Through The Strait Gates

Chapter 3: Dou Xun


Xu Xilin rushed into the corridor, jumped up to the second floor, kicked open the back door of a class, got in through the back door, took off a school uniform jacket that some brother had hung on the back door, and shook the dust on it hastily. He put it on, then rolled up his jacket and stuffed it into his bag, threw it under the table, pulled at his hair with one hand, took off Cai Jing's glasses with the other, and put a button on the bridge of his nose - a successful makeover.

Cai Jing: "... a big change in the living?"

Xu Xilin: "It's easy to say - who hangs this dress on the back?"

Cai Jing: "It seems to belong to 'Grandpa'."

"Grandpa" is the nickname of the brother at the front table, and his surname is Lao - the "old" of "Old Man" in "Swordsman". His full name is also very convenient, so he is called "Laocheng". When the Central Eighth Broadcasting was broadcast, the old classmates were fascinated by the pursuit, and since then he contracted the problem of calling himself "Grandpa".

"Grandpa" is not good-looking, with three layers of pimples on his face. He turned around when he heard the sound, he opened his "red dust" face, winked at Xu Xilin, squeezed his throat and said, "This is If I refuse to give the things that the queen paid to others, Er Ye, please untie what you have tied and let me tie it."

Xu Xilin brought a dish to his face: "Hooqi officer, the 'Youth and Beauty Gabapox' on your face is enough to stir up a pot, can you stop thinking about getting involved with the beautiful boy all day long?"

The old glass heart was completely wounded by these ordinary people who could only look at their faces, so he covered his chest and faced the blackboard for healing.

After dismissing the idle people, Xu Xilin lowered his voice and said to Cai Jing: "Your matter has been settled, and in the future, the debt collector will also be looking for your uncle, so I won't pester you any more, or if school is over today, you will follow me back to that house. Let's discuss at McDonald's and see if we can still go, or let them arrange the shift at night, and I'll find a few people to take turns for you."

Cai Jing's glasses were taken off by Xu Xilin, and his eyes were a little out of focus for a while, showing a bit of confusion: "Thank you."

He paused for a moment, and seemed to think that it would be too easy to just say "thank you", so he buckled the pen and said, "Xilin, if you..."

"Stop," Xu Xilin interrupted him with a smile, "don't make promises, I'm still innocent."

Cai Jing forced a smile, but did not open his brows, and asked cautiously, "Have you spent any money?"

Xu Xilin not only spent money, but also spent so much that his family went bankrupt.

Although he usually has a lot of pocket money, he is a king of paying bills. He is used to spending money and has no sense of saving. The newly acquired New Year's money is all in the bank card. Although he can withdraw it, he dare not withdraw it casually—because that card was used by him in the past. It was done by Mom's ID card. There was a balance reminder on her mobile phone. If she had a large expenditure, she would be interrogated by the Queen Mother Lafayette within five minutes.

There would be a total of twenty-six bucks five left on him—and an extra sixteen bucks for printing in the afternoon, which was really stretched.

However, when Xu Xilin touched Cai Jing's upper lip, he wiped out his predicament.

He said, "For three dollars, I'll buy a popsicle for my brother, don't worry about it."

It's not that he doesn't keep his name for good deeds. It's fine if it's someone else. Cai Jing was so poor in those days. Although he would be grateful for this, it would be difficult to play together afterward.

Cai Jing didn't know what it was like for a while, and put his hand on Xu Xilin's shoulder: "Brother..."

Before he could say anything, the angry grade director broke into the door, interrupting Cai Jing's thoughts.

The whole class was silent for a moment, and the grade director was chasing him all the way to the point of having a heart attack. He glanced around, but he didn't recognize Xu Xilin, who was dressed in disguise. Your class is the most noisy! It's the third year of high school next year, what do you want to do? Ah? Do you have an experimental class! What class is next, why hasn't the teacher come yet? Are you reincarnated?"

The English teacher who had just walked to the door with the lesson plan in hand was hit in the face.

The grade director gave the innocent teacher a vicious look: "Some young comrades should also pay attention to their work attitude. You are a fool yourself, so how do you manage students!"

After speaking, he threw his arms and limped out.

The English teacher was implicated for no reason, and immediately shook his ponytail, picked up the chalk, turned around and wrote "menopause" on the blackboard.

"Before class, let's expand the words outside today's syllabus," the English teacher adjusted his glasses, "'menopause'—menopause, you can apply 'menopause symptoms' like this... ”

The whole class burst into laughter.

In the first half of the class, the English teacher and the classmates shared the same hatred and were very happy. However, it didn’t take long for the teachers and students to help each other in the same boat. The teacher soon exposed the nature of the class enemy. Chapters, all of which are long essays, as today's English homework.

After class, except for those who went to the toilet, almost no one in the class moved, and they all wanted to rush to finish an article before the next class.

It was at this time that Dou Xun came in with the head teacher.

He straddles his backpack, the spotless collar of his shirt peeks out of his gray jacket, and walks without looking up.

Someone muttered: "Is there any transfer students in high school?"

The head teacher above knocked on the desk and patted the boy on the back with a smile: "Everyone, be quiet, we have a new family member in our class today."

The class teacher is nicknamed "Qilixiang", also known as "Three Steps to Kill". She loves strong perfumes. Mosquitoes don't dare to get close in summer. She likes to use cadence in her speech, and she also likes all kinds of expired chicken soup for the soul. Always surging.

I don't know why a physics teacher is always so restless.

But on this day, no one had goosebumps about her "family member". Everyone's eyes were focused on the new boy. The adolescent boys and girls reached a collective consensus in the blink of an eye. So handsome - not only does he have neat thick eyebrows and black and white eyes, but he also has a cool and dignified face!

The head teacher clapped his hands kindly: "Come on, Dou Xun, let me introduce myself to everyone and let everyone get to know each other."

The whole class calmed down for face, waiting to hear the handsome guy speak.

Who knew that the handsome guy didn't give any face, raised his eyelids, glanced around, and changed the chewing gum from the left molar to the right molar: "Teacher, where do I sit?"

The "Qilixiang" that was tanned on the podium was embarrassed and turned into an eggplant, her face stiffened for a while, she wanted to clean up this little brat, but unfortunately the shopping card in her pocket just charged her 3,000 yuan The "kindness value" of his, he couldn't hold back his face for a while.

"Qilixiang" was in a dilemma for a while, and had no choice but to pretend that he was not offended, and set up the steps by himself: "Why are the male students so shy? In this way, there is an empty table at the back of the classroom, you can move one first, if If you’re not nearsighted, just sit in the last row first, and then…”

Before she could finish her sentence, she saw that the little brat named Dou didn't shake her, and walked to the last row.

Qilixiang: "… "

She gritted her teeth and raised her hands in her pockets, feeling that she would need to charge 6,000 for her "kindness value" next time.

Dou Xun's face was very white, and his eyebrows became more and more colorful. He drooped his eyes, a pair of double eyelids flew horizontally and vertically to his temples, and the bridge of his nose and lips were "not thick in the sky", showing a kind of unspoken smile.

If there is a beautiful girl walking on the street, there will be more women staring at her than men. In fact, the reverse is also true. Most female high school students have not yet cultivated the face that dares to face men in the street. Too embarrassed to stare at him, but the boys started to chat secretly.

Lao Cheng turned his head and poked Xu Xilin's desk with the tip of his pen, and whispered, "What's the origin of this guy? Just came here to take out our family's 'Xiangxiang' role?"

Xu Xilin thought that this Dou Xun was very good-looking, so he stared at others unscrupulously and shook his head absently.

Lao Cheng quickly shifted his attention: "Show me the physical 'little yellow book' of the two of you."

"Little Yellow Book" is not a pornographic book that violates laws and disciplines. It is a self-edited exercise book by the Physics Group of No. 6 Middle School. Yes, there is no answer to the question.

Class 1 of Senior 2 is a science experimental class, which is slightly faster than other classes. So Lao Cheng, this vicious thing, is keen to collect answers within a circle every day, compile a set of customized answers after comparing and revising, and sell them to the general class and the liberal arts class waiting for the final exam.

Xu Xilin took out a book from the table and gave it to him, reining in his free-spirited state, and moved his chair, which was one meter away from the table, to its normal position to make room for Dou Xun.

Lao Cheng kept chattering: "This is a little yellow book on mathematics! This issue of mathematics has already been published, and I want physics!"

However, "grandpa" has fallen out of favor - Xu Xilin has no time to pay attention to him, seeing Dou Xun pick a table at random, Xu Xilin immediately plans to stand up and help him.

However, before his helpful hands could be stretched out, Dou Xun had already settled the dust on the desk with a bang. The landing point was at least one meter away from the front desk Xu Xilin, and there was still a Chuhe Hanjie drawn between them.

Xu Xilin: "..."

Dou Xun couldn't forget it, he recognized Xu Xilin as the one who ran downstairs at noon, and judging from the attitude of the sports students holding their stinky feet, they were a group.

He glanced at Xu Xilin condescendingly, and hung a capital "Go" on the bridge of his nose.