Through The Strait Gates

Chapter 5: Parents please


During the class break on Friday, Xu Xilin and Dou Xun were both invited to Qilixiang's office for a fight after class.

Xu Xilin really hadn't done such a shameful thing for many years. After careful reflection, he felt that there was nothing wrong with him in this matter. In the final analysis, it was because Dou Xun was too bad.

From the first day he transferred to school, Xu Xilin felt that this person was incompatible with him, and then it was Cai Jing and Luo Bing, and even the hatred accumulated until now, the quantitative change has changed qualitatively, and Wen Dou has become a martial arts.

Qilixiang was furious: "Speak! Xu Xilin, how did you become the party secretary! Why did you fight?"

Xu Xilin's jaw was aching, and he accidentally bit his tongue during the fight. His mouth was full of blood. He glanced at Dou Xun, who was even more embarrassed, and judged that this kid might be a veteran who fights like eating. It seems that his two years of free combat learning experience in junior high school prevailed.

In front of the head teacher, Xu Xilin is a hero who does not suffer immediate losses, but he does not hesitate to explain, so he simply and rudely bows his head and admits his mistake: "I am impulsive, and I will change it next time."

When Dou Xun heard this insincere glib, he sneered immediately, his lips were cracked and he couldn't play well, so he used every muscle fiber in his face to yell and ridicule.

Qilixiang: "… "

She understood why the two bear children fought, and seeing Dou Xun's virtue, she almost rolled up her sleeves and went into battle in person.

Qi Lixiang took a few deep breaths before calming down, patted the table and roared, "Is impulsiveness a reason? If you are impulsive now, you will hit your classmates. In the future, if you are impulsive, you won't be able to kill with a knife?"

Xu Xilin lowered his eyebrows and said, "Teacher, I was wrong, or I'll go back and write a check? I promise there will be no next time."

When the words fell, Dou Xun rolled his eyes.

I am afraid that there is no such seamless connection between the two of them.

Qilixiang caught a glimpse of it out of the corner of the eye, and felt a little craving for quick-acting heart-saving pills.

She has been in this class since the first year of high school. She had long known that Xu Xilin was a person who did not change after repeated teachings. When he confessed his mistakes, he did it one by one, and it did not delay him next time. Written for him.

If this were normal, Qilixiang would definitely not give up with him, but only by comparison can he experience it. Compared with Dou Xun with his eyelids hanging next to him, Xu Xilin looked so cute, it was just gentle and considerate.

Qilixiang slashed 50 large boards each with a quick knife, gave a warning, and put the two back in the classroom.

On the surface, she had trained Xu Xilin a lot. As soon as the two students left, she dug out the address book and called Dou Junliang, Dou Xun's parent.

Qilixiang said "Hello", and before she could clarify her intentions, Dou Junliang said, "Mr. Zhang... Oh, hello, hello, Mr. Zhang, look, it's still labor. A phone call is inappropriate. Did that kid Dou Xun cause trouble again? Let me tell you, don't save face for me, just beat him directly, this little tree can't go straight without repairing it, right! What, I I'll call you back later, okay? A little busy here..."

The teacher has been in the school for a long time, and she doesn't know that some people in the society are full of urination. When Dou Junliang said this, she really waited for Dou Xun's parents to call back, but after waiting for a whole day, she kept meowing. Did not wait.

Only then did she understand that "I'll call you back later" is the same as "I'll invite you to dinner another day", both mean "Goodbye, bye, get out of here"!

It was not until evening that a strange young woman rushed to the school to look for her.

The woman claimed that she was Dou Xun's father's secretary. She gave Qilixiang a jewelry gift box before meeting, and said stickily, "Our boss said, please, please take care of our children."

The words "our child" reveal the secretary's great ambition to be a stepmother in a naked way.

Qilixiang: "I think about this... It's better for Dou Xun's parents to come to the school in person. Look, he even got into a fight with his classmates today..."

The female secretary didn't care whether Dou Xun was fighting or fighting. She picked up her nails and listened to Qilixiang's complaint. She lifted her eyelids and said perfunctorily, "Yes, I know that, so it's not that I asked the teacher to take care of you. ?"

Qilixiang: "… "

"By the way, teacher, there are necklaces in the box. You can get them to the counter to clean them for free in the future." The female secret art showed a coveted look, as if she wished to guard herself against theft. Wan, the service is also very high-grade!"

Whether things have grades, ordinary people can't see it, but people are really difficult to be elegant.

Qilixiang's mouth was dry, and after hearing this, she really wanted to make Miss "40% off" a bear face.

Although she accepts gifts, she doesn't accept everything, even if she occasionally takes one or two shopping cards of 1,800 yuan, her little greed really can't put down a famous brand necklace. Qilixiang put the box back into the secretary's hand: "I don't even have a salary and bonus of 100,000 a year, but I don't dare to accept it. You, you should take it back and ask the parents of the child to drive to the school, okay?"

The secretary didn't hear the irony in his words at all, and said with a shy face, "I'm the parent."

Qilixiang couldn't communicate with Dou Junliang, the 250th secretary, so she was exhausted and dismissed her. She checked the time, it was already 1 o'clock in the afternoon for self-study. Classes are basically self-study or sports activities.

She walked to the back door of the classroom and looked into the class through the back window. She saw that the math class representative and the English class representative took up half of the blackboard and were copying the weekend homework requirements. Head down and write quickly.

Xu Xilin is one of them, but he is more confident because he has Cai Jing.

Cai Jing is very talented and can export into chapters, and he improvised a small reading note citing scriptures for him to copy.

Cai Jing: "The Duke of Lu Ai once said to Confucius, 'The widow was born in a deep palace and grew up in the hands of a woman. The widow did not know sorrow, did not know sorrow, did not know labor, did not taste...'"

Xu Xilin, however, is a typical science boy, and the Chinese exam will be taught by the script - if the teacher has taught it, you will memorize it, and if you haven't recited it, it will be nonsense - extracurricular reading is either fantasy or martial arts, and one head turns into two big ones: "Wait, wait, etc. How is the 'widow' written in 'widow'?"

The representative of the Chinese class jumped next to him: "I don't know how to write pinyin, Xu Tuanzuo, can you hurry up? You are the most fashionable copy of homework, or dictation!"

Qilixiang was about to go in through the back door to catch a typical example of not taking her homework seriously, but she just put her hand on the doorknob when she accidentally saw Dou Xun sitting in the corner.

Dou Xun held a fountain pen between his fingers. The table was full of scratch paper that no one could understand except himself. He didn't focus on his own business as usual, but stared at the noisy front desk. .

He still had wounds on his face, and his expression was a little weird. At first glance, he was contemptuous, but faintly, he seemed a little envious.

Of course, it's not that I envy the person who just beat him in the morning, but... The whole class was lively, and he was the only one who was deserted.

However, the envy flashed by, Dou Xun may be ashamed of his weakness, he quickly recovered, his expression became cold, he lowered his head more indifferently, and plugged the earphones again.

Qilixiang sighed, did not go to work, and went back to the office silently.

She has Dou Xun's report card in her hand. The grades are not bad, but very good. She skipped a grade when she was a child, and then she wanted to skip again. His head teacher at the time insisted that he would not let him, because although Dou Xun is smart, he is not A genius in a certain field, which means that his high IQ is of no practical use except to show off.

And his character is originally withdrawn, and he can't get along with his peers. If he skips grades endlessly, will he still learn how to deal with others in this life

It's nice to have the name "prodigy" when he was a child, but he will grow up one day. By then, he will be neither "child" nor "god", but he has not learned how to be a human being. Who will care about him

It's a pity that there are always ignorant parents and stupid public opinion who like to engage in "IQ worship", and no one listens to the teacher's digging truth.

This time Dou Xun transferred from another place to No. 6 Middle School because of a policy in No. 6 Middle School. After being recommended by the school, high school students can take the college entrance examination that year. When they transferred over, their parents made it clear that they came for this policy.

After all, Dou Xun may only stay in this class for one semester, just to settle down. As long as he doesn't make a big mess, the teacher doesn't need to worry about him.

Looking at Dou Junliang's virtue, Qilixiang felt that he was quite complacent about this smart son, and maybe she would feel that she, the head teacher, had nothing to do with her, and she couldn't get rid of it after sending a shopping card.

This kind of parent thinks so - as long as you study well, don't you think

Qilixiang rubbed her brows and felt that she would have to talk to Dou Xun's parents anyway next week. If his father couldn't come, he would call him his mother. A mother can't care about the future of the child.

Friday evenings are the happiest times at school—even when the homework is overflowing from the bag.

Wu Tao and the others gathered next to Xu Xilin, discussing where to go on the weekend, the sound was so noisy that even the hot headphones could not resist.

Dou Xun glanced gloomily at Xu Xilin's back, picked up his schoolbag and walked out the back door, the corner of his split mouth hurt like a needle stick.

He closed the back door with a bang. Wu Tao glanced at Dou Xun's desk and whispered in Xu Xilin's ear, "Little Linzi, what do you say? Clean up that boy?"

Xu Xilin frowned, knowing that Wu Tao's so-called "cleaning up" was not an ordinary cleaning up.

Wu Tao is a resident student - No. 6 Middle School is not a boarding school, and the dormitory environment is not very good. Most of the students who live far away will rent a house nearby as long as they can afford it.

Because the number of female students in the dormitory is too small, the school moved them collectively to the staff dormitory area for safety reasons. In this way, the dormitory building has become a purely male building, and the management is not very strict, and a very special "ecological circle" has gradually formed inside.

No. 6 Middle School is the top city center in the area. If you want to get along well in the class, in addition to being popular and loyal, your grades are also decent, and everyone has a sense of balance. The gang isolates him, and there will be no major incident.

But dorms are a different story entirely.

In the dormitory, there are sports students who need training every morning and evening, poor students from suburban counties, and repeat students recruited from other schools. Naturally, they are divided into several circles, and there are overlaps and frictions with each other. Fermented everywhere, and gradually formed a climate of gangs.

It's quite common to lock people in the toilet for one night. Most of the victims dare not say a word. Anyway, as long as the ambulance is not called, the teacher will be kept in the dark.

Wu Tao rested one hand on the back of Xu Xilin's chair, with a young and frivolous hostility on his face: "If this kind of person is kept in our house, he will be honest for three days, let him call him like a dog and he will not dare to meow, you Believe it or not?"