Through The Strait Gates

Chapter 36: housework


The biological clock of the person who just finished the exam is still there. On the second day after the college entrance examination, it was still before dawn. Xu Xilin woke up to the sound of the air conditioner whispering. He propped himself up halfway before remembering that it was summer vacation. "Bang dang," he squatted back down again, a little unreal, as if he had an obsessive-compulsive disorder to check the door lock, he repeatedly confirmed with himself three times in his mind, and after confirming that he really didn't need to get up early, he closed his eyes tremblingly.

Next door, Dou Xun, was even less real than him. He seemed to be sleepwalking all night last night. He didn't know when he fell asleep, but he wasn't sleepy.

The college entrance examination is over, but Dou Xun hasn't had a holiday yet.

Dou Xun packed himself with excitement, and went out to buy breakfast and put it in the microwave oven. After dawdling on the second floor for a while, seeing that Xu Xilin had no intention of getting up, he finally couldn't hold it in any longer, and ran to knock on the door in disgust. , made Xu Xilin scourge.

Xu Xilin just got confused after defeating the biological clock, he got up half asleep, wrapped the small Yinfeng in the room and leaned towards the door, waiting for Dou Xun to speak.

Dou Xunren poked like a pillar, and made a series of small movements like scratching his ears and cheeks as if he had grown lice. He swayed from side to side against the cold wind of the pavement. After a long time, he hesitantly said, "I'm going back to school."

Xu Xilin swallowed a yawn, looked at Dou Xun blankly, and prepared in his heart - Dou Xun dared to say that he had called him up in the morning just to say this, and he would kill this guy.

In Dou Xun's spiritual world, there is a crazy rabbit, who is so excited that he is so excited that he dares to stand against the wind, let alone a little bit of getting out of bed.

Dou Xun glanced downstairs. Seeing that his grandmother's room had not moved yet, he boldly asked, "Can I kiss you before leaving?"

Xu Xilin: "..."

Then before he could react, Dou Xun came over and quickly kissed his left cheek, and then ran away like his butt was on fire.

Xu Xilin didn't wake up until he was stunned for a moment, then he suddenly laughed, thinking that Dou Xun had become cute.

The young man's emotions are as abundant as the rising sun, and he is not so calm, and can easily overflow and slap people's faces.

After Xu Xilin waited for Dou Xun to leave, he returned to his "refrigerator" warmly and cuddled in the quilt. If the two continue like this, what will they do when everyone else gets married and has children? Uncle Dou and godmother know what to do? If someone has a change of heart and cannot last for a long time, how should they get along in the future

Xu Xilin lay on his back on the pillow and stared blankly at the ceiling for a while, feeling that Dou Xun should not be possible, that person may not be born with so many hearts and can change.

"What about me?" Xu Xilin thought, and then he overthrew his unfounded worries with blind confidence. He thought, "I definitely won't, anyway, if we can be together for a day, we can love him for a day."

Then his thoughts went wrong, thinking of Dou Xun's unreasonable request just now, and the smell of laundry detergent left on his collar when he came over, a tingling feeling appeared in his heart. In the end, the sweetness in his heart triumphed, overwhelmed the bitterness of being isolated and helpless. The two sides were mixed into a mouthful of chocolate, swallowed into his stomach, and all were decomposed into desires, occupying his excessive reason.

Xu Xilin complained in a low voice, "It's really annoying."

He was very relaxed in this secret pleasure, and quickly fell asleep...

It's a pity that he was woken up just after falling asleep. The wind chaser Dou Xun came back after halfway through, because he was very unwilling to kiss the left cheek but not the right cheek.

Xu Xilin: "..."

The tenderness in his heart was burned by anger and turned into a capital "go".

The drowsiness was mixed up by Dou Xun, so Xu Xilin simply got up and turned around a few times. He remembered that Aunt Du would pick and choose to water the pots of flowers called water at this time of the day and change the pets clean. Water and food, pick up the overnight garbage and throw it away, and finally wipe the desks, chairs and stair railings on the bright side.

Just about this matter, Xu Xilin worked in scattered places for more than an hour. He was impatient. He hung the rag on the stairs and said, "How are you going to live?"

Just when he was secretly depressed, his grandmother got up, and as soon as she pushed the door, Xu Xilin instinctively cleaned his irritable face to nothing, showing a "please ask for praise" expression, as if he was someone doing housework. The happy little prince of snails.

Grandma praised him from beginning to end without hesitation, and then while Xu Xilin went to wash her hands, she sighed, quietly took out a napkin, and wiped dry the tables, chairs, and benches in the restaurant—the rags didn’t wring out.

It is said that the ten days of waiting for the results of the college entrance examination are very anxious, but Xu Xilin did not feel that he lived like a war every day.

As soon as Auntie Du left, the family was basically paralyzed. Xu Xilinguang spent an hour pondering what to eat every day. Grandma had a light taste and was not used to the heavy oil and salt in the restaurant outside. Xu Jin was often nagged by her in the past. , When Xu Xilin was here, she didn't say anything, because she knew it was difficult for him.

Xu Xilin ordered takeout for a few days, and found that her grandmother often said with a smile, "This is delicious."

Then the chopsticks stopped.

The more the old lady was like this, the more uncomfortable Xu Xilin felt in her heart, so she had to look up recipes on the Internet and stumbled and tried to find out for herself.

In this regard, one more Dou Xun won't help - he basically came back to make trouble.

After Dou Xun finished the exam week on the weekend, he went home early and stayed at home. The two of them discussed how to prevent the boiled eggs from bursting in the pot and "foaming" all morning, and then Dou Xian'er found out from nowhere. A series of fetish objects such as balances, thermometers, stopwatch measuring cups, etc., concentrated on tossing eggs for a long time, and the next day handed in a paper discussing the integrity of boiled eggs from several perspectives such as water temperature and pressure.

After Xu Xilin read it, he couldn't breathe with laughter. When Dou Xun pressed him on the sofa in the living room, he squeaked.

Dou Xun got up embarrassedly, Xu Xilin was also very embarrassed, but in this case, the two of them couldn't blush with big eyes and small eyes, Xu Xilin had to hold his face, and flick Dou Xun's forehead with his fingers pretending to not care. : "What's this? You must be secretly doing other homework during your physiological hygiene class. I'll make up a lesson for you at night."

After Dou Xun heard these words, he didn't know what to think, looked at him in horror, and ran away.

Xu Xilin: "..."

He had to calm down his breathing silently, and went downstairs to practice Dou Xun's thesis. Halfway through the cooking process, Dou Xun came along, moved a stool without making a fuss or made a fuss, and sat on the side with his two long legs to wait for the results of the experiment.

The two of them had an embarrassing scene just now. No one said a word, except for the sound of fire and boiling water. It was extremely quiet for a while.

The eggshell really didn't crack, and when it came out of the pot, it still had to keep its original shape.

"Two times, I'll try it." Xu Xilin boasted modestly, and at the same time carefully knocked on the side of the pot, trying to peel an equally complete egg.

As a result, as soon as I opened my mouth, the egg whites flowed down.

Xu Xilin: "..."

No wonder it didn't crack, it turned out to be undercooked.

The two had to go shopping together after the last egg in the family was destroyed.

Xu Xilin spent 80 yuan to buy a small racing car with a flat handle and shifting from the second-hand market. He overcame the stinking problem of taking a taxi when he went out. However, the small racing car has a cool appearance and is not very practical. There is no basket in the front and no rear. You can't take people with you, and you can only hang it on the handlebar when you buy food.

The two of them took turns riding their bikes, and the other one followed the trot. The food was okay, but the egg refused to follow them. Xu Xilin saw the traffic light and forgot about the egg, so he put aside the handlebars and threw it out on the spot. One, Dou Xun rode his bicycle without looking at the road, the car flew out of a shallow pit, and the other one was smashed to pieces.

"Wait, wait! The yolk is on your pants, uh…"

"Take it off, don't hang it up, I'm holding it in my hand."

Then the plastic bag and other bags became entangled, Xu Xilin pulled hard, the two eggs collided, and both died.

Dou Xun looked at the embarrassment of the two, and said to Xu Xilin, "There is a green devil hand in the uncovered novel on your bed. I think you must have a pair of 'egg-killing hands'."

Xu Xilin smeared the egg yolk on Dou Xunxue's white shirt: "Still walk the rivers and lakes."

After doing this immoral thing, he carried half a bag of eggs and ran away. The dead cleanliness behind him was stunned for a while before he reacted and roared: "Xu Xilin!"

Dou Xun, a clean freak, rode on a "mountain trot" full of vegetables and began to chase wildly. As he drove fast, a bundle of celery all stood upright and raised their wings in the wind, and his coquettishness was broken.

Xu Xilin was chased and killed by Dou Xun for two or three stops. He ran so fast that he foamed up and was finally forced to surrender. once.

After laughing for a while, Xu Xi came over and couldn't laugh anymore.

He stretched his arms, lowered his head forcefully, and pressed his fist against his forehead.

"It's too difficult." Xu Xilin thought.

The matter of firewood, rice, oil and salt is too embarrassing. This is just a summer vacation with nothing to do. What about the start of school? What about the future

It's easy to live alone, but it's not that easy to support a family. Dou Xun noticed the sudden change in his mood and asked softly, "What's wrong?"

Xu Xilin was silent for a while: "I was thinking... Would you like to invite someone?"

Dou Xun didn't express his opinion. He rarely considered so many material issues. Instead, he thought it was very interesting to hang out with Xu Xilin every day and worry about all kinds of trivialities like playing a family.

The egg wash everywhere began to smell fishy, Xu Xilin took a few steps, and suddenly turned around and asked Dou Xun, "Am I only able to stretch out my hand and eat to open my mouth?"

Dou Xun: "Yes."

Xu Xilin: "..."

Dou Xunyi told the truth carelessly, and he knew that he was in trouble again, so he hurriedly went back to make up for it, he said, "It's okay, I can take care of you."

Xu Xilin listened to this shameless remark, and smiled bitterly, feeling like a waste owner who was fed a dead mouse by a domestic cat, and received no comfort.

After walking a few steps, he felt that the road was a little familiar. After thinking about it, he remembered that he would go to Cai Jing's house one more stop, and Xu Xilin suddenly wanted to take a look.

The two pushed their bicycles to the shanty town of Cai Jing's house. The dirty child was squatting on the ground, dragging his nose and digging at the ant hole to play. The midsummer was coming, and the heat was chilling. Xu Xilin walked downstairs at Cai Jing's house for a while, and when he looked up, he found an acquaintance standing at the small intersection - Lao Cheng also came.

The three of them found a shady place and sat side by side on the curb. Lao Cheng said, "You two are so good to be with each other. After graduation, you can stay together forever, unlike me, who can only be with my menopausal mother every day. Eyes wide open..."

After Lao Cheng finished speaking, he realized that what was wrong with Xu Xilin, he hurriedly shut his mouth and bluntly changed the subject: "Do you think Cai Jing can still come out?"

Xu Xilin said affirmatively: "It's definitely possible."

But ten or eight years is probably inevitable. When he comes out, will he find that the whole world has changed beyond recognition

Lao Cheng said, "When I graduate and become rich, I will open a store near here and call it Grandpa, and he will be able to see it as soon as he comes out."

Dou Xun: "Do you sell skewers?"

Xu Xilin remembered Dou Xun's cold joke, and pushed his head: "I know how to eat!"

Lao Cheng followed suit and learned: "I know how to eat!"

After pushing, he realized that something was wrong. Lao Cheng realized that he had twisted Dou Xian'er's fairy brain in a reckless manner, so frightened that he stuttered: "I, I, I... I chop my hands!"

The three were eerily silent for a while, then laughed together.

The three of them discussed the cost, profit and start-up capital of the skewer shop in a word, and they did not separate until the sun went down. Dou Xunche stood up the coquettish celery for a long time, and this meeting has already faded. Dou Xun paid attention to the advertisements of various home economic centers all the way, and secretly used the function of remembering them. He went back in the evening and played them one by one. He wrote down the approximate salary of each family. The next day, he made a table and took it. Present a treasure to Xu Xilin.

After Xu Xilin read it, he lay on his back on the bed, put the form on his face, and pondered for a long time: "Let's talk about it."

He can't hide in a corner forever and be his weak little master.

Xu Xilin pulled the paper off his face, and was about to say something to Dou Xun, but found that his gaze was not quite right. Xu Xilin stretched out his hand and found that he stretched too much, and a waist was exposed under the t-shirt.

Dou Xun looked away erratically.

Xu Xilin: "..."

Then he gave a weird smirk, turned over and sat up, patted Dou Xun on the chair, put his arm on his shoulder, turned on the computer, and whispered, "Show you something fun."

Dou Xun didn't react at first, and then found that Xu Xilin had called up a hidden folder, which suddenly became bad. He bumped Xu Xilin with his shoulder and said with a red face, "Go away!"

Xu Xilin: "Hey, do you know? Well, boy."

Dou Xun desperately tried to stand up and run away, but Xu Xi was dying to stop him from moving, and the two of them fought between the tables and chairs. In the end, Dou Xunxiao's half-year fighting training showed phased results. He pressed Xu Xilin's two hands on the table.

Xu Xilin refused to admit defeat easily, rubbed his fingers on the table little by little, and then quickly pressed the mouse while Dou Xun was not paying attention.

The cheerful bgm sounded in the stereo, the Japanese woman in the swimsuit blinked desperately outside the screen, and several limited shots were beautifully spread out in the trailer.

Dou Xun: "..."

Xu Xilin was lying on the table with a smile, feeling that he could point to Dou Xun's indescribable expression and be happy for half a year.

Just then, there was a knock on the door.

The two were excited at the same time, Xu Xilin hurriedly closed the video, and looked at Dou Xun in a panic, as if cheating.

Grandma Xu: "Xiao Lin? Oh, what door is closed early in the morning? I can't hear so many calls."

Xu Xilin hurried over and went downstairs with his grandmother: "Why did you go upstairs? What should I do if I fall?"

"Grandma has something I want to tell you." Grandma Xu said slowly and softly.

Xu Xilin: "What's the matter? You said."

Grandma: "I mean, look, there aren't many people in our family. We live in such a big room, and it's hard to clean up. I have to climb the stairs to help you say a word..."

Xu Xilin was stunned: "You mean..."

Grandma Xu: "Can we move to another place to live?"

Xu Xilin couldn't help but be a little anxious: "How many times have I told you, our family is rich! Wealth! It's enough to live in five stars every day, what are you doing? In the future, will we eat pickles all the time!"

Grandma Xu didn't say anything, but just looked at him helplessly, as if he was an unreasonable little brat.