Through The Strait Gates

Chapter 10: Break the ice


Dou Xun is a problem student with excellent grades. He has been invited by his teachers to his parents more than once.

The teachers didn't know his family's situation at first, but when they saw the child's virtue, they wished they could call their whole family to the school to study the mental health of young people together. It's over.

Dou Xun was called a parent in his previous school because he was fighting with his classmates.

It turns out that the boarding school also has characters like Xu Xilin, who are like Xu Xilin, and it is not pleasing to Dou Xun, but the "Xu Xilin" over there refuses to settle things like this one, and wants to take his dog legs with him every three days. Let's give Dou Xun something to look at.

Dou Xun was not born to be beaten passively. He was arrogant and arrogant. He disapproved of any low-minded "powerful".

Dou Xun planned for two days, taking advantage of all kinds of time and place, to overturn five of the other party by himself, and attracted the dormitory teacher before the arrival of the other party's reinforcements, justified defense, and achieved remarkable achievements... Unfortunately, it was not officially recognized, and he was invited after the event. the parents.

At that time, the teacher called Dou Junliang, and Dou Junliang impatiently pushed it to Dou Xun's grandfather. His grandfather had coronary heart disease.

Dou Xun's grandmother took the first step. The old man sent his grandson to a boarding school, rejected the nanny, and lived alone in widowhood. Because his body looked tough, his children didn't take it seriously. It was found when it was cold.

After that, the teacher never dared to find his parents again.

In the long corridor of No. 6 Middle School, Dou Xun followed Xu Jin silently with his schoolbag on his back. At this time, it was past o'clock after school. The teaching building was quiet, only one side of the faded afterglow remained. Dou Xun walked silently, and only the sound of Ms. Xu Jin's high heels could be heard in the corridor.

Xu Jin is not the kind of gentle and amiable woman, even the back of her head has more ideas than others. Dou Xun is not comfortable in front of her in front of Grandma Xu... But it's okay, anyway, she is stronger than the American nun Zhu Xiaocheng.

Xu Jin suddenly reported a string of phone numbers and turned to ask him, "Do you remember?"

Dou Xun was stunned for a moment, then nodded blankly.

"This is my phone. It's not off for 24 hours," Xu Jin said. "Next time if something happens, just ask the teacher to call this number directly—did your mother beat you?"

Dou Xun: "..."

From childhood to adulthood, it was difficult for him to be met by Zhu Xiaocheng even once, and he really didn't have the honor of being beaten.

"Take it." Xu Jin handed Dou Xun his handbag.

Just as Dou Xun took it for unknown reasons, Xu Jin took the folder he brought from the company and threw it towards Dou Xun's ass.

It didn't hurt too much, and Dou Xun didn't know whether to hide or not. He stood there dumbfounded, took a few beatings with his bag, and opened his eyes slightly, as if stunned.

Xu Jin: "Did the teacher want you to do your homework on purpose to hurt you? Is it for your own good?"

Dou Xun shook his head silently and nodded again.

Xu Jin: "If you feel that the homework is not suitable for you, why don't you communicate with the teacher in private? She is so old, and she is too old to be pushed back by you in the class. If other students follow suit in the future, How else does she work? Adults work to support their families, and it's not easy for anyone. It's better for you arrogant children to make trouble around with pocket money, deliberately creating obstacles for other people's work, and you still think you are handsome, don't you?"

Dou Xun was speechless again - who would think so much when arguing against the teacher

"Since the teacher has good intentions for you, you not only don't appreciate it, but you also add trouble to others." Xu Jin gave the incident a definite character, "Do you think you are an asshole?"

She was reasonable, Dou Xun lowered his head silently, and had to admit that he was indeed an asshole.

"I'm so pissed off." Xu Jin took his bag from him, "I'll be taken to your school for training halfway through - go home and help Aunt Du to wash the dishes for a week."

When Dou Xun heard the word "go home", he raised his head and glanced at Xu Jin sensitively, and found that her makeup was a little off, and she didn't have time to fix it, and suddenly felt very sorry.

Xu Jin is very busy. He heard Grandma Xu nagging that she sometimes works more than 100 hours a week, and the dog doesn't even know her when she comes back from a business trip. Wen - this is the opposite of the idea of "quietly settle down and don't cause trouble to others" that he had just started thinking about.

Dou Xun felt that he should say "Thank you, Auntie", but it seems a little too thin to say that, it is embarrassingly thin, it is better not to say it.

He thought, "Should there be a 'cause you trouble' or something after that?"

It doesn't seem right. Compared with the previous sentence when Xu Jin punished him for washing the dishes, this seems too polite and inappropriate.

While he was undecided, Dou Xun saw Xu Jin waving his hand towards the front, it was Xu Xilin coming.

Accidentally... He missed the opportunity to answer the call again.

Dou Xun felt that there might be something wrong with him. The bitterness in his stomach was always on call, and he could push someone's head with just one mouth. Occasionally, he wanted to say a few good things, but he always had to dawdle and hesitate again and again. Shit can't keep up with the heat.

Xu Xilin ran over and took Xu Jin's bag flatteringly: "Mom, I'll get it for you."

Xu Jin slapped him away: "Go away, I heard the word 'mother' and I got goosebumps - I think you failed the test, right?"

Xu Xilin really failed the exam, so the flattery was very eager for quick success, and inadvertently glanced back at Dou Xun.

Dou Xun paused. He knew that Xu Jin would not come to the school for no reason. It must have been informed by Xu Xilin. This time, coupled with the last time he taught the bathroom on the second floor, Dou Xun didn't know what to do for a while.

Fortunately, Xu Xilin quickly looked away and didn't want to pay attention to him.

Calling Xu Jin was just a gesture of effort for Xu Xilin, not for Dou Xun, but for his mother's wish for oranges. Although the American nun was a bit unkind, she has always been kind to Xu Xilin. Since she entrusted her child to their family, she should not be too inconsiderate.

A yard is a yard—this is what Xu Jin taught him since he was a child.

After leaving the school gate, Xu Jin looked at her watch and found that it was dinner time. She called the secretary and asked her to send the minutes of the meeting to herself, then turned her head and said to the two boys who ignored each other, "At night I have to go back to work overtime, so let me take you two to dinner, and then you can take a taxi home by yourself—the one who does the dishes will start tomorrow, and it will be postponed for a day."

When Xu Xilin heard it, he immediately forgot about the failure of the monthly exams—their mother and son love to eat junk food in the same vein, but unfortunately the chief kitchen director of the family is Grandma Xu. They all pay attention to health preservation and meticulousness. After a long time, a row of red-crowned cranes can fade out of their mouths.

Xu Xilin: "What to eat?"

Xu Jin: "Pizza Hut!"

Xu Xilin shied away hypocritically: "It's not good... Grandma always says you are fat and won't let you eat these."

"I'm not fat, that's what I call a rich state!" Ms. Xu Jin raised her brows, "Your grandma is a feudal remnant, so far it is believed that women whose waists are more than two feet can't be called 'waist', only 'middle'. What are you thinking? You should be criticized!"

After Ms. Xu Jin criticized her righteously, she called Dou Xun, who was in a daze behind, over: "Don't tell your grandma when you get home, do you hear me? If you dare to rebel, I will let you wash the dishes for a month."

It was the first time Dou Xun was forced to join this kind of reactionary squad, and he stared at Xu Jin for a while before he reacted slowly, and nodded uneasily.

"It's okay for this kid to be stubborn and stubborn, why is he still dumb?" Xu Jin thought, "It's really worrying."

Xu Jin drove the two of them to a Pizza Hut, and at the door ordered them both to take off their coats and put them in their schoolbags, so as not to get smelled by the dog when they got home, and then Xu Xilin rushed in first and announced on the spot, "I want to Build a three-meter-three salad bowl!"

The waiter at the door heard that his face was purple.

Dou Xun was carrying a schoolbag that was nearly unzipped by his coat, and thought expressionlessly, "It's too embarrassing."

Seeing that Xu Xilin and Dou Xun didn't want to cooperate with each other very much, Xu Jin didn't rush them to get along peacefully. She bought two self-service salad bowls and let them both play: "Go, let's see who's playing. high."

Dou Xun held the small bowl and felt like he was back in kindergarten.

Looking at Xu Xilin again, he actually blended into a group of children without any psychological barriers. The heights of the children were arranged in a sine function, and Xu Tuan's seat was the brazen 90°.

"It's too embarrassing." Dou Xun only had such a sentence in his heart, and he walked over while rolling over.

On Monday morning, Dou Xun didn't go to school for self-study early as usual. He first recited the words from Grandma Xu downstairs, "like flowers and beautiful family, like water." The words were memorized in a short while, and Dou Xun really had nothing to do, so he began to pick up the less boring texts in the textbook to memorize - he was almost impatient when he waited, and there was a little movement in Xu Xilin's room next door.

"This little bit of movement" is a concerto produced by six alarm clocks screaming at the same time.

Only then did Dou Xun pack up his books and go downstairs. At the same time, he regretted his decision to wait for Xu Xilin: "Isn't his head grown to serve as a tray for his face, and a tray needs to rest for so long?"

Five minutes later, Xu Xilin hurried downstairs and saw Dou Xun in the restaurant.

The two of them sat at the same dining table and scolded each other in silence first, which made the atmosphere of breakfast strange.

After breakfast, it is inevitable to face the embarrassment of going to school together.

Dou Xun felt uncomfortable doing psychological construction for himself, thinking, "I'll just treat it like walking the dog."

Xu Xilin had a sullen face, thinking to himself: "Fuck, the death star is accompanying me, there must be no good thing today."

The two went out one after the other, one meter apart, the one in front didn't look back, and the one in the back didn't keep up, so they went to school together as if they didn't know each other.

Along the way, Dou Xun always felt as if he had forgotten something, until he sat in his seat and saw Xu Xilin greet the big stupid guys in the back row one by one, and his heart moved slightly.

Dou Xun thought: "By the way, I should say 'early'."

However, it was already late, and he had no time to speak out, and it was overdue.