Through The Strait Gates

Chapter 14: Rejected


Mr. Zheng, who claimed to be Xu Xilin's father, later wandered around the gate of No. 6 Middle School several times, but every time Xu Xilin followed a basketball team in gangs, whizzing by, turning a blind eye to him, and Mr. Zheng could not find a chance to speak.

After a while, Mr. Zheng got Xu Xilin's phone number from nowhere. Every day, he carefully calculated the time when he was out of class and sent him text messages, so Xu Xilin dragged him into the black.

A month later, Mr. Zheng sent a package to Xu Xilin School. When he opened it, he found a pair of limited-edition sneakers and a note saying that due to work reasons, Mr. Zheng was going to go abroad soon. Give it to him. Leave a little memory, I hope he can occasionally think of his father Yunyun.

It's a pity that Xu Xilin didn't eat this set.

He measured the size of the sneakers, and shoved them under the table quite casually. The next day, he sold them at a discount to a junior in the basketball team. He took the money and invited his friends to a buffet meal. Helping half-old boys and girls to rush into the cafeteria, no one is afraid of not getting their money back, and almost made the boss cry.

As an insider of the cause and effect, Dou Xun watched the beginning and end of the matter with a cold eye, and found that Xu Xilin was different from himself.

He has no shortage of shoes, no shortage of love, and no shortage of fathers.

Xu Xilin's friends are everywhere. On his birthday every year, the little girl who likes him can fill his table with anonymous gifts. He treats whomever he wants, and plays with whomever he likes. Although his temperament is fairly easy-going and cheerful, and he can often find out the cuteness of others, if he thinks that the other person is not cute, others will never try to impress him with anything.

He lacks everything, so "no desire is just".

Mr. Zheng was classified as "unlovable" because of his unfortunate breaking of his scales at the beginning. Therefore, it can be "late father's love", "humble intentions", "expensive gifts". "Alright, Xu Xilin is not uncommon.

After saying goodbye to a group of classmates who were walking out of the cafeteria leaning against the wall, Dou Xun suddenly couldn't help but ask him, "Aren't you taking his love at all?"

Xu Xilin knew who this "he" was referring to, and said nonchalantly, "If you want to buy a son with a pair of broken shoes, that 'son' is too cheap. I will buy two tomorrow."

Dou Xun didn't talk to him about the logic in this bastard, and said, "Then what are you going to do to recognize him?"

"Two or three million, I'm not expensive," Xu Xilin roughly calculated, and said quite economically, "Although my mother can't spend so much money to raise me, but the money in the past is worth more than the money now, this Factors also have to be considered.”

He even wanted to go in for inflation, and he was so meticulous!

However, Dou Xun only felt that he heard a bit of ruthless rationality, because he didn't think he was cute at all, so even if he occasionally got a little close to others, he was trembling, always worried that after others saw his "true face", he would Get rid of this intimacy.

Dou Xun didn't think about it at all, maybe Xu Xilin was just angry because Mr. Zheng said bad things about Ms. Xu Jin.

He was used to hanging a "death reprieve" sign on his neck in a frightened manner, so that in case of "decision" one day, his reaction would not be too surprised, which would make him appear more respectable.

Dou Xun thought, "I must have another year."

Every day his thought was stronger than the previous day, because he always felt that this short-lived happiness was one day less.

So in the blink of an eye, the noisy last semester of high school came to an end as the weather turned hot. Zhu Xiaocheng and Dou Junliang's divorce lawsuit was not going well. With a little three who is tiptoeing ready to take the position.

If there is no monthly payment for living expenses, Dou Xun would almost have the illusion that he was born without a father or mother.

He gradually got used to the days in the Xu family, and some of the little restraints that were not easily noticed at the beginning disappeared, and he gradually gained a sense of presence among his classmates.

Dou Xun said one thing to himself, and promised himself that he would go to high school for another year, and he would really miss the college entrance examination.

That day happened to be the "coming-of-age ceremony", and the entire second floor of the high school was filled with teenagers dressed like dogs—this is a special tradition of No. 6 Middle School. I heard that in many other schools, the "coming-of-age ceremony" is the same as "the college entrance examination swearer". The "Conference" was held together, only the sixth middle school election was held at the end of the second year of high school, when the last class of students was about to take the college entrance examination, and it was held quite grandly.

At this time, most students are not considered "adults" in the legal sense, but the school requires them to change out of school uniforms in advance and wear formal clothes for a day. Girls can simply put on makeup if they want, and parents can come to watch the ceremony if they are free. On behalf of the "college entrance examination leave", this group of students will enter the real graduating class in a way that they are responsible for.

When the whole coming-of-age ceremony was over, Qilixiang was almost exhausted. Dou Xun, who was wearing a snow-white shirt, knocked on the door to inform her of the bad news.

Qilixiang was going crazy. Dou Xun hadn't bothered her for a long time, and it seemed that even the symptoms of being out of place had improved. Qilixiang thought it was because of her sincerity that she finally influenced this particularly thorny little brat. Who knew that after a long time of trouble, it was the tranquility before the storm, and they played a big game for her!

The college entrance examination has been registered for a long time. The college entrance examination policy of the sixth year high school students is a real test, not the kind of "training" that forged fake student status. This is equivalent to allowing students to graduate early, and since he has already "graduated", it's okay for Dou Xun to miss the exam this year, or he doesn't take the exam. gave birth.

Inexplicably "re-reading" yourself, isn't this enough to eat

Qilixiang broke apart the stakes in this matter and said to Dou Xun, "Do you know how much is going wrong here? Some schools and majors have restrictions on the admissions of previous students. Of course, there are not many restrictions, you It doesn't matter if you don't have ambitions in this regard, but your bonus points for participating in competitions in the past will be voided! How many people are behind by one point in the college entrance examination, Dou Xun, do you know anything about it!"

After Dou Xun listened, he calmly replied: "As long as the score is high enough, the higher score and the lower score have little effect."

Qilixiang almost fainted from his arrogance.

Qilixiang collapsed: "Why are you doing this?"

The reason "want to stay in high school for another year" really couldn't come up, so Dou Xun thought about it and said, "I don't want to take the exam this year."

Qilixiang found that she was basically unable to communicate with this bear child, so she had to call Dou Junliang urgently.

Dou Junliang was being tossed by his original wife who broke up and a bunch of little fox spirits, but he heard that it was a matter of the college entrance examination, so he still took the time to come to school.

Unexpectedly, Qilixiang called Dou Junliang and called Xu Jin again because of the experience that she had failed to ask her parents last time. Ms. Xu Jin was in the Cayman Islands, and she had no choice but to notify Zhu Xiaocheng.

Then... Dou Junliang and Zhu Xiaocheng, a pair of grudges made in heaven, met in Qilixiang's office.

Before the facts of Qilixiang were explained clearly, Zhu Xiaocheng started her Sapo Dafa first.

With an expression on her face that she wanted to cry or not, the big beauty forcibly hugged Dou Xun, pointed at Dou Junliang and said, "Son, tell your mother, is it because he hangs out with some random people all day? Does it affect your mood for the exam? Dou Junliang, let me tell you, the child is at a critical time now, if you delay him, I will not finish with you!"

Dou Junliang felt that this woman was unreasonable: "Oh, it's my fault. Who hasn't been home for ten years? Is it me? You ask Dou Xun, if he sees you on the street, does he still recognize your mother? Now you're still having fun with me! I tell you, you can't come!"

Qilixiang's head turned into two big ones: "Two, calm down, calm down..."

Dou Junliang waved his hand: "Teacher, listen to me, before this girl came back, our father and son had a good time, right Dou Xun? You know that too! That child's grades are also good, right? This year's college entrance examination is also his own. What I asked myself to fight for—hey, I was puzzled, Zhu Xiaocheng, why did you mess around with everything when you came back?"

When the words fell, Zhu Xiaocheng had already screamed: "Dou Junliang, you obviously left the child in the stinky valley of your hometown!"

Dou Junliang immediately became furious: "Yes, our hometown is Xiushangouzi, and you are from the city! Our whole family is poor and lower-middle peasant, and you are the eldest lady in the city to eat rations! So look down on me, why did you beg for nothing in the first place? marry me?"

Zhu Xiaocheng spat at him: "Bah, stinky shameless!"

Qilixiang: "… "

Zhu Xiaocheng had a faint scent of perfume in his arms, not strong, but he didn't know what was in it.

Zhu Xiaocheng's impassioned spit star fell on the back of his hand, Dou Xun suddenly felt that he had had enough, pushed Zhu Xiaocheng away, and rushed out of Qilixiang's office.

Then he saw Xu Xilin at the end of the corridor in the teacher's office.

Dou Xun, who had been clinging to him every day, suddenly went to the teacher's office in silence and went to the teacher's office by himself. He didn't see him for a long time. Xu Xilin was a little worried. After school, he ran to Qilixiang's office. He was not afraid of Qilixiang. He knocked on the door and went in, but Xu Xilin didn't have time to knock on the door. He first listened to the crying and abuse through the door panel, thinking that he had arrived at the family conflict mediation room of the neighborhood committee.

Xu Xilin turned around the door of the office awkwardly, and saw the wooden door of the office flew open, and a person rushed out like a typhoon.

Xu Xilin was taken aback: "Bean stuffing!"

Dou Xun turned a deaf ear and ran downstairs with his head down. Xu Xilin threw his schoolbag on his shoulder and hurriedly chased him out. The two rushed out of the teaching and research group office building at a sprint speed of 100 meters. Xu Xilin was finally teaching the second one. He grabbed Dou Xun at the door of the building and asked cautiously, "What's the situation?"

Dou Xun didn't inherit Zhu Xiaocheng's frequent hysteria. His anger was quiet and his pain was quiet. The boy's thin chest heaved violently silently, his face and shirt almost faded.

Xu Xilin tentatively reached out and patted his elbow, but Dou Xun suddenly turned around and hugged him firmly.

Xu Xilin also had a heavy schoolbag hanging on his shoulders. He could only hold his hands asymmetrically. He didn't know where to put them. He couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed, because he felt that the meaning of this hug seemed to have no taboos with boys. physical contact is different.

"No..." Xu Xilin whispered, "what's the matter?"

Dou Xun didn't say a word, closed his eyes gently, feeling that the world could stand, and for him... there was only such a corner left.