Zombie University

Chapter 86: Mentality is different


The friends in the martial arts class did not discuss how to start a car without keys.

Qiao Siqi gave a description based on his rich movie-watching experience that "you can turn on the engine by touching two wires", but wait for the friends to ask what kind of two wires are those, or are they all cars? When you can do it like this, classmate Qiao has nothing to say.

In the end, I will give everyone science popularization every week. That simple and rude method is only applicable to old-fashioned cars. The current cars have been updated a long time ago. There is a chip in the car key, and the chip needs to be coded. Without the key, the engine is locked. One line, even if you pull out all the lines and try them one by one, it is useless. He also kindly reminded Qiao Siqi to watch the movies of the past two years again, and promised that he would never start the car like this again.

Qiao Siqi didn't need to look back to watch the movie, but he was already convinced by Zhou Yiyi's professional explanation.

Cooking, guitar, cars, including construction majors, all combined together constitute a very typical urban youth with accent.

Qiao Siqi is very reluctant to admit that Zhou Yili is better than himself, but whether it is the other party's knowledge reserve or the pursuit of the beauty of life, he can't keep up even if he vomits blood.

So the only thing that can be taken out to save the honor is—

"Although I don't understand cars, I have a car."

Zhou Yilu looked at Qiao Siqi who suddenly made a strange remark inexplicably, after a while, he nodded and admitted: "Well, not only do you have a car, but you also have illnesses."

The most painful thing in life is not losing to an opponent, but that they don't regard you as an opponent at all.

Qiao Siqi's heart was broken in this room, but Song Fei in that room found that the friends were discussing and discussing, and the topic seemed to be around "how to find transportation", and they gathered around very seriously, so he asked it very solemnly : "So, you all agree with the proposal I just rushed out?"

The partners of Wusheng classes 1 and 2 all looked at him, their eyes shaking with the same meaning—nonsense.

"Otherwise, why do we start the engine for a long time, go for a drive in the school?" Zhao He obviously had a good voice, and he was very talkative since yesterday.

However, his words inspired Li Jingyu's innocent fantasy: "This proposal is not bad. We are in the car, and the zombies can't get in, so we will run all over the campus. Think about it, we will drive in front, and the zombies will chase after us." , but still can't catch up, how fast!"

Zhao He's black line: "Who the hell suggested it!"

Zhou Lu implored: "Can you fill your stomach first and then enjoy this perverted spiritual desire?"

Li Jingyu was scolded by the two Gods of War together, his mouth was flattened, and he stopped talking.

He Zhiwen next to him patted him on the shoulder and sighed, "I understand you. They have no sense of humor."

Li Jingyu wished he could hold hands with the other party and look at his tears.

Song Fei didn't bother to bother with the two little princes, and cut the mess straight away: "Since we decided to leave, how to find a car and how to start it is a matter of methodology. Let's not discuss the method now, let's discuss the direction first, where are we going?"

"I think it's good to go to the city," Fu Xiyuan still insisted, but he obviously lost his confidence, "but everyone disagrees..."

"I don't disagree." Zhou Yilv was the first to clear it up, "I just asked where to go."

Zhao He: "I don't disagree either. What I'm saying is that road movies are pretty good, with a 50% chance of surviving."

Luo Geng: "I just said that you can't be a headless chicken."

Li Jingyu and Feng Qibai: "We've always been talking about cars!"

He Zhiwen: "I care for the little whale with all my heart."

Qiao Siqi, Lin Dilei, Huang Mo, Wu Zhou: "..."

Wang Qingyuan and Qi Yan: "Okay, we agree."

Fu Xiyuan: "...you two hide too deeply!"

All pass.

In fact, this is the inevitable end.

Between their university city and the urban area is a long and desolate road. There was nothing along the way, not even a few trees were planted. There are only bus stop signs separated by a solitary, poke one, except for the few stops in the university town, there is no one waiting for the bus, and the bus does not stop at the middle stop most of the time.

At the beginning of the establishment of the university town, the original suburban area was basically included in the planning scope, and the original land was not planted, and it was left there waiting for high-rise buildings and commercial districts to be built. As a result, after a few years, all but the last The university city inside rose up, and there was no movement anywhere else.

So now sitting in the bus, what I see most of the time is the endless empty wilderness. Occasionally, some fields can be seen with crops, but more land is just like that.

Now that he decided to go out, the only place to get supplies was the urban area.

The village opposite the school

The brother school next door

Residential building in the family area

But it's just another cage. Without the airdrops, they would still have the same food shortages, the same survivors robbing each other. Just like what Qiao Siqi said, the only solution is to intervene with external forces, or break out of the encirclement.

And what they want to do now is two in one.

Breaking out of the encirclement depends on oneself, and material airdrops are external forces.

As long as the airdrops continue and supplies continue, the urban area will be a sustainable refuge, not a cage for animals.

They can only pray now that the country's airdrops to the city will be enough and frequent enough.

"Assuming we have started the car now, and even drove all the way to the city, where should we go next?" Qi Yan directly started the next stage of planning.

The rhythm is too fast, and the little friends can't turn the page from the underground garage for a while.

It was Wang Qingyuan who answered first: "The most likely place to be air-dropped."

Qi Yan continued, "A public shelter like a stadium?"

Wang Qingyuan added: "There are also residential areas."

Qi Yan: "Is that going to the provincial stadium or the residential area?"

Wang Qingyuan: "Take the central axis, run through the north and south, along the way the provincial stadium, the district government, the city government, the North Railway Station, one line."

Qi Yan: "I found something wrong on the way. I ran around in all directions, and there are densely populated areas in any direction."

Wang Qingyuan: "Smart."

Qi Yan: "You seem to be exaggerating too much."

Wang Qingyuan: "Don't worry, subjective emotions don't affect objective judgment."

Qi Yan: "I care even more when you say that..."

Qi Yan and Wang Qingyuan are people who encounter problems and immediately think about it, so when they first proposed to find a car to go to the city, they would have various concerns. But at the same time, they are all people who are good at solving problems efficiently. Once they overcome the technical difficulties of how to start the car, and temporarily ignore the possible resource scrambles in the urban area, the whole route will be clear to them. .

The eyes of the friends flicked back and forth between the faces of the two of them, and they soon discovered that the destination was settled in this way.

It feels like sitting next to a supreme scholar during the exam, who quickly finishes the paper and asks you to copy it casually. No, I secretly pulled over your paper to help you write it.

Uh, except for Josh.

Apparently he had his own ideas about how to answer the question, he tried several times to interrupt but couldn't get in. He was so anxious that he was sweating, and finally waited for the two to come to an end, and quickly raised his hand: "Can I say something?"

Everyone's eyes immediately shifted to classmate Qiao.

"Of course," Song Fei said on behalf of the two, "We are a group, not a monopoly."

Qi Yan and Wang Qingyuan nodded together and accepted it happily.

The more ideas, the better.

"Actually, I don't have any objection to the escape route," Joskey organized his words before continuing, "I just thought that if we want to rush into a densely populated area, instead of aimlessly trying to get lucky and entangle which building is better Climb, can you enter the house, are there any zombies, etc., is it better to have a place that is clearly accessible and has a high safety factor?"

Qi Yan: "That's for sure."

Wang Qingyuan: "The question is where is such a place."

Qiao Siqi: "Floor 9, Unit 1, Building 2, Area A, Golden Lanwan."

Qi Yan: "Nine and zero?"

Qiao Siqi: "One elevator, two households, 9 floors to the top, duplex on the top floor, single family."

Wang Qingyuan: "How much is the monthly rent?"

Joskey: "3800."

Zhou Lu: "It's not the point to say that housing prices in inland areas are still cheap! Can you tell me how much property your father bought for you at once!"

Qiao Siqi: "That's really all! My dad said he has a car and a house, and he doesn't play hooligans... Aww, you didn't say you were going to the city before, so I didn't dare to mention it..."

—So it’s wrong to hate the rich, because you never know what props those extravagant and lustful friends can dig out of their pockets.

Qiao Siqi's father rented this room for his son on a yearly basis, and the lock was changed just after the rent was over. Originally, I wanted to change even the door, but the developer's door was already very strong in a high-end residential area, but the owner renovated it himself and replaced it with a stronger one. When it comes to Qiao Siqi, if he wants to change it up, he can only run Go in the direction of the bank's underground vault door.

So Dad Qiao gave up, and with the consent of the owner, he installed a guardrail outside the window, saying that it will be removed when the rent is returned in the future. Is he worried about his son, or worried about this dangerous society.

In this way, Qiao Siqi has a comfortable home in the place of study. Every weekend, I would drive a car and bring my friends to the city to play, and sometimes I would just take the whole class to the house to hold a party... Oh no, class meeting, um, class meeting. Anyway, there are two floors up and down, and there is enough space.

More importantly, classmate Qiao said that his refrigerator is full now, because it was originally planned to go to his house for a class meeting after the CET-4 and CET-6 exams, so the girls went to buy things a week in advance, who knows what will happen later? Something went wrong. Moreover, their apartment complex is large, and the occupancy density is not high. His house is still on the ninth floor, so the probability of being beaten, smashed, and robbed is relatively low.

Even if unfortunately, it is really smashed and robbed, or the whole building has a power outage, and the refrigerator is scrapped, Golden Lanwan is definitely the center of the city. shopping mall.

"I think so," Qiao Siqi worked hard to build a map of the urban area in his head, and it was rare to rely on logical analysis instead of intuition or head heat, "The provincial stadium is the closest to us in a straight line, so we You can still walk along the central axis. If the stadium can fit in, there is no need to take risks. But if the stadium is not good, we need to choose a living area to try our luck, so we might as well go to my house. Anyway, I am familiar with the terrain and building conditions. "

I didn't wait for a long time for a response.

Qiao Siqi raised his head hesitantly, and looked around at his friends with a guilty conscience: "I'm not right?"

All comrades: "No, we think you are electricity, you are light, and you are the only belief."

Qiao Siqi chuckled and scratched his head shyly.

—Being affirmed by others is a very happy thing. Qiao rarely experiences it, so he is so happy that he wants to ascend to immortality.

All the routes were smoothed out, and the friends found the problem and returned to the old place.

Transportation is a big problem, his quick thinking is like Qi Yan and Wang Qingyuan's, and he has as many ghost ideas as Song Fei, but he can't do anything.

"Fifty-seven people." Luo Geng glanced around the back kitchen, and clearly reported the number of passengers. "An ordinary car is crazy enough to pack eight people, and we have to build seven cars."

Zhao He: "Do you know how to count? Seven to eight to fifty-six, one more to go."

Luo Geng: "Damn, it means you don't understand it. Are you talking to me?"

Zhao He: "..."

Ding Shiyuan: "Not bad, just right. I won't leave."

Ding Shiyuan, who did not participate in the discussion from the beginning to the end, put an exclamation mark on the escape preparation meeting.

Li Jingyu didn't even think about it, and asked directly: "Why don't you leave?"

Ding Zhiyuan had the same expression as Li Jingyu: "Why are you leaving?"

Li Jingyu: "If you don't go, there is no way out."

Ding Zhiyuan: "If you leave, you will have no way to survive."

Li Jingyu: "Didn't you listen to our discussion just now?"

"Yes, but I can't understand why you take it for granted that you can escape from school safely, drive in a car safely, arrive in the city safely, find a shelter safely, and wait for rescue in the dropped supplies." Ding Shiyuan was very serious , he didn't mean to raise the bar on purpose, but really wanted to communicate with Li Jingyu about this matter that he couldn't figure out the more he listened, "The food in the cafeteria is far from finished, and the rescue also said that it will arrive within a month, okay , You may be worried that some students will come here in the future, worry about the lack of food, worry about looting, but aren’t you just worried, things didn’t happen, why did you take the initiative to choose a path of narrow escape?”

Ding Shiyuan stopped the martial arts class.

It's not that he couldn't answer this question, but that this question made Wu Shengban realize the essential difference between them and the other party when considering issues.

They have been fighting since the outbreak of the zombie tide, and they have been fighting all the way until now. They are still afraid of zombies, but this kind of fear will only make them more careful when fighting, but it will not dispel their fighting spirit—and fighting spirit is not born with it. . When they escaped from the dormitory along the sheets, when they sacrificed their mobile phones to seduce zombies and then broke into the supermarket, all they thought was that they could find a refuge for a temporary respite, preferably until the tide of zombies was over.

But then it changed.

They form shifts, they go to the delivery point to run in, they go to find the radio, including now, they want to go to the city.

No one knows when the fighting spirit was tempered, and when they found out, they were used to taking the initiative. This habit makes them no longer willing to be led by the nose.

Facing the disaster, they were grateful for their survival, but wanted to survive even more.

Ding Shiyuan couldn't understand, so he put himself in another place, but the friends in the martial arts class could understand each other very well.

From the outbreak of the corpse tide to the present, Ding Shiyuan only walked a short distance from the dormitory to here. He was just like them at the beginning, the rest of his life after the catastrophe, still in shock, he didn't want or believe that he could successfully break through, he just wanted to be safe overnight.

The wusheng class no longer encloses their own territory, they tell everyone their idea of going to the city.

The answer I got was the same as Ding Shiyuan's, don't leave.

The new classmates don't leave, and neither do the Thirteen Boys of Chemistry.

"This is a last resort plan for you in the worst case, just like we were in Qiushi Building. If we were not forced to die, who would be willing to risk their lives to run out... If we were still in the laboratory, we would not have only ten people left. Three people." When Wang Shan said this, his fist hit the ground suddenly, and his knuckles were instantly red, just like his eye circles.

Before Ding Shiyuan opened his mouth, the fourteen students in the martial arts class never thought about this situation.

But now, they can fully understand.

These students may embark on the same journey as them one day in the future, or they may have been waiting here for rescue. But either way, it is an individual's own choice.

They cannot force others to take risks.

Because every adventurous person cannot be responsible for life other than himself.