Through The Strait Gates

Chapter 40: disturbed


The freshmen left for military training early, and Dou Xun could still stay at home for a while. He had no boring hobbies to kill time, and he filled himself up every day. The first thing to do in the morning was to clumsy according to the duty form behind the entrance. Do housework, then run around the community twice, buy breakfast, read one or a half of the planned books in the morning, and half a day has passed. In the afternoon, he will go to the gym in the gym to participate in the summer training camp, and he can eat it when he comes home after training. After dinner, he would spend half an hour talking with his grandmother, resting for a while, and then going back to his room to make some translation materials, and the day was over.

When Xu Xilin was in the summer vacation, Dou Xunlao felt that he was busy, and often had to give up one or two things in the schedule in order to make more time with Xu Xilin. But as soon as that person left, his busy schedule seemed to suddenly enter slow motion, and there was more time to do nothing.

Halfway through reading the book, Dou Xun thought of Xu Xilin, got up and walked around the next door, then he remembered that someone went to school, so he had to walk silently for a while.

During the training camp, Dou Xun saw his partner and found a small triangular scar on the back of his hand. He remembered that Xu Xilin also had a similar small scar on his arm... Then he was overturned by a newcomer who was one level lower than him.

He is "will not love love in his life, will love love, will hurt love." During Dou Xun's military training last year, he also walked away for a short month. I missed it at that time, but it was not so intense and unbearable.

Probably because the more he got, the more dissatisfied he became, and his thoughts were entangled in his bones like a gangrene. He didn't feel anything for the first two days, and the longer the time went on, the more his skin was broken.

Dou Xun couldn't help calling Xu Xilin.

Xu Xilin picked it up quickly, it was probably in the bedroom, the environment was very noisy, and the background sound was full of shouting and shouting. Before Dou Xun could speak, Xu Xilin asked very nervously, "What, what happened at home?"

Only then did Dou Xun realize that it was almost ten o'clock at night.

After hearing him say it was fine, Xu Xilin took a deep breath: "I'm scared to death, I can save ten years of my life by answering your call at midnight."

So although Xu Xilin didn't say that he would not be allowed to call at night, Dou Xun still took it to heart. Since then, he has never called him at night, but instead of calling him at night.

But I don't know if I'm too busy, Xu Xilin only answered the three or four calls during the day.

Usually the time of the class can be traced, but military training depends entirely on the instructor's mood. Dou Xun tried it at every o'clock in the morning and afternoon. Sometimes he listened to the phone ringing inside alone, and it hung up automatically after a while. When he was interrupted, sometimes Xu Xilin picked it up, and he couldn't say a few words in a hurry, so someone looked for him, so he had to hang up.

In addition to being lonely, Dou Xun was very puzzled. He always felt that he would not be so busy during military training. He thought: "Maybe the requirements are different for each school?"

It wasn't that Xu Xilin didn't want to talk to him.

In fact, the military training on Xu Xilin's side was not as severe as he imagined, except that he could not leave the school casually.

It is said that there is a girl next to me who has collapsed by a quarter due to ultraviolet light allergy, a quarter of dysmenorrhea, and various minor problems such as stomach cold and heatstroke. In short, two weeks have passed, and I can stand Can't make up a square.

The only child is expensive, and the school can’t afford the responsibility if something goes wrong. Halfway through the training, the freezers in all education supermarkets and canteens were urgently blocked, and the sale of cold drinks to military training students was prohibited. Then, the daily training time was changed to morning and evening. After coming out, they basically stopped practicing. The instructors also turned a blind eye to the students who couldn't support the wall, and took them to find a cool place to play songs all day long.

The school leaders who will be bloody and bloody in the future will generally emerge at such times. There are academic masters who speak on behalf of freshmen, literary young men who come to school with guitars, and rich second-generation instructors who invite beautiful girls to drink every day. The propaganda team that promotes the photos runs around the girls he treats with the camera every day, and they come back in the evening to talk about which is more beautiful.

The school's ideological and political and counselors randomly selected a group of local students and asked them to report to the school half a day in advance. As the temporary convener of the class, Xu Xilin was among them.

As soon as he arrived at the school, the counselor's eyes lit up. He was a clean boy from the north, tall and handsome. His clothes were carefully taken care of by Aunt Xu Jindu and the others. , there is no ordinary boy who just graduated from high school.

The counselor is a senior sister who stayed in the school after the administrative insurance research, and asked casually: "Where did you go to high school?"

Xu Xilin: "No. 6 Middle School."

The counselor blurted out, "I'm also from No. 6 Middle School! Hey, I didn't expect it to be my junior brother!"

The three characters "pro-teacher and brother" set the tone for Xu Xilin's four-year student cadre and annual scholarship, and also gave him the privilege of escaping training in the name of helping the counselors to run errands during military training. Soon, he was mixed in all grades. A familiar face.

Under the tree, Xu Xilin, who was helping the teachers in the infirmary to sort out the students' injuries and illnesses, quietly took out his mobile phone and quickly flipped through the call records.

A teacher in the infirmary next to him said, "Want to call your girlfriend? It's alright, let's call, we are not a training venue."

Xu Xilin smiled, didn't say anything, put the phone back in his pocket.

Xu Xilin was determined to take the opportunity of military training to cool down the relationship between himself and Dou Xun, but at the beginning, Dou Xun's phone calls always seemed to be chasing his life, so Xu Xilin had to control the frequency of his calls.

Gradually, Dou Xun didn't know if he felt something, and the frequency of phone calls decreased. When Xu Xilin remembered it, he hadn't received a call from him for two days. Xu Xilin felt quite uncomfortable, and speculated anxiously whether Dou Xun was angry. When Dou Xun was angry, he wanted to coax him, and it had become a habit.

As soon as he went to college, the counselor "feeled like acquaintance" with him again, and let him help him in everything. Xu Xilin can save seven or eight more numbers in his mobile phone every day. . But even so busy, he inevitably thinks of Dou Xun from time to time.

Twenty days after the military training ended, Xu Xilin became a very chewy black charcoal, and he was finally able to go home.

Xu Xilin was still pondering what to say to Dou Xun on the way back, but just as he was thinking about it, as soon as he opened the door, he and the grey parrot looked across the face and startled each other.

The grey parrot fell directly from its shelf, flapping its wings for a long time before standing still in shock, staring at him for a while, but didn't recognize it, so screamed: "Monster, eat my old grandson. Great!"

Xu Xilin: "..."

The summer regular program "Journey to the West" is really on the air again.

A door upstairs was pushed open with force, Dou Xun glanced at him on the stairwell, and ran downstairs aggressively.

Xu Xilin put the luggage aside, cleared his throat, and was about to say something, but Dou Xun didn't give him a chance, so he jumped up and hugged him, the two of them took two or three steps back together, and slammed into the door. On, Dou Xun didn't say anything, just kissed him directly.

Xu Xilin was almost terrified by him.

Dou Xun whispered, "Grandma is not at home."

Not at home is not enough. For Xu Xilin, the second floor is his private and his own territory. When he gets to the first floor, he always has a feeling of being in a "big crowd", especially the gray parrot is still peeping.

"I haven't showered properly for several days, don't hug me." Xu Xilin pushed him, "It's almost smelly... um..."

Dou Xun blocked his mouth.

Dou Xun's whole body was full of unease, the kiss was too warm, Xu Xilin's tongue was broken by him, and his mouth was full of blood.

Xu Xilin's uneasy and unpleasant feelings for the past few days suddenly flooded into a disaster, and he felt distressed and guilty. Let Buddha do what he did to sorry for Dou Xun, so he could only stroke Dou Xun's back repeatedly and slowly comfort him.

Dou Xun gradually loosened his grip and stared at him for a while, Xu Xilin thought for a moment that Dou Xun would question him why he didn't answer the phone, but Dou Xun didn't ask anything, his eyes were a little wet, and he said no Out of fear: "I miss you."

Xu Xilin was so congested that he threw away his reason and worries, thinking, "I'm basking in the sun for no reason, what's the matter with me? It's not a thing."

He stretched out his arms around Dou Xun and hugged him hard. Just as he was about to speak, the sound of a key being unlocked suddenly came from the door.

The two were startled at the same time, Xu Xilin suddenly forgot the words, and looked at the door together with a guilty conscience.

Grandma Xu slowly pushed open the door and came in: "Xiao Lin just entered the door?"

Xu Xilin's blood was still on his limbs, and he smiled stiffly, but didn't say a word at the time.

Dou Xun's expression darkened, he leaned over and picked up his luggage and went upstairs.

The unease in his heart was as tight as a taut string before Xu Xilin went home, and it was only loosened after a kiss. At this moment, the string hummed, and Dou Xun thought: "Hiding and hiding. , can't see the light."

Xu Xilin accompanies her grandmother to talk to her heartily, and runs back to the second floor on the grounds that she has to take a shower.

He rushed for a while in a chaotic manner, and halfway through the wash, he was alarmed by the door bang. Xu Xilin looked back and found that Dou Xun had come in quietly.

Dou Xun quickly covered a layer of water mist, took out a plastic paper bag from his pocket, and took out a bottle of lubricant from the bathroom locker, silently asking Xu Xilin.

Xu Xilin: "..."

When did you hide it!

Dou Xun accepts anything quickly, including shamelessness. In a very short period of time, he was able to do a lot of research on something that he knew nothing about, including how to be shameless.

Xu Xilin wanted to say that grandma was still downstairs, but when he saw Dou Xun's eyes, he couldn't say anything.

This time it was much smoother than last time, but even though they knew that grandma wouldn't come up if she was okay, and the soundproofing of the house was good, the two teenagers still had the feeling of having an affair in public.

Dou Xun seems to have the heart to vent and seek proof, and he is depressed and intense.

In this way, Xu Xilin's "cold and cold" plan failed to keep up with the changes and ended without a hitch.