Through The Strait Gates

Chapter 44: For a lifetime


"Your dad said that in front of her?" Xu Xilin picked up the teacup and heard something very new during the break.

He and Dou Junliang have only met once or twice, so they are not acquaintances. However, based on Dou Xun's retelling, this bear child is quite like his father.

Dou Xun was lying on his bed and flipping through an idle book: "The girl's face is as green as grass, I think Dou Junliang doesn't seem to like her that much."

Xu Xilin shook his head and took Grandma Xu as an example: "My grandma is so annoying to Zheng Shuo, she didn't talk to Zheng Shuo like that."

"Really?" Dou Xun raised his head blankly, "No? I think she treats Zheng Shuo well."

Xu Xilin didn't know how to explain to him the issues of "staying on the line" and "hitting people without hitting people in the face", so he had to skip it for the time being: "What did you say?"

Dou Xun said in a good mood: "I didn't say anything, just sneered because of the girl's anger."

Xu Xilin: "..."

Dou Xun's concept of money only stays at the level of living expenses he usually uses. This is a residual obligation of his parents, which involves the first-line kinship between them. It is the proof that he still has parents and support obligations in the future. .

In addition, Dou Xun never thought about other property, and he didn't think it had anything to do with him.

His self-esteem and feelings remained largely in the spiritual stage, not linked to the house or car.

Xu Xilin pulled his stiff back and continued to bury his head in the work at hand—he was drafting a cooperation contract. He is a major in electronic information and automation. Since he entered the school, he has only learned a lot of basic courses that he does not know if it is useful or not. He has not yet started his major, let alone the law school next door, so he had to find a contract model online. , and dug out many professional books from Xu Jin's past, and slowly picked it up bit by bit.

"Your dad is not stupid, he knows that the woman is interested in his money, and she doesn't take the half-way husband and wife as her own, her child has not been born yet, to put it in a bad way, and the DNA check is still impossible, So he won't give her anything. But it's different for you, even if you don't care about him in the future, but his blood is flowing on your body, then the wealth will not flow to outsiders." Xu Xilin explained Dou Junliang to him. What was he thinking, he added, "He may also want to compensate you. If he really gives it to you, you can continue with peace of mind, and there is nothing to lose."

Dou Xun quite disagrees with this view. He has his own set of principles for secondary school students - Dou Junliang and Zhu Xiaocheng pay to raise him to such an age that he can go to school and study. They fulfilled their legal and moral obligations to each other, and then they owed nothing to each other.

In addition, Dou Xun doesn't want to accept anything from the two of them, because he accepts additional things, he has to give back additional feelings, which means that he "concerns" and "forgives".

However, when he said this, he had to argue again. Dou Xun didn't want to quarrel with Xu Xilin recently, so he didn't say anything.

He got up, glanced at what Xu Xilin was busy with, and stretched out his hand to pick up the promotional posters and card samples that he had brought back from the printing field. It looked like that. Xu Xilin used the VIP card as a publicity card and wanted to send it to the school. , you can use the card number to log in and register, and you can enjoy a one-month free service fee.

Xu Xilin: "How is it?"

Dou Xunxin said, "It's not very good, they shouldn't buy it once the discount period is over."

But he didn't speak, and glanced at the book he had just turned. It was bought at a small book stand on the way home when he came home. It was called "How to Maintain Your Love". It was a book of various expired chicken soups. , Although Dou Xun intuitively felt that it was a rubbish book, but since he always failed in this area, he had to hold his nose and study humbly.

I read it just now. When it comes to how to express it, the first principle is to try to use a "positive" way of speaking.

So Dou Xun paused and said insincerely, "It's very... uh... creative."

Xu Xilin was waiting for him to spray, but after waiting for a long time, he almost thought that Dou Xun was mocking him: "Huh?"

Dou Xun couldn't really boast, he searched his stomach for a long time, and finally he said again: "Also... It's pretty."

Xu Xilin obviously failed to understand his spirit of encouragement. He frowned and stared at Dou Xun for a moment: "It's alright, just say what you have to say."

Dou Xun didn't dare, the two of them were reconciled just now, Dou Xun is now a kitten who was kicked by his master for no reason, he vaguely knew that he was wrong, but he didn't know what was wrong with him, so he was trembling and did not dare to stretch his claws one more time.

Xu Xilin gradually saw something in his eyes, and suddenly felt distressed.

He thought, it wasn't the first day he knew Dou Xun, could he not know what his temper was? It's a big deal to be with him for such a long time, and on closer inspection, it was indeed almost meaningless for him to break free from Dou Xun's hand that day.

Dou Xun subconsciously rolled the book in his hand, and was taken away by Xu Xilin inadvertently.

Xu Xilin's eyes stayed on the highly shameful cover for a moment, and he flipped through the contents, and he was amused.

Dou Xun's face turned red, and he reached out to grab it: "Don't be blind."

"Bean paste," Xu Xilin sighed, pulling Dou Xun, who was at a loss, into his arms, and threw the ridiculous pirated book aside, "We don't believe in this thing."

This was the first time Xu Xilin reached out to hug him after the quarrel that day. Dou Xun's heart was beating wildly for a moment, and there was a sense of relief and grievance that he had lost and found.

Xu Xilin kissed Dou Xun's eyelashes, and felt that Dou Xun's eyebrows were good-looking, and the more he looked, the better, supported by the high bridge of the nose, it was the standard eyebrows and beautiful eyes.

Dou Xun immediately pushed his nose to his face, broke free from Xu Xilin's hand, pressed him into the chair against the guest, and kissed him back and forth out of control. Xu Xilin wanted to say a few words, but he did not dodge a few times, so he had to laugh and let him go. After a while, he was out of breath.

Dou Xun's heart is warm and straightforward, capable of burning hard ice, Xu Xilin is neither stupid nor woody, of course he can feel it. He was immersed in this scorching heart. He couldn't float up to the top, and he couldn't step down to the bottom. He gradually melted into it. He thought to himself, "Just pamper him, it's nothing to pamper him for a lifetime."

King You of Zhou can play the feudal lords for the beautiful beacon, and Second Master Bao can tear apart Qingwen's fan... This "beauty" is just a little bad-tempered, far from destroying the country.

When they were arguing, Xu Xilin felt that Dou Xun was a bastard, and when it was good, Xu Xilin felt that Dou Xun was pitiful and cute, because he was too harsh on him.

After an unknown amount of time, Dou Xun let go of him, put his hands on the arm of the chair, and looked at him one by one.

Xu Xilin gently wiped Dou Xun's red lips with his fingers, and blurted out, "Don't be like this, I won't be really angry with you."

Words are like hammers, how can they blurt out

It's just that the young people's hearts are easy to be noisy and bloody, and they always don't understand this truth.

Dou Xun still didn't have a chance to say what he thought. The atmosphere was so good at that time.

Later, he wrote a letter to Xu Xilin, which was basically a love letter. He took out a tube of hard work and poured it on the paper, and then mentioned his thoughts at the end.

Xu Xilin was so smart that he understood it at one point. He quickly grasped the spirit and revised the card user instructions in time. He gave the card holder a "discounted price", promising that once registered, it will be valid for life, and then he will launch some new services at intervals, such as At the beginning, only fresh fruits were delivered, and after a while, services such as dicing and peeling were introduced, and additional packaging fees were charged.

The haze of the whole winter vacation has completely passed. Before, Xu Xilin was coaxing Dou Xun, and he reluctantly stayed at home during the holidays. Later, he began to feel a little reluctant to go out, and he slowly entered into hate. Can't stick together all day.

When the two of them were watching a movie together, or doing their own thing across a table, Xu Xilin liked to touch Dou Xun, sometimes he hugged him, sometimes stretched his legs and put his legs on Dou Xun's knees up, disturb his upright sitting posture, or touch him when he gets up and pours water to get something.

Dou Xun is usually a person who can sit still, and occasionally he can't stand it. At this time, the results of his training in the boxing gym that he has not had the opportunity to practice for a year are all used on Xu Xilin.

When grandma was not at home, the two of them jumped up and downstairs and downstairs to chase, run and fight. Every time the gray parrot fluttered off a wing in fright, they scolded furiously: "Little scumbag!"

Grandma didn't dare to go out to make trouble at home, so she pinched each other in a small area of the house. Occasionally, fire broke out. It was not easy to open the curtains at will in the daytime. At first, she went to the bathroom to solve the problem, but later, Xu Xilin found that although Dou Xun didn't say it clearly, But he didn't like the dimly lit bathroom, so he moved to another place - there was a small space between his bed and wardrobe for one person to lie down. In such a dark and sealed place on three sides, it can give people a sense of cramped security.

When he was a child, Xu Jin joked that he didn't want to put it on a bed, and liked to sleep in a coffin.

When he grew up, he put the bed away, and kissed and caressed each other in the coffin with his beloved boy.

More than two months later, the late spring is approaching, and the fruit ordering website Xu Xilin and the others have created is officially launched. A group of science and engineering men without romantic cells named this thing "vitamins". There is a refrigerator in the dormitory management office. The students Those who have ordered milk and yogurt are delivered to the dormitory management uniformly every day, put in the refrigerator, and let everyone register to take them away - so that only one delivery per building per day is enough.

Xu Xilin got inspiration from here. He first took the relationship between the counselor and the ideological and political relationship of the grade, and got the places in the school to encourage students to start entrepreneurship. Xiaopan Seasonal Fruit has taken care of the dorms and packaged itself as an "official organization".

It has been brewing for half a year, and it has been tossing for half a year. It is not easy after the real launch. It has been tossing for nearly a year before and after mistakes, adjustments, etc. During this period, Xu Xilin's "seeking perfection" problem broke out hysterically. He gave up the scholarship at the end of each year, and the old grandmother at home had to take care of him, so he spent 18 hours a day working tirelessly every day in the exam week. For a period of time, he was sitting in the classroom during the day, inexplicably. The world started spinning, and the tinnitus was so loud that I couldn't hear the teacher's voice. By the end of my sophomore year, the whole person had lost ten kilograms. During the holidays, I met with old classmates, and Yu was still envious and hated to death.

After ninety-nine-eighty-one hardships, his small "career" finally started to get on the right track. Many people in the school began to call him "Boss Xu", which was quite a man of the year.

It was only then that he felt a little confident to speak at home. The ability to be financially independent will always be the cornerstone of personal independence - at least he is now very confident in asking for part-time jobs.

Lao Cheng asked him quietly, "How come you can fight better than Cai Jing?"

Xu Xilin didn't think so.

At first, Cai Jing was holding his nose to work for others, while he organized a group of people to work for him, and his mood was different. Besides, how old is Cai Jing? The age difference between Cai Jing back then and him now may be only two or three years old, but the resources that he has access to are worlds apart, so it's hard to compare.

And Cai Jing is desperately trying to survive with dignity, but in the final analysis, he is forced.

When Xu Xilin lay on the bed every day and couldn't think of it, he thought about his bean paste. In Dou Xun's major, he could only help people reselling medical equipment after his undergraduate degree. Xu Xilin would be willing to do this, but he couldn't sell it even if he killed Dou Xun. Dou Xun is one year in the morning, and he is about to enter his senior year. The stubborn donkey refuses to go abroad, so he can only apply to stay in school for postgraduate study. It takes three years to study for a graduate student in China. Going to research is good.

Xu Xilin didn't know if Dou Xun had planned a long-term future, but he planned it together for Dou Xun anyway. I heard that Dou Junliang's old secretary and new wife Wu Fenfen gave birth to a little boy last year, and Xu Xilin also gave Dou Xun a red envelope at that time, feeling that Dou Junliang may have no time to take care of his eldest son in the future.

Xu Xilin also thought about it, if Dou Junliang didn't care, he would take Dou Xun over completely, and he would pay for it himself after all.

Before he graduated, he found a little joy in "caring for a little white face".

Lao Cheng looked at him for a moment and joked, "Do you have a girlfriend?"

"Huh?" Xu Xilin was stunned for a moment, and then waved his hand in a condescending manner.