the second zombie. After seeing that they were all 1V1 comrades, he didn't choose to help. Instead, he quickly ran behind Song Fei, opened the opponent's backpack, took out the rope, and turned around to support the door!

Seeing Wang Qingyuan running towards him with a rope, all the grievances and grievances in the past have been erased, he only thinks that this is a relative!

Here Wang Qingyuan helped Qi Yan tie the handle, while Song Fei was blocked by the sofa, lost his balance and sat directly on the sofa.

The zombie jumped on him, opened its mouth and gnawed on Song Fei's face.


Teeth bit into goggles.

As if realizing something, the zombie attacked again and directly chose Song Fei's neck!

Song Fei had been prepared for a long time, and stabbed at the opponent's door with a chopstick!

This hit still didn't hit the brain, but it just made another hole in the zombie's face. The latter howled, and raised the hanging bottle high, so hard that the infusion needle attached to the back of the other hand flew away. go out.

Song Fei shuddered, and quickly leaned back against the back of the sofa, seeing the thin needles passing before his eyes.

In the next second, the bottle was smashed over!

Song Fei didn't want the chopsticks either, and kicked the opponent away with one kick.

The zombie leaned back and fell heavily to the ground. The bottle dropped from its hand and burst with a bang. The sharp glass shards splashed chilly crystal flowers in the moonlight.

The zombie struggled to stand up. Song Fei looked at the remaining infusion tape on the back of its hand, at the wreckage of the hanging bottle on the ground, and at the bloody flesh and half of its chopsticks on its face. It was hard to know whether to admire or cry— If you are so sick, you don't have to work so hard! ! !

The zombie's movements were already sluggish, and Song Fei knew that it would be enough to mend it with the scissors pinned to his waist. But over there, Luo Geng had already been crushed on the window sill by a tall zombie, life and death in an instant!

As soon as Song Fei gritted his teeth, he gave up in front of his eyes, took out the scissors and ran towards Luo Geng, aiming at the back of the zombie's head that was pressing him with the scissors!

After all, scissors are no better than metal chopsticks, the cross-section is too wide, and it is difficult for Song Fei to poke in only an inch.

But it's not without any help.

The attacked zombie let go of Luo Geng, turned around and grabbed his shoulder!

The zombie's physique was not inferior to Zhao He's at all. Before Song Fei could react, he was caught and thrown backwards!

Song Fei didn't know where he was going to fly, so he could only cover his head subconsciously.



Song Fei only felt that his body had bumped into something heavily, and then he fell firmly to the ground. He felt dizzy for a while, and his whole body hurt everywhere. Reason told him to get up from the ground, but the brain's instructions could not be transmitted to the body, and in the end he could only watch helplessly as the zombie bent down again, grabbed his shoulders, and went straight to the defenseless neck with a bloody mouth...

Two cold lights!

Song Fei felt the strength on his shoulders disappear in an instant, and he fell back quickly, but in the end he didn't fall to the ground, but was supported by someone.

The two zombies crashed to the ground.

One was the zombie attacking Song Fei, but was dealt with by Luo Geng's army stabs, and the other was the zombie with metal chopsticks stuck in its face, staggered over, and was wiped out by Qi Yan.

The two drew their weapons and rushed to Song Fei's side together.

Luo Geng anxiously asked: "Are you okay?"

Qi Yan hurriedly took off his mask.

The sudden large amount of fresh air made Song Fei's brain gradually clear, and his five senses finally returned to normal. Only then did I see shards of glass all over the floor.

Enduring the soreness in his neck, he turned his head with great effort, looked over the shoulder of Wang Qingyuan who was supporting him, and saw the glass of the bookcase that was smashed by himself.

Unlike tempered glass, even if it is broken, it will be broken into small particles with rounded edges. The bookcase is installed with ordinary glass, and now there are sharp fragments of different sizes all over the floor.

No wonder he was in a daze for a long time just now, it's lucky that Nima didn't have a bloody head!

Uh, it shouldn't be broken.

Song Fei raised his hand with some fear, and touched his head.

The slightest pain came like a pinprick, vivid and clear.

Song Fei's heart skipped a beat, and he tentatively touched Tianling Gai, the back of his head, anyway, he touched his head enough. The terrible thing is that every place is painful when pressed. The blood on his face faded, but he didn't dare to make a sound, because Qi Yan's face was frighteningly gloomy.

Fuck, why does he feel as if he committed a crime and can't hold his head up after being injured! ! !

"What's going on?" Luo Geng was extremely anxious. Song Fei came to save him, and if something happened to him, he would die.

"It's okay." Song Fei secretly glanced at Qi Yan, swallowed, and his voice weakened, "It's just that my head may be a little broken..."

"Where?!" Luo Geng's heart twitched, wishing he could hug Song Fei's head and rummage immediately, but he was also afraid that his attack would cause a second injury.

"I can't figure it out either," Song Fei said honestly, "Anyway, it hurts everywhere I touch it, but it's not too painful..."

Before he could finish speaking, Qi Yan suddenly grabbed his hand.

The next second, the familiar slight pain came.

Song Fei's eyes widened, and he watched in a daze as Qi Yan took out a band-aid as if by magic, and wrapped it tightly around the fingertip of his right index finger.

"Next time it hurts to press anywhere," Qi Yan looked at him with a dark face, "check your fingers first."

Song Fei is called embarrassing, the previous despair and sadness are all gone, and only the word "shame" is left in his head.

Luo Geng sat down on the ground. He was first played with by the zombies this night, and then deceived by his comrades. Anyway, this little sincerity is not enough.

After wrapping the Band-Aid, Qi Yan's expression still did not soften.

Song Fei frowned: "It's almost done. I just fell into a daze and felt that there was a deviation for a while, so it's not enough."

"It's not about the fingers!" Qi Yan couldn't help it anymore, and finally broke out, "Don't you first estimate the opponent's strength when you rush over, can you beat your small arms and legs with this kind of physique?!"

Song Fei was scolded inexplicably, and he was not used to it, so he yelled back: "Luo Geng is going to be killed, why don't I just refuse to save him!"

"You have to pay attention to the method and method to save people. Your kind is called reckless. If you can't save people, you will catch yourself. It's your luck that nothing happened this time. A little glass was inserted into your head!"

"you… "

"What are you, you are always impulsive and reckless!"

"I… "

"What about me, what did I say that I didn't point out to you."


"I still want to curse!" The moment Song Fei slammed into the glass bookcase just now, Qi Yan was so frightened that he almost suffocated. Don't choose your words, just like many times when two people quarreled in the past, "How many times have I said it, can you think about it before you do something, all you have in your mind is..."

Wang Qingyuan narrowed his eyes calmly.

By accident, Qi Yan caught the flash of sharpness inside.

[Essentially lack the ability to bring happiness to lovers.]

[Simply put, you don't respect him.]

Suddenly the other party's once slow voice sounded in his mind, and Qi Yan's eloquence stopped abruptly.

Song Fei was waiting for what was in his head, his emotions were heightened to the highest point, and it turned out to be a squib. He simply didn't know whether to ask or not. Asking, it seems that he is very trembling, but if he doesn't ask, he is really panicked. It's too fucking inhuman to say half of it!

I don't know if he sensed Song Fei's expectation, Qi Yan suddenly picked up the topic again: "Your head is full of..."

Song Fei stretched his neck and waited, he didn't even hide it and let out an eager hum: "Huh?"

"It's all... someone else! Why can't you think about yourself more. You feel uncomfortable when someone else has an accident, so have you ever thought about how uncomfortable I am when you have an accident?!"


Taking a deep breath, Qi Yan pulled BF from classmate Wang's arms, and carefully patted the other's head: "Don't always worry me."

Song Fei knew that at this moment he should be full of warmth and return love.

But it's really hard because everything feels so weird.

Why did the dog blood movie take a sharp turn and become a pure love drama? No one told him that the script was revised!

Then what about his lines full of scolding

Damn it! ! !