Through The Strait Gates

Chapter 23: break out


There is no need to worry about the family's livelihood. Xu Jin's shares were taken over by her partner at a very kind price. The property she left behind does not need to be carefully calculated. A little inventory is already very impressive. As long as Xu Xilin does not gamble or poison in the future. A dandy, even if he accomplishes nothing, he can live a life of grace and worry.

But when Xu Xilin returned to school, he suddenly didn't know what to do.

He didn't know whether he saw it or not, because he didn't care much about his academic performance anyway. Life and death are destiny, wealth is in heaven, good grades and bad grades are the same, and the future is really nothing worth earning life, it is better to just mess around.

When the people around him heard about his family, they became more cautious.

Cai Jing didn't dare to talk to him for a time, and he wrote something down on a piece of paper every day.

Lao Cheng is so guilty because of the joke that "the house is going to collapse if the big event is bad", he silently acts as a sidekick for him every day, fills his glass with water after class, sneaks out of the school gate at dinner time every day, and changes I bought food for Xu Xilin in a fancy way, because I was late several times because of this.

Even Qilixiang didn't dare to criticize him too harshly, for fear that something wrong would irritate him.

Xu Xilin and Qilixiang asked for leave, claiming that he wanted to go home to accompany his grandmother at night, and did not want to study at night.

Although Qilixiang struggled for a while at the time, he still signed it for him, and then asked him worriedly: "You have special circumstances, you can not come to school for evening self-study, but you can't go home and study, if... waste time, delay It's you."

After "if", Qilixiang originally wanted to say, "If your mother knew that you had delayed your studies because of her, she would definitely feel uneasy," but when she got to her mouth, she felt that it was too cruel to tell a child, so she had no choice but to Temporarily changed a non-painful warning.

The voice fell to the ground, and it was neither painful nor itchy. Xu Xilin listened to it and responded perfunctorily, not taking it to heart at all.

Xu Xilin had no interest in studying at all. In the past, he was willing to be patient with his temperament, but it was due to his sense of responsibility. He felt that he should have a decent grade and go to a good university in the future. It's hard to say whether he will be proud of him, but if he can make some progress, their family president Xu can also retire earlier.

… but none of this is useful now.

Xu Xilin was absent from work at night for self-study, and basically had nothing to do after returning home.

At first, he took his old basketball to shoot in the small stadium in the community. Later, it became colder, and there was nothing to do outside except to drink the northwest wind. He started to go home and play online games. Tired of it, he began to read DVDs, idle books and comics in a boring way—all rented from a small shop in front of the school, with a daily rent ranging from fifty cents to one dollar five.

Xu Xilin couldn't understand romance novels, and because of his mental burnout, he couldn't substitute the ambitions of many protagonists to dominate the world. Then I got hooked on spooky horror stories.

He has collected a lot of ghost story books, horror movies from various countries, and the audio of Zhang Zhen telling ghost stories. Every night when he gets home and closes the door, he starts his night life of crying and screaming. Stimulate.

The family didn't dare to talk about him, and every time he recited a few words, he said it, but he didn't take it to heart.

After being so drunk for more than a month, Dou Xun finally couldn't watch it anymore, and broke in when Xu Xilin was watching a ghost movie.

On the computer screen, a ghost with blue face and fangs suddenly jumped out. Xu Xilin was startled by two loud noises inside and outside the screen.

Dou Xun's eyebrows moved, and his heart almost softened.

But after Xu Xilin was shocked, the expression on his face instantly solidified, his eyes swept across Dou Xun's face indifferently, he turned his head to pause the video, and asked half-deadly, "Why, you scared me."

Dou Xun took a deep breath, and pulled out a stack of test papers from his schoolbag. The test papers were neatly held together with plastic clips. There were also a few small notes on it, with the words of Cai Jing and the words of Laocheng... Even Yu Still the words, reminding him which test paper to finish at what time.

The new note covers the old one, and more than half of the time has passed, but the paper that should be made is cleaner than the face.

Xu Xilin involuntarily lowered his face: "Why do you guys keep rummaging through my bag when you have nothing to do?"

He snatched the stack of test papers out of anger, rolled them into a ball roughly, and stuffed them into his schoolbag.

Dou Xun: "Didn't you tell us before that you can go straight to your bag and look at what you want to use or eat?"

"I told you to take it as you like, but I didn't say you would just stuff it?" Xu Xilin threw his schoolbag on the bed expressionlessly, "I said why it's so heavy."

Xu Xilin said, sat back in the chair, and was about to reach for the mouse, when Dou Xun suddenly stepped forward and turned off the monitor of the computer.

Xu Xilin hissed angrily: "Did you take the wrong medicine, or did Doudou bite?"

Dou Xun said word by word, "Get up and go write your homework."

"It's unreasonable." Xu Xilin thought to himself.

He raised one eyebrow high and said non-violently and uncooperatively, "Go and do your business. I don't want to write today, so don't make a fuss."

He flipped the display back on and continued to enjoy the stereo ghosts of the soundtrack.

Dou Xun stood beside him in silence for a while, and then decided that "a gentleman can do less nonsense when he can do it".

He suddenly pulled Xu Xilin's chair back, and when his center of gravity was unstable, he wrapped his arms around Xu Xilin's upper body and lifted him directly from the chair with brute force.

However, Xu Xilin is not a quilt after all, and it is not so easy to carry. He was staggered by Dou Xunsheng's pull, and when he recovered, he jumped up in a huff, his shoulders knocked against Dou Xun's hand: "What are you doing? Hold on!"

The university is in the suburbs. Dou Xun still has classes every afternoon. When he comes back from school, he has to hurry up and hurry up. He also has to travel for two hours to spend the night with Xu Xilin. In the first class, he had to go straight to the classroom before he could have breakfast. Every day, he was exhausted and ran on both ends. Is it all "too full"

Dou Xun's temple jumped for a moment, he forcibly suppressed it, and played it again like a repeater: "Go and write your homework."

Xu Xilin shook his face impatiently: "It's none of your business!"

Between them, Xu Xilin has been letting Dou Xun openly or secretly all the time. Even if he is in a hurry occasionally, he just walks away, and he will be fine after a while. Except for the small misunderstanding at the beginning, Xu Xilin had never yelled at him so sternly, and Dou Xun didn't care about getting angry for a while, and was a little confused at first.

Xu Xilin took a few heavy breaths, vaguely aware that he was overextended, he quickly said: "Thank you for your kindness, if it's okay in the future, don't get up every day and crawl around in the middle of the night, I don't want to take the 700 test. Five means, you don't have to waste your time with me."

Dou Xun said quietly, "Aunt Xu asked me to be your tutor."

For so many days, no one dared to presume Xu Jin in front of Xu Xi, and they all avoided this topic tremblingly, lest he remember it. Only Dou Xun, the stick, didn't know the world, and blurted out.

This sentence is like water into boiling oil, breaking Xu Xilin's inverse scales at once.

"I'm in charge now, I call the shots, and what she said is out of date," Xu Xilin's face froze, and he said coldly, "Can I double the tutoring fee for you? Stop bothering me!"

Dou Xun: "If she knows that you waste the time she doesn't have, she won't kill you."

Xu Xilin was choked by this sentence for two seconds and did not respond, and then suddenly changed his tone: "Get out!"

"If you do this, you will only have two functions left to hurt the hearts of the living and to live up to the wishes of the dead." Dou Xun didn't need to think about it, his mouth was like a knife, "When the hearts of the living are almost hurt by you, you Who else can I show this virtue? What's the use of acting like a spoiled child with your mother, she can't see it!"

Xu Xilin grabbed Dou Xun's collar.

Dou Xun's back slammed against the wall, and he still refused to shut up: "If it's gone, it's gone. You don't understand such a simple truth, is your brain out of date?"

The two of them quarreled and didn't control the volume. Grandma Xu and Aunt Du heard it downstairs. Grandma's legs and feet were inconvenient to go upstairs, so they quickly instructed Aunt Du to run up and fight.

Aunt Du poked at the door bewildered: "Hey... how is this... how... "

Xu Xilin gave her a gloomy glance, restrained his temper somewhat, pushed Dou Xun out of the door, slapped the door hard, and locked it from the inside.

Auntie Du sighed and whispered to Dou Xun, "He's not feeling well, he's never such a jerk..."

"I know," Dou Xun said calmly, "Auntie, please let me go."

He waved to Aunt Du to avoid him, and walked up to knock on the door: "Xu Xilin, open the door."

Xu Xilin ignored him, Dou Xun knocked four or five times tirelessly, then took two steps back and kicked the closed door.

The loud noise caused Doudougou downstairs to wake up from his sleep and scream in panic. Auntie Du had a heart attack and was scared out of her wits. She covered her chest with a mouth full of "Amitabha".

The wooden door was overwhelmed and swayed for a moment, and a bit of wall ash fell tremblingly.

The blue veins on Dou Xun's forehead throbbed violently, he slightly moved his aching leg, changed one, and kicked it again. He got his life-threatening streaks out of nowhere. Aunt Du didn't even have time to speak. He had already kicked several times in anger. The bedroom door was not strong at all, and he couldn't stand the fact that he wouldn't give up if he didn't kick the south wall. Violent destruction, the door lock screamed hoarsely, and was killed.

The door opened, and then Xu Xilin threw the schoolbag out of the house. The schoolbag fell all the way through the living room and rolled to the stairwell. Go to the first floor.

Xu Xilin: "Fuck your uncle Dou Xun, you are courting death!"

"I didn't," Dou Xun said, "you are courting death."

In a fit of rage, Xu Xilin almost picked up a chair and gave Dou Xun a scoop, but was stopped by Aunt Du yelling: "What are you doing! Xiaolin! You, you, you, put it down!"

Xu Xilin's knuckles were white and blue, and he was deadlocked for a moment. He waved his hand and slammed the chair against the bedroom wall as if venting his anger, and turned away without saying a word. He rushed downstairs with his head down, ran to the door, and was about to go out without changing his shoes.

Xu Xilin slammed open the door, just looking at the man who was about to ring the doorbell at the door.

Zheng Shuo was stunned for a moment, then smiled at him gently: "Why, are you going out?"

"You..." Xu Xilin's rushing footsteps stopped abruptly, and the disintegrated rationality was revived in an instant under the double stimulation of outsiders and the early winter night wind.

Xu Xilin cleared his hoarse throat with difficulty and asked, "What's the matter with you coming here so late?"