Through The Strait Gates

Chapter 11: other people's children


In the blink of an eye, the results of the first monthly test were like a massive thunderstorm, launching a series of air strikes on the students that lasted for a whole day. It's not enough that there is a lot of grief everywhere, even all the bear children are wilted - the phenomenon of chasing and fighting in the get out of class after class has temporarily disappeared, and the heart of the exam is whining and commotion, and it is not good to play well.

All in all, the whole class humbly bowed their heads in silence and celebrated the Qingming Festival ahead of schedule.

Xu Xilin was not surprised - he did not do well in the test, and even the best math score was deducted 10 points.

However, he is not under too much pressure, anyway, this is his personal rule - he has to smash the first monthly exam every semester, because he has not yet recovered from the impetuousness of the holiday, and he will get better every time after that. At the end of the term, the highest grade of the semester can be reached.

Then come back from a vacation, and it's back to its original shape, and the cycle starts over and over again.

He himself felt that there was nothing wrong with such a rule, anyway, there was no summer vacation before the college entrance examination.

Yu still smashed a murderous ball of paper in front of him, and Xu Xilin leaned back to catch it.

Yu still turned his head and stretched his hand around his neck to make a beheading gesture. On the small note was written: "The class representative said that there is a perfect score in mathematics, isn't that your grandson?"

Xu Xilin held up his math paper to show her, and shrugged at Yu Yu with a sullen face.

Yu still frowned thoughtfully, turned around and asked Luo Bing to go.

There are "Three Musketeers" in a math class, namely Luo Bing, Xu Xilin and Yu Yanyan. This is the math teacher who can call for help at any time when he is unfortunately stuck on a topic in class. The highest score in the math test is basically them. The three take turns.

As soon as Xu Xilin tilted his head, he saw Cai Jing folded the corner marked with the score on the test paper, and knew that he had failed the test again.

Cai Jing is a bit partial to subjects. Mathematics and physics have always been very difficult. He has worked hard again and again, but his grades have not been good. Especially in the past semester, working outside has distracted him too much, and his grades in these two courses have been getting worse.

Even Qilixiang felt that Cai Jing should study literature, but he himself refused.

The reason Cai Jing said to the outside world was that he believed that the choice of majors in liberal arts was relatively narrow, but Xu Xilin knew that this was nonsense.

The real reason is that No. 6 Middle School focuses on science, and there is no key class in liberal arts. Choosing liberal arts means that you have to "downgrade" from the key class to the ordinary class next door.

When other people gossip, they won't think it's because the school's liberal arts teachers are poorly equipped. They will only think that the students "can't keep up" in the key class, and they will escape to the regular class under the pretext of transferring essays.

Of course, most people can't make it through their own lives, and they don't care if others are transferred or downgraded. But even if an idler noticed and said so, to Cai Jing's sensitive self-esteem, it was like being completely denied, and he couldn't bear it.

Xu Xilin wanted to say for a moment, "You spend so much time working every week, you can't keep going like this", but when the words came to his mouth, he felt that this was purely a matter of standing up and talking without back pain, and it was completely looking for a beating, so he swallowed it again. . He has a wealthy family, and from time to time, he has some very boring troubles, and feels that his life is difficult. In comparison, he can't imagine how Cai Jing's life is going.

Xu Xilin silently corrected his math test paper and put it aside - so that when he left school at night, Cai Jing could compare it by himself.

After the get out of class bell rang, Xu Xilin didn't bother Cai Jing who was working hard, packed his schoolbag and stood up: "Brother Tao, are you going?"

Wu Tao waved at him feebly and said, "Extra training tonight."

After each exam, Wu Tao has to "add training". It seems that he can't integrate into the mainstream atmosphere of the class, so he has to find another way to return to his "main business".

The mad woman Yu still shouted frantically in front: "Who is it? Who is it! No, I have to let me die to understand, what kind of animal did this old lady lose!"

Her head of hair like a ball of hair exploded all over the place, and it seemed that Xie Xun, the golden-haired lion king, had gone crazy. Xu Xilin and Lao Cheng looked at each other, looked at each other in a chilling look, and retreated against the corner of the wall.

The two of them were the only ones left in the crowd of people who were always busy.

"The money for the answer set of this little yellow book of mathematics has arrived. Do you want to have a barbecue at night? I invite..." Before the old man could finish his words, he suddenly stunned and pushed Xu Xilin, "Hey, do you think that is Dou Xun?"

Xu Xilin looked up and saw that Dou Xun, who was the first to leave after school every day, was standing at the back door of the classroom doing nothing, like a doorman.

Lao Cheng: "What is he doing, standing guard?"

"Waiting for someone... right?" Xu Xilin said uncertainly, "Maybe it's waiting for me?"

Lao Cheng was surprised: "What did you say is a question?"

Xu Xilin: "Wait, I'll try."

Lao Cheng: "… "

What is "try"

Seeing Xu Xilin walking past Dou Xun as if nothing had happened, Dou Xun lifted his eyelids and glanced at him, like a big cat waiting to be fed, walking arrogantly and silently following him.

Lao Cheng was stunned.

Xu Xilin reluctantly turned his head and waved at him - this "luggage" was too bulky, and it was very inconvenient to carry, so the barbecue had to be another day.

What's the matter with him and Dou Xun

Xu Xilin was actually at a loss.

Meet each other with a smile and lose their grievances

Yet no one laughed.

But he was too embarrassed to ask, because although there was a fight, but with the passage of anger, the reason for the fight at that time seemed really trivial, and he always talked about it, as if he was careful.

Xu Xilin's footsteps suddenly stopped, and as soon as he stopped, Dou Xun also stopped.

Xu Xilin tentatively opened his mouth and said the first human sentence he had said to Dou Xun in the past few days: "Do you want to drink milk tea?"

Dou Xun lowered his head and rubbed the pebble on the ground with the tip of his shoe: "... drink."

Five minutes later, the two of them walked home with a cup of milk tea in their mouths, their mouths occupied, and they didn't seem so embarrassed if they didn't speak.

When passing a flower shop, Dou Xun suddenly stopped, pointed to the hydroponic monstera in the shop and said, "Take a pot of this."

When Xu Xilin looked back, he suddenly remembered that the pot of monstera that his grandmother had raised had died, and every day he talked about wanting to replace it with a new one.

Xu Xilin was ashamed: "I'm here, I'm here, I'm here to give money."

Dou Xun silently retreated without arguing. After all, it was someone's grandmother, not his.

When he got home, Xu Xilin put on his shoes and rushed into his grandmother's room with a water basin... and stepped on Doudou.

Doudou gave a shrill scream, turned around and bit Xu Xilin's trousers, and was dragged into the house by him like a long-haired bastard.

Grandma Xu: "How can you be so fussy... Ouch!"

Xu Xilin: "Grandma, look! Dou Xun bought you flowers."

Dou Xun, who was changing his shoes, stopped suddenly.

Grandma Xu's babbling voice came from the room: "How many times have I told you, but I can't hear it all, how can Xiaoxun remember it once? They also help Auntie Du with the dishes and the housework, how about you? Alas, look at others, look at you again!"

Xu Xilin's hippie smile.

Grandma Xu took small steps out of the room again: "Thank you Xiaoxun, grandma is happy because she is happy, come and see what grandma has left for you."

Xu Xilin: "What about me?"

Grandma Xu glared at him.

Xu Xilin lowered his head and looked at Doudou: "Alas, I fell out of favor."

Doudou bared his teeth at him full of hatred, and tugged his trousers fiercely.

"The line is open, dead dog!"

The wicked thing from Qilixiang sent everyone a score card with the specific score, class rank and grade rank on it, and took it home for the parents to sign.

At 10:30 in the evening, Xu Jin, who had returned from overtime, yawned and took the grade card handed over by Xu Xilin. It's doubled, and the growth is gratifying, it's awesome!"

Xu Xilin grinned and acted coquettishly at her—knowing that Xu Jin was not angry.

Xu Jin never demanded how top-notch his grades were. He almost knew what he knew. In her opinion, the first one in a hundred exams was not as important as "knowing".

… of course, this is without contrast.

After receiving Dou Xun's report card, Ms. Xu Jin was relieved, and she was choked by the huge gap.

Xu Xilin took a peek at it—it turns out that the "animal" Yu still mentioned is Dou Xun! This time, Dou Xun scored more than 80 points higher than him in six subjects in the monthly test!

Xu Qiqi recalled many details without going anywhere. She found that compared to Dou Xun, who got up early and went to bed late, her son was a lazy donkey who knew how to eat, drink, and have fun. Although Dou Xun doesn't like to do homework, he is very conscious of his studies and will expand other materials on his own, and whether he is reading or doing things, he is never perfunctory - even washing dishes is cleaner than Xu Xilin!

It's really more human than human... It's fucking maddening.

Xu Jin endured it for three seconds, but couldn't hold back, turned his head and fired the classic line at Xu Xilin: "Look at others, look at you again!"

Xu Xilin: "..."

Xu Jinzheng was planning to sink his anger in his dantian, use his three-inch tongue, and perform a "mother's baptism" on Xu Xilin, when he saw Grandma Xu come out in response, he opened his mouth and said, "Why did you come back again, have you eaten? Eat? What? Eating nonsense outside again? Hey, tell me, what you eat is not good, and you don’t sleep well, you know that you put makeup on your face every day, is it useful…”

Xu Jin's Naoren was about to explode, but just as he thought about "mum", he was "mum", and hurriedly shut up and planned to walk away.

At this time, Xu Xilin saw that Xu Jin was carrying a parcel in his hand, flashing past his eyes, and he vaguely seemed to see his name written on the parcel.

"Hey, mom..."

Xu Jin held the door with one hand and looked at him in surprise.

Xu Xilin: "What is that?"

Xu Jin replied nonchalantly: "What happened to the things sent by the partner?"

Xu Xilin blinked and said "oh", thinking that he might have read it wrong - after all, he and his mother are both surnamed Xu, so he may have misunderstood. Xu Jin would not touch his things casually.

He quickly diverted his attention, turned his head and asked Dou Xun, "Then what... did you bring your English papers home?"

Dou Xun: "Yeah."

Xu Xilin looked at him nervously, Dou Xun looked back even more nervously, as if he was on the verge of breaking out, as if they were not talking, but throwing bombs at each other!

Xu Xilin suddenly felt a little funny, and laughed out loud.

Dou Xun didn't know what he was laughing at, but he wanted to cater to him, so he had no choice but to smile.

This time, it's probably a real meeting and a smile and a grudge.