Through The Strait Gates

Chapter 41: Unhappy party


In the end, Xu Xilin did not agree to let Dou Xun run every day-because he couldn't run himself in the first place.

The last two people usually take turns to come back, and they can only see each other on holidays.

Different time periods have different textures of time.

In high school, time was a rusty cog, one turn and two spaces back. Getting up every morning is "dead", and at night after self-study and get out of class is "alive", a week is equal to a finger-thick test paper, it is equivalent to staring at the math teacher's face a dozen times, and the foundation is slowly penetrated by oil, which is equivalent to six The night self-study that I wanted to sleep and couldn't sleep.

When you get to college, time becomes a wild horse that can cross 180,000 gaps in one step. A week is equivalent to a drunken dream, equivalent to organizing a silly bubbling club activity, equivalent to being pressed by a counselor to listen to a party class... equivalent to meeting Dou Xun.

For Xu Xilin, a semester in high school lasted half a lifetime, and a semester in freshman year only took one bite of food—it was still swallowed whole, and it was winter vacation without chewing it out.

My grandmother didn't like to stay at home anymore. She joined the elderly activity group in the community and became a popular actress. It is said that many old ladies stared at what she was wearing, and followed behind to learn.

Grey Parrot is obsessed with TV dramas, and enjoys watching the "18-year-old sky", and makes trouble every day if it is not broadcast.

Xu Xilin recognized both his own college and the college next door. As soon as he entered the school gate, people who greeted him could line up from the school gate to the dormitory building.

Dou Xun did the math, and found that he had been throwing away the untouched scholarships and the little money he earned from translating materials for the teacher, and he actually had some savings. Grandma bought a new pair of earrings, a bloody down jacket for Xu Xilin, and a huge and luxurious bird cage for the parrot.

Grandma put away the earrings with a smile, stroking Dou Xun's dog's head and telling him "such a good thing should be worn on New Year's Day" - Xu Xilin is like a mirror in her heart, she doesn't have to go out on New Year's Eve, and her grandmother doesn't need to care too much in her own home Image, Dai Dai should be coaxing children.

The grey parrot's reaction was much more straightforward. Others ate meat for the New Year, and it received a cage for the New Year! "The bird in the barbed window" didn't say a word, and shouted "Ow Ow" in anger.

Xu Xilin didn't know whether to laugh or cry when he received the down jacket - there is a saying that "it's best to be aggressive in the cold winter and twelfth lunar month", a coat and a scarf will be able to resist the wind at night. Back then, in order to make him wear an extra pair of long pants, Aunt Du was able to jump and chase out of the Eighth Street, so what kind of evil was a down jacket

It's not cold in the city, and it's not that women are afraid of catching a cold. Men only need to be handsome and handsome. In Xu Xilin's view, men wearing down jackets and padded jackets are basically equal to "roughness".

But Dou Xun came to give it to him as if offering a treasure. Xu Xilin didn't know what to say, so he had to wear it to him on the spot. When he looked back in the mirror, he found that the male god had turned into a male bear. It was the first time he saw such a naive side of himself.

The next day, he was going out to prepare the New Year's gifts. Xu Xilin was angry at the down jacket for half a minute, picked it up and put it down, and finally succumbed to the two choices of "going out to be embarrassed" and "doujiner's temper with him again". The former, with a long sigh, wrapped the down jacket around his body.

Xu Xilin was wearing a down jacket like a silkworm, riding a bicycle with a back seat installed, and regretting not wearing sunglasses while walking.

"It's too shabby." Xu Xilin thought.

After wearing it for a few days, he learned to put his hands on his sleeves without a teacher.

As soon as he came home from the winter vacation, Xu Xilin's mobile phone started ringing non-stop - he had not participated in any spare time activities during the holidays for a whole semester. Dou Xun regarded all his weekends as "his own time", and no one was allowed to touch it. Over time, Xu Xilin had to use "the old man is not taken care of at home" as a shield, and became the "hardest person to hire" in the legends of the rivers and lakes. When he was on vacation, a lot of people came to ask him out more and more bravely, some called him to go out on the field, asked him to party, and asked him to go back to school to play ball...

Every time his phone rang, Dou Xun would look at him sensitively, with an expression ready to turn his face at any time, and when he heard Xu Xilin's rambling refusal, he pretended to be nothing to do.

Dou Xun didn't let him go out, he didn't want to play with strangers, and he didn't want Xu Xilin to leave himself and go out with others. He had this symptom when he was in No. 6 Middle School, but it wasn't serious. At that time, he felt awkward. But there is still some measure. Now that Xu Xilin has become his "own", and he is basically responsive to his needs, Dou Xun is gradually being pushed by his habit, and he is very rude to occupy all his time.

Except for the more than ten days of winter vacation in the third year of high school, Xu Xilin rarely stayed at home all the time, feeling that he was about to grow hairy because of Dou Xun's suffocation - finally, Lao Cheng saved him with a phone call.

When Dou Xun saw him say a few words, his eyes suddenly lit up, he put down the receiver and asked, "Grandpa and the others are back, and they want to go to the suburbs for barbecue the day after tomorrow, will you go?"

This one can go, Lao Cheng and they are rare common acquaintances of Dou Xun and Xu Xilin.

They made an appointment for part-time workers to clean and cook. Xu Xilin and the others said hello to their grandmother and went to attend the first general meeting of the "Grandpa" kebab shop. Yu Yan's uncle works in a government office in the northern suburbs. , promised to take them to the horse farm for barbecue.

Lao Cheng said that he was in charge of the traffic, and that morning, the little Xiali that was driven by his father came.

Wu Tao was already in the car, his hair shaved shorter than that of a juvenile delinquent, and he greeted them with his white teeth.

Xu Xilin first asked, "How are you, uncle", and then looked around: "Can this car fit in? I'll have to pick it up later."

There are four people in the back seat. If there are four little girls, even the rest of them are still included, and none of them can be related to "petite".

"Sit down, it's not far from our work unit, I'll just walk over there," Lao Cheng's father got out of the car with a smile, took his briefcase, and turned around and asked Lao Cheng, "You just got your driver's license, drive slowly, Don't be in a hurry to turn off the fire on the road, it's okay to bump it and rub it, Dad is all in danger!"

After saying that, he left.

Xu Xilin: "..."

He kind of knew where the old 250 came from.

Xu Xilin was about to get into the car when Dou Xun grabbed him.

Dou Xun: "I'll sit in the middle."

Of course, the position of the co-pilot is reserved for Yu Yu. The Xiali car is very narrow, and it is very difficult for three people to sit in the back row. There is no place for legs in the middle. After a long time, it will be very uncomfortable. Xu Xilin was naive at the beginning. Thinking that Dou Xun felt sorry for him, he said casually, "It's okay, you can sit on the side."

Dou Xun stubbornly pressed the door and refused to let him.

Wu Tao happily stuck his head out of the car: "Come on, Daxian'er sits next to me, I'll get some fairy energy!"

Xu Xilin: "..."

It was only then that he realized Dou Xun's reluctance to let him sit next to others, and he suddenly became worried - he felt that the symptoms of Dou Xing'er were getting more and more serious, and it was about to be cured.

A few people finally pulled out their seats, got into the car, and Lao Cheng started the ignition confidently... It took five minutes, but he couldn't put the gear on.

Xu Xilin was even more worried and asked Lao Cheng, "Can you do it?"

Lao Cheng patted his chest: "No problem! Look at you, move? I said no problem... "

While talking, Xiali just dawdled to the gate of Xu Xilin's community, and a car about 20 miles drove across. Xu Xilin reminded: "Stop bragging, watch the car."

Lao Cheng took a closer look, and uttered a "fuck" in shock. He slammed on the brakes when he was more than 50 meters away from the car, and immediately turned off the car. The driver on the other side walked with them slowly. Passing by, he turned his head to look at them rather strangely.

Wu Tao began to shout, "Let me go! I'll go!"

Xu Xilin felt that he might need to write a suicide note in advance.

Only Dou Xun said very calmly: "With your crawling speed just now, plus the reaction time, the braking distance will not exceed three meters, half the body is almost the same, calm down."

Lao Cheng turned around and asked Dou Xun in shock, "Da Xian'er, can you drive?"

Dou Xun paused for a moment, then answered boldly, "No, theoretically it should be possible."

He has studied the structure of motor vehicles. When he was a child, when his grandfather took him to a relative's house, he drove a tractor once.

Lao Cheng: "Then I will go to a place where no one will drive for you?"

The tractor driver Dou Xun thought for a while, then nodded reservedly: "Alright."

Xu Xilin had experienced what his so-called "theoretically possible" level was, and he felt tired all of a sudden. He felt that there was nothing they dared not do with their bean paste. Wanting to try everything, he immediately grabbed Dou Xun who was eager to try: "You let me live two more years, baby."

Everyone was in no mood to chat. Yu still held the little Buddha in front of her chest and crammed her feet, begging for blessings. After countless times of stalling, going the wrong way, and merging, I didn’t miss it. After turning the corner, the group finally reached their destination alive.

Yu Yan's uncle was very reliable. He waited for them at an intersection and took them to a private horse farm. The horse farm was well-equipped. There were children in protective gear who learned the essentials of movements from the coach, and on the artificial ice rink. Ice skating, along the ice rink, is a row of special barbecue areas, the meat is ordered in advance with the horse farm, and it has been skewered into skewers and marinated.

"We already have 2,000 in our card." Lao Cheng practiced his skills in advance, and he cooked meat for everyone. "At this rate, I think there will be seven or eight years. We really have fun."

Xu Xilin has been running around for more than half a year, and he was restricted by Dou Xun again. The news was not well-informed, and he quickly asked: "What did you say about Lao Cai, is there any result?"

Lao Cheng: "I went to see Qilixiang two days ago. I heard that it was sentenced. I heard that it is not serious. It is either 18 years or 15 years."

Several people fell silent together. For a group of young people who were not yet twenty years old, eighteen years was almost half a lifetime. Dou Xun took a piece of chicken heart from Xu Xilin's hand, and thought extremely in his heart: "If it were me, I would simply die, and if I came back and reincarnated, I could be admitted to the university again."

However, after all, he was a year older and understood a little more than before. He only thought about it in his heart and didn't say it.

"Don't talk about this," Wu Tao said. "The big guy finally came out to play once, can you say something happy? Is your school fun? Hey, the group, please explain first, how many girlfriends do you have?"

Xu Xilin laughed and scolded: "Go away!"

In order to invigorate the atmosphere, Wu Tao brought his ability to attract publicity to the extreme, dancing and saying, "In the past, when Xu Tuanzuo came out with the basketball in his arms, don't care who the ball is thrown into the basket, the little girl below..."

Dou Xun chewed a piece of brittle bone and squatted beside him with an expressionless face to listen. Xu Xilin always felt that Wu Tao might be in trouble with him, so he opened his mouth and stepped on the thunder, and quickly interrupted: "Fuck off, where's the little girl— There are two girls in our major. One left school just two months after the start of school due to illness, and the other could not bear the psychological pressure of being noticed by the teacher after skipping classes, and was thinking about changing majors. This year, there was a car accident in the next class during the National Day holiday, and in two days, I have to call my classmates one by one according to the address book to prevent them from having an accident.”

"We have to fight too!" Yu said, "hissing", still holding a baked apple in his mouth. "Some time ago, someone drank too much and drowned in the lake. A fence has been installed next to the school's artificial lake."

Love and accidental death are my favorite topics at the end of the second year of middle school. Lao Cheng said slowly: "A graduate student in our school jumped off the building this year. Some said that he could not graduate, and some said that he was dumped. He went upstairs. He threatened that woman, but his ex-girlfriend didn't come, and he stumbled and fell."

"There's really nothing new in a serious university like you, and I'll tell you a long-sighted person," Wu Tao poked the small bamboo stick on the ground after eating, and said with a beaming expression, "We live in a dormitory with sixteen rooms on the first floor, and on the third floor. The 307 facing the stairwell is locked. I heard that a boy died in the last session and became a murderer..."

Everyone: "Cut-"

Each school has its own campus ghost story, and the structure of the campus ghost stories in each school is similar. It often starts with "a certain classroom/dormitory is locked", interspersed with a certain playground or library built in On the mass graves... Maybe all the mass graves all over the country were later used for the construction of universities.

"Don't laugh, I haven't finished talking yet!" Wu Tao took a photo on Yu Yanyan and Xu Xilin's heads, "As a result, one day, when we came back from training in the afternoon, we saw a posthumous photo was placed at the door of 307, next to it. Putting a circle of flowers, the dormitory knows it and hurried upstairs to take someone to clean it up. I heard a brother in our dormitory say that the flower was placed by the dead person, he was dissatisfied with the school, and deliberately disgusted the school. "

Yu Yu was still at a loss: "What? What did you say?"

"Then what is... Hey, you girls don't understand, go away, don't listen!" Wu Tao pulled Yu Yuan away with a little weird excitement and secret, and said in a low voice, "The one who died was the one in the dormitory with them. People, I didn't go home during the holiday, what happened in the dormitory."

He made a very obscene gesture: "Two men, understand? Then another person happened to go back to the school to do some errands. He opened the door and saw it. He stabbed them into the school, and the school punished the two of them one by one. There is one I can't think of..."

Wu Tao shrugged contemptuously, spreading his hands.