Zombie University

Chapter 82: uninvited guest


In the back kitchen on the first floor of the cafeteria, two and a half hours had passed since the medicine hunting team set off.

The consciousness of Feng Qibai and Zhou Lv has completely fallen into chaos, and Qiao Siqi barely remains awake, but his body is shaking more and more violently.

Lin Dilei and Huang Mo took care of the three comrades non-stop, not only paying attention to keeping them warm, but also continuing to physically cool their foreheads. They were sweating in the cold kitchen without heating.

The male students had nowhere to go, and were so anxious that they could only scramble to run errands, fetch something for water or something. Even Zhao He, who was not feeling well himself, and Chemical Thirteen Lang, who had no close relationship with the patient, did not stand idly by.

At this moment, there are no departments, no majors, no acquaintances or no acquaintances, familiarity or unfamiliarity in the back kitchen. Everyone is a classmate and a brother, sharing weal and woe and working together.

Zhao He's throat was still unable to make a sound, and what was even more terrible was that the inflammation involved his body and began to develop a low-grade fever. He didn't notice it at first because he felt nothing but a little tired. When it's time to eat and drink, he can actively participate with his eyes and facial expressions when communicating with others.

It wasn't until Huang Mo noticed the clues from his increasingly frequent frowns, touched it with his hand, and his forehead was not too hot, so he simply asked, "Is it a low-grade fever?"

Zhao He stood there in a daze.

In fact, what Huang Mo asked didn't reach his ears at all. At this moment, all he could see was a petite girl who was raising her hand to touch his forehead. He is much taller than the girl, so the girl struggled to touch him.

Fortunately, I am not one centimeter taller, Zhao He thought, otherwise the girl would stand on tiptoe, which might make the girl feel bad for him.

"Zhao He?" Huang Mo's persistent call finally brought back his comrades in arms.

Zhao He wanted to respond with a "huh?", but he could not breathe until he realized his current situation. He quickly mobilized his facial muscles, raised his eyebrows, and opened his eyes wide, forming a standard questioning demeanor.

"I'm asking if you have a low-grade fever," Huang Mo said patiently, "just nod or shake your head."

Zhao He shook his head, and after a few moments, he realized something again, frowned heavily, and shook his head again.

Huang Mo understood: "You don't know either?"

Zhao He's eyes lit up, and he nodded immediately.

"Then let me ask it another way. Apart from your throat, do you still feel unwell? For example, you're tired or tired?"

Zhao He felt it quietly, and continued to nod with a look of admiration that Mr. Huang was really a god.

Worry appeared in Huang Mo's eyes: "Sure enough, there is still inflammation."

Zhao He rarely showed weakness to the outside world, but after hearing what Huang Mo said, he somehow wanted to win sympathy, and his face immediately became pitiful.

Huang Mo looked at him tenderly for a moment, then sighed softly: "Since you are all sick, let go of my hand."

Zhao Hejiu, it was only then that he realized that he raised his hand and pressed Huang Mo's hand to check the temperature of his forehead, and the big hand pressed the small hand so that it was a perfect fit, tightly fitting.

He withdrew his hand suddenly, as if it was burning.

Huang Mo patted his arm lightly to express his understanding, but he was a comrade in the trenches, so what should be persuaded is to persuade: "You are still ignorant, don't think about those messy things first, it will hurt your body."

Zhao He: "..."

Huang and so on, things are really not as far-reaching as you think! ! !

"Little Landmine Lei Lei Lei!!!"

Shi Po's shocking howling call and Zhao He's inner cry were fired at the same time, creating a mess.

But the other friends couldn't hear Zhao's soul cry, so they were all startled by Luo's broken voice, and Lin Dilei jumped up the fastest and ran to the window, quickly confirming that there were no zombies outside, and then decisively Open the sash!

Under the moonlight, comrades ran wildly.

In the sound of messy footsteps, Lin Dilei watched her comrades get closer and closer...

"Be careful!"

Before the comrades arrived, they suddenly shouted in unison.

Without waiting for Lin Dilei to think, a strange male classmate suddenly appeared in front of the window and jumped in directly. The speed of the movement and the slamming of Lin Dilei caused Lin Dilei to stagger.

"Are you okay!" Luo Geng jumped in immediately, held Lin Dilei firmly, and quickly pulled her away from the position facing the window.

As soon as I escaped, the window was filled with a group of students scrambling to get ahead. They tried their best to squeeze in, yelling, kicking, and everyone's face was almost ferociously crazy!

Lin Dilei noticed sharply that the first classmate who came in had already rushed to the big stove. When she saw the pot, she lifted the lid, and when she found it was empty, she threw the pot heavily on the ground as if to vent her anger! With a bang, even the loud shouting and cursing can't cover it!

Lin Dilei immediately thought that he must be extremely hungry, plus running here from the outside, he must have experienced extremely dangerous, especially the environment full of zombies all over the world is unimaginable. The state of the situation is abnormal, and it is not incomprehensible.

But you can't make other people pay for your ordeal, especially the scourge of something they depend on to survive!

Breaking away from Luo Geng, Lin Dilei rushed over, trying to grab the opponent's hand: "Student, don't worry..."

"Fuck you!" The boy didn't see who was coming, and he might not even hear whether it was a man or a woman, so he pushed Lin Dilei away hard, with great force!

Luo Geng watched helplessly as Lin Dilei was pushed and fell out, and her body hit the shelf next to her that was as tall as a person. The shelf shook violently, and the pots and pans on it fell down with a clatter, and most of them hit Lin Dilei!

Fortunately, she protected her head, and apart from the pain in her arm, she didn't suffer much substantial damage.

But Luo Geng quit, and suddenly became angry, and punched the boy in the past!

The boy is not a vegetarian either, he fought back immediately after standing firm, and scuffled with Luo Geng!

The health personnel and the chemical Thirteen Lang who stayed behind in the martial arts class were all counted, and none of them came to help Luo Geng. It's not that they don't want to, it's just that they have no skills.

Suddenly, more than 20 young men rushed in from the window, and the first one went to the pot, but to no avail. Those who came in later did not know whether they had seen the lessons learned from the past, or their own orientations were different, and the direction of the scourge was changed to freezers and warehouses.

The boy who was the first to open the freezer broke the glass with a hammer without opening the frozen glass for a long time!

Fu Xiyuan and Wu Zhou didn't even see clearly whether he pulled out the hammer last, or whether he was holding the murder weapon in his hand. But those are not important anymore, the moment the freezer glass shattered, the two rushed forward and restrained each other!

But I can't stand the second, the third, the eighth, the tenth!

All the freezers were opened, and there was only raw meat in them, and they were turned into a mess!

Li Jingyu and He Zhiwen, who are not ranked in the ranks of force and courage, can't stand it anymore. If they can stop one, they count as one, and if they can destroy a pair, they count as a pair!

Chemical Thirteen Lang was a little dazed at first, but he realized it after a few seconds.

"Come on guys—"

The regiment secretary roared, and he acted when it was time to act.

Qi Yan, Song Fei, and Wang Qingyuan shouldn't be the last ones, but the uninvited guests didn't care about what was behind them and just rushed forward, as if after they entered, the zombies behind would stop chasing them, let alone jump into the window.

They had no choice but to stay at the window. Fortunately, the speed of the intruders was fast enough. Until the last person jumped into the window, there were only three zombies that they actually fought. One came from the hospital and two came from uninvited guests. They should be from the chasing army on both sides. leader.

As Qi Yan was the last to enter, Huang Mo, who had been insisting on ignoring the scuffle behind him, closed the window and locked it neatly.

She was the only one left at the window.

What caught Song Fei, Qi Yan and Wang Qingyuan's eyes was the scuffle of Man Houchu.

"You're fucking sick—"

"Whoever blocks me will die!"

"Calm down!"

"I'll fuck you-"

"Can you fucking speak human language!"

"Go away!!!"


Dozens of people huddled together, pots, pans, and pans were scattered all over the floor, and the desk was knocked crooked. Wang Shan, together with two other chemistry class partners, dragged the three sick patients to a corner with their bedding.

The fourth patient, student Zhao, had already had an inseparable fight with the uninvited guest.

Suddenly, a chilly silvery white flashed across the corner of my eye.

Someone pulled out a knife!

Song Fei looked for traces, and saw a person stabbing Zhao He's belly with it!

Zhao He didn't seem to expect that the other party would make a real move, and forgot to dodge.

Seeing that the blade was about to tear Zhao He's belly open, a kick came flying from the side, and the assailant kicked him down to the ground!

"You brat dare to use a knife?!"

Wu Zhou was obviously in a hurry. After kicking, he couldn't let go of his hatred, so he went up and made up several times in a row!


The loud noise made Song Fei startled, and when he turned his head to look, the warehouse door was knocked open!

The intruders went crazy so far, after all, just for one bite. But in fact, it is far from necessary just to eat in one bite. Whether it is their martial arts class or chemistry class, no one thought of monopolizing this place.

But the uninvited guests do not know.

When it is difficult to distinguish between good and evil, some people assume that the other party is good, and some people assume that the other party is evil, and the intruders chose the latter.


Suddenly, He Zhiwen's screams came from the warehouse.

Song Fei didn't even see clearly how he followed in.

The legs started before the brain, and the next second the person had already entered the warehouse, and then Song Fei saw He Zhiwen holding up a bag of flour to resist the attack of a hulking male classmate, and the opponent's folding knife had already been inserted into the bag of flour!

"What's the question—" Song Fei's voice changed with worry.

"I'm fine!" He Zhiwen was panting, with a look of shock on his face.

"It's nothing, what's your fucking name!" Song Fei was so frightened that his heart almost jumped out.

"He stabbed me with a knife!!!" He Zhiwen was so wronged that he died.

The burly male student in that room had already drawn out his knife, then grabbed He Zhiwen's flour bag, threw it away forcefully, and stabbed him a second time when he returned!

Song Fei rushed over and just kicked, exactly the same as Wu Zhou kicked another bastard before!

"You're crazy!" Song Fei was so angry that he was shaking, "Kill someone who stutters?!"

The boy stood up from the ground and looked at Song Fei with undisguised ferocity in his eyes: "Go away."

The other party's voice was terribly low, and the silence at this moment was in stark contrast to the intensity of the previous "killing red eye", but it was inexplicably unified.

For some reason, Song Fei remembered the old Yu Zisheng.

The difference is that the person in front of him is a little more crazy than Yu Zisheng. This kind of madness is hidden in his eyes, like the emotional inertia formed in a certain abnormal environment for a long time.

When I met Yu Zisheng, the tide of corpses erupted less than ten days ago.

Today, twenty-three days have passed.

"I can step aside, the things here are meant to be shared by everyone." Song Fei tried to make his voice sound gentle and friendly, "But you are not calm now, and you are not in the right mood. Can you slow down first and listen to me?" .”

The uninvited guest narrowed his eyes dangerously: "I'll say it again for the last time. Go away, don't seek death."

Song Fei's voice turned cold: "In the future, everyone will be under the same roof, are you sure you want to tear your face apart?"

Uninvited guests don't talk nonsense anymore, they attack with a knife!

Song Fei is a hate, good words are not good enough, he has to do it, think he was beaten by a zombie for more than 20 days in vain? !

Flexibly dodging the blade, Song Fei grabbed the opponent's knife-holding wrist, and at the same time pushed forward with all his strength to slam the opponent into the wall.

Before the opponent could recover from the collision, Song Fei clasped the opponent's wrist with both hands, and slammed the wall hard and uninterruptedly, once, twice, three times, without even giving him a chance to breathe.

In less than five strokes, the opponent dropped the jackknife.

The clang sounded even louder, and the tip of Song Fei's metal chopsticks was only 0.01 cm away from the intruder's neck.

"Which one of us is courting death?" Song Fei asked word by word.

The man didn't speak, but his legs were already shaking.

Song Fei was the villain for the first time, and he even found it funny when he spoke his lines. But the other party took it seriously. Because the killing intent in the opponent's heart was real when the opponent moved the knife, so when the situation reversed and he compared his heart to heart, the opponent also believed in his killing intent.

Song Fei was in a complicated mood, but before he had time to think, he suddenly thought of another thing.

If the killing intent of the person in front of him is real, what about those people outside? !

The chill passed through his heart, Song Fei didn't dare to think too much, and grabbed the opponent directly with his heart, strangled his neck with his arms, and controlled the metal chopsticks with the other hand, stopping at a place very close to the "hostage"'s face. Location.

"Song Fei?" He Zhi asked, unable to understand, trembling.

"Shut up!" After simply and rudely blocking Classmate He, Song Fei slowly moved out of the warehouse with the hostages step by step.

In the back kitchen, there was a mess.

The invaders had a slight numerical advantage over the aborigines, but their individual combat effectiveness was slightly inferior, so the two clashed and were evenly matched for a while.

Both sides have a lottery.

Neither side showed any intention of stopping.

The intruders were not calm in the first place, while the aborigines lost their minds when they fought.

No wonder Qi Yan and Wang Qingyuan didn't follow him into the back kitchen, and Ganqing has already been involved in the battle. Right now, one is fighting three, and the other is fighting two.

"Stop!" Song Fei yelled with all his might, "Hit me again and I'll kill him!"

The back kitchen screamed and fought endlessly, but the threat, which was the only one that came out of nowhere, really worked.

Everyone stopped reflexively, Qi Qi looked at Song Fei.

For a while, the kitchen fell into an eerie silence.

Song Fei repeated without losing the opportunity: "Don't fight, your people are in my hands, can you calmly say a few words now!"


"Get out of here!"


"Who is he!"


Roughly estimated, there are no fewer than ten voices of rejection.

The rest is not not to refuse, but if you can do it, don't beep-beep - just start fighting again.

The war has resumed, and it is worse than before.

Song Fei has lived for twenty years, and today is an eye-opener: "You are so popular, you must die."

The "hostage" was furious, and Song Fei could even feel his whole body trembling when he yelled: "Fuck your mother—"

This is a grassroots team, and they may not even know each other fully.

Huang Mo raised his eyes and shouted loudly: "Wang Shan—"

After waiting for a long time and finally waiting for today, the party secretary of Yinghua Class 1 threw off his opponent, ran to the corner, pulled away the broom and dustpan, and took out an unknown spherical ball the size of a shot put. A white lead dangles from above the sphere.

Holding the earth bomb high in one hand, and lighting the lighter with the other, in the faint flames, Wang Shan's face overlapped with the faces of countless revolutionary martyrs—

"Who the hell dares to move again, I will explode!"

Classmate Wang's coercion was too novel, and some of the uninvited guests were not frightened, but laughed.

Wang Shan had already been popularized by Huang Mo about the countermeasures in this situation, and immediately smiled coldly: "Okay, then let you open your eyes. Hao Bin!"

Hao Bin, that is, the classmate who always loves to be the little girl in the emperor's new clothes has been waiting for a long time. Now that the secretary of the regiment gave the order, he took something out of his pocket and threw it to the ground without saying a word!


The explosion sounded in the back kitchen. Theoretically speaking, the sound was not too loud, but in the confined space where the doors and windows were locked, it sounded enough to be frightening. In particular, there is also white smoke like fire, which slowly rises from the place where the unknown object explodes. For a while, the explosion point is the center of the circle, and the visibility within a radius of three meters continues to decline.

The cafeteria was finally quiet.

Really, completely.

Suddenly, a fire flashed out of the white smoke.

Wang Shan was startled, just as he was about to take a step, Hao Bin had already taken off his cotton padded jacket and pounced twice, squashing the little flame in the bud.

Wang Shan breathed a sigh of relief, but in retrospect, he was still very scared: "Who told you to detonate the trial device in the house!"

Hao Bin was aggrieved: "When I was nervous, I forgot to throw it out of the window..."

Wang Shan was disappointed: "You can't throw the bomb well, what else can you do!"

Hao Bin wanted to cry: "... secretary, I'm just an ordinary college student!"