Through The Strait Gates

Chapter 15: Adult party


Xu Xilin bought a bag of fish fillets from the school education supermarket and hung it on the horizontal bar. He sat up with his hands on it and asked, "What are you doing in Qilixiang's office?"

Dou Xun hesitated for a while, but still told his absurd decision.

Xu Xilin: "Why didn't you take the test?"

Dou Xun's intense emotions of grief and anger had passed a little, and he wanted to gag Xu Xilin's mouth with fish fillets, because he was really impatient to listen to him repeat Qilixiang's words again. However, Qilixiang wouldn't tickle him casually, Xu Xilin might, and Dou Xun was a little weak to fight, so he didn't take action.

He also flipped on the horizontal bar next to him, chewed on MSG for a while and added more fish fillets, and replied somewhat indifferently, "I don't want to take the test."

Xu Xilin put his hands on both sides, and felt that it was really uncomfortable to wear a formal shirt, and he felt a little restrained by inconvenience. He thought to himself, "I don't want to test what name you signed up for?"

But Xu Xilin knew that Dou Xun must have been talked about by the teachers and parents enough just now. There is no lack of warning and education in his ears. Dou Xun is a grandson. Dare to hand in blank. So Xu Xilin thought about it for a while, and said, half comforting and half sincere, "That's normal, and I don't really want to take the test."

Dou Xun: "..."

After Xu Xilin finished speaking, he felt unfulfilled, and complained casually: "Actually, I still don't want to go to the third year of high school. I have to study in the canteen every night until eight o'clock in the third day of high school, and I have to eat in the cafeteria at night. I heard that broom seedlings are often mixed into the cooking in our school cafeteria, and I am worried. "

Dou Xun felt that his worry was too superficial, he turned his head and didn't want to pay attention to him.

Unexpectedly, Xu Xilin said again: "But it would be nice if you could play with us for another year."

He said a few words of nonsense. When he got here, he finally scratched Dou Xun's inexplicable itching. The hair he had just blown up slipped down little by little, and he made a quiet "um", and his mood gradually turned from cloudy to sunny. .

The setting sun gradually extinguished, and there was a slight cool breeze, which emerged from the ground that had been exposed to the sun all day. The two long legs of the young man dangled from the horizontal bar, and they swayed back and forth. Dou Xun watched the teaching. The lamp on the corner of the building said to Xu Xilin, "Mr. Zhang asked me what I want to do in the future, but I don't know what I want to do."

Xu Xilin reacted for a while, and then remembered that "Mr. Zhang" was talking about "Qilixiang". He followed Dou Xun's voice for a while and found that he was helpless because he didn't know what he wanted to do in the future. Xu Xilin was very confused. In the seven years of his life, his small ups and downs of joy, anger, sorrow and joy were probably around the trivial ups and downs of "where can we go today" or "the teacher is overwhelmed again", and he had no time to think about things as far away as the "future".

Xu Xilin has reached such a delicate age: on the one hand, he is embarrassed to accept pocket money from his white-haired grandmother, and begins to imitate the way an adult treats people, and sometimes even looks at Xu who is much shorter than him. Jin, he will have a kind of self-expansion of "I have grown up and can protect my mother".

On the other hand, he has not yet learned the way of thinking of adults, and he has no big plans in his heart, because in his subconscious there is no fear, and Ms. Xu Jin, who knows everything, can cover him.

So he gave Dou a bad idea.

Xu Xilin: "I don't know if you don't know. Anyway, if you plan to take the college entrance examination next year, it will be too late to think about it again next year."

Dou Xun was speechless, suspecting that Xu Xilin's heart was as wide as the Pacific Ocean.

At this time, Xu Xilin suddenly flipped off the horizontal bar like a monkey, and said to Dou Xun, "I saw your mother and the others coming out, hurry up."

The two were carrying schoolbags, fish fillets, and a row of ginkgo trees against the east wall of the campus. Under the eyes of the adults who were looking for them nervously, they disappeared like a dragon diving into the sea.

"Let's not go home," Xu Xilin dragged Dou Xun into a taxi after leaving the school gate, "I won't go to school tomorrow anyway, there is an event at night, I said hello to Aunt Du, let's go."

Dou Xun is actually reluctant to participate in their "events". In his opinion, Xu Xilin and his group may just hang out for the sake of hanging out together. Whether it's a ktv, an Internet cafe or a video game city, they are deeply filled with a sense of urgency. Anti-intellectual breath, Dou Xun really can't understand where the fun is.

As soon as the words of his refusal came to his lips, Xu Xilin turned around and said to him, "A lot of people in our class have passed by, and even Lao Cai has asked for leave today and didn't go to work, so we are all left, hurry up!"

Dou Xun then swallowed the words just now. Every time Xu Xilin hangs out with those people and doesn't take him, Dou Xun will feel a sense of being abandoned, and recently there is a more and more serious trend. , he still bite the bullet and got into the taxi, sarcastically by the way: "The coming-of-age ceremony is also an excuse to hang out, you guys are really enough..."

Before he finished speaking, Xu Xilin did something that Dou Xun had never dared to do - grabbed a handful of fish fillets and stuffed Dou Xun's mouth.

"Master, Yue Banwan!"

In the middle of the moon, the two bumped into several groups of people in bizarre formal suits, like the city's largest insurance sales den, coming to the annual meeting.

Xu Xilin had a VIP card of Moon Banwan that was given to him by Brother Song, and a group of arrogant children took his card and secured a luxury bag. As soon as the door was opened, the "Ow Ow" ghosts and wolves inside rushed to explode in their ears.

Dou Xun was almost shocked by the "I called your father, you hit my mother" and rolled over, regretting that his bowels were purple, he almost turned his head and left, but the old voice said "Ow": "Our class is here. It's gone!"

Xu Xilin shoved Dou Xun from behind and pushed him directly into the private room. The huge sound of the sound made people's chest feel tight, and Xu Xilin could only shout a little sense of existence: "Who the hell ordered this? Wine, are you crazy?"

There was a row of wine bottles on the small coffee table. Before they came, some people had already drank it, so they wouldn't get drunk, but they were all too excited. Those who were not familiar with Dou Xun usually and didn't dare to talk to him were playing games. Crazy, he rushed up to grab Dou Xun.

"Dou Xian'er sing one!"

"Sing one!"

"A little bit, give him one quickly."

I don't know who is so immoral, so I ordered "Dare to ask where the road is", and when the prelude came out, everyone burst into laughter.

In the past, Dou Xun, who was not very gregarious, could always find a quiet corner and go to stand out on his own. He had never been under such a siege before.

Lao Cheng: "Brothers, 'Liu Zi' is going to run!"

Several boys held Dou Xun together and dragged him back: "There are girls over there, Dou Xian'er, why are you running over there?"

The girls were throwing ktv's plastic slaps and boogers on the small jump: "We don't want to—"

"Okay, don't make trouble with him, I'll be in a hurry for a while." Xu Xilin stopped and pulled the microphone, "Come on, I'll sing for him, it's all quiet and quiet."

The bear children were very quiet for a moment, Xu Xilin cleared his throat, and spoke to the microphone in the tone of the campus broadcast: "Everyone, please pay attention, please don't drink alcoholic beverages for those who don't plan to stay overnight tonight, or go home and let Dad go home. Mom smells it and you're dead..."

A group of people started booing him.

Xu Xilin turned his head and waved to the girl on the jumping floor, "I'll take it as applause."

He is a Maiba, as long as no one comes to grab the microphone, he can howl until dawn, but this day, Xu Xilin only sang one song, then dropped Mai and sat back in the crowd - he had to take care of Dou Xun.

This is how everyone plays together. You have to decide whether to join or not. Otherwise, unless someone takes care of them, they will naturally be ignored. Over time, those who are excluded will of course find it very boring. It is impossible for Dou Xun to join in on his own initiative. He doesn't know it at all. He is so stupid that he wants to save face. But Xu Xilin planned to bring him here to relax, and of course he couldn't leave people alone, so he worked tirelessly as a "bridge" for Dou Xun and the others.

He wants to arrange a role for Dou Xun first when calling everyone to play a game, tease him to say a few words every once in a while, and he has to come to the rescue before others joke too much and Dou Xun can't bear it anymore, and he is very busy.

At the beginning, the game was relatively peaceful. Everyone played cards in a circle. The loser sang. After a few games, they were not satisfied. They began to drink "drinks". The loser could be punished with a glass of wine or a glass of pepper. , Chili Flakes and Dark Soy Sprite.

After ten o'clock, the strict and well-behaved children at home all retreated, leaving a group of unattended and particularly naughty children.

Wu Tao, who was drinking and drinking his face, finally threw the playing cards in his hand and broke out in the bad water: "The babies are gone, I will treat the rest as adults - how about we enter the adult game?"

Dou Xun originally planned to go out and smoke a cigarette to relieve his fatigue, and then took Xu Xilin home to sleep, but when he heard such a sentence, I don't know if it was his delusion, Wu Tao's eyes swept over him, and he looked extremely yin and yang, as if someone wanted Whoever goes is like admitting that he is a "baby".

Dou Xun's second illness broke out decisively, and he sat back peacefully.

Wu Tao counted the number of people, drew out a few poker cards, and sandwiched two more kings in: "Let's play a big one, let's talk about it first, and have fun. Don't be in a hurry, whoever is in a hurry will be the grandson."

High school students have limited knowledge. The so-called "big scale" is actually the "king's game" that Wu Tao learned from peeking at pornographic films in Internet cafes. Everyone draws cards. These two do one thing.

At the beginning, the game was very peaceful, and the big and small kings didn't get into the state very much. Most of the things he said were "who carries who is walking around the house", "who changes socks with whom" and so on.

After two rounds, Wu Tao, the little rascal, started shouting again: "You guys are too boring, aren't you? Come on, give me a king..."

As he talked, he fumbled around in the pile of cards, gritted his teeth and pulled out a card, opened it and looked at it, "Ow" jumped up, and a king was lying on the table.

Wu Tao took a sip from the beer bottle and said maliciously, "Look who falls into my hands this time."