Through The Strait Gates

Chapter 20: Senior year


For Xu Xilin, the biggest change in life was that no one was waiting for him to go to school in the morning.

In fact, the two of them seldom chatted on the road in the morning. Because Dou Xun was an inhuman morning party, Xu Xilin was in a semi-conscious state every day and floated behind him to the school.

But with him and without him are really very different.

On the day of the school year, Xu Xilin put on his shoes in a daze, and waited for five minutes at the door of the house with his eyes half closed, until Doudougou misunderstood that he was going to take him out for a walk, and ran over to rub his legs, and Xu Xilin did not return. God came, opened his eyes, yawned blankly, and left alone.

The entire grade group moved to the "animal protection teaching building" in the third year of senior high school. The newly renovated classroom environment during the holidays was even better than before, and there was no one in the last row of lonely extra seats.

When the head teacher peeped from the back door window, no one gave a light cough to remind the troublemakers in front... Due to his maladaptation, Xu Xilin was numb and careless, and was caught by the head teacher twice in one day passing notes and playing with his mobile phone. Custody is almost insured.

And the dark and dark high school life has also been suppressed with the early start of the graduating class. Almost every class has a new test paper issued. When students pass the paper, they make a clear "rustle" sound, or white or slightly yellowish. Pieces of paper flew around the class one after another, much like the lyrics in that song—

The water of Honghu Lake, the waves, the waves, the waves.

The weekly physical activity class has also become a mirror image. Although there is no clear cancellation, every time it is time, Qilixiang will bring one or two class teachers together, waiting at the front and rear doors, whoever goes out to stare who—— Including going to the toilet.

The hardest thing to get used to is the new self-study in the evening. The students have eaten and drank enough for dinner, and all the internal energy in the dantian has poured into the stomach. How can there be spare energy to take care of the brain? After seven o'clock, the words in the English reading are all doubled. On average, three words are serialized twice. I wish I could lie on the table and sleep in the dark, but there is a Qilixiang who is patrolling beside her high heels. Excruciatingly miserable.

Xu Xilin, who was in the third year of high school, automatically "retired" from the school basketball team. The grand occasion of groups of girls lining up to deliver water to him is no longer there. At a glance, I found that the girls who delivered the water had changed a group, and the handsome players had also changed a group.

There are also classmates who are close and far away - since the "adult party" last semester had an unpleasant quarrel with Wu Tao, Xu Xilin was a little too lazy to pay attention to him at school, and the relationship gradually became estranged. Since the start of the third year of high school, Wu Tao seems to have faded out of the vision of the entire class. His training tasks have become heavier and heavier. Occasionally, when he comes to the class to sit and sit, he is too tired to lie down in the corner and fall asleep.

Everyone else is trying to improve his grades in the subjects he lags behind. He is desperately trying to improve his sports grades. Although they are all "achievements", the direction of his efforts is different. Even if he is forced to sit in a classroom, he is still going separate ways every day. Miles and miles away.

The fate between people is very magical. Some people are as old as new, some people are as old as they are, some people meet again after many years of separation, and they bring their own thoughts of ten kilometers.

Wu Tao gradually became Xu Xilin's common nodding acquaintance in the class.

Campus life is the same, and the papers you do are always familiar, but occasionally there are some small accidents.

"Have all subscriptions to English newspapers received—all—? Is there anyone who hasn't received this English issue?"

The first class break on Monday afternoon is the time for the centralized distribution of the class mailboxes. The English class representative put his hands close to his hand, hoarsely counted the number of newspaper subscribers, and woke up Xu Xilin, who was lying on his stomach during the break. He has a cold recently and is still Struggling to get up, Cai Jing patted him next to him: "I have a letter from you."

Xu Xilin is not sloppy, but he is a little lost. He has too many papers in the third year of high school. He often throws them one by one.

Later, Cai Jing couldn't stand it any longer, so he cleaned up the table for him whenever he had time.

Xu Xilin: "... ah? Mine?"

He took the envelope sleepily, wondering as he was confused, because he had no habit of making pen pals.

Xu Xilin turned the envelope over and saw that the recipient's address and name were neatly written on it, and a stamp was attached, but there was no postmark on the stamp.

Xu Xilin rubbed his eyes and came to his senses, thinking that this thing was stuffed by the school—or maybe even someone from this class. He subconsciously raised his head and glanced around the class, seeing that everyone was busy with their faces. More or less hung up with the irritability of being drowsy in the afternoon, and it seemed that there was no suspicious target, so he frowned and lowered his head to open the inexplicable letter.

First a box of cold medicine fell out of the envelope, then a letter folded in the shape of a leaf.

This kind of thing seems to be popular among girls. Xu Xilin took a lot of effort to disassemble it completely. I saw that the handwriting on it was very beautiful and neat, and the strokes were very soft, but the features were not obvious, and it was impossible to see who wrote it for a while. . Generally speaking, there are three meanings. At the beginning, it was a beautifully worded sad spring and autumn. In the middle, I wrote some trivial feelings of myself very implicitly. Finally, I used a little space to gently care about Xu Xilin's minor illness that is not worth mentioning.

Xu Xilin watched it for the first time, but after a while, he turned back and understood it carefully. His eyes stopped for a while on the last sentence "I hope to be admitted to the same school with you", and found that this thing was very ambiguous. Call it a love letter.

Xu Xilin's sleepiness had completely disappeared. He put the cold medicine into his desk like a thief, folded the letter, and stuffed it into a pile of scratch paper.

He vaguely guessed who wrote the letter, and glanced at Luo Bing quietly.

Luo Bing wore a ponytail, with a section of her hair poking into the wide collar of her school uniform. The person sat upright, with the appearance of "don't hear anything outside the window, and only read the books of the sages".

Xu Xilin doesn't hate Luo Bing, but he doesn't call too much. How does it feel to have a squad leader girlfriend? Xu Xilin imagined it based on Luo Bing's temperament, and felt that the two of them had nothing to do except go to self-study together with big eyes and small eyes.

If dating is so boring, you might as well close the door and watch porn by yourself.

Moreover, Ms. Xu Jin told him clearly that since many ancient people got married at the age of thirteen or fourteen, the concept of "puppy love" itself is very absurd. Love is also a major event in life. She won't interfere, but there is one thing. If he dares to let go of his business, he will have nothing to do with dating like those little gangsters. Ms. Xu Jin will definitely do it for heaven and give him a discount first. the dog's legs, and then send him to a boarding school out of town, so that he has nothing to do all day long.

Xu Xilin pondered it for a while and thought, "Forget it."

He didn't make a statement, and he didn't reply--the other party didn't write a signature anyway, so he just pretended to be confused.

Xu Xilin didn't see it, and Cai Jing glanced silently as he tossed and turned the implicit love letter.

Unlike Xu Xilin, Cai Jing recognized Luo Bing's handwriting at a glance. After he glanced at it, his eyes seemed to be burnt, and he hurriedly retracted his head. Come.

This little episode was thrown behind Xu Xilin's head in a blink of an eye.

At the weekend, Dou Xun, who had been away from home for more than a month, finally returned.

In the third year of high school, there are six self-study classes every Saturday. As soon as the bell for the last self-study class rang, Dou Xun quietly came in through the back door. Xu Xilin turned around inadvertently and almost jumped up.

Dou Xun didn't say hello in advance, he carried a bag with him, and went straight to No. 6 High School after returning from school.

I don't know if it's a month of college life, or if he finally got rid of Dou Junliang and Zhu Xiaocheng, he almost means reborn.

At the beginning of this year, he had just transferred to Class 6, and he went to that station quietly. At that time, his face was full of anger, and he looked like he had a grudge against the world. At this time, Dou Xun happened to be wearing the same white shirt and gray jacket at that time, with the familiar headphone cable hanging around his neck, but it only made people feel very quiet.

Although he was still not good at words, he greeted the passing classmates with a good attitude, and took the initiative to say hello to Qilixiang, and then said to Xu Xilin as if he had never left the first class, "Are you going home now? "

Xu Xilin had made an appointment with someone to play ball on the weekend, but he broke the appointment decisively and jumped up with his bag: "Go back! I'll treat you to a skewer!"

Dou Xun said, "I should invite you, I'm a teacher."

Which pot is not opened to mention which pot.

Xu Xilin: "...Go to death."

The two ran to the skewer stall at the gate of the school with ease. "Mr. Dou" held up a mixed skewer of vegetables and meat, and poked Xu Xilin: "There are carrots."

Xu Xilin: "I haven't recovered from my cold."

Dou Xun: "It's okay, I have been vaccinated this year, so I'm not afraid of infection."

Xu Xilin then took his hand and took away the brightly colored carrots for him: "Oh, why are there so many things? Okay, let's eat."

Dou Xun then lowered his head and started to eat the meat. After a while, he felt that it was really outrageous to just lower his head to eat, like a dull and wilted rice bucket.

He glanced at Xu Xilin secretly, and searched his stomach to try to find a topic: "I heard from the seniors that there are some very rich laboratories in our department, and undergraduates can also keep mice for experiments all year round."

Xu Xilin almost choked on the skewer. He was eating. He was talking about mice, and Teacher Dou also had an idea.

But it's been a long time since Xu Xilin listened to Dou Xun's difficult words, his heart suddenly softened, and he answered the question very cooperatively: "Are mice expensive?"

"It's expensive." As soon as he answered, Dou Xun was excited as if he had encountered a difficult problem, and answered seriously, "It is said that in order to ensure their health, they must be carefully fed, guaranteed food, and when necessary Give them music, guide them to climb pipes to exercise, and raise them for several months before they can kill."

"..." Xu Xilin swallowed the food with difficulty, "Then who cleans up your bloody laboratory?"

"It can be covered with plastic sheeting." Dou Xun said, "After the experiment was done, the bodies were packed up as soon as they were wrapped."

Xu Xilin: "..."

Dou Xun: "Then sell them in batches to the kebabs outside the school."

This guy still talks.