Through The Strait Gates

Chapter 26: Wake up


However, there are two great gods who can always dilute all the feelings of teenagers, one is called "exam" and the other is called "holiday".

Dou Xun's winter vacation was ten days earlier than Xu Xilin's, so he could finally stop running. He does his own thing in the house all day long, and sometimes goes out to help Aunt Du with some work. Except for walking the dog in the morning and evening, he will not go out to the wild if he has nothing to do. He is a standard "other's child".

With a record-breaking final grade, Xu Xilin went home and showed it to Mr. Dou. This time the two didn't quarrel - the last time they quarreled was mainly because of disagreements, Xu Xilin thought it was good, Dou Xun thought it was bad - this time the two of them They all agreed, and they all felt that Xu Tuanzuo's transcript was a piece of shit.

So when Dou Xun started spraying, Xu Xilin unilaterally hung up the free card and listened with his head down.

"To be honest, I really don't understand." Dou Xun, who usually can't kick a fart with three legs, can immediately add a chattering stunt as long as he starts to sneer, "You didn't do anything a while ago, others were working hard, So it's normal to be overtaken a little - what I don't understand is, why you can't now?"

Xu Xilin saw that he had serious doubts on his face, as if he was surprised that the human species even had the function of "forgetting".

In order to save him some words, Xu Xilin had to take the lead and said to himself: "This, it's normal, I taught Doudou to sit and shake hands for more than a month when I was a child, and just after the teaching, I caught up with my home decoration and sent it to someone else's home for foster care. It's been a month, and when I come back, I can't do shit anymore."

Dou Xun: "..."

Since Xu Xilin has consciously stood in the same country as Doudou, he really has nothing to say.

"Science in middle school is much simpler than liberal arts," Mr. Dou sat down and switched from sarcasm to serious contempt, "Only teach some very simple theorems and ways of thinking. What difficulties do you have?"

Xu Xilin was speechless, so he had to "hehe" and said in his heart, "Yes, we mortals are so embarrassed for you."

Dou Xun thought for a while, and then said, "But based on my experience in your class for a semester, I think 80% of your questions can be answered with 'Take a good look at the textbook, don't do it like a flies. ' and 'Read the questions well, don't talk nonsense' are two ways to solve it."

Xu Xilin asked humbly: "What about the remaining 20%?"

Dou Xun sneered: "Go to the hospital to treat the brain."

"Bean paste," Xu Xilin sighed and said earnestly, "I advise you to either talk less in the future, or take advantage of the holiday and go to the boxing gym in front of our house to report for a free fight or something."

Otherwise, he might be killed one day.

Dou Xun didn't appreciate it: "It's you who should talk less, all your brains have turned into spit."

Xu Xilin: "..."

However, Dou Xun is not a pure mouthpiece after all. When he breathed a sigh of relief, he went back to the room and took something and threw it in front of Xu Xilin: "Take it and see, and ask if you don't understand."

It was a thick stack of "a3" paper, sewn together with double strands of white thread, and the contents inside were all handwritten, one for each course of mathematics, physics and chemistry, the first page was a brief background and history of the subject, and then I used a highlighter to cut a section from the middle, and marked "the learning objectives of this stage" next to it.

The second page is to enlarge and refine the intercepted part just now, and make an outline of the subject context. The points are connected by lines with different virtual and real, and the logical connection is drawn. The solid line represents the outline of the outline. The dotted line represents the content beyond the outline, which is only to assist understanding.

Later, according to the logical relationship on the second page, the knowledge points of each part are taken out separately, and the number of textbook pages corresponding to each part of the content is written in small words next to it, the internal logic of the textbook and the purpose of this arrangement, vividly like A teacher's lesson plan.

In addition, Dou Xun also marked that each knowledge point can be excavated from several angles, and even wrote the corresponding example pages in the "Little Yellow Book" exercise book after each angle.

Xu Xilin asked in shock, "You wrote it?"

Dou Xun didn't answer this nonsense, but just said: "The full score is 100. If you understand the example questions, you can get 60 points. If you can get 70 points in the workbook, you can get 70 points. I understand clearly what I said, the internal logic is straightened out, I can get 80 points, and I can give lectures to others systematically and systematically, and I can get 90 points.”

Xu Xilin: "What about full marks?"

Dou Xun held back for a minute, but he couldn't hold back, and finally became mean: "If you can explain it to the big fool, let him take the college entrance examination and get full marks."

After Dou Xun finished speaking, he felt that it was too much, so he shut his mouth tightly, waiting for Xu Xilin's counterattack.

But Xu Xilin didn't say anything, just rolled his eyes at him, and tolerated him like Doudou grinding his teeth with his own shoes, even with a slight smile and connivance.

He and Dou Xun have sat at the front and back tables, and know that Dou Xun is too lazy to write in most cases, not to mention that if it is something written for himself, he doesn't need to break it down so clearly, word by word. So white printing paper, so clean cotton thread, there is no smudge at all, it looks like it has just finished writing and sewing, and no one has turned it over yet.

It was specially prepared for him.

Dou Xun is haggard a lot. These days are much more tired than when he was preparing for the college entrance examination. His anger is exuberant and completely understandable. With this silent companionship, Xu Xilin can get used to all his rude remarks. When Dou Xun got up and poured water, he suddenly leaned over from behind, hugged Dou Xun upside down, and swayed hard.

Dou Xun was frightened, sprinkled water on his hand, and stared at Xu Xilin in astonishment.

"I've lost weight." Xu Xilin put him down after he finished speaking, and strolled back to the house with the precious stack of "School Master's Secrets".

After a full two minutes, Dou Xun's spacewalk-like reflex arc ran through the field with difficulty. He thawed out, and a hundred landmines all over his body exploded all over the place at the same time.

There are a lot of people who fall in love in the university. The school life artificially divides the continuous growth years of the teenagers into several stages, making them all the same as passing the test. Only by swiping the new map can they drop new skills. The hairy boys and yellow haired girls who entered the university quickly got used to looking for classrooms all over the school, and they were also accustomed to falling in love. Before a summer vacation, the "puppy love" that was still sneaky with some taboos turned into a common thing like eating and picking teeth.

Some boys will come back to make a commotion when they see a girl who is pleasing to the eye. If they happen to have nothing to do, they will chase after them. It is like buying a lottery ticket. Occasionally, if they hit someone with luck and chase them, they can return their clothes. Please eat in the dormitory.

Dou Xun finds it difficult to understand, because many people are chasing girls that they are not familiar with at all.

The second brother in their dormitory told him of course: "Why can't you like it? Girls, you don't need to know each other, you like it very much at first sight, it doesn't matter if you don't know each other, you will naturally become familiar when you catch up. You can leave, not to mention that we are only in the trial operation stage, how many pairs of first love can be made? Relax, as long as you are good enough, the whole world is a spare tire."

After publishing this fallacy, the second brother, who claimed to be a "doctor of love", was not satisfied, and pointed to Jiang Shan and said to Dou Xun: "I analyze your situation, 80% may have someone in your heart, and it is probably not a childhood sweetheart. Almost, you must be very familiar with you anyway, right?"

Dou Xun's heart skipped a beat, and out of curiosity like Xu Xilin, he asked, "What about the remaining 20 percent?"

The second brother said, "Otherwise, you have something wrong with you, you don't like women at all, hahaha."

After Dou Xun finished listening, he packed up and fled back from the school, because the second brother, the blind cat, met the dead mouse, and he hit the nail on the head with all his thoughts in his life.

Dou Xun has been withdrawn since he was a child, and everyone is an idiot, and he has never liked anyone.

In the beginning, he only relied on Xu Xilin a little, because everyone else had a clear distinction between him and him. Xu Xilin was the only accident that crossed the "Chu River and Han World". on the wall, taking Dou Xun little by little from the small circle he had drawn as a prison.

Later, this kind of dependence gradually escalated. Dou Xun couldn't help but focus his attention on Xu Xilin. After a while, he wanted to observe what he was doing. If he couldn't see it for a while, he would feel uneasy. If he happened to know that he was playing with others If you go, you will feel very uncomfortable.

Later... Dou Xun realized that something was wrong.

He often had the urge to touch Xu Xilin, but once the other party took the initiative to come over, he would have a kind of shivering nervousness.

Dou Xungui walked into Xu Xilin's bedroom by surprise. The newly changed door lock was shiny and shiny, and it was cold in the palm of his hand. Leaning on the door frame, he said to Xu Xilin thoughtlessly, "I hope you can come to our school."

Xu Xilin thought he was joking, and said without looking up, "I can't pass the exam, Mr. Dou."

Dou Xun silently shut his mouth, with an anxious longing surging up and down in his heart, pinning him firmly in place, just now the place where Xu Xilin touched through his clothes was faintly hot, and he stared blankly at Xu Xilin for a while. , I thought suddenly and thoughtlessly: "I want to kiss him."

The thought also startled him, and Dou Xun realized that he was a little perverted.

Xu Xilin was trying to find a song suitable for listening to while reading, and found that Dou Xun was still poking beside him in a daze, he turned his head and glanced at him in confusion: "Bean paste, what are you doing?"

Dou Xun was guilty of being a thief, and quickly withdrew his gaze, staring at his toes: "I'm serious."

In fact, he still has a sentence in his heart, "I want to be with you all the time, it's boring without you in school", but this sentence is really impossible to say, he can only let his own simple expression floating alone.

Xu Xilin frowned: "Bean paste, what do you want to say?"

Dou Xun looked directly into Xu Xilin's eyes as if possessed.

Xu Xilin was inexplicably taken aback, and the hand holding the mouse clicked something inadvertently. An advertisement of Xiaohuangwang rushed into his computer screen without warning, and the high-pitched gasp was inserted into the face of the two people without warning.

Xu Xilin quickly closed it in a hurry.

Looking at it again, Dou Xun had already run away.

Xu Xilin looked at his half-open door and thought, "But I really can't pass the test."