Through The Strait Gates

Chapter 42: Second conflict


Wu Tao used a body movement to express his secrecy that "everything is done without words", and then waited for someone to pick up the conversation, so that he could continue to express his opinions.

But unfortunately, no one paid him any attention.

Yu still may not understand at all, Lao Cheng doesn't like to talk behind his back, and even Xu Xilin didn't give him face this time - Xu Xilin was concentrating on spreading cumin on a bunch of skewers, evenly and moderately, comparable to a professional level.

Wu Tao was a little bored, and was about to interrupt his embarrassment when he heard Dou Xun say, "What's the matter?"

Wu Tao was stunned. First, he didn't expect him to answer, and second, he didn't expect him to answer like this.

"No one is in the dormitory building during the holidays, and it's not in front of people. When you have no one in the school holidays, you invite your girlfriend to come over for a night and you're fired?" Dou Xun said without raising his eyelids, "If it were me, I would If I don’t die, I have to go to the Education Bureau and ask myself which school rule I have broken.”

Wu Tao thought he didn't understand the spirit, and sneered: "Student Dou Xun, you deserted in class just now, didn't you pay attention to the lecture? If only you had a girlfriend, and whoever has nothing to report them, it's two men..."

Dou Xun glanced at him, and Wu Tao inexplicably saw condescending contempt in his eyes.

"I heard," Dou Xun said indifferently, "What's wrong with homosexuality, raped you?"

"Dou Xun," Xu Xilin said before Wu Tao turned his face, "you say it again, can you hear yourself speaking like a human?"

Dou Xun's neck stiffened for a while, but he finally lowered his head, and Ai didn't answer.

Wu Tao was angry, and he stretched out his hand and patted Dou Xun's back a few times: "Dude, I know you're a coward, you can't have the same knowledge as you, don't do this when you go outside, or you'll be beaten up at that time. I don't know where to get you."

After Xu Xilin said a few words to Dou Xun, his interest was not high. After two bites of meat skewers, he lost his appetite. After grilling a lot, he handed it to Dou Xun.

Dou Xun has committed his "site disease" again for some reason. Xu Xilin handed him the meat skewers. He would not refuse the meat skewers that came to him. He would eat as much as he wanted. meaning to others.

In the end, Xu Xilin came back to his senses and was shocked for a moment by the bamboo sticks all over the place, and asked him, "You ate it all? How much did you eat?"

Dou Xun didn't answer, just said, "It hurts a little bit."

"A little stomachache" is a euphemism, Yu still roughly counted the number of bamboo sticks, and felt that his stomach didn't burst on the spot, which already showed that his physical fitness was good.

Others were also shocked. Lao Cheng said, "Is the craftsmanship of the group seat able to get three Michelin stars? Dou Xun... Would you like to stand up and take two steps?"

As soon as Dou Xun stood up, the cold sweat broke out, and he couldn't straighten his waist a little, his face was ugly and a little scary.

"What's the situation? Brothers, do people like you who are particularly good at studying have some defects in other aspects?" Wu Tao gloated and said tactfully, "Hey, I don't think I can go to the hospital, right? It's not a joke. Yes, the old fart Zheng in the TV series seems to be dying."

Yu still: "... Brother Tao, shut up."

A group of young people went out to play, and no one had any medicines on them. They couldn't even find a stomach and digestion tablet. In the end, they had no choice. A few people had to end the party in a hurry, and hurried back to send the stomach pain antrum. find back.

The driver, Lao Cheng, comes with a lot of hands, and when he goes back, he is unlikely to practice the driving skills. .

Dou Xun was stunned by his wonderful driving skills and wanted to vomit all the time, but he refused to be embarrassed in front of outsiders, so he had to endure it with concentration.

One is tummy trouble and the other is vomit. This sounds like a minor problem, incomparable to a real injury, but probably only the person involved knows where the "knife" hangs above the "forbearance" word. It takes inhuman perseverance to hold back.

Halfway through the road, Dou Xun felt so uncomfortable that he pushed the car door and got under the wheel, so he grabbed Xu Xilin's hand hanging on one side.

Xu Xilin hurriedly asked: "Why, do you feel sick? Let Lao Cheng stop by the road."

Lao Cheng quickly added: "Yes, I may not be able to drive if I drive, parking is the best."

Dou Xun shook his head, wanting to laugh with him, but he really didn't have the strength to hold the corner of his mouth. After a cold sweat on his back, his ears began to buzz, so he had to count the time his breathing took.

Wu Tao and Yu still turned their heads to look at him and asked him how he was doing, and then Dou Xun felt Xu Xilin wriggle slightly and pulled his hand out of his.

Dou Xun tilted his head and glanced at him, and saw Xu Xilin looking out the window.

The trees on both sides hung lifeless pictures, and they flew back in rows. A straight road stretched into the distance, and the farther it went, the narrower it became. Their tattered little Xiali seemed to be pinching to death all the time. drill in the alley.

Dou Xun's heart flickered for a while, his stomach that had been churning a while ago was suddenly frozen, unconscious, and hung there heavy, becoming a lifeless wine bag and rice bag.

The next moment, Xu Xilin seemed to realize that what he did just now was hurtful, he came back to his senses, and patted Dou Xun's back lightly with his free hand, as if he wanted to go before Dou Xun's beginning was not a good experience. Find back some more.

But it was too late.

After finally reaching home, Dou Xun got out of the car and turned to leave. Xu Xilin had to quickly say goodbye to his classmates: "I'll treat you next time, let's meet another day."

Lao Cheng: "I know, you hurry up and take a look."

Xu Xilin waved at him helplessly and ran away.

Dou Xun went back to his room, didn't come to the door, turned around and rushed into the bathroom, spitting out all the food he couldn't digest before, but he almost emptied the bile out of stock.

Xu Xilin knocked on his door anxiously outside, Dou Xun put his hands on his knees and stood for a long time with his eyes down, dumbly listening to Xu Xilin calling him outside.

"What kind of door do you lock when it's fine during the day? Are you sick? Open it for me!"

"Bean paste, open the door!"

"Dou Xun!"

Dou Xun didn't move, as if he was deaf. Xu Xilin knocked for a while and couldn't open it. He kicked his door angrily, then turned and walked away. The breath in Dou Xun's chest quickly dissipated, he bent down, his shoulders collapsed, he breathed heavily for a moment, staggered, rinsed his mouth and washed his hands, and then turned on the shower again to clean himself up.

Their showers are powered by both solar energy and electricity, which can guarantee sufficient hot water for 24 hours. The day is clear and sunny, the clouds are clear and the wind is clear, and the water temperature is a little hot from the sun. Take a shower in hot water.

The hot water scalded his whole body red, only his chest was still cold, like swallowing a lump of ice, stuck there relentlessly.

In the past, Dou Xun could still understand Xu Xilin's face. At that time, Xu Xilin was happy when he was happy, and he would turn his face and quarrel on the spot when he was unhappy... Although he would quickly adjust to the reasoning channel after the quarrel. But this year and a half passed, Xu Xilin's joy and anger on his face became less and less.

Will people who go to college change? Dou Xun didn't know, anyway, he didn't feel any change in him.

But since Xu Xilin's military training started, Dou Xun has been feeling a strong sense of unease all the time. He still remembers that Xu Xi temporarily didn't answer his phone at that time, and even brought him to Dou Xun the moment he just returned home. A strange feeling, Dou Xun has an indescribable feeling that there is a very thin line between the two of them. On the surface, they are tied together. It will become longer and thinner in the future. It will break, and he will never see where that person goes.

Now he is still in school, and he is barely considered a "child". It's okay to live in Xu's house with a shy face, and it's okay to live in Xu's house for three years... two and a half years later.

One day Xu Xi bothered him and couldn't bear him anymore

Who can bear to be sneaky for a lifetime

Dou Xun had never thought about these things before, he would only subconsciously drag and dominate Xu Xilin, guarding his golden bricks like a miser.

When it was getting late, Dou Xun heard the door slamming over Xu Xilin's side. He knew that he was going to pick up his grandmother from the elderly activity center, and he would also buy something by the way. He stood by the window and watched. He saw Xu Xilin leaving the courtyard and left his room. In the living room, I saw Xu Xilin putting the pills there.

Xu Xilin picked up his grandmother and went to make dinner. Now he can make a normal home-cooked dish within half an hour.

Grandma Xu asked strangely, "How could Xiaoxun not come to dinner?"

"Oh, he..." Xu Xilin paused, "I was eating skewers outside at noon and broke it."

When grandma heard it, she stood up and said, "I'll go take a look."

"Don't move, don't move, I'll go." Xu Xilin hurriedly pressed her to sit down, thought about it, and brought another bowl of millet porridge upstairs.

This time Dou Xun didn't use him to knock on the door, he knocked twice and it opened.

Xu Xilin didn't know what to say for a while, and handed the porridge forward: "Drink some?"

Dou Xun was silent for a while, and finally let him in.

Xu Xilin glanced at the empty medicine box, found a place to sit down, neither of them said a word, until Dou Xun put the empty bowl gently aside, Xu Xilin came back to his senses and blurted out: "I It doesn't mean that."

"It doesn't mean anything?" Dou Xun asked, "I don't mean to prove that you are not gay, or do you mean to distance yourself from me?"

Xu Xilin stuck for a moment. By this time, he already knew why Dou Xun had been fighting with him for an afternoon. He wanted to reveal the matter tacitly, but Dou Xun returned him to ask him the truth.

Xu Xilin lowered his voice: "Then what else do you want? Tell the world?"

The veins on Dou Xun's forehead bulged slightly, but he remained silent.

Xu Xilin sighed and softened his tone: "Does your stomach still hurt? Who do you think you are arguing with?"

Dou Xun said coldly, "I don't give anything you handed me to anyone. I'll chop off anyone's hand if you touch it."

Xu Xilin: "..."

He pressed his forehead wearily, feeling that Dou Xun's second cancer might have spread. He pinched his knuckles one by one, counting his breaths until he counted to ten, only then did Xu Xilin feel that his breathing became calmer, he stood up and walked to Dou Xun's side, reached out to hold Dou Xun's chin, and rubbed it. His livid cheeks: "When we are weak and weak, no matter what we do, we always have to avoid it, but it will not always be like this. When one day, I will become stronger and have the right to speak, so I don't have to take advantage of the holiday to do what I want to do. Who can fire you when you sneak up in the student dormitory? Then you won't have to worry about what other people say, right?"

Dou Xun always knew that Xu Xilin's words were better than his singing, but he refused to listen to his tricks. He said very shyly, "If you open it, go back and retake the test. If you go back to another school, is there only one university in China?"

For Dou Xun, all his successes came too easily. He could go to the best university at any time, get a scholarship at any time, and study abroad at any time—as long as he wanted to. It's too easy to come, and he doesn't know how to cherish it at all.

Xu Xilin was speechless and thought to himself: "Coax, otherwise what should I do?"

He lowered his head against Dou Xun's forehead and gently kissed Dou Xun's nose: "Okay, you're right—do you want porridge? I'll serve you another bowl?"

Back then, when Dou Junliang left Dou Xun in his hometown, he spoke so nicely when he didn't pay attention to him for many years. Dou Xun still remembers that Dou Junliang bought him an imported game console that was very expensive at the time. When he was leaving, he half-squatted on the ground, looking so reluctant, telling him to be obedient, to be filial to his grandparents, and saying, "Dad now I'm busy with work, and your mother is not here, so I can't take care of you, but it won't always be like this, when I finish my work, we'll go home right away, Dad promises."

But people's guarantee, but when the upper lip touches the lower lip, how much credit is there

Dou Xun had a five-point anger, but Xu Xilin accidentally rubbed it into ten points. He suddenly pulled Xu Xilin's collar down, pressed it down with brute force, and was accustomed to lying on the bed, tearing him up without saying a word. clothes.

Xu Xilin just came up to deliver a bowl of porridge. The door was still closed. Grandma was still downstairs waiting for him to reply. Unexpectedly, when Dou Xun said he was crazy, he went crazy. He didn't even dare to speak too loudly. Xun stretched his hand into his shirt: "Are you crazy? Let go!"

Dou Xun paused for a moment, then squeezed hard on his chest. Xu Xilin hunched over, grabbed a pillow from the bed, and gave Dou Xun an elbow across the pillow.

Dou Xun touched his chin. Even with a pillow as a cushion, he was stunned for a moment. Xu Xilin angrily lifted him down, clutching his chin and leaning to one side.

Xu Xi straightened himself in the face of Shen Shishui, glanced at Dou Xun, and left without even taking the bowl.

"Have a virtue with Dou Junliang." Dou Xun thought sarcastically.