Through The Strait Gates

Chapter 43: reluctantly


Xu Xilin ignored Dou Xun for half a month. He used to accompany Dou Xun at home, but now he leaves early and returns late every day, and no one is seen. He even invites his part-time worker auntie back to cook. Since Xu Xilin has the ability to fiddle with home-cooked meals, as long as he is at home, the part-time worker does not need to be used.

The two of them usually quarreled, but never had a cold war with each other. Mainly for those trivial matters, Xu Xilin's temperament is not that big, and he will solve the problem by himself after he calms down, and he never has to worry about Dou Xun. But suddenly one day, Xu Xilin didn't want to solve the problem, and Dou Xun was stunned.

At the beginning, Dou Xun hated Xu Xilin as Dou Junliang, but the hatred built on a momentary anger lacked a foundation. He was a little calmer, and soon disappeared in a panic.

Sometimes Xu Xilin came back late, and he didn't even go upstairs, so he slept in Xu Jin's original study. One day, he went upstairs to get something in the middle of the night. The footsteps were very light, but he still disturbed Dou Xun, who had not closed the door. Dou Xun jumped up and rushed to the door while he was half asleep. Xu Xilin was face to face.

Xu Xilin glanced at him and paused for a while, as if he was intentionally listening to what he wanted to say, but unfortunately Dou Xun dropped the chain and was dumbfounded for a while, without saying a word.

Xu Xilin then took the blanket to the door and went downstairs without looking back.

He is not like Dou Xun, his heart fires come and go quickly. Although he is also angry with many things for a while, most of them don't go to his heart. If Dou Xun could take the initiative to show his favor, he would also be willing to stay rational and listen, but unfortunately Dou Xun didn't seem to have unlocked this function.

Xu Xilin was so sleepy that he couldn't open his eyes, and he was not in the mood to coax Dou Xun any more, not to mention that he was accommodating to him every time, even doing some intimate things occasionally, he was really tired.

He was very upset by Dou Xun. It just so happened that he didn't bother with Dou Xun these days, so he just freed up his time and energy to do something serious - the things they sell in the school education supermarket are very expensive, especially the exaggerated fruit, which is shrunken and not fresh. All of them are mixed in, which is about 20% higher than the market price.

However, the geographical location is unique. Students want to eat some fruit when they go back to the dormitory after class. They usually don’t bother to go outside the school to pick and choose. Usually, they just buy a few when they pass by the education supermarket. Anyway, the quality of school life is not high. Even if you are so hungry at night, you can eat cucumber slices pickled with salt and salt with relish, and stale fruit is nothing.

Xu Xilin saw some business opportunities from this. He planned to make a very simple website for a few students from the computer college next door. He also stepped on the fruit supermarkets and fruit stalls within 3 kilometers of the school gate, and picked a few good ones. As a partner, more and more students bring laptops to school in the school recently. At that time, they can order fresh fruit directly online, and after ordering, it will be delivered directly to the dormitory. A group of princesses and emperors who have just left home are in trouble.

Business planning is easy to figure out. There are creative visionaries all over the world. If you walk around the coffee shop, you can hear a lot of good ideas. Unfortunately, only ideas are not enough. Xu Xilin started the class after the college entrance examination. At that time, I began to think about what to do, and I spent a semester thinking about it - first, how to promote it, how to make students accept and get used to this stuff, and then someone places an order, who will deliver the fruit? The owner of the fruit stall will definitely not do it, so he has to find someone to do it, who should he find, and how much should he pay? And if the business is booming, how can there be so many students in the school? And most importantly, the school strictly prohibits boys from entering the women's dormitory building. If there is no female delivery boy, how can it be delivered to the girls? And how to ensure the preservation of fruits, especially cut fruits? Wait, wait... Xu Xilin was doing the preparatory work and solving the possible problems one by one, and he was very busy.

When you're busy, time goes faster. Xu Xilin used his home as a time hotel for most of the winter vacation, and showed up on the evening of the New Year's Eve.

The family prepared a lot of New Year's goods, but the New Year was not very lively. Even the gray parrot felt that the atmosphere at home was not good, and they stopped talking. They flew back to the shelf early and concentrated on eating melon seeds.

Xu Xilin ordered the New Year's Eve dinner from outside more than a month in advance. At first, he wanted to make dumplings with his grandmother Dou Xun to join in the fun. When the New Year was approaching, he was in no mood at all, so he simply cooked a bag of quick-frozen make-up.

The New Year's Eve dinner ordered a month in advance was very rich, and no one had any appetite, so it was very poor, and it was withdrawn after hastily eaten. My grandmother was getting old and her energy was low. The language programs in the Spring Festival Gala were mostly based on northern dialects. She could only listen to the general meaning and couldn't keep up with the jokes. After a while, she felt boring, so she went back to the house and took Two red envelopes came out, and one person gave one.

"Put them under the pillow when you sleep at night," Grandma instructed rambled, "Press down on the age of the villain, let you grow up slowly, don't rush."

Young people in their twenties can still receive the New Year's money, but they often don't receive it so comfortably, and always feel embarrassed that the boss is not too young. Dou Xun glanced at Xu Xilin subconsciously, Xu Xilin was also a little embarrassed, and coughed dryly: "Grandma, such an adult, this..."

"Take it well, take it well," Grandma Xu slapped the red envelope on his forehead involuntarily. "The new year is off to a good start. The New Year's money has to be collected. I can't hold back the age of the villain. Isn't the old man going to go?"

Xu Xilin: "..."

Don't talk nonsense, just take it.

Grandma Xu stuffed another red envelope into Dou Xun, reached out and tapped on his forehead: "How old is such a big man? How old is he still angry every minute, and then reconciled every minute? When I can't see it, This year's leisure time can't be brought to next year, the red envelopes are collected, hurry up and laugh, don't make any noise, hear?"

While embarrassed, Dou Xun secretly looked at Xu Xilin. Xu Xilin had no expression on his face, but just responded. Grandma Xu ordered the two of them and went to rest by herself. Xu Xilin watched her settle down and dimmed the lights in the living room. The volume of the TV was lowered, and when he turned around, he saw Dou Xun staring at him nervously.

Dou Xun was confused. At first, he couldn't let himself down. He didn't want to lower his head first. Later, he didn't know how to lower his head, so he had to wait for Xu Xilin to speak. Xu Xilin lowered his head and thought for a while, tore open a bag of pistachios on the table, grabbed a handful for Grey Parrot, and handed the rest to Dou Xun.

In Dou Xun's heart, the three-story-high rock slammed back to the ground with a bang - Xu Xilin handed him a step to the end, which was considered a reconciliation.

Grandma went to rest, and the two of them still had to keep a vigil at the party. The New Year's Eve in the city was very boring. Outside people all day long, people said that firecrackers were going to be lifted. of. When Xu Xilin was a child, Auntie Du would buy a lot of "happy balls"—that kind of small balloons—the whole family would blow him up during the day, and let him smash them on New Year's night. Later, when he got older, he canceled such a childish game, and New Year's Eve became quieter every year.

It was so quiet that Xu Xilin was half asleep on the sofa after a while.

Dou Xun quietly took a blanket to cover him, and then sat on the side lightly. After sitting for a while, he carefully clasped Xu Xilin's hand on one side. There are thin calluses on his fingers, and his palm is warm, which is an addictive temperature.

After a while, Xu Xilin's neck was uncomfortable from the sofa, and he thought he was on the bed in a daze. Xu Xilin actually woke up. His eyes fell on the coffee table next to the sofa. The water in the glass was brightly illuminated by the TV. The sound of the Spring Festival Overture came from the TV, and he was reading New Year's congratulations from all over the world.

Xu Xilin didn't move, was stunned for a while, and closed his eyes again.

Year after year, the New Year's bell rang, and the mobile phone became lively like a corpse. Some people used car horns as cannons outside, and they became popular in the cold night. Xu Xilin got up half asleep, and without looking at who it was, he replied "Thank you, let's have fun" one by one as if he had completed the task.

Dou Xun unexpectedly hugged him from behind, kissed him lightly on the side of the neck, and whispered, "Happy New Year."

Xu Xilin hesitated for a while: "... um."

The old year has passed, and the new year has begun.

On the first day of the new year, Xu Xilin went back upstairs to sleep.

Every time after a fight, Dou Xun's performance will become very good, he agrees to say anything, the whole person seems to be out of order, extra soft, and even the level of sarcasm will be downgraded. He even initially learned to "seek common ground while reserving differences"—for a short time, he disobeyed his nature of digging deep into the ground to make things clear, and he suppressed the events of that day.

Xu Xilin stayed at home for a few days, the atmosphere was calm, and the grey parrot, who was very good at looking at people's faces, was alive again, and he turned on the "naughtiness" mode again, and it didn't stop all day long.

After the seventh day of the first lunar month, the atmosphere of the Chinese New Year gradually faded away, and the small vendors on the street started to open their business one after another, and the printing field also reopened. Xu Xilin was about to start a business that he had not had time to finish before, so he made an appointment to meet him in the morning. It was early in the morning, and I planned to leave quietly. I was going back quickly. When I was changing my shoes at the door, a voice suddenly came from above my head: "Want to go out?"

When Xu Xilin looked up, Dou Xun was looking at him on the stairs.

Dou Xun seemed to have a pair of ears, Xu Xilin wondered if he fell asleep in the middle of the night and opened one eye and closed the other like an owl. This made him unpleasant to be watched - especially when he didn't want to disturb Dou Xun.

Seeing him nodding, Dou Xun wanted to ask "what are you going to do?", but the "honeymoon period" of walking on thin ice had not passed, so he was a little afraid to ask too much. ?"

Xu Xilin: "I'll be back at night."

Dou Xun: "Want something to eat? I'll go buy it."

"Anything will do," Xu Xilin said, and finally explained, "I plan to create a website for selling fruit next semester, and I will go to the printing factory to look at the promotional materials in a few years."

After Dou Xun heard his explanation, his slightly tense expression suddenly relaxed.

"I have a blueprint in my house, you can look at it." Xu Xilin followed his expression, and his speech became much more brisk, "The pipe is sent, the pipe is cut, and the pipe is cut into pieces, and a little money is paid for errands."

Dou Xun had no natural feeling about business, but after listening to it, he neither poured cold water nor raised any sharp questions, and said encouragingly: "That's good, if you win your school in the future, you can also come to liberate us. , the people of the occupied areas are fed up with apples with skins."

Xu Xilin smiled at him and waved away.

Dou Xun was like a little grass that would be bright if you gave it some sunshine. He felt happy immediately, and had a strong interest in "fruit". At that time, he went downstairs and cut two apples, cut them into small pieces and placed them in two small pieces. In the plate, I gave a plate to my grandmother, and I shared the rest with the birds.

At this time, his mobile phone vibrated, Dou Xun picked it up and saw that it was a bank balance reminder.

Dou Junliang and Zhu Xiaocheng would pay him a living allowance every year before and after the Chinese New Year. After the two of them divorced, Dou Junliang married his favorite female secret technique with big breasts and no brains. Zhu Xiaocheng took the wealth of the divorce and returned home triumphantly. Since then, he has been a quiet and rich American nun. Dou Xun's living expenses are always given on time, and even on Dou Xun's birthday, I wish Xiaocheng, the mother, will send him an extra sum of money.

Then Dou Junliang called, saying that it was Chinese New Year, and he wanted to call him out to have a meal with the family.

Dou Xun just wanted to laugh, so he was at Mr. Dou's place for a long time. It's still "family", and I don't know who is a family with whom. Usually, Dou Xun ignores such unreasonable requests, but his temperament has been flattened by Xu Xilin in the past few days. Advocatingly made up his mind: "Okay, that's it, Dad will pick you up later."

Dou Xun: "..."

Grandma Xu disliked Dou Junliang very much, even more disliked than Zheng Shuo, because she thought he was a gangster like a traitor. When she sent Dou Xun out, she told Dou Xun for a long time, and she almost said to Dou Xun, "Don't cause trouble to uncle when you go out to play", and then she said to Dou Junliang very kindly, "I trouble Mr. Dou."

Dou Junliang asked her to give her a faceless face, and it was not easy to care about an old lady face to face, so she had to eat in a sullen manner. I feel that my son will not have his last name in a few days.

The meal was not very comfortable, so Dou Junliang took the girl with her. The girl's belly was so big that it looked like she was about to give birth. When Dou Junliang asked about Dou Xun's grades, she touched her belly, her face full of motherhood. Said: "Did you hear it, baby, I will learn from my brother in the future."

Dou Junliang frowned upon hearing this. At this moment, he already regretted bringing this vase out to shame.

Dou Junliang, as a big radish who loves one, can get tired of even a beauty of Zhu Xiaocheng's level, not to mention this kind of brainless goblin with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks, just a few days after the wedding, he started eating in the bowl and looking at the pot again. , for the sake of her having children, I just gave her some face, but I didn't expect her to give her nose!

Dou Junliang smiled and put it away, put the chopsticks away, and said to Dou Xun bluntly: "You... I don't know if it's a younger brother or a younger sister. It's too early to grow up, and I don't know how. Dad is all you can count on now. , study hard, and honor your ancestors in the future, Dad's things can't be given to others, you know?"

Dou Xun was stunned for a moment, and the face of the woman next to him immediately changed.