Through The Strait Gates

Chapter 51: separate


Dou Xun didn't want to come.

However, the Cold War between him and Xu Xilin had really tormented him a lot. Dou Xun was really afraid of Xu Xilin's cold treatment. In fact, Xu Xilin rarely used cold violence against people, only once every two or three years.

But every time he had to hurt him.

Dou Xun was restless and overwhelmed, and even in the last few days he began to fall asleep suspiciously. A sound outside in the middle of the night would wake him up, so he rushed to the door to see if Xu Xilin had gone upstairs.

On this day, Dou Xun actually pushed hard on a lot of things, holding a glimmer of hope, struggling to find a little time, and came to the place Lao Cheng told him.

Along the way, Dou Xun pondered all kinds of rhetoric in his heart, came up with a set of strict countermeasures, and scrutinized back and forth nervously.

Dou Xun's heart was sinking, but the blood all over his body rose desperately, rushing around in the blood vessels, rushing to his forehead, and smashing back to his chest as if weightless.

Lao Cheng came to pull him enthusiastically: "I thought I couldn't invite you, come on, pay my respects to me, and bless me not to fail the exam next year!"

When Dou Xun was interrupted by him, he finally recovered a little bit of sanity and tore his angry gaze from Xu Xilin. He simply nodded at Lao Cheng and took the drink he handed over.

Xu Xilin had planned to leave, but Dou Xunfang's terrifying expression made him a little overreacted, he stood up and put his arms around Dou Xun's shoulders, forcing a nonchalant smile: "Why are you here so late, I'm ready to leave already."

Dou Xun's shoulders suddenly tensed, and he said in a strange tone, "You are leaving as soon as I come?"

Xu Xilin grabbed his shoulder with strength, biting his cheeks so tightly that he couldn't keep his smile.

The sanity that Dou Xun had just recovered was instantly burned by his dodging attitude.

He felt that he was like a bad sore, a scar, covered up by Xu Xilinzang, and when no one was there, he would look around and carefully take it out to breathe.

Dou Xun sneered and shook off Xu Xilin's hand rudely: "Are you so afraid of me?"

Xu Xilin's face turned cold, and he whispered with a bit of warning, "Dou Xun."

Dou Xunsen's cold eyes passed over him, and passed over Deng Shu's face, the sneer on his face could not even cover the darkened private room.

Deng Shu inexplicably received a deep hostility from him, and he flinched when he stared at him.

Lian Laocheng realized that the atmosphere between the two of them was not right: "How about you two..."

Xu Xilin's mouth was bitter, and he didn't know where to provoke this ancestor again. For fear that he would say something in public, he had to patiently whisper: "If there is something to say, let's go back and say it. If there is a fire, you can go home and post it again, okay?"

In front of outsiders, he really wasn't in the mood to coax Dou Xun, he just wanted to get the one who had the rabies home quickly.

As everyone knows, his reluctance to appease is like a piece of paper trying to wrap the fire, basically only playing the role of supporting the combustion.

Dou Xun gave a bit of a sharp and a bit of a bleak laugh - go back and say it again, go back and say it again.

The evil fire in his chest burst out desperately: "Dou Junliang said that I am sick, what about you, you want to send me away from afar, I think the two of you agree very much. Xu Xilin, you think I am shameful, say more. That sentence can make you tremble, doesn't it?"

He wants to say it!

Wu Tao turned the background volume of the KTV in the private room to a minimum, and it was rare to play the role of Muddy once: "What are you two doing? It's suffocating when you meet, and there are girls here, so be careful, okay?"

Xu Xi stared at Dou Xun for a moment, then waved at Wu Tao and picked up his jacket: "It's not in your way, Dou Xun, if you don't go, I'll go, do what you like!"

As he said, he strode out. He didn't even think of picking up his mobile wallet. Although his facial expression looked calm, he was probably mad in his heart.

Lao Cheng was at a loss and didn't know how to persuade him, so he sighed heavily, picked up what Xu Xilin had dropped, and hurriedly chased after him.

The remaining Wu Tao was a little embarrassed to face Dou Xun, and it took a long time to tentatively raise his hand and pat him on the shoulder: "I said genius, are you alright?"

Dou Xun nailed it to the ground like a stake for a moment, and then chased out without making a sound.

Yu still: "... what's the situation?"

"Who the hell knows." Wu Tao shrugged at her. He felt that he had never been able to touch Dou Xun's dog's temperament in his life. After hesitating for a while, Wu Tao said, "You sit down first, and I'll take a look."

It was warm in the middle of the moon, and as soon as I walked out of the gate, the bitter northwest wind immediately bullied it with its claws and claws.

Lao Cheng caught up with Xu Xilin across the road at the entrance of Yuebanwan.

Xu Xilin was wearing a short beige coat that day, with a slender stature. In the dead of night, his face was particularly haggard, his cheeks were even sunken a little, and there was a deep exhaustion from his eyes. The young man's spirit was exhausted to the point of not being left behind.

Lao Cheng's footsteps stopped involuntarily, and he felt that Xu Xi was standing there expressionlessly, like a strange man full of thoughts, which was quite different from the flamboyant and lively teenager in his impression.

Lao Cheng tried his best to calm down and walked over slowly with Xu Xilin's mobile phone and wallet: "Tuanzuo, I forgot something."

Xu Xilin absently sighed, "Thank you."

In the cold wind, Xu Xilin just came back to his senses, and suddenly he was afraid of Dou Xun, afraid that he would reveal their secrets in front of people. He rubbed his hands dazedly and asked himself, "How could I speculate on him so maliciously? How could I get into such a quarrel with him? What's the reason?"

Lao Cheng asked cautiously, "What happened to you and Dou Xian'er?"

Xu Xilin paused and said lightly: "He wants to work directly. I think it's better for him to continue his studies. He said that he was choked and had a fight that day. It's nothing serious."

"Oh, just because of this?" Lao Cheng scratched his ears and said, "You too, no matter what you are doing, you are not his father."

Xu Xilin didn't say a word, his eyes crossed Laocheng and fell behind him. When Lao Cheng turned his head, he found that he couldn't talk behind his back. Dou Xun did not know when he quietly stood at the intersection behind him.

Lao Cheng hurriedly smoothed things out: "Dou Xun, there is something in our family group, so isn't he doing it for your own good? What does he have to say if he doesn't treat you as an outsider - otherwise, why didn't he see him running into the prison and arguing with them one by one? Let them not do anything wrong?"

Dou Xun looked straight at Xu Xilin: "Are you doing it for me or do you want to get rid of me?"

Xu Xilin bowed his head extremely tiredly: "Dou Xun, you know something."

Lao Cheng: "Hey, they are all my brothers."

Dou Xun said indifferently, "I'm not his brother."

Xu Xilin: "Aren't you finished yet?"

Dou Xun walked over step by step: "I know what you mean, you think I'm a dog skin plaster that I can't get rid of, I can't tear it off, but it's different after a few years abroad, and everything fades away after I come back, right? At that time, you will get rid of me without any effort, and you can do whatever you want to do, and when you talk to people later, you will say that I am an acquaintance who lived in your house when I was a child—isn’t it?”

Lao Cheng Nane shut up, feeling that the amount of information in Dou Xun's words was a bit large.

Xu Xi's face was ashen, he didn't expect that his heartache connected to his internal organs would be twisted into this meaning in Dou Xun's eyes.

Then, before he could stop him, Dou Xun blurted out, "I tell you, don't dream, it's impossible! You are mine one day, and always mine! Now that you have come this far, don't stop dreaming. I want to go back, but I can't go back! No one pretends to be a brother with you and plays the house!"

Lao Cheng: "… "

He felt that if Dou Xun's language wasn't taught by a physical education teacher, then there might be something wrong with his ears.

Xu Xilin's mind made a "buzz".

For a moment, he seemed to be stripped naked in the public, and his nakedness was exposed to everyone's eyes.

Xu Xilin moved his lips and said almost unconsciously, "Dou Xun, do you know what you are talking about?"

"I know, I dare to say anything, but you dare not listen." Dou Xun said desperately, "I didn't hurt the world, I didn't break the law, I walked and sat upright, I'm gay, what's wrong? Since you think it's hard to tell, why didn't you crash your head on my bed?"

Wu Tao, who had finally found the right direction to chase after him, stopped abruptly. His whole figure stopped a few meters away as if struck by lightning.

This was a scene that had appeared in Xu Xilin's nightmares countless times, and it suddenly came to reality, and he felt a little unreal for a while.

Then Xu Xilin didn't say a word - he really had nothing to say, turned around and stopped a taxi, got in the car and left.

In the past few years, the whole city has been turned upside down, and the glory of Yuebanwan is gone forever. It has gradually become an ordinary entertainment place in the city. From the outside, it is already a bit old.

It turned out to be a little unfamiliar.

The old roads that I have traveled many times seem to be new. Xu Xilin rode in the car like a sleepwalker and walked back home on an unfamiliar road. At the time, he was already in Xu Jin's study.

Lao Cheng and Wu Tao called him several times, but Xu Xilin didn't answer a single one. He didn't even want to check his phone, and let it hang up automatically when it rang. There were countless thoughts in his mind that exploded like fireworks and disappeared like ashes, and he didn't hold any of them. He sat under the dim lamp for half the night, and then the door was knocked tentatively.

Dou Xun was so angry that he didn't choose to say anything. It took him half a night to calm down. Impulsively, Dou Xun realized that he had done an irreversible stupid thing. The more he thought about it, the more flustered he became. After pumping himself to death at the time, he finally mustered up the courage to knock on Xu Xilin's door.

This was the first time in his life that he took the initiative to knock on Xu Xilin's door.

However, Xu Xilin did not open.

The sound of Dou Xun's knock on the door and his courage passed quickly, and soon only a thin layer of blood remained.

Then he heard the sound of the chair in the room, Dou Xun raised his head with a little hope, but he saw through the crack of the door that the light inside was dim... The fire in his eyes also dimmed, and he stood stiffly at Xu Xilin's door for a long time. , I had no choice but to go away sadly, as usual, pining my hopes on tomorrow or the day after tomorrow... Even if it is a week or a month, Xu Xilin will finally forgive him.

The next day, an unexpected visitor came to the Xu family.

Song Lianyuan came with a lot of nutritional supplements for visiting patients. He entered the door and looked at Xu Xilin's face, and asked, "Is anyone at home, just you?"

Dou Xun went to work, and the nurse accompanied his grandmother to the hospital for a review.

"It's just me." Xu Xilin fell asleep for a while before dawn, and was woken up by the biological clock not long after, and his spirit was very poor, and he kept ringing in his ears.

Song Lianyuan asked again, "How's the old lady's legs, when will she be back?"

"Maybe at night—the legs are still like that, the old man stumbled and recovered too slowly." Xu Xilin pinched his eyebrows, and said vaguely, "Brother, don't bring anything next time you come."

Song Lianyuan had an air of rivers and lakes on his body, and looked much deeper than his peers. He ignored him and put all his things on the cabinet in the entrance, filling the cabinet: "You still take me as a brother?"

Xu Xilin frowned: "Where did you say this?"

Song Lianyuan: "There are some things, the brother's statement is different from the acquaintance's statement, which one do you want to hear?"

He would go to Song Lianyuan for any trouble he could not solve since he was a child. Song Lianyuan said that if Xu Jin is old in the future, he will take care of the old age. If Xu Jin is gone, he will come to see her and look after her son for her in the future.

Xu Xilin said without hesitation, "Brother."

Song Lianyuan nodded, then raised his hand expressionlessly and gave him a big slap in the face.

Song Lianyuan came out early to join the society. His career orientation was once a mystery. The hooligans were all afraid of him, and his hands were so powerful that they could slap a cow to death. Xu Xilin was almost out of breath by his slap, and staggered two steps into the wall. The screen went black in front of him. After a moment of silence, there was a bloody smell in his mouth - his tongue was cut by his teeth.

Xu Xilin was beaten stupidly, and he was beaten out of his muddle-headed state.

Song Lianyuan asked calmly, "Do you know why brother beat you?"

Moon Banwan is Song Lianyuan's territory, and there is a chance that a little disturbance outside may reach his ears.

Xu Xilin covered his face with one hand and leaned against the wall with the other, his chest heaving violently and silently, and nodded after a while.

"Look in the mirror yourself, do you look like a man? Is there anyone else?" Song Lianyuan paused, then said, "Brother was very happy to know that you were admitted to a key university. I haven't graduated from junior high school, and I don't understand you. What you learn in college is probably very deep knowledge. After you finish your studies, you can achieve a little career, have a good face, and go out without being looked down upon. That’s enough—then, what are you doing?”

Xu Xilin was speechless, his face ached and his heart ached.

Song Lianyuan sighed, looked up at the ceiling, and then looked at Xu Xilin: "If the old lady is at home today, I won't dare to hit you, or the old lady will have to kill me."

He reached out and patted Xu Xilin's shoulder hard: "Think about your mother, think about your grandma, think about yourself, ah? Brother, it's not too small, my lord!"

Song Lianyuan delivered something, slapped Xu Xilin, said a few words, and left in a hurry without entering the living room. Xu Xilin stood blankly in the empty room for a while, and spat out a mouthful of blood on the tip of his tongue.

In the evening, Dou Xun was rarely left to work overtime. He returned home full of expectations and saw Xu Xilin changing the water for the birds.

Xu Xilin heard the door slam and looked back at him. Dou Xun involuntarily stopped, staring at him nervously, waiting for today's verdict. Xu Xilin put away the kettle, washed his hands, and said to him, "Let's talk upstairs."

Dou Xun felt like a pardon, and almost cried with joy for a moment.

He followed Xu Xilin upstairs step by step, turning around Xu Xilin back and forth. When he sat down, he found that the half of Xu Xilin's face that had been covered by his collar seemed to be a little swollen, so he reached out and looked: "What's wrong with the face?"

"It's okay, don't touch it." Xu Xilin intercepted his hand.

Dou Xun's palm was thin and his fingers were slender and beautiful.

After a while, Xu Xilin raised his head and said to him, "Dou Xun, let's forget it."